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A-2-C Program (BO)


So, I decided to post my program for my BO NBE.

Age: 25
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 98-102 lbs. (fluctuates)
Underbust: 27-27.5
Over nipple: 32.0
Around underarms: 31.0
Waist: 23
Hips: 34
Smoker: no
Alcohol: no
Coffee: 1 (sometimes 2) cups/day

BO Routine (started 11 days ago):
Swanson Raw Ovarian: 500 mg x 3/day = 1500 mg
Swanson’s Raw Pituitary: 80 mg x 2/day = 160 mg
L-Tyrosine: 500 mg x 1/day (was 2/day until yesterday)

Multivitamin – 1/day, Calcium (650 mg) – 1/day
MSM powder: 2 g x 3/day = 6 g/day + Vit C: 500 mg x 3/day = 1500 mg/day
Royal Jelly – 1000 mg x 2/day
EPO: 1000 mg x 3/day -> new EPO came in 1,300 mg dosage, so will take twice a day.
FSO: 1200 mg x 2/day
GABA: 750 mg x 1/day (before bed time)
*Also adding starting tomorrow
Collagen (type II): 500 mg x 3/day = 1500 mg
Papaya Enzyme: with all protein meals for better digestion and absorption

Most days over 100 g of protein - about 50 from shakes and the rest from nutrition including 5 oz of whole mozzarella cheese, nuts (almonds, pumpkin seeds, brazils – very rich in Selenium too).
1 packet (about 8 g) of Knox gelatin a day (dissolved in water).
Lots of water (this I find to be the hardest since I’m usually not a big consumer of liquids, so I have to remind myself).

2 sets of 8 push-ups from the floor, will go into more exercise soon when I get my BowFlex finally uncluttered.

360 Chi rotations in the morning and some (don’t count) in the evening (most days).

That’s it so far.

By the way, I'm not sure if MSM actually does anything for breast growth (though it is a necessary molecule for connective tissue formation), but I read about so many benefits of it that I'm using MSM powder for general health and will continue using it regardless of my NBE efforts.

Aside from other benefits, MSM is known for increasing cell permeabilityy which allows nutrients to enter cells with more ease, therefore vitamins and minerals can be used by cells more effectively and less of these nutrients will end up "in the toilet".

I've been using MSM for about a month now, along with Vit C (they work well together) and after a few days I've noticed that my gums stopped bleeding when brushing and my spider veins shrunk and became much lighter. My hubby was always telling me to take vit C for those issues but it never helped me. In conjunction with MSM, I feel that it works much better.

Just in case somebody is interested, I thought I'd share.Blush

A-2-C, best of luck with your program

Thanks, Nila!

A little update on the results I've been having so far.

From about day 2 of starting BO, I experienced a fair amount of sensations in my boobs (not pains though). They were sensitive to touch (little sore) and they got rounder. Occasionally I would have a little short pain in one of them. They got rounder and heavier. Around day 5 I started my period which was about 4-5 days earlier than it supposed to, so the roundness and soreness was probably due to that BUT such thing is not common for me. My boobs don't act like that before the period, I only remember that from the days when I was taking BCP. So, I take it as a good sign - at least it looks like BO is doing something in my body.

After about 3 days of my period, the roundness and soreness went away. What is happening now? Few days ago I started to have little pains (not much) and I tend to get them shortly after I take BO and especially after I take collagen and gelatin (usually about 20-30 min after BO).

But what I find the most significant is that when I "dig" my fingers into my breast tissue I feel a formation of some new stuff there. Before, my breasts felt pretty homogenous with maybe couple of small lupms (sort off like lymph nods) on the sides towards my armpits. Now I feel a lot of "commotion" there. It all feels healthy and reminds me of how my breasts felt like during puberty. They do not feel or look lumpy, but when I touch deep into breasts with my fingers, under skin and fatty tissue, the whole thing (behind nipple and all around) feels like it's full of some firmer pieces. I'm not sure if I'm describing that well, but it definitely feels like my teenage breasts from what I remember.

I'm pretty excited about it and hope that my boobies are doing something to prepare for growth.BlushRolleyes

Ok, a little update though not too much.

I stick with my program and keep taking all the supplements, protein food and protein shake (kind of sick of it at this point - will have to find a way to make it taste differently).

My breasts did not experience major growth yet, but I realize that it only like 23 or 24 days. The tough stuff in my breasts seems to have grown and feels like a firmer round plate (like a pattyTongue) centered right under my nipples. It is laying deep under the fatty layer closer to chest wall.

I keep the log of daily BBT and I it seems that I ovulated 2 days ago and right from that day my nipples became very tense and sensitive.

I didn't measure yet - I don't see any reason to. I'll take measurements when I see some growth with my eyes. So far, just roundness and little fullness. Some slight pains occasionally, but not intense and only about once a day for less than a minute.

But, so far, I'm pretty satisfied with the progress because something definitely is happening and I'm happy that I'm getting some gland development and not just fluid swelling, I think that is something that can be a foundation for future permanent enlargement.

Oh! And I discovered that I've been taking wrong kind of collagen - type II, when I should have been taking type I & III, so I'll need to fix that.Dodgy

Good luck on your journey.
Will you be posting any pics?

Thanks Bee!

Not sure about pictures. It's hard to take photos of yourself. But if I do get some major results, I'll probably do it just to motivate others.Wink I know how important motivation in such time- and patience-consuming endeavor.

(13-04-2011, 01:24)A-2-C Wrote:  ... Oh! And I discovered that I've been taking wrong kind of collagen - type II, when I should have been taking type I & III, so I'll need to fix that.Dodgy

I have been taking type II as well, for the past few months.Sad

What is the difference between I, II & III

Also I went to vitamin shoppe today and they had collagen in powdered form (its said to contain I, II & III) but my problem is that it is so expensive. The 15 serving size cost $50 and the 30 serving size cost $80.

Does it generally cost that much?

Here is the info I found on collagen types and that's when I decided that I need type 1 & III instead of II.

COLLAGEN TYPE I & III:Scientific studies show that more than 90% of the collagen found in the body is Collagen Type I & III. The protein composition consists of nineteen amino acids responsible for growth, maintenance and repair of the body with unusually high proportions of the amino acids glycine and proline, as well as hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, all found in skin and muscle.

COLLAGEN TYPE II :Collagen Type II is the major component of hyaline joint cartilage. The protein content is between 65% to 70% (less than Type I and III) and naturally occurring mucopolysaccharides (carbohydrates) 30% to 35 %. The mucopolysaccharides consists of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and Hyaluronic Acid, the makeup of synovial fluid and sugar aminos required to make collagen type II cells.

Obviously, I'm not trying to fix my joints and it seems like boobies' connective tissue would probably benefit more form type I & III.

As for pricing, I will buy this one from Swanson Vitamins:

It's is powder form, they also have the same in pills, but powder is more economical and (in my opinion) more effective.

Check it out - $8.63 for 30 servings of 6.6 g.

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