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Tissue damage? Circulation cut off no matter what


I took a 5 day break because of zits that were around the rim of where the cups layed causing a really painful experience because the cups would press into them.
So I got back into it and now even when I do almost no pressure (like hard to even keep the cups on low) my breast is turning purple and going cold. I've done barely any time or pressure because of this issue.  It's not my skin as my skin is completely use to it, my circulation is actually getting cut off. It stays cold for a few hours afterwards and purple for a little while after too. Today my hands and feet are now going cold too while pumping. I don't know what to do. Am I never able to pump again? I was fine when I was pumping before. This didn't happen until after my five day break. I'm not overpumping as I can barely keep the cups on and it barely even registers on the gauge and I'm doing almost no time because the issue is so bad. Do I have tissue damage from before that didn't decide to show up until after my break? I feel so discouraged. I've tried extended periods of heat and massage and everything trying to fix it and nothing works. I don't know what to do. I know the forum is pretty dead now but if anyone has been in this position please give me advice. I don't know if this means there is tissue damage from before the break. If it is tissue damage does that mean I can never pump again or does that mean I need to take an extended break (like a month or something?) and it will heal? I feel so defeated and I have no idea what I should do to remedy this problem. I will be heartbroken if I can never pump again because this is the only thing that has been working for me.

EDIT: My hands and feet feeling like ice boxes makes me wonder if it's not something else. I feel a bit off too and lightheaded and weak. I feel like if it was noogling it wouldn't make my hands and feet do that as well or cause other symptoms. So it's entirely possible it's related to something else that is effecting my circulation all of a sudden but it's just effecting noogling as well. Not sure why it's starting all of a sudden, but I'll wait and see. Either way looks like I'm forced into another break. There's no point right now as i'm obviously making it worse. I'm crossing my fingers whatever is messing up my circulation is fixed soon and that it's not tissue damage after all so I can go back to noogling at some point in the near future. I'm going to wait until my other symptoms go away to try again and see what happens.

My suggest: STOP noogling now. For some reason you are not responding well. STAY AWAY!

Take some time off from NBE and do approach good habits in health, i.e improving circulation. Listen to your body. Your body is YOU, remember that, you need to listen and respect its flaws as well ^^

When you feel better try massaging and see how it goes - you can grow up massaging too!


(01-09-2020, 17:58)PoisonIvy Wrote:  I took a 5 day break because of zits that were around the rim of where the cups layed causing a really painful experience because the cups would press into them. So I got back into it and now even when I do almost no pressure (like hard to even keep the cups on low) my breast is turning purple and going cold. I've done barely any time or pressure because of this issue.  It's not my skin as my skin is completely use to it, my circulation is actually getting cut off. It stays cold for a few hours afterwards and purple for a little while after too. Today my hands and feet are now going cold too while pumping. I don't know what to do. Am I never able to pump again? I was fine when I was pumping before. This didn't happen until after my five day break. I'm not overpumping as I can barely keep the cups on and it barely even registers on the gauge and I'm doing almost no time because the issue is so bad. Do I have tissue damage from before that didn't decide to show up until after my break? I feel so discouraged. I've tried extended periods of heat and massage and everything trying to fix it and nothing works. I don't know what to do. I know the forum is pretty dead now but if anyone has been in this position please give me advice. I don't know if this means there is tissue damage from before the break. If it is tissue damage does that mean I can never pump again or does that mean I need to take an extended break (like a month or something?) and it will heal? I feel so defeated and I have no idea what I should do to remedy this problem. I will be heartbroken if I can never pump again because this is the only thing that has been working for me. EDIT: My hands and feet feeling like ice boxes makes me wonder if it's not something else. I feel a bit off too and lightheaded and weak. I feel like if it was noogling it wouldn't make my hands and feet do that as well or cause other symptoms. So it's entirely possible it's related to something else that is effecting my circulation all of a sudden but it's just effecting noogling as well. Not sure why it's starting all of a sudden, but I'll wait and see. Either way looks like I'm forced into another break. There's no point right now as i'm obviously making it worse. I'm crossing my fingers whatever is messing up my circulation is fixed soon and that it's not tissue damage after all so I can go back to noogling at some point in the near future. I'm going to wait until my other symptoms go away to try again and see what happens.

Myself I have poor circulation and always cold hands and feet but if this isn’t normal for you it’s a sign something is off. Have you started any medication or supplement recently that could be lowering your blood pressure? I sip on hot tea all the time while noogling because I like to imagine that the heat helps blood circulation which is important for cell growth. Also heating up your domes in hot water is a way to keep the breasts warm while pumping and seems to give me better swelling too.

I agree with sweetO though, that it’s probably best to take a little break and go with massaging for now. A break will probably help the zits and heal your skin too!


Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I unfortunately don't respond to massage at all as I've tried in the past so it will be me just taking a break from NBE during this period.  I don't know how long the break will have to be before trying again. Maybe a few weeks? It's hard to predict because I don't understand the problem. It was going so well before I had to take that 5 day break, so I don't know why it's all of a sudden a problem. I don't know if it's unrelated to noogling and noogling is just effected or if I caused tissue damage before the break that only showed up after the break because it had some time to heal or what. 

That hot water trick sounds really good for the future though! I do a lot of heat before and after but I was trying to think if there was a way to increase heat during it. Maybe there is a supplement I can take that helps circulation or a topical to try in the future that will increase it. For now I will just take a few weeks off probably and see what happens. I hate the idea of taking so long off, but I'm obviously not responding well at the moment since I've been back after that five day break and am not helping the situation at all by continuing for now. I'm crossing my fingers that after a few weeks break all returns to normal.

I just set a restart date of September 23. So three weeks from now. Obviously if there is still anything indicating that it's still too soon to restart I will push it back, but I know myself and I know how much I miss pumping so I feel like if I don't set an actual date I will try to restart it early. I bought some Mederma dry oil and am planning on getting some aloe so it will give me some time to work on those stretchmarks a bit too & those zits are a bit better so to completely clear them. I'm not sure if there is a bit of a deep bruise as it's been a bit discolored but it's in the same area of the new stretchmarks so its hard to tell if it's just part of it, so maybe that is contributing to the problem. I'll go back to putting Arnica on it every day as well.

It feels like this week I've gotten an avalanche of bad news so every little bit extra contributes to a hopeless feeling, so I'm trying to find the positive in things. Maybe everything will be completely back to normal, that skin will be clear, and those stretchmarks will even be really faded by the time I go back and I can have a fresh start with the knowledge that I now have as far as what works for me and what my limits are. I've been stress eating the last few months and gained 10lbs so maybe I can use these three weeks to get my diet on track and get back into the habit of exercise so that it's already a habit again that I can keep up by the time I attempt to pump again. Bonus: exercise should improve circulation. I just can't think of it being a permanent issue right now and need to hold on to hope that a long three week break will fix the issue.

It does seem strange that the damage would appear after the break... i would apply massage anyways for blood flow to the breasts. When I massage I do the last minutes of it quite vigorously until I get that itchy warm feeling from blood flowing, I don’t know if that actually does something, but just like with my tea I like to imagine it accelerates growth.

Exercise, ginger, cayenne and kelp also improves circulation and raises body temperature. I would take a week off, massage and then try very carefully how breasts respond to to low pressure with heated domes during short intervals. Hope you’re not feeling dizzy still!


(02-09-2020, 15:38)Nefertity Wrote:  

It does seem strange that the damage would appear after the break... i would apply massage anyways for blood flow to the breasts. When I massage I do the last minutes of it quite vigorously until I get that itchy warm feeling from blood flowing, I don’t know if that actually does something, but just like with my tea I like to imagine it accelerates growth.

Exercise, ginger, cayenne and kelp also improves circulation and raises body temperature. I would take a week off, massage and then try very carefully how breasts respond to to low pressure with heated domes during short intervals. Hope you’re not feeling dizzy still!

Yeah, the timing of the whole thing really doesn't make sense to me either. Thank you. I'm not feeling dizzy today. Yeah. you're probably right that even though I don't grow from massage it can't hurt to try to stimulate blood flow. I can't wait to try heated domes after this break is over. Hopefully that will really help with the circulation.

(02-09-2020, 22:10)PoisonIvy Wrote:  
(02-09-2020, 15:38)Nefertity Wrote:  

It does seem strange that the damage would appear after the break... i would apply massage anyways for blood flow to the breasts. When I massage I do the last minutes of it quite vigorously until I get that itchy warm feeling from blood flowing, I don’t know if that actually does something, but just like with my tea I like to imagine it accelerates growth.

Exercise, ginger, cayenne and kelp also improves circulation and raises body temperature. I would take a week off, massage and then try very carefully how breasts respond to to low pressure with heated domes during short intervals. Hope you’re not feeling dizzy still!

Yeah, the timing of the whole thing really doesn't make sense to me either. Thank you. I'm not feeling dizzy today. Yeah. you're probably right that even though I don't grow from massage it can't hurt to try to stimulate blood flow. I can't wait to try heated domes after this break is over. Hopefully that will really help with the circulation.

I'm sorry to say but I guess when you damage your circulation system/your veins by pumping that promoting circulation externally with heat is a bit counterproductive.

I have been through the noogleberry-hell so to say and if I can advise you stay away from that thing. I could tell you all about it, but its a trauma thingy ive been putting in a imaginary box I'd rather keep that one locked. :-p

I do have an amazing herbalcream to promote to you BUT as I read about this herb, I dont think it is wise to use it with the pump. Its called yarrow in English and Achillea Millefolium is its Latin name.
I guess since your injury is fresh you should try this as soon as possible. Its very good for veins!

Also try to support your vein walls, research which plants or suplements make them strong. From my mind you could benefit from: Vitamin C, Sillica, Msm, collagen, centella asiatica/gotu kola? I didnt had anybody warning me or helping me bc I didnt knew this amazing forum at the time. Please take my advice and stop pumping.

Have you read JenniferLove's story? she grew from the noogle pump..but she'd also tell you to stay away from that thing girl.

I hope the best for your journey, goodluck! Smile

Hannah, Thank you for your response. I wish I read your reply sooner but I stayed off the forum because of the break and didn't decide to come back until now. I just got through reading JenniferLoves thread. It doesn't look like she's still on the forum but I wonder if she ever got better? 

Update: I think it's been 5 weeks since I took off. No symptoms at all during this time. I decided to try again last night on almost no pressure at all for 10 minutes 3x and my hands and feet and breast went ice cold again but didn't turn color. It was gone by this morning and I tried again because I so desperately wanted this to work. Big mistake. Did the exact same thing as last night (and again on only enough pressure to keep the cups on because I'm mainly trying to see if it's a permanent problem) this morning. Hands and feet went ice cold again and the entire of the right side of my body (the side I pump on) is somewhat numb. I'm praying it goes away as so far the symptoms have gone away for me after several hours. I'm never noogling again! I only noogled for about 5 weeks and despite doing long hours the last few weeks could never get much pressure without issues and I still caused permanent damage. At first I thought what I was experiencing was stretchmarks despite it looking odd but it looks like a major vein or artery in my breast (on the side of the breast closer to the armpit) is very visible now and whatever damage caused it to be visible before this break is the problem. I feel upset that I don't feel like the risks are properly conveyed. While a lot of people seem to be okay there are obviously some people who have this problem happen so it's not completely safe. If I knew the risks and took them anyways then I wouldn't be upset because that would be on me. It's that it's always been touted on here as the safe method while the risks of herbs is always mentioned. I never knew that permanent vascular damage was possible and I never knew that even without pumping at higher pressures you could do damage. I wish the risks of permanent damage to the vascular system was shown as a possibility even if it's unlikely for most people. 

I'm feeling pretty heartbroken right now for multiple reasons. 1.) I don't know how to fix this. I'm praying the symptoms go away in several hours as they have the last few times this happened, but even if they do the major artery or vein or whatever is still very visible and the fact that almost no pressure causes this tells me the damage is still there even if I've been able to have them go away after several hours before. 2.) I feel like there's nothing left for me to try. Unfortunately noogleberry was my only hope and the only thing my breast responded to. My right breast never developed correctly and doesn't respond to weight gain or massage and when I've tried herbs it seems like only my left breast would respond. My right breast actually seemed to be responding to noogleberry. It makes me feel like I have to throw in the towel on NBE now. The only thing I'm considering is maybe BO might work (in the future but not now) and not cause the same issue as other herbs have where only the left breast is responsive since its suppose to be used for women with underdeveloped breasts, but I'm not so sure. That's a thought for the future though, for now I wish I knew what happened to my vascular system that it's super visible like that and I'm having these symptoms w/ noogleberry and if I could make it go away.  I wasted over 100$ to damage my vascular system :'(

hey sweetie, 

hopefully the symptoms go away soon and i agree you should never try noogleberry again.

I never had issue on my vascular when pumping, but it does not work on me either. 
It was hard for me to keep the cups on my breast without air leaking. When I tried to keep it in place, the pressure ended up to be too large and left me ring marks....which took days to fade away.

I think it is my ribcage/ breast shape do not fit the pump, maybe similar situation for you too.

Also, I have very uneven breast as well, and i later realize that it was due to my very mild scoliosis (and it is not sth i can fix as an adult). Scoliosis with mild degree is very common in woman, maybe you have it but you never notice it. 

All the best.

(04-10-2020, 17:23)Laurel12345 Wrote:  hey sweetie, 

hopefully the symptoms go away soon and i agree you should never try noogleberry again.

I never had issue on my vascular when pumping, but it does not work on me either. 
It was hard for me to keep the cups on my breast without air leaking. When I tried to keep it in place, the pressure ended up to be too large and left me ring marks....which took days to fade away.

I think it is my ribcage/ breast shape do not fit the pump, maybe similar situation for you too.

Also, I have very uneven breast as well, and i later realize that it was due to my very mild scoliosis (and it is not sth i can fix as an adult). Scoliosis with mild degree is very common in woman, maybe you have it but you never notice it. 

All the best.
I actually do have scoliosis too and I suspect that's part of the reason my breasts never developed correctly and are so uneven. One shoulder is even much higher than the other. I don't know what I could do about it though. Did you find something that helped with that? 
I'm not quite sure but I don't store much fat in that area at all and it's possible my breasts/rib don't fit the cups correctly.

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