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Twister_Mama's Program

My current favorite bra for small breasts (AA, A) is the Timpa Duet. The A cup works well for AA breasts, and even though it is not a padded bra, it pushes everything toward the center giving me some cleavage.

I'm with Rabbit, UGH so jealous of your flat tummy and toned arms, but I'll get there Wink been doing Zumba lately and I found out I'm burning 600 calories per workout! Craziness! I know after each workout I'm drenched in sweat and some muscles hurt, so we'll see. I've lost 12lbs since January, in January I was 136 and started eating right and trying to workout, I'm now 124lbs. If I could give you some of my boobs I'd happily go down a cup size to have my tummy flat again!

Thanks everyone. Blush I started out a totally flat 34AAAAA (just nipples sticking out) to a 34AA now; but yet it's not dramatically different in pics. The bikini top is covering all the areas that have filled in! The past 4 months, my breasts have gotten a lot rounder and wider; but my measurements have only gone up by MAYBE 0.25". So hopefully I'm due for some outward growth soon!

I will have to check out that calvin klein bra. It's so depressing when you know you've grown, so you celebrate by buying a bra that should fit, only to discover it's way too big in the cups for you. Sad I do have a Timpa Duet bra in size 36A (their band sizes run small). And I love it! I'd wear it everytime I go out except that my nipples are so dang prominent I'd be poking out of my shirt quite noticeably. I did have to take a small tuck on the inside of the cups (where it meets the underwire in the center) so it wasn't gapping open. It really does accentuate what you have!

My stomach is only flat above my belly button! Blush Below my belly button, I have a little "bump" (that makes you look about 2-3 months pregnant) from having two c-sections. Sad It's not so noticeable now that I'm down to about 120 (I lost a couple pounds this past week cuz I've been pretty ill); but when I was in the upper 130's a couple years ago it was WAY bigger and embarrassing.

That's great that you've been able to lose so much weight Anastasia! I have heard of Zumba, but didn't know exactly what it was. Sounds fun! I might have to look into it, once I'm feeling better. I had heard that one way to tone up the lower abdominal muscles (the area that us mothers struggle with) is to lie on your back, bend your knees, and slowly bring your knees toward your body, then slowly lower them again. And do like 10 or 20 reps. It's like ab crunches, but it targets the lower abs; and uses the sheer weight of your legs and butt. Those of us with a larger bottom half have our work cut out for us! Tongue Even better if you can lie on a bed with your butt and legs hanging over the edge. You're supposed to try to concentrate on using those lower abs to raise and lower your knees. I tried this in the past, back when I was heavier, but couldn't do too many cuz my stupid back would start hurting. I'm tempted to try this again, but my back is not doing too great; I threw it out a few weeks back, and that same spot is still weak. I occasionally get twinges in it if I bend over or twist, reminding me that it could let go at any time. Dodgy

I haven't heard back from Erika at BB yet. I'm not expecting any good news though. I will have to get more pills really soon though; I'm down to like 10 days left! Sad

If you have back problems I recommend yoga and palates. I have scoliosis and on my two "rest" days per week I do yoga or palates and it really helps. Also if you go to a gym or can get one for home use, the hyperextension chairs/benches work. Here is one to show you what they look like I do reps on these at the gym once per week (we have a free gym here, no classes but they have equipment like this). It will help your back to strengthen it, you will hate your life the first week or so of working your back out, but after that it's smooth sailing. I have been about 90% pain free for 2 years now from strengthening my back, where as before it was rare I was pain free, maybe 30% of the time at most. And I don't believe in taking prescription meds unless it's an absolute need. Pain, eh, if I can find other ways to prevent it I will. I think you need to get your back strengthened some before you attempt Zumba. The first week or two of me doing it, my back muscle hurt and I already have a strengthened back! It really works your core, front and back. So yea, be sure to strengthen not only your abs but your back as well.

Also for the lower tummy, leg lifts while laying down help. It's so frustrating for me right now because my core is strengthened and fit, I can feel the muscles there, it's just this dang layers of fat on top of it grrr. That's why I'm glad I've found a workout that burns the calories for me well. So hopefully I can get rid of the fat and have good abs lol. Oh that's the thing about the "pouch" on a females tummy, you can do the lower ab workouts all day, it will strengthen the muscles, but it won't get rid of the pouch until you get rid of the fat there! The best way is to eat right and also do like a cardio type workout to burn calories, you have to burn the fat there for it to go away, and unfortunately our bodies don't often burn the fat in only one place. That's what I'm trying to be careful of, not to burn it off the boobs lol. So far so good though!

Sorry lol I'm a research junkie and know way too much about various subjects, to be a nerd. SMH LOL

Wow, I checked out that link to the hyperextension chair, and my back recoiled in horror! Tongue I'm sure I could benefit from it though; as long as I start with only like one rep! I've heard that inversion tables can really help relieve pressure on the spine, too. Any exercise I do has to be low- or non-impact because of my arthritis. Strengthening muscles, using your own body weight for resistance, seems pretty safe to me. I was also considering a gazelle-type machine for burning calories and increasing stamina. But I have asthma too; so I have to start out very, very light. When we moved right before Thanksgiving, my asthma was so bad I had to use my inhaler 5 or 6 times a day, as well as my other inhaler twice a day; and I was still struggling to breathe. It was awful. Sad

I refuse to take pain meds too! Pain has to be pretty severe before I'll take any ibuprofen for it. I prefer to treat the cause first. Like, if I have a migraine, the usual offenders are: muscle tension, sinuses, eye strain, face too cold, TMJ from my jaw, or too tired. I hate taking pills! And yet, here I am taking some 17 pills a day on my program, lol. Tongue

I'm trying to be optimistic with my program, despite the deep aches and soreness that I used to get being absent. Sad Once in a while, I'll feel some mild aches in my smaller right side (which is the side I'm concentrating on with massage); but it's probably from the massaging or chest exercises. I'm trying to get around 80-90 grams of protein per day; although some days I only get like 60-70 grams. I never miss my pills. Also, I still haven't heard back from Erika at BB; so I'll probably have to order pills anyway. And since it's so late, they may not arrive until after my current supply runs out. Oh well, I'll just continue on and try to stay positive! Smile

I was considering getting an inversion table as well because I have a lot of back pain. Have you ever looked into the Alexandrian technique? I read that it's really good for people with back problems.

TM, I have asthma also, it was more severe when I was little, now I don't need inhalers and it only acts up if I do intense cardio for too long. When I do cardio I find if I don't overwork myself, know my limits, etc. I can slowly increase it over time. Like for example. I was doing an elliptical at the gym, at first I could only handle 10 min and only got in 1/2 a mile. Doing it 4 times per week I was about to get up to doing 30 min at a time and 3 miles, so a mile per 10 mins. This was after I'd say 3 months. So working out will help your asthma, just don't go past your limits, and over time your limits will be further and further. Like when I first started Zumba I could only do 5 min then would need a break for water and to catch my breath, now I can do 20 min before I need it. Hopefully in a few months time I can do a whole DVD without breaks haha I'm being optimistic haha. And yep, as far as prescription drugs, I have high blood pressure and cholesterol, I refuse meds, I control it with diet and exercise. I eat tons of whole grains, low sodium diet, low stress as much as possible, do things to reduce stress, and exercise daily. Just about anything can be treated naturally, I take what dr's say with a grain of salt. Why? Because I had, notice had, cervical cancer. I was told when diagnosed that I would have to go through 7 treatments of freezing the cells, then would need chemo. I told the dr I didn't have time for the shit and that I would have 1 treatment then it would be gone. He laughed and said he liked my attitude that it was refreshing from the usual "woe is me" type attitude, but I needed to be realistic. I told him I was being realistic. Well I went through the one treatment, told him to test my cells again, he said I would have to pay for it cause the insurance I had wouldn't pay for it until all treatments and chemo was done. So I paid out of pocket for it, and was diagnosed as cancer free. My doctor's mouth hit the floor. He said in 23 years of practice he has never experienced anything like this before and wish more of his patience had my mentality. Well it was like I told him, I didn't have time for the bullshit, I had a child to take care of and things to do. So yea, I fully believe with the right mindset and plan you can overcome anything without too many meds. As for your arthritis, have you looked into supplements for it? I don't mind taking pills when it's natural things. Like I take the hair supplements for my hair and flaxseed oil (though most people think I take for NBE) I actually take for heart health. Just did a quick google search for arthritis and found this it is something my mom use to use and she said it helped. Also it seems there are things at health food places and vitamin shops you can probably take things for joint health that would work like glucosamine and chondroitin another quick search for joint health on swanson got this and looks like MSM is good for it and some say MSM is good for NBE too haha. You can only let things that are wrong with you handicap you if you let them. I know people in wheelchairs that do more actively then most who are not. Maybe it's because I'm stubborn, but I don't let things like pain or illnesses get in the way, I try my best to find ways, especially natural ways, to overcome them. Also I believe our mind controls everything, so a positive mindset makes all the difference also. Sorry for the long post haha. I talk too much I know!

Wow, Anastasia you always amaze me. I know you've been through a lot but cancer on top of that. Holy crap, you should really write a book or something.
I also don't take the word of doctors very seriously. I think in America doctors are very money oriented and closed minded. They think anything outside of conventional medicine is witchcraft or something. From my experience, doctors in other poorer countries have actually been better because they were more open to alternative types of care and were less greedy (they were paid less than American doctors). I think I read you were from the UK but I'm not sure but I imagine the situation is similar.
I think almost anything can be treated naturally which is why I like to make my own skincare and haircare products. It's also one of the reasons I googled natural breast enhancement. I was amazed at how much eating a certain way and taking certain supplements could alter the state of your skin so I thought there must be something that affects your breast. Forums are an awesome thing because there are so many people on them like me who just love to research things for hours on the internet and when you combine all that knowledge wonderful things happen.

Raw, nope I'm American haha. Not sure where it was said I'm in the UK. Never even visited yet, though I would like to someday. And it may seem to some like I've been through alot, to you or others I may have, but I have talked to so many individuals from so many walks of life that I know I'm actually very fortunate and haven't been through near as much as some have. When you think things are bad, just know someone somewhere has had it 10 times worse and consider yourself fortunate. People call me crazy, but that alone is what helps me get through difficult times.

Hey I am the exct same size as you. I'm 20 years old, 5'3 and I weigh 105. Have you tried the herbs fenugreek, red clover and saw palmetto?

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