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Twister_Mama's Program

Hey TM

Yay you are feeling the difference. But its a bit annoying you don't see any change in the measuring tape! It must be coming up soon!

I see you are back on all your supplements again! Are you taking protein shakes too?

Hi GF! Yeah, I was still taking two protein drinks a day (yuck!).

However, I have made a radical decision about my program today. I have been feeling very lousy for the past six weeks. I have bad stomach aches every day; headaches; and at the least little concern or worry, I get so severely shaky my teeth will literally chatter. I'm really concerned about the possibility that my taking two raw adrenal glandulars a day for the past 8 or 9 months might have lowered my own adrenal glands' function. I literally cannot handle ANY stress or worry without getting severely shaky and immediate sharp stomach cramps. Of course I'm not ruling out any of my other supplements being a culprit either. SOOO, since I've been doing my program for about 10 months now, I've decided I really should take a break and do a cleanse. I'm stopping all my pills and supplements and protein drinks for one month, and I'll be taking milk thistle to clean out my liver. I'll still take one raw adrenal glandular a day for the next week to wean myself off of it. And I'm taking it easy with the milk thistle, starting with only one softgel a day for a week before increasing it, because it says on the bottle to avoid it if you are allergic to ragweed, and darn it all wouldn't you know, I'm like really allergic to ragweed, lol. I took the first one like four hours ago, and so far I'm OK. I totally hate stopping everything when I've been noticing new fullness; but honestly, I've been so physically ill for the past six weeks that I totally can't take it anymore. Sad I am still doing my hypnosis every day and at night, and occasional massage, whenever I remember!

When my month-long break is over, I will probably start my BB pills again since I have 4 months left. But as far as ALL those other pills go ..... no way. I just ordered Nature's Code vitamins that come in daily packs that are specially formulated in the correct doses for everything. I figure if I get my body in optimum condition, then there's little need to take ALL that other stuff. I'll resume protein drinks after my break, too. I really hope I feel better! It's been really difficult coping with everyday stresses, and the recent deaths of three of my pet fish (I get VERY attached to my pets, and I am very heartbroken right now - causes of deaths were totally unrelated to each other, BTW) when I immediately get shaky, nauseous, cold, and crampy. If I'm still feeling bad one month from now, I'll get blood tests to find out WTF is going on. But I'm hopeful it'll get better. Smile Besides, I really feel like the hypnosis was helping to get things going again for me; so I'm hoping that will help me keep my newfound "gains" and not lose any fullness. We'll see! Anyway, a break and a cleanse was long overdue for me. Rolleyes

that's no good!

Why do you think it is the adrenal supplements causing your adrenal glands to fail? Have you stopped taking them over the last 6 weeks?

Hi GF! Of course I don't know for sure, but I'm just guessing that taking two of the adrenal glandulars every day for like 9 months might have supported my own adrenal glands TOO well; that they turned down their own production because my body was already getting enough adrenal "stuff" from the supplements. Kinda like if you are on cortisone supplements or injections long-term, your body gets used to the fact that this extra cortisone will be there, and you will stop producing your own cortisone. Again, this is just my theory; but seeing as how I was in a constant state of nervous shaking and stomach cramping that got immediately more severe the second I worried about anything, I'm attributing it to poor adrenal function. And I'm sure all my other supplements weren't helping my irritated stomach either, especially all the whey protein drinks (I generally don't tolerate dairy too well).

I've been totally off all my pills and supplements and protein drinks for five whole days so far; and my shaking has gotten a little better. I still have stomach aches, but not quite as frequently as before. I still have a headache 24/7 however; I've had this headache for over two weeks straight now. Sad I can see this will take a while to get over! I am mostly bummed out cuz I've lost a lot of fullness already. Sad I'm not measuring, cuz I know it'll be lower, and I don't want to depress myself anymore. I don't know if the extra fullness was from the other supplements or what; I thought any growth from BB was supposed to be permanent. It remains to be seen if I lose any more. Ugh, I hope not! Ten months of choking back pills and nasty drinks for temporary swelling is NOT cool in my book. I'll see what happens when I start back up in a few weeks. Right now I'm still taking one raw adrenal glandular a day to ease off it; in a couple days I'll go to every other day for a week; then stop it altogether. I'm only taking one milk thistle per day at the moment too; in a couple days I'll increase that to two per day.

Other than the shaking, stomach aches, and headache, I've noticed my asthma has been really bad the past three months. I went to my allergy and asthma doctor last week, and he gave me new prescriptions for all my inhalers and allergy stuff. I've been using my preventative inhalers twice a day as he instructed (maximum dose), and I'm not noticing any relief. Sad I'm gonna have to use the nebulizer tomorrow if I'm still coughing and having a hard time breathing. I should probably get this under control before starting back on my program; it's well-known that excess hormones can exacerbate medical conditions like asthma and allergies; and I really can't let this asthma get worse! Sigh. This would all totally be worth it to me if I had some boobs to show for it! But alas, I'm like down to a 34AAA or something now. Sad I see that EVERY woman out there when I go shopping is larger than me (much larger than me, actually); and it's really starting to depress me again. I HATE letting my mind wander down the road to implants; but I'm getting so frustrated, and disappointed at my lack of results over the past 6 months. I'm trying to stay positive; but it's really, really hard!

I hope everyone else is having better luck than I am right now! Smile

wow that sucks. Have you organised to go to the doctor?

I ended up having a major headache problem

I'll probably go to the doctor if I'm still not feeling well in a few weeks.

Hey Mel, what was the cause of your headache?

Random note, I'm actually feeling some aches, tingles, and heaviness today, especially on my smaller right side. Smile I'm listening to my hypnosis recordings as often as I can throughout the day; and of course, my hour-long one at bedtime. It will be interesting to see if I grow at all from just hypnosis alone during this month's break.

Wow, twister mama I hope you start feeling better very soon!
When I was taking breast actives a couple years ago I had these headaches that were so bad I couldn't concentrate on anything, but they went away after a week or so after stopping the pills. I'm sorry yours haven't subsided. I think your suggestion of going to a doctor may be a very good thing.

These hypnosis tapes are very popular around the forum. Are they just of someone talking about big breasts? Or is he guiding you to visualize yourself with big breasts?

Hi Periwinkle! I listen to the Steve G. Jones ones. It's him talking on all recordings; and his voice is so incredibly soothing. He has many different types of recordings. The hour-long Platinum one I listen to at night has like 20 minutes of relaxation to induce that alpha state of hypnosis. I love it, cuz he has you imagine you're on your own private island, on the beach; walking among the palm trees; lying down on a hammock. Smile Then he'll do a countdown to get you into an even deeper state of relaxation. Then there's about 30 minutes of breast enlargement script he says; mostly about how powerful you are; that your mind is in charge of everything, and you are in charge of your mind. And he has you imagine that you can feel your breasts getting larger; and then you're supposed to imagine looking at yourself in the mirror with your ideal breast size; feeling the extra weight on your upper body; noticing the shape is exactly what you wanted. Then he goes on telling you to think about three things in your life that make you unique. And about erasing the bad labels used to describe you in your past, and chiseling into stone the good, positive words to describe who you truly are. Lots of focus on how powerful and wonderful you are; probably as much of that as there is about your breasts. At first that annoyed me, cuz I wanted more focus on breast growth; but after awhile, I realized that all that "extra stuff" was necessary to put me in the frame of mind to actually believe that my mind COULD change my body; and that it is possible because I had already accomplished so much in my life. It makes me feel like I truly AM in charge of my life, and my body. Plus, I found it's a self-esteem and confidence booster. Wink I usually find that I fall asleep/drift off/go into a hypnotic trance/whatever sometime before the countdown; and I wake back up sometime near the end. So it definitely puts me into that super-relaxed, hypnotic state. Sometimes I use my heating pad while listening to it as well, for added measure. Wink He also has a 37-minute Gold recording for nighttime. I also listen to a bunch of his half-hour daytime recordings that are just the main script from the long nighttime one, without the relaxation at the beginning. He has different technologies in those recordings that are supposed to help the messages get into your subconscious easier (like Paralinear and Omniliminal); he even has subliminal recordings. I listen to those on my iPod with my earbuds while I do chores around the house. At the very least, it makes me feel more relaxed and happy; and it's making me feel better about myself! Smile He's still having a sale on his site. If you use the code "para" on your shopping cart screen, you'll get 95% off. So the half-hour daytime ones go from $19.95 to $1. That's why I have so many. Tongue But then again, I've always been a psychology nerd (was my major in college); so I'm naturally fascinated with hypnotherapy. But Steve G. Jones is the only one I've tried so far; I haven't tried Wendi's, Blaketalks, Hypnotic Body, Boobster, or any of those other ones (yet).

I just started on my new Nature's Code vitamins yesterday; and already today I was NOT COLD. I've been freezing for the past several months; but not today! And I was surprised to see that I've dropped four pounds over the past week. Maybe that's where my boobs went? I'm guessing I must have been retaining water, and now I'm not; I haven't changed my eating habits, and I'm not exercising (I know, bad me!). I'm hoping these vitamins help my body get back into optimal condition! But if I'm still feeling lousy a few weeks from now, I will definitely see a doctor. I do have a tendency to get hormonal headaches; I couldn't be on BC pills because I'd get major migraines from them. Also, I do have other medical conditions; and my fibromyalgia is flaring up again recently, so maybe it's from that. Who knows! I am feeling better now than I was a week ago. Smile And I'm still feeling occasional aches and tingles in my breasts; so that's hopeful!

Hey TM, prior to starting BO there was a time when I thought my breasts were naturally growing. I had a lot of new fullness. Then I lost 5 pounds and it went away.

I am sorry about your health problems but I think when it comes to the loss of fullness you shouldn't be too upset. I was looking through your program and I'm still amazed that you grew 3 inches in 3 months. I really think NBE is all about cycles of growth and loss. The goal of course is to have a net gain. I think this isn't true just for individual menstrual cycles but NBE attempts between cleanses. If you did experience loss of fullness after ending your program at least you're still significantly bigger than what you started with initially. And now when you restart a program you have a good chance of ending up even bigger than a AA. That's the way I think of it. I know it's hard and it's easy to get discouraged. When I think BO isn't working I too start obsessing over my small size. It's hard when you're in the multiple A range because it's not a very common size and the media acts as if an A or B is flat (even though I would kill to be either of those sizes).

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