You're suggesting she has plastic surgery? Are you KIDDING?
There are SO many alternatives to having a boob job - All of them good ones!
If you're 19 there are still lots of things you can do that won't intefere with puberty (which usually runs into your early 20s). Massage for sure! On the massage forum you can find instructions on chi rotations, also CocoLily has posted TigerLily's massage technique somewhere (if you search cocolily you'll find it) and I highly recommend that.
If you have any disposable income you could always consider buying a Noogleberry, it's a breast pump that lots of women have had success with.
BO and BB are bovine ovary supplements that were designed for teenagers. Anastasia is someone on this forum who has had great success from this kind of supplement (and also the aforementioned Noogleberry).
If you've heard about PM (Pueraria Mirifica) it's not advisable to take this as a teenager because it's so potent. Less potent herbs such as Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto are also not advised but I personally don't think they'd interfere with puberty too much, I think if anything they would aid it...
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck
there are loads of other ideas on this forum if none of mine are useful (: eat healthy, don't get too stressed and Stella's right... if you don't have the boobs yet, show off your booty