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anyone else feel totally defeated?


I've been trying NBE for just about 9 months now and have 0 new growth. About six months ago I got a noogleberry as well. I typically use it for 1 or two hours on work days and 4+ hours on my two days off. I've been logging my times and i am well over the estimated 200 hours. i feel very stuck and disenchanted that anything will work for me and i feel like i am running out of natural options. i hate how small my breasts are but i hate the idea of getting implants as well. what a really frustrating and defeating feeling.


Are you really sure you’re not making progress? Measuring can be very deceiving since it’s almost impossible to place a measuring tape on the exact same place every time. I find the most reassuring way to tracking progress being the fit of my bras and photographs. Of course the photographs have to be the exact same angle, light and taken on the same day of the cycle every month since breast size changes naturally during the cycle.

The doctor who invented the Brava system said that every day pumping adds about a drop size of breast tissue growth, and that’s with the recommended Brava regimen which is 10 hours per day. From this forum and the noogleberry forum it seems many people do respond faster, but some might be even slower. If you’re an AA cup with no breast tissue to start with its going to take longer.

Since your 6 months in I’m assuming you know how to pump, but maybe you can experiment with different techniques?

Other things you can improve if you haven’t yet is calorie intake, blood circulation, massage and maybe get a hormonal test done just to be sure there’s not an imbalance hindering your progress?

I also want to point out that in the NBE world 9 months isn’t very long, the successful growers here did it for years! But I get the feeling, keeping the hope up is almost harder than the NBE routine itself.


I don't have much to add that Nefertity didn't already say but I would like to encourage you not to give up. NBE results are real, they just take time. I don't think I had any visible progress in my first year of NBE. I'm in my 3rd and finally seeing the visible growth, I think it was this year alone that I grew 2 cup sizes.

Also, keep trying different methods. Every person will react to something different.

I know the feeling of feeling hopeless and defeated, even though I HAVE seen personal growth this year... when I compare myself to busty women I feel so bad about myself. Especially knowing I'm working so hard just to have these unimpressive breasts. Sometimes I want to take the easy way out and get implants. But I know that having my own natural breasts grow will be more satisfying (and less health risks/complications) so I don't want to give up!


Gold star for you Nefertity! Perfect advice.

Nynuk, can you tell us your routine?

Also Noogle works best if you have some extra fat. Skinny girls have a tougher time.

Keep the faith they will grow!



     Thank you for all your kind replies. To answer a few questions, I'm not skinny. I'm 5'5" and about 187 pounds - part of that was I tried to gain weight (roughly 30 pounds) in hopes it would help increase my bust but unfortunately it did not go quite as planned and while some of it went to the right spots most of it fell on my stomach/thighs - but I am also a little scared of losing the weight and going back to being a small B but only now deflated.

I also do have a hormone imbalance, I was diagnosed with PCOS about 19 years ago but I'm currently on BC to regulate my periods. However, I wanted to retest my hormones since it was almost 20 years ago and medicine and knowledge of PCOS have come a long way. I am planning on getting the "Hormone Check" from QuestDiagnostic. I have recently (last few years) started to see effects of hirsutism and it's only getting worse so something has changed in my body, I'm 37 and am wondering if menopause has something to do with it. The test will check:

Estrogens -Total, Progesterone, Testosterone -Total, Serum, Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Thyroxine (T4), Free, Direct, Serum.

However from my test two decades ago my testosterone and progesterone were high and estrogen was low. Based off of that information I've been mostly using Saw Palmetto to help with my high levels of Testosterone, Maca and Fenugreek to help with the estrogen.

as far as my Noogling goes, I massage before I pump with Flaxseed oil and also after I'm done. Sometimes on the longer sessions I will break it up and massage after every hour or so for about 2.5 minutes each side

Thanks again for reading and being so supportive


not an expert, but i think u can look into white peony which increase the activity of aromatase (turning T into E)

(14-11-2020, 16:01)Nynuk Wrote:  

     Thank you for all your kind replies. To answer a few questions, I'm not skinny. I'm 5'5" and about 187 pounds - part of that was I tried to gain weight (roughly 30 pounds) in hopes it would help increase my bust but unfortunately it did not go quite as planned and while some of it went to the right spots most of it fell on my stomach/thighs - but I am also a little scared of losing the weight and going back to being a small B but only now deflated.

I also do have a hormone imbalance, I was diagnosed with PCOS about 19 years ago but I'm currently on BC to regulate my periods. However, I wanted to retest my hormones since it was almost 20 years ago and medicine and knowledge of PCOS have come a long way. I am planning on getting the "Hormone Check" from QuestDiagnostic. I have recently (last few years) started to see effects of hirsutism and it's only getting worse so something has changed in my body, I'm 37 and am wondering if menopause has something to do with it. The test will check:

Estrogens -Total, Progesterone, Testosterone -Total, Serum, Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Thyroxine (T4), Free, Direct, Serum.

However from my test two decades ago my testosterone and progesterone were high and estrogen was low. Based off of that information I've been mostly using Saw Palmetto to help with my high levels of Testosterone, Maca and Fenugreek to help with the estrogen.

as far as my Noogling goes, I massage before I pump with Flaxseed oil and also after I'm done. Sometimes on the longer sessions I will break it up and massage after every hour or so for about 2.5 minutes each side

Thanks again for reading and being so supportive

How many hours have you pumped total? Do you know? Based on what you said it seems like you might have pumped about 16 hours a week for 36 weeks? Is that right? If that’s true, and you’ve pumped for at least 576 hours total, you should have grown about one cup size according to Brava’s studies. Some people in the studies grew at a much faster rate and some grew much slower. I always assumed that most of the slow growers in the Brava studies were very slim and lean compared to the other participants. No method can create fat out of nothing. Unfortunately, since you’re not underweight, I have no clear answer about why pumping isn’t working for you, other than a vague belief that it’s probably due to some sort of hormonal  imbalance. I personally believe that if you find a hormonal program that works for you, the pumping will start to work as well. It’s a good thing you’re getting a hormone test, but in the end your program will probably be centered around one or more antiandrogens and a primary source of phytoestrogens, like most other programs.

9 months is more than enough time to determine that a program isn’t working for you, but I see no reason why you should stop taking what you’re already taking if you have supplements left that you want to use up. Everything that you’re using is commonly combined with other programs without causing much issues, as far as I can tell. In general, I think you should try adding “stronger” supplements to your program.

The most estrogenic phytoestrogens are found in PM. The second most estrogenic are found in hops. The third most estrogenic are found in red clover and/or alfalfa. It’s probably best to choose one of these as the primary (or only) source of phytoestrogens in your program.

The strongest source of progesterone is PC cream (other than possibly some forms of progesterone birth control), but it sounds like you may not need it, depending on what you’re test results show. If you do decide to use it, you may want to cycle it during luteal phase, like most people do, but I’ve been experimenting with using it all month long. It’s up to you.

The antiandrogens with the most evidence behind them are reishi and licorice, but licorice is potentially dangerous, so I’d go with reishi instead. Spearmint as an antiandrogen is less well supported, but a lot of people swear by it, and it’s cheap, easily available, and safe, so it could be worth a try. White peony is the least well supported antiandrogen commonly recommended on this board. I started using it based on Lotus’s recommendations, but I will not buy it again once I run out of what I bought.

So to recap, I think it could be worth adding a strong phytoestrogen, a well supported antiandrogen, and possibly some progesterone cream to the program you’re already following, depending on what your test results show.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I stopped counting the hours of noogling after it looks like 317. I felt I was just looking at this number grow and nothing else and it was getting into my head so i took a step back from recording the exact times but stayed true to at least one hour a day and 4 on my days off so 576 doesn't seem inaccurate at all.

I'll pick up some PM and reishi while waiting for the test and fine tune once my results are back.

Do you think I should stop taking what I am now and just continue noogling until I get tested? I'm not sure how much it will affect the results despite not having an effect on my appearance.

Thank you all again.


(14-11-2020, 19:15)Nynuk Wrote:  

Thank you, I really appreciate it. I stopped counting the hours of noogling after it looks like 317. I felt I was just looking at this number grow and nothing else and it was getting into my head so i took a step back from recording the exact times but stayed true to at least one hour a day and 4 on my days off so 576 doesn't seem inaccurate at all.

I'll pick up some PM and reishi while waiting for the test and fine tune once my results are back.

Do you think I should stop taking what I am now and just continue noogling until I get tested? I'm not sure how much it will affect the results despite not having an effect on my appearance.

Thank you all again.

Yes it’s probably a good idea to take a break from hormonal supplements before the test, but you might also want to know what, if anything, these supplements are doing to your hormone levels. The problem with blood testing for women is that our hormone levels change drastically throughout our cycles. That means you should test your hormones twice during one cycle for accurate results. I don’t remember which days of the cycle are best for testing, but I’m sure its easy to find online. You might also want to test again a few months down line just to see what affect the supplements are having on your hormone levels. Proper testing gets pretty expensive quickly, which I don’t bother with it, but I probably should, and I’m glad you’re getting tested.

EDIT: I just read something that said that it’s actually fine to test your overall hormone levels during follicular phase only, but it also said that it’s probably good idea to test progesterone again on day 21 if progesterone levels are important to you. I may do this myself.

 I wanted to give a quick update on myself. I am still waiting to get my hormones tested but I did start to take PM and Reishi for about a week and a half now. My breasts have been very tender and swollen and my areolas are extremely puffy and somewhat sore/hard if you touch them.

Any thoughts? I would love if this was a sign the new program was working already but only a week and a half seems a little too fast, especially since I am starting off with a low dose of each. I'll start my period in the next few days so I'm guessing it has to do more with that, just it's never happened before so I thought I would ask around here if anyone experienced this while using PM and Reishi.


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