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March 26 2006 at 4:05 AM
Sunset (Login liquidSunset)


A while back I had mentioned how I acidentlly stumbled upon cocoa butter being able to enlarge breasts. I had to come here and tell my good findings to all of you ladies.I started to look up and google things about cocoa butter and was speechless to find so many articles claiming that it REALLY DOES help plump,add roundndess and possible enlargement to the breasts! SugarQ had also mentioned before that cocoa butter may work well before I ever came here also. After I had actually tried it myself and noticed results, it's a hit here on the board. The only thing I said over and over again was that to keep any size gained from the cocoa butter you must use it EVERYDAY and never slack on using it for massage, or the results will ALL fade away.

Well, it was almost a miracle to me (and many others) when Mel came here and told us she found some info saying that by simply applying VITAMIN E to the breasts before,after or mixed in with the cocoa butter has been proven to work in KEEPING ALL RESULTS!! This is such exciting news, and now many ladies here have incorperated this into there massage routines!

I Am still blown away by this "discovery" and just want to make sure EVERYONE at least gets a chance to read the article, wether or not you decide to use it, it is extremely interesting and could just be your missing ingredient! Smile

I will paste the article below that Mel told us about-THANK YOU MEL!!

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

Author Reply

(Login liquidSunset)
EVE MEMBERS the web site is: March 26 2006, 4:07 AM

A non-surgical method for breast augmentation involves the use of cocoa butter and Vitamin E, either subsequently to each other or in combination. The cocoa butter and vitamin E are applied topically to the breast and may be in a composition.


Description of corresponding document: GB2318054

The present invention relates to a method for breast augmentation, and in particular to a non-surgical method for breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is a growing industry. In the United
States alone, it is estimated that each year over one million women undergo surgery for breast enlargement.

The most commonly used procedure for breast augmentation is mammaplastry, which is, surgical augmentation of the breasts.

This procedure generally involves making a surgical incision to create a pocket in the breast followed by insertion of a mammary prosthesis.

Present day prosthesis are usually made from a polysilicone elastomer sac filled with a silicone gel or mixture thereof.

However, such implants are not entirely safe. They have been know to leak and rupture, causing long-term adverse effects on the body.

Saline-filled implants are also popular. They are considered safer because saline solution is similar to other body fluids and leakage thereof will simply be absorbed without harm.

However, saline-filled implants do not feel or look as natural as gel implants. They tend to wrinkle or ripple under the skin preventing the breast from moving and hanging naturally.

Moreover, it is believed that saline implants have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants. Thus frequent surgery may be required to replace the implants.

Because of all of the problems associated with implants, alternatives have been sought. The latest in implant alternatives is a new technique known by the acronym BAMBI (bilateral augmentation mammoplastry by injection). The BAMBI method involves surgery and entails liposuctioning fat from the body, for example from the buttocks or thighs for injection into the chest. Although some plastic surgeons believe the method is safe, others do not. The surgery may cause dangerous infection, and the fat can calcify resulting in masses of scar tissue which can mimic or mask breast cancer. This, in turn, can lead to unnecessary biopsies if there is no cancer, or delay detection if there is cancer.

More natural, non-intrusive methods have also been sought. For example, it has been found that cocoa butter augments breast size. The use of cocoa butter for breast augmentation is mentioned on page 285 of the Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health through Drugless Therapy. Cayce states, in his reading numbered 934-13, that a method to enlarge the breast is obtained, as follows: "This is a little bit late in beginning [the woman was aged thirty-two] but if there is the massage of the mammary glands with cocoa butter-not on the breast itself, but under the arm and lower and in the area between the breastyou can get 'em as big or as little as you wish." However, it had been found by the applicant that augmentation of the breast using Cayce's method alone did not last, i.e. the breast does not remain enlarged with the application of cocoa butter for long and eventually returns to the same size, as prior to the application of cocoa butter, in the following few days.

An object of the present invention is to provide a non-surgical method for breast size augmentation and to sustain the augmented breast size.

In accordance with one aspect of the present invention there is provided a method for augmenting the size of a human breast and sustaining the augmented breast size comprising the steps of applying cocoa butter to the breast for augmenting the size of the breast, and applying Vitamin E to the breast for sustaining the augmented size.

In accordance with another aspect of the present invention there is provided a composition for augmenting the size of a human breast and sustaining the augmented breast size comprising cocoa butter and Vitamin E.

In accordance with another aspect of the invention there is provided the use of cocoa butter and Vitamin E for augmenting the breast size of a human and sustaining the augmented breast size.

Preferably, the cocoa butter is applied in an amount sufficient to achieve the desired augmentation of the breast and the
Vitamin E is applied in an amount sufficient to sustain the desired augmented breast size.

In one embodiment of the invention, the cocoa butter and
Vitamin E are simultaneously applied to the breast.

In another embodiment of the invention the cocoa butter is first applied to the breast, and the Vitamin E is applied subsequently.

Preferably, the proportion of cocoa butter to Vitamin E is18 :1.

The advantages of the present invention are that there are no surgical procedures necessary, hence eliminating all the potential problems, either physical, emotional or psychological, that might come with having surgery. Therefore, the present invention provides a safer and more natural method than surgery for enlarging the size of the human breast and sustaining the augmented breast size. Moreover, the method is simple and inexpensive. In addition, there is the benefit derived from the psychological satisfaction and emotional well being women would experience from augmenting their breast size by using this healthier and more natural invention than surgical breast augmentation. Therefore, this method is an advance to man kind because it is a more natural and safer method of breast augmentation than breast augmentation attained by surgery.

The preferred method of the present invention includes applying cocoa butter (a fatty substance obtained from cacao seeds), for exampleDerma-E , and Vitamin E, for example d-alpha-tocopherol acetate by Jamieson Natural Source*, to the breast for enlargement thereof. The cocoa butter and Vitamin E can be applied separately or as a mixture. The breast includes an area generally between the second and seventh rib and extending between the axilla (armpit) and the sternum. Further to Mr.

Cayce's method, it has been found by the applicant that the application of the cocoa butter also on the globe of the breast itself promotes enlargement thereof. It is the applicant's belief that the cocoa butter is absorbed into the breast, hence enlarging the size of the breast by the breast assimilating the cocoa butter and storing the cocoa butter around the gland lobules of the mammary gland connected to the breast therein, by means of the breast assimilating the cocoa butter as fat.

Therefore, further to Mr. Cayce's method, it is desirable to apply cocoa butter also to the globe of the breast in order to augment the size of the breast. Preferably, the application of cocoa butter includes gentle rubbing on the skin of the breast, that is the area of application, to facilitate the absorption of the cocoa butter into the breast to augment the breast in size. Furthermore, in the application of cocoa butter or Vitamin E it is preferable to apply cocoa butter or'Tradl-mb
Vitamin E in thin layers at a time to create a friction to the skin that lessens the amount of time needed for the absorption of cocoa butter or vitamin E into the breast. Also, first heating the breast area before the application of cocoa butter or vitamin E lessens the amount of time needed for the absorption of either ingredient into the breast.

The amount of cocoa butter used is directly proportional to the augmentation of the breast's size. It has been found that approximately 50g of cocoa butter per breast enlarges each breast from an A size bra cup to a B size bra cup. For such an amount, the application time for the applicant, at a younger age of approximately 30 years old and under, was approximately 11 consecutive hours of application of the cocoa butter. This was before theapplicantts discovery that Vitamin E would sustain the augmented breast size, and so the breast would reduce to the same breast size as before the application of the cocoa butter. However, at an older age, approximately the age of thirty and over, the applicant had found that response time of the body to the application of cocoa butter took significantly longer for the breast to augment in size. At the age of 35 years, it would then take the applicant 4 to 6 hours to absorb about 7g of cocoa butter.

Following the application of the cocoa butter, Vitamin E is applied to the breast. Further to Cayce's statement, it has been found that the use of Vitamin E sustains the augmented breast size. Vitamin E sustains the size of the breast augmented by the application of cocoa butter to the breast.

It had been found by the applicant that the omission of the use of Vitamin E caused the body to lose all the augmentation in breast size derived from the application of the cocoa butter in the days that followed the application of the cocoa butter.

It is the applicant's experience at the age of 35 that the application of approximately400mg of Vitamin E was satisfactory to sustain the breast size augmented by the application to the breast and absorption by the breast, of approximately 7g of cocoa butter. Therefore, giving a proportion of cocoa butter to Vitamin E of about 18:1. It has been found by the applicant that subsequent applications of cocoa butter and Vitamin E to the breast further augmented and sustained the breast in size and that at no time did the augmented breast size reduce again in size from one application sitting to the next. It has been found that simply smearing the Vitamin E to the breast area without the use of gentle rubbing to aid in the absorption of the Vitamin E is also sufficient to sustain the size of the breast augmented by the application of cocoa butter.

Also, the application of Vitamin E does not necessarily need to be applied just after the application of cocoa butter for this method to work. Even the application of Vitamin E to the breast prior to the application of the cocoa butter has also -been found by the applicant to have the desired effect in sustaining the breast size augmented by the application of cocoa butter.

Augmentation of the size of the breast and sustaining the augmented size can also be achieved using a composition of cocoa butter and Vitamin E in an approximate proportion of 18 to 1. The composition is produced by melting the cocoa butter at very low heat, approximately40 Fahrenheit, and the Vitamin
E is added thereto to first obtains mixture. The mixture was stirred for 30 to 40 seconds and let stand to cool before use to obtain the final composition.

It will be recognized by one skilled in the art that the above mentioned amounts, quantity and proportion of ingredients of cocoa butter and Vitamin E are merely guidelines and are not limiting to the scope of the present patent application. The exact amounts and proportions of cocoa butter and Vitamin E necessary to augment the breast size and sustain the augmented breast size can vary from one person to another, depending on, for example, different body types and different body compositions, and the person's age.

While a preferred embodiment of the invention has been described, it is understood that all alternatives and modifications may be made thereto and fall within the scope of the invention.

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

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(Login seemonkeyme)

Hi Eve have you tried this or do youknow anyone that has?

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(Login seemonkeyme)
EVE MEMBERS opps I goofed on your name April 18 2006, 3:06 AM

sorry bout that I was also reading eve's program and got your names mixed up.

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I found this article :

COCOA BUTTER - Stimulates the circulation in massaged areas, and strengthens the nervous system and eliminating functions. It is especially useful for massaging babies and young children gently along the spine. It helps body development and guards against head congestions. For increasing the size of underdeveloped breasts, massage around the glands under the arms and below the breasts. Direct massage of breasts with cocoa butter combined with alum water has been recommended by Edgar Cayce to decrease their size. You may use melted cocoa butter on its own or as part of a massage-oil mixture.
In addition, you may add various aromatic oils either just for their fragrance or for any additional healing effect. The olive oil should be extra-virgin and the peanut oil cold-pressed, both having been stored in a cool and dark place. You may also squeeze some vitamin E oil capsules into the massage oil. A small amount of the oil may be lightly warmed before applying it to the body. I am not in favor of using polyunsaturated oils as massage oils as these become easily rancid.

Q) How may I develop my bust?
(A) The natural development as comes from those activities through the better body building will be of helpful force. But if there is the desire for a greater development, we would massage the mammary glands, - not about same, but under the arm and down the side, you see - with Cocoa Butter, about three times each week; then about the glands themselves about once a week.

(Q) What can be done to develop the bust to off-set angular line of my body?
(A) Massaging the mammary glands with cocoa butter; not the bust but the glands. Massage always upward, not down not around but upward. This means commence at about the waist line under the arms, and especially the patches where there are the mammary glands, and where the emunctory patches supply nutriment to the glands.

(Q) What explanation for right breast being larger than left, and how remedy?
(A) This is a nominal condition that exists in most individuals. If there is the desire for increasing the lesser, massage the lower portion with Cocoa Butter. If there is the desire to decrease the other, massage with Cocoa Butter adding the water from alum in same. Do this each evening

For the mammary glands and around the breast, to make them more firm and not so large - and yet make for a different activity to the whole body, we would massage a compound into the glands prepared in this manner:
To 2 ounces of Cocoa Butter (dissolved), add:

Oil of Butterfat..........................................40 minims,
Alum Water, almost a saturated solution....10 minims.

Stir this well together. Once or twice a week massage the glands around the arms and around the lower portion of the breast, upper portion, and massaging thoroughly around the edge - will make these more firm, relieve this strain, the burning sensations that have arisen at times after and during the menstrual periods

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It states in website that is takes approx 11 'consecutive' hours to grow a cup size. Does this mean that for it to work we would have to sit there and rub cocoa butter all day, 11 hours straight?

Or does it mean just 11 hours overall of massages?

Sorry if this sounds daft!

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(Login Sabrina.)

No, consecutive does not mean continuous. If it was continuous you would have to do it for 11 hours straight. Consecutive means following after another as in having massage sessions one after another until done.

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(no login) portions? August 28 2006, 6:32 PM

okay, i read the articles, but i am still confused about the different things to mix to get the right "lotion" for the massage that will work and will make it LAST... and what is alum water? what am i not getting??

also, any suggestions on where to get the supplies with pretty cheap shipping? i am in germany and they dont have the same health food type stores as back in the states...


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(no login) Are all cocoa butter created equal? October 18 2006, 4:29 AM

Hello all! I was wondering, after all the cocoa butter talk, which brand of cocoa butter should I use. Are they all created equal? Surely there are some that are better than others, right? Anyone has an idea? Thanks.

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Eve M
(Login EveEM)

It's much better to ask questions in the main forum as many more people will see it there. These reference pages are visited a lot, but do not get anything like as many visitors a day as the main forum, so you can get answers much more quickly by posting questions there. You may get answers here but it will probably take longer to get them and some people who could contribute to the discussion may not notice the questions at all when posted here. (The same comments apply to questions posted on the personal program pages).

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Fennel Fairy
(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Total rubbish! February 15 2007, 7:39 PM

I am sorry to tell you that Edgar Cayce was not a doctor or scientist. He was a psychic.

The theory of cocoa butter enlarging the size of the breast by the breast assimilating the cocoa butter and storing the cocoa butter around the gland lobules of the mammary gland is about as realistic as you growing a third eye from drinking a glass of milk every day.

Cocoa butter can't even penetrate the skins top layer, the epidermis. Sorry, it is biologically impossible. Any plumpness achieved by massaging cocoa butter on the breasts is probably due to water retention since the fat molecules will stop water from evaporating through the pores as is normally the case.

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(Login -Moon-)

This article doesn't give any information about any research carried out with sufficient number of study subjects. Also it doesn't give any arguments on *how* cocoa butter is supposed to enlarge breasts. The only claim it makes - that the fats in cocoa butter absorbs throguh the skin and is deposited in the breast - is false according to biochemical theory. I am not sure that topically applied fats don't penetrate the skin, but it's certain that they do NOT enter fat cells in the fat tissue locally where they are applied. For fats to be deposited in an tissue, they must be in the form of particles called liporoteins and they can only enter the tissue if the capilary walls of that tissue contain significent ammounts of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase. Hormones change the ammount of this enzymes present parallel to physiological conditions and the overall ammount of it that a certain tissue conteines is determined genetically. The ammount also increases over slowly over time under conditions of a fat diet. Increasing the ammount of lipoprotein lipase in the breast tissue would be an answer to NBE, but so far a method to do that hasn't been found.
Finally, fats applied topically would enter blood circultion, reach liver, where they would be packed into liporoteins and then distributed into all tissues of the body.

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(Login -Moon-)

I ment
under conditions of a high fat diet

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(Login afkelso) Give a little credit... October 9 2007, 4:46 AM

To give a little benefit to Edgar Cayce, whose documented notes on medicine and health have been proved over and over again, He did say that adding Alum water to the cocoa butter would in fact decrease breast size, not increase it.

As for the rest, even though fats can't penetrate the epidermis, cocoa butter HAS in fact often been used to increase circulation, and vitamin E can penetrate the skin, although I don't know specifically how it helps with BE. The added circulation would help any herbal supplements being taken to reach the breasts, much the way massages do.

So, if nothing else, cocoa butter can help increase the effectiveness of your daily massage.

Thanx! I knew I remembered reading an article about this stuff. I already planned on switching to cocoa butter with vit E after my MSM lotion ran out, since it's great for keeping stretch marks at a min + I recalled reading about it being helpful for boob growth.

Can't wait to try it out. If I notice quicker response from the boobs after massaging with it, that would be great! Smile



how long would it take to enlarge them by using this method

also if im a 32A now how much could i increase?!

Has anyone tried this method? I know someone that has been using Vitamin E rubbing it on their skin and I noticed a dramatic increase in breast size, but they are young so I don't know if it is the vitamin E or just body changes. They didn't say they massage with the Vitamin E (I wouldn't ask) but I came across this article googling if topically applying Vitamin E can cause an increase in breast size.

I'm trying this, using cocoa butter body lotion, then baby oil with vit E and aloe during massage. So far I've gained half an inch, not sure if it's just swelling or real growth though...

(14-07-2014, 19:26)TurtleMyrtle Wrote:   I'm trying this, using cocoa butter body lotion, then baby oil with vit E and aloe during massage. So far I've gained half an inch, not sure if it's just swelling or real growth though...

WOW how long have you been doing it for
swellling or not it still can lead to growth (= good job!

Curious... Uhm. I was trying to subscribe, so had to reply. But I am curious about this research and those trying it.

I just started around the end of last month Smile it's giving me promising results though! My breasts are feeling a bit sore today, hopefully that's a sign of growth.

What's your current program? Maybe we could try this together Smile

See if nipple massage before bed causes more effect

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