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Question about breast massage


So I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to this!

Can someone please give me some advice on direction, duration, etc...I really have no clue!

Thanks =)

~This is where I first saw the massage then I joined this site. I hope this helps~

steps are a follows(these are assuming that you are using a enlargement cream, or a non-oil-lotion):

apply a generous helping of “cream” to your bare breasts, covering both breasts completely.

After you've applied the “cream,” position your hands on your breasts with the fingers open slightly. (the idea is to cover as much area as possible with you hands.)

pressing down firmly, move your hands in an inward-rotation circle, rotation your breasts beneath your palms. If you imagine that each breast is a clock, the right breast would rotate clockwise while the left rotates counter-clock-wise. (Be sure to move the breasts themselves, as opposed to simply moving the skin or just having your hands slide over the top)

rotate both breasts about 360 times each (alternating if necessary)

taken from Flat to Fab; Breast Enlargement Program by Lucille Sorella

Ok, I've never quite understood it because I've heard it explained so many different ways... so are you turning the breasts as you would turn a door knob or is it more like the way you would wipe a mess, like "smearing" them around in a circle? I dont know how else to explain that...

does it matter how fast you do it do u know?

I did the chi massage loads and I still think it’s really good but someone posted about fat brushing as demonstrated by chinomilk (sp?) on youtube. Links are in that persons post. And I have been doing that and I think its just as good but takes less time. Have a look for it if you are interested.

Additional there was a big big discussion on here about correct chi massage as quoted from the book in the flat to flab video. If the translation is correct in that thread, what is described in the video is completely wrong. However that aside, the point of all massage is to stimulate blood in/ too the breasts. In that respect any action on the breast is going to provide that so rotate away. I fully applauded and support the chi massage as described in the video I think it works. Additionally the “real” chi massage is done as part of a ritual and requires you to gather your energy to be effective. If you are not going to do that then it doesn’t matter if your doing it right or not its just a massage. In all the nbe experiments I have done I have found a combination of all massage described on the forum to be effective. I do a bit of everything and have selected moves I like best to tailor my own massage for me.

I think take your time with the massage its not a race and I always find the faster I go the harder and rougher I’m doing it which can only cause damage in the end. I think take your time and think about what you are doing. And don’t do more than 360 rotations; it just isn’t necessary. Additionally after a good long while like say a 2-3months of continues day and night massage take a week or two brake. I think it helps lots and then start again. I too a forced brake and I grew more then than in all the massaging period but I think the massage was needed to get the growth.

If you are looking for breast massage you can check out the following link.

For best breast massage look here: natural breast enlargement and herbal breast enhancement

Maz, have you experienced growth or just fullness/firmness? and do you have a link to any articles on the actual traditional chi massage that incorporates focusing your energy on the breasts?

(17-05-2011, 16:47)lled34aa Wrote:  Maz, have you experienced growth or just fullness/firmness? and do you have a link to any articles on the actual traditional chi massage that incorporates focusing your energy on the breasts?

Hey Iied34aa,

I would say that it has really been a process of reshaping. It’s mainly a lot of fullness but I believe some real growth has occurred especially after the brake. However it has taken time and it’s not massive, not like a cup or anything a > few cm on the measuring tape. I’m more please with the reshaping. I have tuberous breasts (its not as sever as it could be but I have all the trademark characteristics, the droop, the large nipples, the excess boob under the arms, protruding chest etc.) so they were/are conical in shape. The massage has made them rounder and more normal shaped which is quite an achievement. Imagine if I didn’t have the deformity and what I may have achieved in that time?

chi energy and correct method discussion ^

supplied by Taelia in her program find the discussion on "Hoping to go up to 2 cup sizes..."

ps i dont know why they are not clicky links sorry about that

I'd like to make my breasts fuller and firmer and I was massaging them for some time but i couldn't see any result... Dodgy

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