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What has worked for you?


What hypnosis session have you tried that works? I'm sure lots of people would like to know.

It's a little too soon to say, but I'm currently using the boobster hypnosis track from Char's post and I'm liking it so far. I tried blake talks for awhile but I found that he was a little bit rambling for me and I needed something a little more potent. I've heard that a program by a woman called Wendi is good but it isn't free. Personally, doing my own visualizations has also helped me a lot, but I know that it can be a challenge to stay focused sometimes so that may not be for everyone. Good luck!

I agree with PaddedPrincess. Self Hypnosis and self visualization worked best for me. I tried audio hypnosis sessions, but I prefer self-hypnosis. I like visualizing at my own pace. I like connecting with my body my own way. Everyone is different. Smile

how do you do the self hypnosis. I suck at visualization XP

My first advice into learning self-hypnosis is to do you research first. Google search “self hypnosis techniques.” These links will give you advice in entering a trance. Next, you should listen to hypnosis audio recordings. This will give you a general idea about a typical hypnosis session. It will also give you ideas for your own self-hypnosis. These are some example of visualization techniques that are very simple and fun to do. Sorry I am a little bad at explaining things. Imagine you are with a person that is special to you and makes your heart race every time you are graced with their presents. Picture a comfortable setting such as the beach and pretend you alone with your special person. The person embraces you with a warm and loving hug and your hearts begins to race. Imagine your heart is pumping all of your blood and energy to your breast. As the person squeezes your body, your chest moves up and outwards. Your heart beats faster and with each beat your breast are getting larger. Or you can pretend you are relaxing on a beach alone and the warmth of the sun warms your breast and encourages tissue growth. Use your imagination and have fun with self-hypnosis. Incorporate a common items into your visualization, so you visualized throughout the day. For example, you could imagine a large soft and round ball in your visualization. The size of the ball reminds you of your goal in breast size. The softness of the ball reminds you of the feel of your breast. The roundness will remind you of the shape. Every time you see a ball, you will be reminded that your breast are growing and changing. You should visualize throughout the day. Good Luck and Happy Growing.

Ps: If you day dream a lot then you are not bad at visualization. <3 It easier to stay focused on something that has interest to you than something that you do not care about Smile

well i do day dream alot =/ so i suppose there is hope for me then ^^ i shall look into that research later. should i just search self-hypnosis techniques or self hypnosis techniques for breast growth?

sorry to bother you with questions ^^'

I would suggest researching self-hypnosis techniques first. Smile! Ask as many question as you want!

many thanks Big Grin

(02-01-2011, 04:42)PaddedPrincess Wrote:  It's a little too soon to say, but I'm currently using the boobster hypnosis track from Char's post and I'm liking it so far. I tried blake talks for awhile but I found that he was a little bit rambling for me and I needed something a little more potent. I've heard that a program by a woman called Wendi is good but it isn't free. Personally, doing my own visualizations has also helped me a lot, but I know that it can be a challenge to stay focused sometimes so that may not be for everyone. Good luck!

When did you start the program? Do you have the correct headphones for it? I was on the web site and it does look promising, the only thing is that that have reccomended a certain type of headphones. I ended up looking for something comparable and I came up with the Sony brand.Big Grin I brought the headphones on Sunday so just started the program on Sunday night. Also realize that I needed to buy ear phones for my boobs for the DNA activationBlush

Is there anybody who had such a great outcome from hypnosis?
Could anyone please let me know? I feel like for many women it is a struggleSad.
Am I the only one? I am seeing incredible results!!!
Please, somebody respond!

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