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I'm so happy to have found you


I'm so happy to have found you thanks to another redditor who posted this link to Breast Nexus! I'm currently trying 36" B Cup looking to grow into a D cup and lactate for sexual purposes (goal).

I started my NBE the end of November 2023 with supplements
  • MSM (3000mg) + Calcium (1000mg) for binding. I take 1 MSM in the morning w/ 1 Calcium supplement. And 2 MSM in the evening w/1 Calcium. 
  • 1 Milk Thistle (2000mg) & Fennel Seed (1000mg) twice a day. 
  • Shavatari 280mg=1.4ml (so two squeezes) in my water that I drink throughout the day. Side note: It tastes really good! 
  • Unrelated-ish: 1-2tbsp ground Flaxseed in my oatmeal every other morning.

Results so far Jan 7th: Since having done this for a full month with no pumping because I was afraid of lacation at the time. I have noticed that my breasts feel and look more full according to my husband and my visual observation. 

Pumping: I have the Phanpy pump. I started pumping this Wednesday (01/03) hoping that in being attentive to my milk ducts that will help produce location in the coming months & enlarge breast size. So far I have been pumping twice a day. 20 minutes in the morning/afternoon, 30 minutes in the evening. My nipples are sore (I think this is a combination of new stimulation & tender breasts due to my cycle coming this week) and appear erect longer than usual when horny? Today, I did 1hr; 30 minutes each because they do not feel as sore and I've grown used to the sensation.
I honestly, throughly enjoy it. It feels great.

How I pump: 2 minutes Stimulation (like the prime before the full on pump), 18 minutes Expression (like a full on pump/deep suction). The pump has intensity levels of 1-8, I'm a steady level 4, sometimes 6 if I'm frisky.

This morning I did 2 minutes Stimulation, 28 minute Expression, this evening 2 minutes Stimulation, 24 minutes Expression and 4 minutes Massage (a soft quicker suction). I think I will start incorporating a 5 minute massage for cool down on my nipples. Thoughts?

Massage: My husband massages me off and on with Flax seed oil for 5-10 minutes. (We wipe the areole area to clear it of unwanted bacteria or dirt beforehand if I'm not straight out the shower). I will develop a more indepth schedule for this starting this week where I massage 2 times a day. Once in the morning after pumping and again before bed post shower (unless I feel like it post second pump).

1. Are there any other supplements I should aware of? 
Natural suggestions only. I'm not a fan of prescriptions though I saw on Reddit where one lady said the Domperidone works for her and she has to get it outisde the U.S. (which is where I reside) and I found that interesting.

2. What are your pump setting and do they matter? 

3. Does pumping elongate nipples if I am not lactating while pregnant?

4. A. Do you have an suggestions on how to get my nipple cups to stay up so that I don't have to hold them the whole duration? They will stick and then fall away after I remove my hands or get then to stay on their own.
B. I have seen posts on reddit where a sports bra or nursing bra is needed. Is this the case? (Yes, I inspected my equipment; seals, cords, pump itself, every is in working condition and is not damaged in anyway).

5. Feedback on my current routine-ish deal would be appreciated.

I've split your thread from its original location, as rather than hijacking someone else's thread you really ought to have a thread of your own. Smile

(08-01-2024, 14:30)Eve M Wrote:  I've split your thread from its original location, as rather than hijacking someone else's thread you really ought to have a thread of your own. Smile

Awww gee, thanks! Haha, ironically enough I was just about to post this because I wasn't seeing it in the replies under the original post. I think it finally loaded on my end of the internet/world because as I was editing it I was kicked out. Im glad you did this because now I get to receive more feedback hopefully  Tongue.

Just out of interest, did you consider taking fenugreek?

(09-01-2024, 14:27)black eyed susan Wrote:  Just out of interest, did you consider taking fenugreek?

I have not, what is it? What are the benefits and side affects (if any)?

The reason I asked is that it's probably the most commonly taken herb for natural breast growth. It's often the starting point for herbal programs. For most users it doesn't have any side effects.

(11-01-2024, 02:48)black eyed susan Wrote:  The reason I asked is that it's probably the most commonly taken herb for natural breast growth. It's often the starting point for herbal programs. For most users it doesn't have any side effects.

Okay, I see what you're saying. Regarding Fenugreek, from what I've noticed on Reddit and here is that:
A. A person has to take it in copious amounts (2-4 capsules a day or more).
- Pro: It does help with lactation & breast growth in a short time span.
- Con: 
1. After a certain threshold of build up some people have reported smelling like maple syrup...I'm not sure if I want to smell like maple syrup in the long run, haha. 
2. Loss of appetite. 
3. Loss of weight (which would make sense do to loss of appetite. 
^ For me, as a person who is attempting to bulk and has a high metabolism this is is a no, no for me. So huge con, sadly. 
4. Some people experience irregular BP levels (seeing as it does reduce that). 

An alternative I'm considering is Goats Rue. 
- Stems from same plant family as Fenugreek.

- In 2020, women in Europe & France who were potentially and/or currently breastfeeding moms consumed it to (help) induce lactation. 

- It's considered a galactagogue meaning it prompts production of breast milk. (+1 it also helps to expand breast tissue, which makes sense if it's urging your body to prep for lactation). 

It being a galactagogue makes it a specialized branch off of phytoestrogen for the female body (is how I'm cross comparing it) given the fact that their foods are similar and it does assist with female body growth and a reproductive function.

(Foods include: nuts, seeds, legumes, leafy greens, whole oats, and protein rich meats to name a few). 

^ For me, this goes into a smooth cross over of foods I already or should consume more of that I noticed are helping me on this journey. (I'll make an update shortly explaining that). 

- Some women have said this works better for them than Fenugreek as it has produced better results for them in their lactation & NBE process.

- Like Fenugreek it is a medication to help reduce BP levels. *Caution to be taken like with any other medication/herbal supplement with other vitamins & meds. 

- Can be lethal to animals, must be careful with dosage and daily consumption due to a "clinical trial" with humans versus everyone's own personal experience. 

- Derives from the Soybean/Alfalfa/Fenugreek family...I am allergic to Soy...soooo I'm not sure. But it isn't soy exactly so I'm willing to give it a wallup seeing as my husband is an EMT & I have epipens...(pretty sure my husband is going to give me serious push back on buying it but I'm going to try to convince him lol).

Yes the maple syrup smell. As side effects go, it's quite a funny one. I don't think that happens to many people, but it definitely happens to some. 

Goat's Rue is a good herb and has been mentioned in this forum plenty. I'm surprised that it's not used by more of the herbal breast formulations.

01/19 Update 
I measured my breast day before yesterday (01/17) and my bust has grown from 36" to 36.5".I can tell my underbust grew as well from visual review, sadly I did not doc my underbust measurement when I started. 

Recap sense inital post: As of this week and the end of last week, I have not been punping or taking my supplements daily as intended because I'm human, lol. However, I can say I took the supplements at least 4 out of 7 days a week last week. 

I have run out of Milk Thristle & Fennel Seed supplements. I am still taking the MSM paired with Vitamin C. As of today (01/18) I've run out of Shatvari and will be consuming the last of it today.

All previous supplements (Milk Thristle & Fennel Seeed capsules and Shatvari drops) will be rebought and continued upon arrival. Until then I will use what I have (which is the MSM & Vitamin C). 

Supplements I've considered adding to help with lacation & NBE: Fenugreek & Goat Rue.

- I will be purchasing Goat Rue instead of Fenugreek. 


Well, it's the better alternative for me, personally. For further details on that as well as the difference between Fenugreek & Goat Rue please see orevious statement in fourm in response to another user. (I'll probably do a mini deep dive on the difference with ref. articles I found later). 

Pumping *(was reduced to 1 time a week instead of two because I've had an awkward sleep schedule as of late. I have not been pumping in the morning, but have been late in the evening. I plan to start back twice a day with the new week come Sunday 01/21).

For 2-3 days of the past week I pumped, I tried:
- Stimulation for 2 minutes
- Extraction for 23 minutes
- Massage for 5 minutes

For the remainder 3-4 days I started pumping as follows (I feel like this is better for me):
- Stimulation for 2 minutes
- Extraction for 18 minutes
- Massage for 10 minutes

About the soreness: I no longer feel it when or after I pump. My period ended last week and I think my nipples have had time to adjust to pumping sensation. 

Nipple Growth
I do think my nipples have grow a bit, again this is based off visual review because I do not have a nipple ruler like some of you may have from what I've been reading. The nipple growth isn't outrageous or anything, it's subtle, much like how they're continously erect after pumping (which I don't mind). 

As of yesterday, I noticed my left breast became moisture around the nipple & areole where my glands are. Today after pumping, both nipples were moist around the nipple & areole where glands are. I will admit I am unsure what this clear moisture beads entail. It's not thick or white like milk. I'd mistake it for sweat if I didn't know any better. I know it isn't sweat because after consistent and off-and-on pumping, this is not something I experienced prior. 

- Does anyone know if this clear liquid is my body getting ready to lactate?

- Or is this my body's reaction (to supplements and slight change of eating habits) of attempting to pump milk and I need to add supplements or make easy habit changes to help with this part of the process?

-Is it to late to doc my other measurements despite not having the original?

Plans for updates will be 1-2x a month, beginning of new month (ex. Feb 1st and Feb 14th). 

All feedback and encouragement is appreciated Big Grin !

Sorry, guys I forgot to add this:

I've started to consume and even notice a craving for apples (which are high in phytoestrogen). 

And I've started consuming a glass of Almond Milk a day with 30g (2 tbsp) of Ground Flaxseed added in. 

The latter was I spired by Miss Mad Scientist Soy consumption method. Because I am allergic to soy I found Almond Milk to be a better alternative for me.

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