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Protein Intake


Hi there
I have been browsing and absorbing info for a few weeks on the site.
I have tried herbal NBE previously but it did not work for me.
I have recently started with BO and will start a program page when I can.
I was just looking at some info on Cheryls site re UB, just to check the ingredients.
I noticed that they state there that protein intake should be around 99gms
Wow that seems like a lot!
I just how other people get this amount of protein into them be it shakes or food.
I currently take one shake a day as am paranoid about piling on the pounds. Dont really want to have more shakes than that!
Any help or advice appreciated.


To not gain weight but have a high protein diet... you can do what I did. I ate meats high in protein, lean meats, with healthy veggies at each meal. Eat food high in protein and eat as much as you normally would just with them. With the shakes, I would REPLACE a meal with a protein shake. I drank 25g in each shake, I usually put the powder into a healthy smoothie and would replace either lunch or dinner with it. I DID NOT gain any extra weight while taking UB and doing this kind of healthy protein intake. You can also get the non-flavored protein isolate like I used, and you can mix it in tons of things. Like you can make a healthy soup and put a scoop of the protein isolate in it, it will dissolve and you can eat it that way. I also baked with it. Like I would make cookies, brownies, etc. and put it in the mix. There are many ways to get protein that are healthy. As far as needing to get exactly 99g, eh, I always say 80-90g. It's actually easy once you pay attention to how much protein are in things. Pieces of meat you eat I guarantee are packed with TONS of protein. People never realize how much protein they already eat. My advice, start a diet journal. Mark each meal you eat, find out how much protein is in per serving size and how many servings you are eating at a time. Believe it or not serving sizes are very small, most people eat 3-4 servings of meat in one sitting and never realize it. Things that are high in protein are fish, tuna especially, eggs, chicken, beef, basically every meat, nuts, etc. A simple peanut butter sandwich can have more protein then you may think! Hope this helps and good luck!

Thanks for your reply Anastasia.
I guess I have been more used to counting calories and keeping intake quite low re dieting. But I gave up dieting and now seem to know just how much I can eat and maintain weight. So its just a new thing to learn more about protein values and adjust accordingly.
My son had been using a protein shake and I have been using up what was left which was strawberry flavoured and tasted ok actually but I think I will order the natural one which has slightly more protein than flavoured ones.
I have been on a new exercise regime with classes and gym since January
so more physical output allows more foody input.
I love peanut butter sarnies, so bring them on! Tongue

Is it necessary to drink protein shakes? The protein shakes I bought contain hemp protein which contains phytoestrogens so I can't drink them. I take my pills with a serving of kefir each morning which contains 12 grams of protein per serving so it pretty close to an actual protein shake. I also try to eat a high protein diet.

raw, as long as you're getting the 80-90g of protein per day, I think it's not necessary to do the shakes. I think the shakes are there if you can't get the protein in your normal diet.

I end up having every day between 80 - 100g of protein.
I`m on a diet of 1200kcal.
I eat 5 times a day (3 normal meals, 1 protein shake and then fruits/nuts). I don`t replace a meal with a protein shake.
So, it is possible to be on a diet and get the amount of protein you need.

I have whey isolate shake that contains 50 g of protein, but I don't drink it all at once. I put it into 24 oz bottle of water and drink it up bu late afternoon, so I can actually absorb that protein. Also, my breakfast contains about 5 oz of whole mozzarella cheese (that I love) and gives me 30 g of protein. So, between breakfast and the drink it is 80 g already. With all the other food I eat during the day (nuts, meat, fish, eggs), I'm sure I actually go above 100 g.

But using this high protein isolate with 50 g of protein removed the need to count my protein (which was pain in the neck I had to deal with when I was using 25 g shake). Also, I recommend to supplement with protein digestive enzymes (like papaya enzyme) to increase the digestion and absorbency of all that protein we strive to take in.

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