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Account issues, so I had to make a new one :(


I was on here before as PaddedPrincess during December, but my account wouldn't let me log back in, so I created this new one. Unfortunately, my program thread was on that account, and I don't want people to be confused because I had the same picture before and everything. Sometimes technology is a bit of a curse. It's ok though, because I'm back on the wagon and continuing with the aloe and chi circles. I've also incorporated upper body/arm exercises in the past two months or so and I'm proud to say I'm at least getting toned there, haha. I have to admit that I've been lazy with the hypnosis as well, but I'd like to take that up again. Who knows? Maybe it'll help me with my stress too. I wish to goodness that I could harness my anxious energy toward growth instead, but I'll just have to be patient I guess. Reading all of the posts on here gives the inspiration to continue, so thanks to all of you! Smile

Ok, day 2 of kicking my own lazy butt into doing this again. I woke up this morning after doing chi circles yesterday and my breasts do seem to ache, but don't appear to be swollen or anything. It's also hard to tell because I'm on my period and also ate a lot of salty beans and rice yesterday, so I have a little water weight. I've been thinking about it and have realized that acceptance of your body is a lot of this process. I'm a B cup now, and I think on my frame that's probably ok. I like my figure, but if I could make it to a C cup I'd like it even more. Still, I nevere want to disrespect my body and I know it's easy to fall into that trap of negative thinking. I really appreciate the respect that everyone on here shows for each other. This is a very supportive environment and I'm grateful that this forum exists. Smile Happy Growing to all!


It's nice to know I'm not the only one! I thought about doing the same thing you did but I thought it might just confuse people. Anyway, I guess I'll just continue on this one. Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy! Smile

I've been continuing my chi circles and I am thinking of going back to olive oil and fresh aloe gel for that purpose. It causes too much friction and hurts my skin to do the circles dry, so I figured I should go back to moisturizing better. I actually prefer to do them in the shower where it's warm and I've been getting some decent swelling lately which is good. I know that I said I wouldn't go the herbal route, and I still believe that. However, I've been eating about a tablespoon of straight fennel seeds a day for some digestive issues and I happened to find out that they contain phytoestrogens that can cause growth of breast tissue. I also heard something about massaging with sesame oil, but I'm not sure I want to smell like stir fry even though stir fry is good. I realize this is kind of dorky, but I've actually taken to stuffing my bra to the size I'd like to be for about five minutes a day just to remind myself of the goal. Visualization is always a good thing! Wink

I'm starting to feel like I'm finally making some progress again. Last night as I was rooting through the pantry looking for spices to add to this booby mask stuff I make, I came across a type of curry powder that contains fenugreek. I got really excited about this because I don't have a lot of access to herbs and spices right now, and even though I don't ingest them, I still like to include them in my massages. I'm not really sure how much fenugreek was in there, but I mixed the powder with cinnamon which I heard was good for circulation and added some lotion to it. It wound up working really well and it seemed to do my skin some good as well. However, it did burn a little bit and it's hard to get the orange stains from the spices off of your skin. All the same, I think it really enhanced my massage and I got some good swelling out of it. On the downside though, I didn't do my hypnosis last night. I was feeling sad about the situation in Japan and I just didn't feel like it Sad But I'll be back on board today, and Japan is in my thoughts and prayers.

I don't even know why but I just had a moment this afternoon where I thought to myself, Dang my breasts look good! And they're really sort of amazing to me for some reason. They just look and feel wonderful and I'm really excited to be doing NBE to take that to the next level. Smile

Things have gotten more than a little crazy in my life lately, so I can truthfully say that other than the occasional short massage in the shower, I haven't been on top of this. But weirdly, I feel like my breasts are still growing. I've been having a lot of achiness and tenderness like I've had in the past when I was growing before, and I've actually been dreaming about it. I take the dreams as a good sign that my brain understands what I want it to do here. My bras are feeling tighter and I think I'm going to go shopping today. I may not have changed that much, but I still think it's something I would enjoy doing.

congratz on your growing. i myself have been slacking but due to laziness XP

It's ok BoobieGirl, sometimes it's really hard to find the motivation/upper body strength to do the massages and everything, haha!

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