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BB and emotions! help!


Very interesting thread! I remember when some women (the youngest was mid/late 30's) found that hops made them weepy so they dropped it from all consideration. It has been that way until Eve used it successfully with no weepiness.

High on estrogen, seems to me to be more correctly stated as high unopposed estrogen. The actual answer would then be high on estrogen compared to testosterone, progesterone, growth hormone, etc. - all the hormones that make one feel good/energetic, even aggressive.

For someone in their early 20's with a medium BMI, BO might not be a problem. But for someone in their 60's where estrogen is already high, BMI could be low, or high and creating its own estrogen locally, progesterone is very low, testosterone is very low, growth hormone is very low, see my point? If the hormones that make one feel good are already low, and estrogen is already high but you are used to it, then adding more could easily have this effect - I would say that since this is a normal effect of NBE, and puberty in cases of women who grew during puberty, that it is completely expected and should be seen as a good sign as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

Has anyone considered ramping BO from a small dosage and maintaining emotional control that way? Or perhaps also using progesterone cream, resistance exercise, and especially DHEA to counter the weepy symptoms? For women who experience this, it may be that these things need to be added, depending again on stats. No need to supplement testosterone unless it is likely to be low, for example. Growth hormone should be part of all NBE programs.

Maybe a new rule for the board, for those using BO, under certain physical or emotional circumstances, to ramp up their dosage towards the target dosage to see if this is going to be a problem and then supplement to fix the symptom rather than throwing out what works. I agree with Anastasia here. Why throw the baby out with the bath water. What physical/emotional characteristics do all those with this problem with BO share? In the future, what worked for others? Why did others not get these problems, yet grew - what physical characteristics do they all share?

For those like universallove, who may have a predisposition to suicide or true clinical depression, definitely avoid BO, not because it affects depression but because it could simulate it.

And yes, if BB and UB say there are no side effects, they are way off base. But on the other hand, one cannot blame them completely because it takes an imbalance to begin with in order to cause the problems outlined in this thread.


(14-03-2011, 10:59)universallove Wrote:  For me, the day I stopped it i already felt a bit better, and over the next few days after that i started improving so quickly it was really quite amazing. those shooting pains in my ovarys, uterus and groin went away really quickly and i was sleeping better very after a couple of nights.
...from what lostacres said (i think it was her??), she also felt immediately better after stopping BO, and she had been taking them for some months.

From these statements, it seems that those bad reactions could very well be psychological. No substance exits the body so quickly.

Wahaika, interesting points and I think the ramping should be considered with those concerned about these issues. But with the point that someone previously clinically diagnosed as depressed and suicidal should avoid BO, not sure I agree. Here's the thing... I was suicidal in my early teens due to some traumatic events in my life, I was clinically diagnosed as depressed and I was put on meds, sent to psychologists, etc. I recovered from those issues way before starting NBE. And I did and am still doing just fine on BO, so not sure if it has to do with past diagnoses or not.

I was diagnosed with postpartum depression almost four years ago, and was on medication for a year because of it. I've been off meds for three years now and feeling better than ever; and I've been on BB for the past 10 months with ZERO emotional/mental issues. I guess everyone is different.

I'd also highly recommend the use of DIM if you're experiencing symptoms of imbalance. Since I started DIM three weeks ago, my out-of-control acne has greatly improved (finally!).

It definitely was not psycho somatic! Im kinda offended that u would suggest that, even tho u probably don't mean harm it still feels a bit like being taken for a fool. I only took the pills three wks and I did not in anyway anticipate the reaction I had! I seriously wondered what had happened to me I didn't suspect the bo! I mean aside from the abdominal pain which I suspected was the bo from the start. My close friend of many years, who I.tell everything to, was shocked at how quickly my mood changed while I was on bo, and kept asking wat had happened (he didn't know about the bo btw) and I was just as stunned and perplexed as him. I didn't suspect bo for awhile and it wasn't till I stopped that I knew for sure. And I didn't totally recover instantly, but the improvement was very very Noticeable very soon after stopping. I wrote the thread u quoted in response to a thread that advised that wen someone has bad side effects from bo, that they r best to come off bo slowly, not suddenly, and I was making the point that I felt better immediately after stopping ( not 100% mind u) I emphasized to make the point that its best to definitely just stop suddenly u
Not wean off, as u do start feeling better straight away. And ill say again, I Did not feel totally normal again for a while, but the difference was very significant

Hello universallove, No offence intended! Smile

When I said "predisposition to suicide" I was referring to the following in your post above, not calling you psycho:

>>"I dont want to disclose too much about myself to all here, but basically i quickly got very suicidal on UB and altho I have had that tendency before, I didnt have it at the particular time I started taking the pills. I was a little down and there were a few challenges persisting in my life situation but I was definately not 'out of control' at all. BO definantely re triggered that suicidal impulse in me VERY strongly. People such as myself should be warned of this! cause obviously it could be dangerous right?"

I was just agreeing with what you said. But a predisposition could be anything, including past experiences. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Anastasia, You have a good point. Twistermama too. Maybe it is just something for everyone to be aware of before starting BO so it can be immediately recognized if it should begin to show up - presumably should be the same with herbs considering that there is more to it than simply the BO (or hops).

I know u werent calling me a psycho! Psycho somatic reactions mean that a condition or symptom is created in the mind ( when u said it sounds "psychological" it appeared as though this is wat u meant). When someone has a psycho somatic response often it is the body mind responding to expectations that the mind has invented and hence the expectations become a reality, but r in essence a creation of the mind more than a consequence of the drug taken. It is not uncommon, U haven't heard of this phenomena? It very much sounded as tho it was this that u were refering to in ur post

And wakhiko (spelling?) it was in response to a to c, not to u. I just looked at the post and realized I hadn't specified who I was replying to, sorry! Mis communication.

Wow I really don't hope it will happen to me. I have had a depression and I definitely don't want one again.
Should I take B vitamin supplements while i'm on the pill then? And what else would work against depression?

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