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First NBE Journey


Hi everyone! Thought I'd finally start a thread as I'm getting more serious with NBE efforts. So to keep myself accountable as well as track my progress, I'm making this. 

This is the first time I've ever tried NBE. 
I honestly thought I was going to have to resort to fat transfer or even just implants but I really wanted to try something natural that would be ME and give it my best shot before considering surgery. Luckily found this site and have just been ADHD hyperfocused into research. 

This has been something I've wanted since I started growing boobs at 12...and then they unfortunately STOPPED waaay smaller than I expected or wanted and just never changed. Crying
So I'm getting serious about this. I'm willing to invest as much time,money and energy as I can to see growth. 

Starting Measurements:

October 28 2023

Weight: 121lbs
Height: 5’6
Bust: 84cm/32.8in
Under bust: 77cm/30in
Upper Bust: 82.5cm/32.4in
Waist: 26.8in
Hips: 32.6in
Butt: 38.6in
Thigh: 21.4in

Unsure of proper sizing as bras don’t really ever fit me, so I don’t buy them or even really wear them that much, the ones I have are old. 
But calculators say 34B,  so that's what I'm going with.
I feel as if I’m on the large size of A, small size of B according to how I fill out bras.

Body Info/History:

• Age: 29

• Cisgender Female

• Small frame, boney but pear shaped. (Built like my dad, hold weight like my mom)

• Breasts are wide. With minimal to no fat ontop. Sternum/chest bone is very obvious. So I struggle to ever have ANY cleavage, even during pre period when they swell. Cups ALWAYS have top gaping when wearing a bra, even in pushups. 

• Slow metabolism? (suspected IBS, gut issues, candida ovegrowth)

• History of ED (17-27) unsure if this contributed to small size, as throughout puberty I was always very small and never got bigger than what I am now.

• Unsure if I have hormone imbalance because of how much I struggle to gain weight ( Max I’ve always been is 115 and only recently gained when adding MACA pills) — I do have darker than average body hair as well as obvious body hair on arms, chest, stomach, but this might just be due to my genetics/ family (Portuguese) and not hormone imbalance.

• Have been off birth control pill for many years now. Cycle is fairly regular though has decreased in length in the past 4 years, going from 7 days a week, 3-4 heavy days 2-1 light days. To 5-6 days a week, 2 heavy days, the rest very light.

• Plant based for 14 years. Transitioning from omnivore to pescatarian, to vegan to vegan/vegetarian (based on finances/mental health)

• History of Breast Cancer on my moms side from my great grandma to my grandma but my mother never really educated me to much about my family history or taught me anything about it unfortunately.  I’ve never been checked as I’ve not ever really been too worried about it. But adding it in because I know some programs/sups increase estrogen which can be a cancer risk, so I want to make note. 

Sups (Daily):

Vitamin K2 + D3 = 120mcg + 25mcg

B 12 = 1200mg

MSM + Silica + Calcium = 780mg + 25mg + 25mg (Upped dosage to 2x = 1560, 50, 50)

Slippery Elm (for GI, taken separate from other sups) = 400mg

Fenugreek (capsule) = 610mg (Upped to 4x = 2440)

MACA, Black (10:1 extract) + Fenugreek (10:1 extract) (per 2) = 1000mg + 50mg (DONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) 

NOTE: MACA was started mid September, gained 6lbs while taking recommended dose for the month. Going from 115-121lbs.
Happy that I was able to get results. Though I did notice that I gained more around my midsection than I would’ve liked. (Not helpful when I am dealing with chronic bloating) As well as more cellulite (probably due to how fast I gained fat without incorporating massage)
No obvious growth in breast area. Ran out of pills, looking for alternatives that aren’t as expensive, or waiting for a sale for the site I bought them from.


• Gain at least 1-2 cup sizes. Preferably on the larger side of C cup.

• Want REAL cleavage. Actually have my boobs be able to touch eachother and even hold a pen or stuff between them would be a dream come true. 

• Avoid nipple growth/increase, they’re already puffy and I don’t want anymore than they already are.

• Gain weight 130-140+lbs (maybe more, looking into body recomp + weight gain + possibly corset training)

• Increase size of lower half (thighs, butt) to be more proportionate.

• Widen hips? If this is doable somehow I am very interested in trying it.

• Increase bodyfat over all while still increasing muscle mass.

• Find solution for IBS, gut issues.

• Improve overall health.

• Hair growth, skin improvement.

• Get back into (for the 10000th time) working out. Have a 4-5x a week routine with stretching, flexibility training, weight training. 

• I want to gain at least ½ - 1 cup size in the next 6 months (before summer) as well as gain weight and get into more shape before then.

• Longterm I would love to be my desired chest size or more by this time next year. 

Obviously some of these may not be realistic, but I'm an idealist and want to keep a positive mindset to help me stay motivated  Big Grin

Some Questions I had for myself, but wondering if anyone has ideas on. 


1. Willing to try anything, and have been debating buying a pump, as it seems like majority of people have best results from that? 
Not sure if I have the finances for noogleberry or Bosom Beauty atm. Was looking at some cheaper things to start with from ebay or aliexpress to see if I even like the process? Then maybe upgrade. What are the best affordable, discreet and best shipping to Canada breast pumps people know of? (Especially for smaller boney chests lol.)

 2. Unsure on what sups to add to my regime that would benefit the most.
Ones that have been sticking out to me have been GABA, Hops, PM (Pueraria mirifica), Red Reishi, white peony, fennel (oil), cinnamon (essential oil), Damiana, Dong Quai, saw palmetto, red Clover. 

Not sure what the best approach would be if looking to balance suspected estrogen dominance and gain fat all over (breast, butt, legs)

 3. Looking into buying an oil/lotion to better assist with massages and hopefully will have added benefit when using in conjunction with a pump.
Either fenugreek ( actually like the maple smell), flaxseed or pumpkin seed (heard it can help with breast growth?) And possibly adding lavender and cinnamon essential oil. 

4. Also wondering if adding a PC (progesterone cream) would help, if I suspect I may be estrogen dominant? I am currently using a cream that says it has wild yam as well as soy isoflavones but I haven't been using it long enough to notice a difference or if it's just snake oil. 

5. Is cycling herbs/sups worth it? I see a lot of 50/50 answers. Some seem to get more benefit out of cycling. Some are consistent for months and have great growth. 
It's a lot of info from what I've tried to research and wrapping my head around how to do it properly is a bit much. Wondering if it IS worth it, what the best starter approach would be and then maybe later refine when I have a better understanding of how it works. 

( I just don't want to miss out on potential growth by fking around or not doing something that could greatly benefit right away) 

Thank you to anyone who reads/replies ? ?

Some of the current changes I've experienced with the few products I've recently started using: 

Oct 21: Started Bella Cream. (1x a day, 2 if I can remember) usually after hot shower. 
Quarter sized spread between both sides.
Focusing on upper and center of chest. Also adding to hip dips/butt. 

Bella Cream 1 (Amazon).   Bella Cream 2 (Amazon)
(photos added for ingredients list) 

Nov 11: Haven't noticed any change in size/shape. But have noticed breast tenderness. Some itching here and there. Also very tender and sore nipples. 
I have been avoiding adding this to my nipples so I'm not sure why that's happening? 

I bought 2 bottles of this (2/30$) and will be using it until it's gone. I was unsure if this would even work, so I bought enough of it to give a decent test time. 

This goes on like a thick cream and absorbs pretty quickly, so it's not ideal for a long in depth massage. 
Looking for better options/oils that may produce better results. But for now going to use this in conjunction with herbs/sups ect. 

Q: If anyone sees the ingredients list and can tell me if any of the ingredients are actually helpful that would be appreciated. 
Still unsure if this product is just snake oil. I will make a full review after I finish what I've bought to let everyone know I'd this worked or not. 


MACA (The Body Shop) 10:1 extract

Started mid September, finished mid October. 

Went from 115lbs to 121lbs 

This was impressive because the highest weight I've been has been 115 and I've always struggled to get above that (when trying to gain) so the fact I gained 6lbs in a month was very exciting. 

This was also with a poor diet, no exercise, and not having large amounts of protein, no specific massages to brest, legs, butt. 


• Because you gain fat all over the body, your body generally puts it where it naturally wants to go. So I gained weight mostly in my lower half and unfortunately some in the stomach ): 
Which kind of sucks because now my stomach is not only now bloated but also has a fat layer on it. 
My hip dips are more noticeable now. 

• Also Ive noticed more cellulite on my thighs and butt. Something I didn't account for or take into consideration to minimize. 

• This brand is sort of expensive, especially to ship to Canada after taking in exchange rates into account. 

Going forward

I was happy with the brand I got, because of its results. 
I will buy more, but only on significant sale, as it's not affordable to buy at regular price for myself. 

I also don't think it needs to be something taken every single month. I may buy some bottles and cycle on and off for a couple weeks or maybe months. To save myself money but also to not add fat too fast to my body and therefore unwanted cellulite/fat in wrong places. 

I also think if I incorporated breast, butt, leg focused massage that it may help bring growth the that area (by stimulating blood/nutrient supply to the area) 
So when I try Maca again, I will be doing regularly daily massage. 

Also need to find something that can reduce cellulite for legs and butt. May be red light therapy alongside massage with specific cellulite oil/lotion ect while taking this. 

Will definitely buy again, if I find an equivalent of product for a cheaper price, I will update and add it in here. 


Ive been taking fenugreek on an off for a few months. Just started being more consistent in the past month or so. A few weeks ago I upped my dosage from 2 to 4 pills per day (2440mg) There was also fenugreek extract in the MACA sup I was taking, so figured adding more of my regular FG would help after the MACA ran out. 

I haven't really noticed much growth though. I noticed the most changes while taking the MACA. Unsure if the fenugreek extract assisted with that or not. 

Currently it's too soon to tell if just the regular FG is making a difference, since I've only been taking 4 a day for only a couple weeks. 

Debating on buying fenugreek oil to directly massage into areas I want growth to see if this helps at all. 
Many others on here have seen great results from it. 

I know some people talk about a sweet or maple smell while taking it. 
This is true! My pits have a sweet smell to them now...I personally don't mind this at all, I actually kind of like it so this isn't a downside to me, but it's good to note for others would might not like it. 

The taste is AWFUL on it own. I tried once to drink the powder mixed with water or juice....BAD BAD BAD! ? so now I will only take it in capsules. I've read sprouted is really good but I have yet to try.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

The ingredients of the Bella cream don't look that interesting for breast growth, but on the other hand I've often seen women saying that it definitely worked for them in that they became firmer and/or plumper. They do have a lot of satisfied customers, so I'm sure it has some enhancing properties, but I wouldn't bank on it for actual growth. The same cream is said to enhance your butt, so I'm sure it must do something good and useful to you, but if it works as a butt enhancer it's obviously not formulated to be specific to breast enhancement.

(13-11-2023, 14:07)black eyed susan Wrote:  The ingredients of the Bella cream don't look that interesting for breast growth, but on the other hand I've often seen women saying that it definitely worked for them in that they became firmer and/or plumper. They do have a lot of satisfied customers, so I'm sure it has some enhancing properties, but I wouldn't bank on it for actual growth. The same cream is said to enhance your butt, so I'm sure it must do something good and useful to you, but if it works as a butt enhancer it's obviously not formulated to be specific to breast enhancement.
I had a feeling the ingredients weren't amazing. This was honestly an impulse purchase, i saw wild yam, epidermal growth factor and papaya fruit extract and thought it could do something(?) and for it being fairly inexpensive I figured it might be worth a shot. 

I definitely think having an actual massage routine with herbs that are supposed to help with growth will be the best route. AND you're probably right about it being both for chest and butt. If anything it might cause firming and softening, but yeah no growth so far. 

Thanks for the reply!

Nov 13:
Started 20g ground flax morning and night with 1000mg of powered Vitamin C (once a day) in water
Nov 15:
Noticing some swelling. 
Unsure if it's just placebo or if it's just superficial, as the cream I've been using has stuff to soften skin as well as give a slight "plumping" effect.

Nov 18:
Noticing the same "fullness" as before.
I wore a cheap bra that I've worn in the past and the band was slightly tighter on me than usual. Also I actually filled out the cups more?
My breast still fell to the sides throughout the day while moving (why don't bras come standard with grippy spots, like socks? Lol) so obviously not nearly enough to keep them in place.
I was very surprised by how they looked though. Last week I thought maybe it was just my mind, but they've been consistently more full feeling when I hold them in my hands.
Though my cycle is supposed to start on the 23rd? So this may be the pre swelling I would usually have.
Nov 19:
Wore another slightly larger and slightly less pushup bra.
I usually don't wear bras ever, so these are a helpful marker for me.
I noticed the SLIGHTEST bit of filling out. My smaller breast obviously struggling and both still sliding out to the sides as per usual but when I would lean and scoop them into place actually looked like I fit in my bra better?
Idk maybe it's in my head, maybe it's pre period swelling but I'm happy to notice something. Especially in two completely different bras.

Nov 20: 

It's been a month since I started using the Bella cream. I measured myself and nothing has physically changed much, but visually I look a bit different?
This could be pre period swelling so I'm going to wait till after my period to see if I look the same or different. 
My larger side (right) definitely looks and feels like more. Though my right side is also the one that has more dense tissue. 

From a side view they look like they're trying to fill out more on the top and center (where I've been focusing the cream) rather than being very concave and flat on top.

Idk this could all be in my head but I feel like I'm noticing something. 
My skeptical side says it has nothing to do with the cream (besides softening skin) and it's the fact that I'm massaging in general thats helping. So if there's any silver lining, it's the fact that I may respond well to massage, so that makes me hopeful.   

I haven't finished the first tube yet but it's getting there. This is with (usually) daily single use, so I think if I did intentionally use it twice a day with the same amount I've been using now (quarter size) it probably would have run out by now. 

I'm going to keep using what I bought till it runs out, maybe upping the frequency to see if that helps and will make a full review next month/when it's finished. 

Measurements Nov 20:

Under bust: 30in
Bust/Across nipple: 32.8
Upper Bust: 32.5


  • Midway through the month I was having a lot of itching and tenderness, it lasted a few days and then went away. The tenderness is still there now but only if I apply pressure.
  • Also something to note, I'm doing massage in the shower. I don't have any oils yet so I'm making the most of what I have. Its not a super consistent thing but at least every other day when I shower, I take 5 or so mins to use hot water on my chest with various massage, and then using the Bella Cream immediately on getting out while my skin is still warm.  Like I said, not sure if this is just placebo, as it still seems pretty minor, not like they've actually grown but it's keeping me motivated ?
  • I also found an old tea blend of raspberry leaf, spearmint and licorice root. I really liked the flavor so I think I'm going to buy some so I can make my own blend of it.
  • Other things I'm planning on buying/trying  is Damiana Tea. I was already going to buy this for sleeping, but the fact it helps with NBE is even better. As well as Nettle and Dandelion Tea. I've read nettle is also good for hair growth and Dandelion help with detox. 2 things I also need. 
  • I also think since I'm already taking flax I'm going to try Miss Mad Scientist's program with flax and soy flour. Also going to be trying it with soy, coconut and oat milk as I don't drink dairy.

Mini update: 

Definitely soreness and swelling today. But my period is supposed to start in the next day or two so I'm chalking it up to that and not actual growth. 

I've run out of ground flax and soy milk today so I won't be able to buy anything else till Friday. 

I'm still taking the rest of my vitamins but I'm honestly debating stopping fenugreek? Or only having it during my follicular phase? 

I'm noticing excess tummy fat that has just been slowly becoming more and more noticable and even though I've stopped the MACA for now and it's slowed down, it's still happening and idk what else it could be besides the fenugreek. 

I definitely don't want fat on my midsection, I want it on my butt and chest but obviously taking it orally, it goes over the whole body. 

I still want to take MACA in the future cause I still want to gain overall weight but it feels like my tummy is growing more than my chest ATM and it's a bit discouraging. 


Should I just stop taking FG orally and start using it topically only on my chest and my butt/thighs? 

Should I only take it during a certain phase of my cycle? 

Is this my body showing I have a hormone imbalance/dominance? And what would be recommended to take to adjust that? 

Also attaching some pics here to visually track my progress. Kind of embarrassing to post publicly but I know I'll be happy to be able to compare results in the future when I find a program that works  Heart

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Rest of the pics

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I just realized you are Canadian. I live in BC. I made a variation of Noogleberry pumping system and am looking for someone willing to test it out. Don't want to ship outside Canada. I want to find someone willing to spend many hours, like 4+ hrs/day 4 consecutive days a week. with 3 day break. Also massage with almond oil with some fenugreek mixed in. This is a somewhat crude prototype, hand built. If you are interested, let me know.

(23-11-2023, 19:10)James98 Wrote:  I just realized you are Canadian. I live in BC. I made a variation of Noogleberry pumping system and am looking for someone willing to test it out. Don't want to ship outside Canada. I want to find someone willing to spend many hours, like 4+ hrs/day 4 consecutive days a week. with 3 day break. Also massage with almond oil with some fenugreek mixed in. This is a somewhat crude prototype, hand built. If you are interested, let me know.

This sounds really interesting! 

I do work and so I'm not sure if I'd be able to fit in 4 days a week but I would definitely love to try!

I've been debating buying a pump to increase results, and was going to start with an eBay/AliExpress knock off and go from there with regular massage on-top, so it sounds like it might already work with the program I have in mind. 

Is this one you've made able to be worn while sleeping? It probably the best way I could maximize time spent using it while it not fully taking up time in my day. 

I also don't have any extra cups or anything to size up if needed ect. 

Also how much were you thinking cost wise? 


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