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Long Journey unexpected results


Hey guys,

I found this site many years ago when I was struggling with hormone imbalance and also wanting to feel more feminine.  It really made me feel like this was the right path!  When I found out how inexpensive the bovine ovary is, I decided to try it.

I noticed feminizing effects pretty quickly and also started to feel more beautiful.  But something else started happening that I chose to ignore for a really long time.  I experienced a certain level of aggressiveness and anger building up inside me and personality changes that were noticeable but gradual.

Whenever I would try to stop taking it though, I would begin to feel bad physically, dry mucus membranes loss of feminity etc.  herbs seemed to be harder to find the right amount and more expensive.  So I just kept taking the BO.

But at a certain point, something kept creeping into the back of my mind that there is an issue with it spiritually.  I literally couldnt reconcile continuing to take it while at the same time reading the Bible.

The BO was like a block that kept me away from the Christian faith.  And there began to be a voice in my head that told me "hey, then walk away from God and accept nature as your faith."

This supplement literally led me to change my belief system entirely.  As this was happening, I started to embrace a kind of wicca approach to my belief system that was tangled up in goddess worship and a belief that I and others are gods and goddesses.

I couldnt be in the same room as a Bible and also started to hear voices.

At one point I was alone in my apartment and could feel a dark energy coming from under my sink where I kept the glandulars (I began taking other glandular supplements along with the BO to the point I was consuming the entire cow).

When this feeling of darkness happened, I still had a Bible and I had an experience one night where I was hearing a spiritual argument in my head.  There was a very intense lightning storm going on and I picked up the Bible and it fell open to a passage about not eating foods sacrificed to idols and then directly after I flipped again to a passage

"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons."

When this happened I felt a terrible fear and at that time tried to go off of the glandular supplements.  But I did not read any more of the Bible and eventually, feeling physically bad again, I turned back to the organ meats.  It started again with the BO and again increased to the whole cow.  And the voices in my head became stronger and stronger.

I have been fighting this for so many years that its become a real struggle for me.  I kept justifying the glandular organs as the only thing that could help me and it really did become a thing of worship.  It was saving me but it was not coming from Jesus.

I don't know if this will even be published or not but I feel like I have to write this out for my own sake too. Recently as I was fighting my conscience on this some more, I prayed about it and woke up with the image of baphomet in my head.  I looked it up and immediately I knew "oh man, this is the food being sacrificed to this idol."  The ovarian glandular.

I'm sorry but that thing aint God.  This stuff can lead to spiritual oppression and possession.  Thats exactly what happened to me.  And the reality is that its subtle until you find yourself at a place where you are no longer the same person at all. So its very dangerous and very seductive.  I was absolutely possessed and being tormented by demons.

Here are a few more Bible passages that speak to the dangers of it:

<meta charset="UTF-8">"The inhabitants of Samaria tremble for the calf of Beth-aven. Its people mourn for it, and so do its idolatrous priests— those who rejoiced over it and over its glory— for it has departed from them."

Judges 2:13

And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth

And here is an explanation of the worship of the golden calf.

If anyone at all reads this and has concern about the spiritual implications of the cow glandulars please consider this.

I understand that there are those that worship "the goddess" and who will reject my story completely.  But please understand the goddess is a mask for something very very sinister.  It may look beautiful and make you look beautiful and feel beautiful but for what cost to your soul?

My story is real.  Nothing is embelished or over dramatized.  I will never forget the night of the lightning storm or the feeling of being infested with unclean spirits.  Please please be careful.


(30-01-2022, 19:02)InPrayer Wrote:  

Hey guys,

I found this site many years ago when I was struggling with hormone imbalance and also wanting to feel more feminine.  It really made me feel like this was the right path!  When I found out how inexpensive the bovine ovary is, I decided to try it.

I noticed feminizing effects pretty quickly and also started to feel more beautiful.  But something else started happening that I chose to ignore for a really long time.  I experienced a certain level of aggressiveness and anger building up inside me and personality changes that were noticeable but gradual.

Whenever I would try to stop taking it though, I would begin to feel bad physically, dry mucus membranes loss of feminity etc.  herbs seemed to be harder to find the right amount and more expensive.  So I just kept taking the BO.

But at a certain point, something kept creeping into the back of my mind that there is an issue with it spiritually.  I literally couldnt reconcile continuing to take it while at the same time reading the Bible.

The BO was like a block that kept me away from the Christian faith.  And there began to be a voice in my head that told me "hey, then walk away from God and accept nature as your faith."

This supplement literally led me to change my belief system entirely.  As this was happening, I started to embrace a kind of wicca approach to my belief system that was tangled up in goddess worship and a belief that I and others are gods and goddesses.

I couldnt be in the same room as a Bible and also started to hear voices.

At one point I was alone in my apartment and could feel a dark energy coming from under my sink where I kept the glandulars (I began taking other glandular supplements along with the BO to the point I was consuming the entire cow).

When this feeling of darkness happened, I still had a Bible and I had an experience one night where I was hearing a spiritual argument in my head.  There was a very intense lightning storm going on and I picked up the Bible and it fell open to a passage about not eating foods sacrificed to idols and then directly after I flipped again to a passage

"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons."

When this happened I felt a terrible fear and at that time tried to go off of the glandular supplements.  But I did not read any more of the Bible and eventually, feeling physically bad again, I turned back to the organ meats.  It started again with the BO and again increased to the whole cow.  And the voices in my head became stronger and stronger.

I have been fighting this for so many years that its become a real struggle for me.  I kept justifying the glandular organs as the only thing that could help me and it really did become a thing of worship.  It was saving me but it was not coming from Jesus.

I don't know if this will even be published or not but I feel like I have to write this out for my own sake too. Recently as I was fighting my conscience on this some more, I prayed about it and woke up with the image of baphomet in my head.  I looked it up and immediately I knew "oh man, this is the food being sacrificed to this idol."  The ovarian glandular.

I'm sorry but that thing aint God.  This stuff can lead to spiritual oppression and possession.  Thats exactly what happened to me.  And the reality is that its subtle until you find yourself at a place where you are no longer the same person at all. So its very dangerous and very seductive.  I was absolutely possessed and being tormented by demons.

Here are a few more Bible passages that speak to the dangers of it:

<meta charset="UTF-8">"The inhabitants of Samaria tremble for the calf of Beth-aven. Its people mourn for it, and so do its idolatrous priests— those who rejoiced over it and over its glory— for it has departed from them."

Judges 2:13

And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth

And here is an explanation of the worship of the golden calf.

If anyone at all reads this and has concern about the spiritual implications of the cow glandulars please consider this.

I understand that there are those that worship "the goddess" and who will reject my story completely.  But please understand the goddess is a mask for something very very sinister.  It may look beautiful and make you look beautiful and feel beautiful but for what cost to your soul?

My story is real.  Nothing is embelished or over dramatized.  I will never forget the night of the lightning storm or the feeling of being infested with unclean spirits.  Please please be careful.

.....WUT?.....It seems from this post you have other issues far deeper than just needing NBE/feminisation.... No pun intended but.... Jesus  Huh" alt="Huh" title="Huh">


OKay I really needed to respond on this.

I had a weird experience I am on BO for 3 months now. I have very good results. But one night I was trying to sleep but my boyfriend was really late and it was 1 hour at night. And he was really late, I called he did not pick up. And I decided to lay down, I was worried but not that much I thought he will be here probably any minute and peacefully layed my head down.
Then some weird thing happened suddenly a thought kinda screamed in my head. Something like : then just die, I hope you will be DEAD! I jumped up like a crazy person who heard something that wasnt there....And I was like huh, i dont want anybody to be dead? It did not felt like my thoughts and when I opened my eyes I saw weird shadows passing my white curtains.
And seriously I have been een atheist(somebody who doesnt believe in the supernatural neither support any form of faith)
So I was sceptical but I was a bit confused, this wasnt my thought and I felt like screaming No. I mean this wasnt me who thinks such mean things, certainly not about the people I love. And worst was I felt like someone was watching me and I kinda felt ashamed for thinking such a thing. I thought that these were the voices that mentally confused people talk about.

So to me this is either a paranormal experience but HOW? I dont know anything about spirits and I dont want to.
Or we get confused from the BO , IDK whatever substance in it could cause these weird pseudo-paranormal- experiences?

ANd then there is a third reason I needed to reply to this... Tibetan Princess another old forum member who took a long BO-journey she has talked about these things...(the creeps go over my back now)
But if you are interested in her '' paranormal BO experiences'' you should type in Google: A strange thing you all ought to know ' (together with some hits like breastnexus and her name Tibetan)... It is Tibetans thread where she talks about really creepy paranormal expereinces which if they are real almostly make me cry!

But uh I hope anybody can comfort us that this stuff is mentally I just try to block it out and see how I will go. For me the weird things happened when I was asleep or about to fall asleep. I had a weird Lucid dream In which I saw the same thing 6 hours long. I could not rest and could not wake up from the dream either. SO I never had weird things like these happening earlier. I always slept like a baby my whole life.
It is weird I have to admit....but we dont know what it does to our brain right?

I will not directly believe or say that these things are paranormal. As I always wanted to see things prooved by science. Though I would like to know what you exactly read in the bible concerning to glandulars and demons?
I mean in case I get such weird experiences again, I might want to protect myself If this is truly dangerous?

Because I did not really understand that correlation...Could you please answer me back on how you are doing InPrayer?
And I want to know did you stop BO now? I am a tad worried here, lol.

(16-02-2022, 15:07)hannah Wrote:  I had a weird experience I am on BO for 3 months now. I have very good results. But one night I was trying to sleep but my boyfriend was really late and it was 1 hour at night. And he was really late, I called he did not pick up. And I decided to lay down, I was worried but not that much I thought he will be here probably any minute and peacefully layed my head down.
Then some weird thing happened suddenly a thought kinda screamed in my head. Something like : then just die, I hope you will be DEAD! I jumped up like a crazy person who heard something that wasnt there....And I was like huh, i dont want anybody to be dead? It did not felt like my thoughts and when I opened my eyes I saw weird shadows passing my white curtains.
And seriously I have been een atheist(somebody who doesnt believe in the supernatural neither support any form of faith)
So I was sceptical but I was a bit confused, this wasnt my thought and I felt like screaming No. I mean this wasnt me who thinks such mean things, certainly not about the people I love. And worst was I felt like someone was watching me and I kinda felt ashamed for thinking such a thing. I thought that these were the voices that mentally confused people talk about.

But uh I hope anybody can comfort us that this stuff is mentally I just try to block it out and see how I will go. For me the weird things happened when I was asleep or about to fall asleep. I had a weird Lucid dream In which I saw the same thing 6 hours long. I could not rest and could not wake up from the dream either. SO I never had weird things like these happening earlier. I always slept like a baby my whole life.
It is weird I have to admit....but we dont know what it does to our brain right?

Hormonal birth control can trigger depression, mood swings, anxiety, and exacerbate pre-existing mental health issues. It is entirely possible that hormonal bovine ovary glandular has a similar effect.

It sounds like you experienced intrusive thoughts that caused you distress. The 'voices mentally confused people talk about' are external auditory hallucinations, which from your description you did not have. It's possible to see shadows, etc. because of anxiety, and also 'hypnagogic hallucinations' are something that happen when you're on the brink of falling asleep, it's completely normal. This can be sounds, visions, feelings, etc, it's just part of falling asleep.

The OP needs to seek help with a professional. OP, I don't worship 'the goddess', I don't take any bovine glandulars. I would really suggest that you please see a professional and tell them about your experiences. They are consistent with psychosis. What you went through sounds very uncomfortable and distressing, please talk to a mental health professional.

(07-03-2022, 06:50)1peachy Wrote:  
(16-02-2022, 15:07)hannah Wrote:  I had a weird experience I am on BO for 3 months now. I have very good results. But one night I was trying to sleep but my boyfriend was really late and it was 1 hour at night. And he was really late, I called he did not pick up. And I decided to lay down, I was worried but not that much I thought he will be here probably any minute and peacefully layed my head down.
Then some weird thing happened suddenly a thought kinda screamed in my head. Something like : then just die, I hope you will be DEAD! I jumped up like a crazy person who heard something that wasnt there....And I was like huh, i dont want anybody to be dead? It did not felt like my thoughts and when I opened my eyes I saw weird shadows passing my white curtains.
And seriously I have been een atheist(somebody who doesnt believe in the supernatural neither support any form of faith)
So I was sceptical but I was a bit confused, this wasnt my thought and I felt like screaming No. I mean this wasnt me who thinks such mean things, certainly not about the people I love. And worst was I felt like someone was watching me and I kinda felt ashamed for thinking such a thing. I thought that these were the voices that mentally confused people talk about.

But uh I hope anybody can comfort us that this stuff is mentally I just try to block it out and see how I will go. For me the weird things happened when I was asleep or about to fall asleep. I had a weird Lucid dream In which I saw the same thing 6 hours long. I could not rest and could not wake up from the dream either. SO I never had weird things like these happening earlier. I always slept like a baby my whole life.
It is weird I have to admit....but we dont know what it does to our brain right?

Hormonal birth control can trigger depression, mood swings, anxiety, and exacerbate pre-existing mental health issues. It is entirely possible that hormonal bovine ovary glandular has a similar effect.

It sounds like you experienced intrusive thoughts that caused you distress. The 'voices mentally confused people talk about' are external auditory hallucinations, which from your description you did not have. It's possible to see shadows, etc. because of anxiety, and also 'hypnagogic hallucinations' are something that happen when you're on the brink of falling asleep, it's completely normal. This can be sounds, visions, feelings, etc, it's just part of falling asleep.

The OP needs to seek help with a professional. OP, I don't worship 'the goddess', I don't take any bovine glandulars. I would really suggest that you please see a professional and tell them about your experiences. They are consistent with psychosis. What you went through sounds very uncomfortable and distressing, please talk to a mental health professional.

Thank you very much for your insight. And I am sorry for my late response.. I was a bit ashamed of my weird experience lol.
I never wanted to believe this was something spiritual so your answer gives me some confirmation Smile

As we are 'speaking' how is are doing with nbe? I see you dont take herbs or BO what kinda nbe things did you tried and did you have results with it?

It very much seems like a hormonal mood shift like others said.  You may want to reduce the amount for now.  Also see foods in my sig link.  Prebiotics/probiotics may help too, and possibly ashwagandha extract.  But I’d suggest building a strong nutritional foundation rather than piling herbs on top of BO.  Or both ashwagandha and foods perhaps.

Basically mental chemicals, hormones and metabolism all share the same resources.  Overload one and the others are likely to suffer.  It also means it’s likely to be an obstacle to nbe too so more BO might not produce better results either.

(21-05-2022, 13:07)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  It very much seems like a hormonal mood shift like others said.  You may want to reduce the amount for now.  Also see foods in my sig link.  Prebiotics/probiotics may help too, and possibly ashwagandha extract.  But I’d suggest building a strong nutritional foundation rather than piling herbs on top of BO.  Or both ashwagandha and foods perhaps.

Basically mental chemicals, hormones and metabolism all share the same resources.  Overload one and the others are likely to suffer.  It also means it’s likely to be an obstacle to nbe too so more BO might not produce better results either.

Yes I have a lot of hormonal swifts. I have always had them.. but some supplements are just too strong. I for example need to use an anti androgen... so I tried spearmint in the past.. that made me lazy and slowed down my physical activity level. So spearmint is not a good option for me. Then i am on astaxanthin for a long time. But it is good and bad for me. It is too strong in a way that I can get a hea y mood swing(which is beeing annoyed quicker) but it does provide me swelling when i take it at the right time which is somewhere between my follicular phase and luteal phase.

I only gake one or two capsules of astaxanthin a month and it is good enough to keep my androgens low..but too strong to take it more regular..

Further food is the best for me...but sometimes i just cant eat...i am too physically active sometimes and i tend too loose weight then.

But however bo produces results but I feel theres more in it which i cant get out of it because my schedule from when i need to take what is not finely tuned enough....

And over the yars I read so much about nbe..,I guess I got lost people talking dont take AA'S LUTEAL and only take anri androgens in follicular.... when I take anti andro’s right at the on the beginning of my body feels tired..

So i am confused about how to construct the best program so i keep improving..instead of little tiny growth spurts divided over months and months...

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