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Trying NBE for the first time!!!


I'm really excited to finally start my NBE journey. After 5 loooong years of lurking I finally managed to save enough money and now that I think I undestand enough how breast grow I decided to give NBE a try.

I decided to start with Lotus Program.
For this program is important to improve your metabolism and overall health so you can produce and take advantage of ATP as possible. I don't wanna supplement with exogenous ketones as it seems like an unnecesary spending imo since your own body seems to produce them. Is like supplementing with Estrogen when as Nanakante said we have enough E on our bodies to increase up to 10 cups (just paraphrasing) so.... back to the point.
Keto diet helps to burn out fat excess wich is not only overall wellness, it helps to redistrubute correctly adipose tissue according to gender, mening breast and hips on female. This is a crutial matter since aromatase is mainly performed on adiposse tissue BUT Estrogen receptors are only in the organs they need them. So metabolizing E on belly fat will be an useless waste of cell energy since we don't have E receptors on the belly area... the nearest ER would be the uterus one's.... but ok back to keto.... or not... before trying Keto I'm arrangging my dayily schedules (same wake up hour, sleeping before 10 pm, excercicing, yoga/meditations etc) as I'm trying to regulate my hormones and decrease cortisol levels... wich would serve for the same purpose... Also I'm going to add some probiotics and prebiotics,(no, they're not the same thing!) and LOTS of collagen so I can fix the leaking on my gut... meaning better absortion of NBE supplements! (YAY!)

I'm planning to improve all fo this things during 90 days since that's the time needed to create a new habit.

Goooood 3 months seems like A LOT of time.... I'd really like to jump straight into PM,MSM,PC and Flaxeed massages instead!!!!! but I must restrain myself for better results! I've been flat-chested for more than 14 years!!! (14? wow!!) I'm taking reference since most of my friends were complaining about growing pains in like 5th grade...  Dodgy" alt="Dodgy" title="Dodgy">  I don't even know how does that feels!!!! But I'm excited to find out at least! <3

My current meassure is 33" and a 30C cup... but honestly I should be like an A cup or less... I have quite a notorious hunchback due untreated scolyosis... wich makes me HELLA selfconsious. Else I bet My bust/underbust meassure would be 29/29.

Even tho it may seems reckless to grow boobs with my wrecked spine I want breast big enough to justify my arching back hahah.... Also I wanna feel pretty and femenine.

I'M DONE WITH MY UNCURVY EXISTENCE!!! (Appart from the curve on my spine lol) I'M DONE!!!!

I'M DOOOOOONE with guys who start laughing at me because an 8th grader has "wayyy more curves than me"

I'M DOOOOONE to be mistaken with a grade schooler or with a boy or as a grade schooler boy!!!!! For goodness sake I'm a 25yo lady!!!! Of course I'm allowed to enter the Supermarket during pandemics!!!! (In my country kids below 12 years aren't allowed to go to the Supermarkets!!!) So I was at the walmart store and got asked about my age!!!! Wich I didin't remembered because after reaching my legal age I found it unnecesary to keep counting.... so I just blurted out "Twenty....two? No, In fact I'm 24!!!" and the lady in the entrance prohibited me to enter the freaking store she didn't even wanted to see my ID!!!!! Anyway I had forgotten it because I was supe sure I looked WAY OLDER TTHAN A 12YO.... But seems like not. I was out of words like do I do lreallly look as if I'm under 12?!!!! Seems like so...  Angry" alt="Angry" title="Angry">  Also when I chopped my hair out that stupid child on the street asking his mom as I passed by "What is that? -Ohhh it's a girl my love- No, he doesn't looks like a girl IT MUST be a boy" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I FREAKING HATE THIS. But I really pray/hope this will end soooon.

And even though I felt bad for lying my parents saying I was buying supplements for my brother's depression while also charging them mine for NBE.... I kinda find it fair since getting Bigger breast would help me with my depression and social anxiety too... After all I'm their daughter too and also deprressed... so... why not.... as is their fault I'm still college student because they never let me study something that I wanted!!! like Antrophology,Psycology or International Relations because: we are not rich hence I would never find a job... and It'be a waste of my "brilliant mind" if I studied some usseless things like that, engeniering school would suit me better... (joke's on you because I'm unnemployed anyways haha!!!!)

With this whole rant it may seem like I'm a really sour person... wich may be true but only to certain extend... I'm trying to do my best in life... meaning I don't let out my frustrations often... let's say never in fact. Thank you If you have read until here... I know I tend to be sooooo obnoxious.

Even If I don't succed with NBE I'd be happy... since as far I investigated some suplemetns could help me with my Attention Defficit!!!

So even if I can't get Boobs knowing that I'll be healthier and smarter is a win for me!!

Finally I will have an athelte fat level and a six pack!!! Not just that! Estrogens will make me smarter and Froskolin+Artichoke will fix my ADD!!!!

But I reallly reallly wish this works!!! As it's backed up by science I really trust Lotus approach.

so I'm going on hiautus during this 3 months hoping Lotus comes back by then and so she can help me a bit with some doubts I have. I read she underwent a surgery and had some familiar issues.... so I SINCERELY PRAY she is ok!!

Thank you Admin for creating such a wonderful site! I've gained soooo much knowledge and finally I feel like I found my way in life!! I'm droping from Engenering School for good and going to MED School instead! Thank you Lotus for your fascinating threads!!! If it wasn't for you I'd have never find out I'd really love to become an Endocrinologyst!!! I finally found something I wanna live for! THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Hi there WEENE,

  I've read your posts with interest, and since you're willing to do my program I feel it's best I get you started off in the right direction. Feel free to pm me. My apologies to my friends I've lost contact with, maybe I'll find time to post a recap of what's been happening with me. Miss you all. ❤

(16-09-2021, 06:03)Lotus Wrote:  Hi there WEENE,

  I've read your posts with interest, and since you're willing to do my program I feel it's best I get you started off in the right direction. Feel free to pm me. My apologies to my friends I've lost contact with, maybe I'll find time to post a recap of what's been happening with me. Miss you all. ❤

I hope you are doing well, Queen L!

Sending much love your way <3


I miss you on BN Lotus. I hope you are doing better, and everything goes well for you. Had great times reading your posts in the past. You are a wise and caring personality. Wish you the best.

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