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JoyfulBreasts Program


That's so great that you're getting results from acupuncture! I think pumping will really help add volume too. You just have to really stick with it and do it faithfully every day or else it won't work. Everybody who uses the Noogleberry seems to love it, as least from what I've read in this forum. Good luck; I hope it all works for you and you continue to get beautiful results! Smile

Thanks. Yes, acupuncture has been really helping me! Well, I ordered the Noogleberry and it got here in just 2 days! I'm in Canada, so I thought it would take a few weeks like in the US. So, I tried it; I did 2 sessions of 20 minutes for 2 days and then 1 session today. However, I don't think it's best for me right now. I noticed my nipples becoming saggier like before acupuncture and my breasts looking more deflated after the first session. So I thought it was just because they were engorged during the session and so only appeared that way to me afterwards. However, after this session this morning it was noticeably saggy and deflated just like before acupuncture. I decided it's not for me. Too bad, I was really looking forward to incorporating it with my program especially with all of the excellent feedback from people of the forum. But I guess it's not best for everyone. I really think for me it is hormones and energy; which is acupuncture has been so effective for me. I hope my breasts perk back up with my next acupuncture appointment. So it was a little disappointing, but atleast I tried it out and atleast it was inexpensive. I know 3 days isn't alot to go by, but it's obviously deflated since I started when it wasn't before using it, and I don't want to continue to experiment and have to start all over with the acupuncture from the start again. So for me, my NBE is just acupunture and a few herbs.

Oh no! That's not good news. Sad Well, like you said, at least the Noogleberry isn't that expensive. The Brava costs about half as much as surgery, but I would never even think of having my breasts cut into and having plastic bags stuck under my chest - yuck! Well, like they say everyone is different and what works for one might not work for another. I've read so many posts about women having great success with herbs, but I'm scared to try cuz I don't want to mess up my hormones and have something bad happen like my breasts getting smaller (that would be the worst!) I guess they couldn't have gotten much smaller before I started this felt like I had just stretched-out, saggy skin and hardly any breast tissue at all. Seriously, when I tried to do a breast self exam, the only thing I could feel was rib bones. It was humiliating and depressing, so I stopped doing it. I used to fluctuate in size a lot too (well, probably only about 50 mL or so, but when you're that small, 50 mL is a huge percentage!) so I probably would have had to spend a long time doing trial & error to find the right herbs & foods and I'm too impatient for that, lol. Guess we've got to stick with what works! Best of luck Wink

Wow Joyful. Your breasts look way better than mine, and I have 4 kids that were breast fed. Mine mostly look like flat pancakes! yours look a lot higher than mine too! I'm jealous.

Keep the noogleberry.....that way if you ever decide to add it back in to your program, you won't have to pay full price!

I have only been taking Saw Palmetto 1x a day, and it's 450mg. I was wondering if you thought that the 6 pills of Saw Palmetto you were taking at the beginning of the program was too much?

I hope my journey is quick and painless! Smile

hey joyful am also a mother but av always had small ones so when i got my baby i loved my breasts now that i stopped they are even smaller than before.if that can even be possible.your story told me am not alone.please keep updating on your progress would like to experience this journey with you

(11-04-2011, 23:34)JoyfulBreasts Wrote:  Thanks. Yes, acupuncture has been really helping me! Well, I ordered the Noogleberry and it got here in just 2 days! I'm in Canada, so I thought it would take a few weeks like in the US. So, I tried it; I did 2 sessions of 20 minutes for 2 days and then 1 session today. However, I don't think it's best for me right now. I noticed my nipples becoming saggier like before acupuncture and my breasts looking more deflated after the first session. So I thought it was just because they were engorged during the session and so only appeared that way to me afterwards. However, after this session this morning it was noticeably saggy and deflated just like before acupuncture. I decided it's not for me. Too bad, I was really looking forward to incorporating it with my program especially with all of the excellent feedback from people of the forum. But I guess it's not best for everyone. I really think for me it is hormones and energy; which is acupuncture has been so effective for me. I hope my breasts perk back up with my next acupuncture appointment. So it was a little disappointing, but atleast I tried it out and atleast it was inexpensive. I know 3 days isn't alot to go by, but it's obviously deflated since I started when it wasn't before using it, and I don't want to continue to experiment and have to start all over with the acupuncture from the start again. So for me, my NBE is just acupunture and a few herbs.

I'm sorry Noogleberry didn't work out for you. I really it did the exact opposite for me: round up my smaller left side, lifted both sides, and started to fill the top and cleavage area.

Anyway, it's a good thing you found which NBE methods work for you. I think that's the most important part. If you're growing and responding, that means you're in the right track.

I love reading your posts. So full of info. You know, reading your posts, I just know that you'll grow into the size you want.


I just wanted to give a quick update:

My breasts were really sore sometime after ovulation this past cycle and remained sore until yesterday (where it was just slightly sore), so that's almost 3 weeks. I measured last weekend and it was at between 32.5 and 32.75"! After my period started it did go down a bit, I just measured last night, which is around the time in my cycle where my breasts are at it's smallest and they were between 32 and 32.25 "; I'm so excited to be seeing progress! Yay to acupuncture and herbs and fish protein! Smile

My acupuncturist has gotten me off of the chinese herbs so I'm going to add in regular herbs to continue to compliment, and my acupuncturist approved of that. So this is what I'm planning on taking herb-wise each day in divided doses (for those that I take more than 1).

*Saw Palmetto (2 capsules; pre-ovulation only)
*Vitex (1 capsule)
*L-Arginine (3 capsules, they are very small)
*Fenugreek (1-2 capsules; stop during menstruation)
*Ginkgo Biloba (1 capsule)
*Multi-vitamin (3 capsules)

Hopefully that'll help compliment the acupuncture. If the fenugreek causes heart palpitations again, I will discontinue it.

For the main part of my program:

*Acupuncture (a weekly treatment; on a side note it is also helping me feel better overall, which is awesome as a bonus!)
*Protein, especially fish protein (I have an ounce of salmon eggs with breakfast, and either sockeye salmon, tuna or sablefish filet, or sometimes lox, with lunch or dinner; when I started this that's when I started to really notice it helping the other stuff that I'm doing work; and I order it online which ships to my home frozen, the fish that I get has been tested for mercury and contains only trace or no mercury in them, so they're safe for me to eat everyday. There's just something about the fish protein that is better for me, plus I feel better too). Other proteins I eat are yogurt, goat cheese, egg yolks, chicken and lamb, one in a awhile I'll have a beef steak. I asked my acupuncturist about the protein, and she did confirm that according to TCM eggs, lamb and fatty fish are the best proteins for the breasts and for low chi.

So that's it, acupuncture, a few herbs and lots of protein, especially fish protein, along with my normal healthy diet. And I'm so excited to finally see some good growth that doesn't disappear with my menstrual period! Smile

I really think I may try Breast Augmentation Acupuncture

I believe it works since it is supposed to:

To promote the pituitary to secret gonadotropin (such as luteotropic hormone LH and follicle-stimulating hormone FSH. They can stimulate the function of the ovaries.

To promote the ovaries to secrete more estrogen. Because estrogen is increased using a natural stimulation, it doesn’t have any other side-effects, and the breast can maintain the breasts maintain the enlarged size even after acupuncture treatments stop.

To promote local blood circulation of the breast areas.


Thanks! I do highly recommend acupuncture; I'm really grateful I decided to try it.

Well, I took fengreek, just 1 capsule, and it made me feel off, tired and lightheaded. So I stopped the fenugreek, it's just not for me!

Right now, I'm feeling sore in the breasts, so that's a good sign. It started up again last night, soon after an acupuncture session.

Hi. So I measured myself and I'm midway in my cycle (didn't ovulate yet but will soon) and I'm at 32.5". So I'm happy about that.

Anyway, I'm actually also saying Goodbye to this forum. I am really busy now, I'm getting separated and need to not only finish school but support my children and myself, so I've got to focus on that. I am still continuing my program with acupuncture and a few herbs. Goodluck everyone and thanks for your support! Smile

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