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Taking UB and feeling sleepy?


So I am continuing my BO journey, it s been almost a month now! I keep going! So after having pins and needles in my arms (thankfully this seems to have gone away!) now I am feeling totally tired. Even when I get a good night sleep (usually 8 hours, 9 hours during week ends) when I wake up i still feel terribly tired. I noticed as well that when I take the whey proteins (i take that at night) I am feeling even worse! My bf is starting to be worried, he said "why do you need to take proteins? Isn't protein supposed to make you loose weight?" - I guess he is worried because I am already pretty tiny.
I was wondering if any of you have experienced this tiredness? If so did it go away after a while?

I'm starting to think that maybe taking BO to grow breasts is a bad idea, considering all those side effects ...

Sorry I'm not being helpful!

anotherusername, padme's side effects are not typical with BO and are probably due to her genetics or hormonal levels. So give it a shot for yourself before deciding it's not worth trying.

Padme, your bf must not know anything about fitness. Any fitness person will tell you that protein ADDED to regular diet will make you gain weight. It is only a good weightloss aid IF you were using the shakes to replace a meal. Like if you didn't eat dinner and used the shake as your dinner, then yes you will lose weight. But not if you are adding it to your existing eating habits. Now as far as feeling tired. It sounds to me like you are having pregnancy symptoms, which could be the increased hormones OR you could be pregnant. I suggest for the sake of a maybe unborn child, go get tested, don't just rely on over the counter urine tests, go to a Dr and get tested there. It's better safe then sorry. I mean you said you had the pins and needles like your mom did while she was pregnant, now you are overly tired. Are you having food cravings? Headaches? Heartburn? Nauseousness? I never had nausea while I was pregnant, but I was extremely tired after a certain point in my pregnancy, I had heartburn daily throughout my pregnancy, and I have specific food cravings that were forever changing. I don't mean cravings like oh I'm in the mood for such n such. I mean I didn't want to eat at all unless I had the thing I was craving, nothing else was appetizing. Now if you are without a doubt 100% sure you are not pregnant, then it may be the hormones causing pregnancy symptoms. But let me tell you, having your period does NOT mean you AREN'T pregnant! I had mine the first 3 months of my pregnancy! I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 3-4 months along. I have talked to women who had babies and didn't know they were pregnant at all, just all of a sudden went into labor and gave birth to full term healthy babies! And no I'm not talking about overweight or obese women, I mean thin ones too! They said they were thin the entire time. And I believe it because my cousin was a size 3 her entire pregnancy and had a 7lb baby! She found out she was pregnant during a papsmear. So yea, you never know. If you have sex at all, protected, on the pill, doesn't matter, it can still happen! Sorry to be long winded I just don't want the worse to happen here. Hope you figure it out though hun!

anotherusername don't be sorry, we are here to share experiences and feelings... I think you have to take your time and not take your decision in a hurry. It took me more than 6 months to think about it and finally decide to go that route.
On a positive note: i can see some growth and growing signs, and no skin problem for me.
Everyone is different and you may not react to BO that same way as I do. I am a very sensitive person (I tend to react to things much more than others, like coffee makes me shake, or energy drinks "energise' me so much that it prevents me from sleeping!), and to be honest I thought I would react to BO much worse than I actually do. Smile

Thank you so much Anastasia Smile
No that is true, my bf knows nothing about fitness Wink
I am using contraception and with that pill I never have my periods... but you are right, I will make a test to check if I am pregnant.
Thanks again!

I haven't taken UB (any BO stuff) but I can tell you that I feel tired and yes sleepy taking herbs, maca, and other type of NBE products. It started going so bad to the point that I would go take short naps in the bathroom stalls at work, so I found a way to switch 'em up and take 'em during certain times, I don't take them right before bed or in the morning, that will make me feel very tired at some times in the day or morning, kind of like a crash and burn thing or sometimes I feel like I'm taking some sleeping pills- lol. I would take them in the afternoon close to evening at about 3-6pm, and it works ok, I work mornings/day so it wouldn't make me sleepy at work or doing naps right after work, and I can sleep my hours at night and feel ok the next morning.

But I can tell you that there were times when I can't sleep and taking these products was a good advantage for me. Then again, I have no idea why it makes me sleeeeepy.

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