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Twister_Mama's Program

OK, picture update! Blush I just took these like an hour ago. I'm sending them to Erika at BB to see if they are good enough to put in a testimonial on their site and earn me free pills. I'm so disappointed that they aren't drastically different from my beginning pictures! Sad All my growth has been spread across my whole chest: a lot at the tops; some at the bottoms and insides; and my breasts have widened a lot. If the growth had been more concentrated in the centers, I would've had a lot more projection outward. Sad Oh well, I guess it's gotta start somewhere, right? The first pic is a front view, from June 2010, right after I started on my program; the second pic is a front view, from an hour ago, lol.

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Here's the second set. The first one is a side-diagonal view, from June 2010; the second one is a side-diagonal view, from an hour ago. I really wish all these months of pill-popping and nasty protein drink-chugging would've amounted to more visible growth. Sad

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I can def see a difference esp in the 2nd set of pics.

The top has more umph and I can see good cleavage forming. Awesome!

Yeah those protein drinks are not fun to drink. I find myself tryig diff ways to get it to bypass my tongue and just swallow quickly lol

i can see a difference too! congrats on your growth!

great stuff TM. Also, I think it's harder to tell the difference when people wear clothes than if they are naked on top, so the fact that you can see a difference is awesome! Let us know how you go with the BB site!

Periwinkle - lol I put cinnamon in my protein shake to give it some taste!

thanks for the update T.mama, i can definitely see a difference in your before and after pictures. Theres more of cleavageBig Grin in your after pictures. I'm starting on my 2nd month on bb soon but so far i havnt got any changes yet.

Update us soon Big Grin

Thanks, everyone. Blush I can see the difference between then and now in the pics; it's just so subtle! Sad Ah, oh well, at least I know this is working for me!

I finally heard back from Erika (at BB) after emailing her again to see if she got my pics that I emailed her last Thursday. She said she got them; and she can see the difference; however, she doesn't think it's enough to be a testimonial. Sad She's waiting for the final word from her webmaster; she'll let me know when she hears. My current supply of BB pills will run out on March 22nd; she said if I wanted to buy another 4 1/2 month supply, they could give it to me at a discounted rate. And that probably by the end of that 4 1/2 month supply, I'd be "a perfect testimonial." That should put me around the first week of August. It would be SOOO awesome if I was an A cup by then! Smile

Sometimes I feel constant aches; sometimes I barely feel anything at all. But I still noticed the other day that I am a little bigger than a week ago. Smile It's very slight, and only noticeable by me; but it's encouraging!

I'm trying to be more consistent with my NB. I've only done it 3 times the past week, including last night; and so far, no red dots or anything. I had ordered another medium NB cup last week, since I had ruined the one I used last fall by gluing the foam ring to it; and amazingly, the new cup just came in today! That was FAST. Big Grin So I can attempt to do both sides together, which is something I haven't been able to do yet. This should be interesting ... Tongue

I've also been enjoying a nice warm cup of green tea in the evenings before bedtime. Not only is green tea loaded with antioxidants, but I understand it also helps to lower androgen levels or something? Added bonus! Now if I can only get myself to stay away from chocolate, lol! Tongue

well looking at the BB site and the testimonials, I don't see why you can't be accepted for a testimonial now.

There is a testimonial there of a girl who claims she has had no measurable growth in 11 months or so on the product! What kind of testimonial is that.

I can definitely see the difference in your photos, and the fact is you are starting from a smaller size than most of the women on that testimonial page, so it stands to reason that your growth will look smaller than theirs. However what is more impressive is that you started with less than them!!!!! That is the point. Going from multiple AAAAAAA's to less A's is a HUGE deal.

I think it's a stupid decision if they decide not to show your photos because as their testimonial page stands now, it does not cover ladies who are less than an AA cup, and us ladies who are less than an AA cup are the ones that want to grow the most!!!

Anyhow, that's my two cents worth.

If money is an issue you could always switch to generic BO from swanson. I worked out it's about half the price of BB once you take into consideration all the other supplements you have to purchase that are already in the BB pills.

Hopefully the webmaster will recognise the value of having a testimonial from someone in the multiple A category.

Thanks so much for posting these pics up. I can see a difference in the way your bikini top fits you, and you look great! I'm also glad that the people at BB are so encouraging and helpful. Keep on going and continue to keep us updated Smile

Thanks, RumCake! Blush

Well I heard back from BB, and my pics aren't dramatic enough for a testimonial now. Sad I'm not surprised. They want me to take pics again in March and see if there's more of a difference. I'm not holding my breath, though, because the changes I get are SOOO SLIGHT, that it's not gonna be noticeable in just one month. I'm gonna try to increase my protein intake, and see if that kickstarts growth a little faster. Without gaining weight, of course! I seriously doubt I'm getting more than like 70-75g per day; and I think if I could get closer to 100g it might be better. I like tunafish; so I'll try having a tunafish sandwich for lunch everyday. It has like 13g of protein in each serving. Smile

I'm trying to get into a routine with my NB, using it only on that stubborn small right side. It would be nice if it would catch up to the left side! I'm just so tired by the time bedtime rolls around, that I usually just say "Oh, screw it" and go to bed. On the plus side, I have been using my heating pad at night, draped across my chest. I think it automatically shuts off after an hour or so. And I listen to my subliminal mp3 track (the silent one). It can't hurt!

I have stopped drinking my lovely green tea in the evening, because I've noticed the past couple days that I seem a little deflated from what I was like five days ago. Sad Darn it. So I just bought some plain old regular decaf tea to drink in the evening. I'm trying to fit in a few squeezes and quick massages throughout the day. My arms can't stand more than a couple minutes of massage; so I figure this way is better than nothing!

So far, my temp is still hanging in there around 98.5 in the evening. More like 98.2 earlier in the day. It certainly helps to keep myself warm too; there was a couple days earlier this week where I was just wearing a short-sleeved shirt all day, and I was FREEZING cold; and I didn't want to wear my sweater cuz I'm always washing my hands and stuff, and the sleeves don't stay up; and my temp was in the low 98's. So keep your body warm! Rolleyes

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