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Is Bosom Beauty 2012 Growth Permanent?


Is Bosom Beauty 2012 Growth Permanent?
October 30 2008 at 7:49 AM Meg (no login)


I'm up to purchasing one, but it's expensive and i'm investing for it now, but i have read on recent topics that it only builds the mucsel not increasing the breast size, is it true?? i dont want muscle i want real fatty boobs Sad so i need to make sure before buying Sad

oh and is the grwoth permanent?

thank u


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(Login postgirl) Re: Is Bosom Beauty 2012 Growth Permanent? October 30 2008, 10:21 AM

I would not buy this system.It is really awful to use and the suction is so strong I really think it does more damage than good.I would look more into it and raed the post on here Bosom beauty so painful and read about other women also finding it so painful.Also the machine is really unreliable and breaks down all the time.The newer version seems to be even worse.It also left red rings on my breats and cut intio my skin.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Is Bosom Beauty 2012 Growth Permanent? October 30 2008, 9:18 PM

It's strong but by no means unbearable! The results will slowly decrease a little just after you stop using it then the rest will be permanent. I bought mine second hand and got to know the lady more after I bought it (so she had no reason to lie!), she said she'd used it for 16 weeks and gained 1.5 inches that was still there 2 years later. I gained some and it was still there after 3-4 month break when I started using again.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Is Bosom Beauty 2012 Growth Permanent? October 30 2008, 10:54 PM

Sorry for the confusion about BB building muscle - that's just how it seems on me because I am very skinny round the ribs, like just bones with boobs stuck on (and sadly a fat butt and legs). I think what your grow depends on your body. I build muscle very easily and don't put much fat on except the legs and butt.

skeptical. wanting to try bb or noogle. advice?
March 13 2009 at 9:54 PM curious (no login)


ive recently been enlightened into this suctioning world and am very interested in trying either the bb or noogle, as brava would be too much of a time commitment that i do not have. however, i am indecisive as to which one to try. i do not want to have temporary swelling results without any permanent satisfaction from it, which seems may be the case with noogle, although, if the mechanics of it are the same as the others i dont quite understand why that would be. but i am also concerned about the discoloring that occurs from the bb. also, can anyone tell me what is a good price range for each of these? any information would help as i am new to this. thanks for reading! much appreciated.

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(Login salome83) Re: skeptical. wanting to try bb or noogle. advice? March 17 2009, 12:23 AM

Hi Curious,

I bought my bb 3 weeks ago, for now I couldn't see any permanent result, but i got a lot of swelling. in the first week,i had some red marks around the domes but they disappeared in 3-4 days, and my breasts were turning in purple during the suction, but I think they got used to now that they don't change the colour now. I both mine for $220 from ebay but paid $80 for the shipping to US. and I d recommend the seller since the machine seems to be good (at least for now).
I don't know if this helps, since I didn't see any permanent results yet Sad it's very promising when they swell during the suction but in 12 hours they are back to their nature SmileI think one needs to time in this so I will be trying at least for 2 months.

(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: skeptical. wanting to try bb or noogle. advice? March 19 2009, 9:03 AM

Hi Skepical,

I used BB for 2 years and got some results (from AA to A), but it didn't last. One year after I stopped I'm actually smaller than I was when I begun with BB : ((

But I've heard others that had lasting results with BB. Now I'm doing Brava, wich is so much more comfortable and easier on the boobs and I hope it's going to last this time! Then again, I read "horror brava stories" with people who after a LONG time, 6 months to a year, didn't have anything to show for it (horror 'cause I don't want that to happen, just like my BB experience is a horror story for anyone who wants to try BB...). Discoloring isn't something that I would worry about, that fades after time.

Since I haven't tried Brava for a long time yet, I can't really tell you what I think works best. However, if you use Noogleberry like brava (i e sleep in it and spend more hours with it on than hours off) then that might work as good as brava?

Let us know what you decide to do - we'll all be here to support you in this long and demanding journey...; )

Anyone had perminant growth from BB or NB?
October 24 2009 at 12:46 PM Red (Login bluemoonlight)


Just when I think I've settled on Brava my mind starts wandering off and thinking about BB or NB! I guess it's the time issue I'm thinking about.

Has anyone had a good experience with either of these two? I know BB is hard suction, but does it offer perminent growth and, if so, after how long? It says 8 weeks on the shopping page, but is it like Brava and actually much more than this?

With NB everyone seems to be saying that it's just top up swelling that you can maintain all the time with little top ups - is this tru or is it also perminent?


(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Anyone had perminant growth from BB or NB? October 24 2009, 2:41 PM

I have only been using the noogleberry pump for 10 months, but I have had more than swelling. You do swell after using it, but what happens is the same concept as Brava, permanent growth over time. Brava is the only company that has done "clinical trials", and although they claim permanent results, most only have modest gains and alot of users here do other means of NBE including supplementing with the NB pump.

Maybe someone else has followed the pump users experience more than me, but I don't know of anyone who did brava or any of the pumps and have stopped all forms of trying to increase or maintain. Most Brava users do several cycles. Personally I don't mind getting the size I want to be, and than having to do a little maintenance here and there, it's better than nothing, or having to get implants.

As far as the "top up swelling", if you have looked at others pictures, when you pump you get that incredible swelling up top, kinda like a daily bonus for your time. But I have gone from a B cup to a buldging C cup, even when I don't have that just pumped swell. Or some long time users say they just pump a few times a week to "top up" after meeting their goal -- but it's also mind thing too, you want to pump cause you want to keep that look you get after pumping, it's addicting. Hope this helps you decide, either way, good luck.


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(no login) Re: Anyone had perminant growth from BB or NB? October 24 2009, 7:30 PM

Hi Sissy,

Thanks for your reply. So, am I right in thinking that even if you stopped using NB for, say 2 months, you would retain the c cup you achieved? And you would then just use it for a little swelling as and when?

I have no probs with maintainance top up-s - as you say it beats implants and if I only had to do it a couple of times a week that wouldn't be a prob.

Also, have you ever used Brava or just NB?


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(Login bluemoonlight) Re: Anyone had perminant growth from BB or NB? October 25 2009, 3:23 PM

Thanks Sissy. So, even if you didn't use NB again, you'd have gone from a B to a C, without swelling? It's perminent?

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Anyone had perminant growth from BB or NB? October 25 2009, 6:02 PM

I'm still using it daily. It's more than swelling though, overnight I retain my size. There have been a couple of days I didn't get to pump, same thing, the overwelming swelling that I get when the pumps come off went down, but the cup size remained.

Someone else may know of someone who did not pump for a year or more and retained growth, I haven't followed it that closely. I will say might have to pump for longer than 12 weeks, but not for 12 hours a day. The concept of the two is the same, so in the end, the permanence of it should be the same.

There is alot of info on this forum from Brava users, including some who use both systems.
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