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How are you tracking your growth?


Hello Boobie Fam!

I thought i'd finally pop in and make this post i've been procrastinating about!! SO! I've noticed over the years that the trend is to track our growth through bra sizes or by measuring the bust at the fullest part in inches. Based on my own observations i don't think this is even remotely accurate.

your weight directly influences your body. Centimeters are more accurate than inches, and bra sizes are terrible for determining your progress. you might think oh i went from a 32b to a 36b, my boobies have grown! but NO they haven't. you simply got fatter. The NUMBER is the circumference of your midsection so that bra manufacturers can determine the amount of stretch their product needs in order to fit a wide array of body shapes within a reasonable amount. The LETTER is the amount of volume that the cup can hold and doesn't change, the cup or letter is your breast. Therefore if LETTER stays the same but the NUMBER increases, your breasts did not grow, you simply gained more body fat. HOWEVER if your NUMBER stays the same but your LETTER increases then yay! you grew....

but even then you're not getting the full benefit of an accurate tracking method. Your Menstrual cycle, weight, underbust, bust and overbust are crucial for getting a better idea of your growth. Pictures and videos are able to show the volume and cleavage that a measureming tape can't calculate. (i could measure 40 women ALL with a breast measurement of 82.25 cm and they'd ALL look different, some might LOOK way bigger simply because they have more volume which doesn't affect the bust measurement, while others may look way smaller because they don't have enough volume or cleavage. the measurements give you an idea, but they don't track shape, fat and tissue distribution, or volume, therefore Pictures and videos to track your growth are equally as important as your measurements.

And remember, its White Adipose Tissue that makes up your breast size AND it's also that unwanted body fat and it's all correlated, so measuring your bust and nothing else is an inaccurate and misleading way of tracking your results. it's better to take your full measurements every few months at least:

Height,Weight, Overbust, Full Bust, Underbust, Waist, Midway, Hips, each Thigh, each leg above the knee, each calf muscle, each upper arm above the elbow, each arm below the elbow.

lots of measurements? yes. necessary? yes. Why? because you want to track REAL changes overall as well as REAL breast growth, NOT false measurements.

So the time in between your full body measurements should be lightly tracked as well. Each day I take BASIC measurements:

For example: I track my cycle, waking measurement and weight each day. I can look back at any time and look at the numbers accurately:
For example if i use, lets say.... Day 13 of my menstrual Cycle as a guideline:

May 1st: Upon waking: I was on Day 13 of my Menstrual Cycle, my waking measurement was 81.5 cm, my waking weight was 106.8 lbs
May 30th: Upon waking i was on Day 13 of my next Cycle, my waking measurement was 82.5 cm, my waking weight was 109.4 lbs
July 2nd: Upon waking I was on Day 13 of my Cycle, my waking measurement was 83 cm, my waking weight was 111.8 lbs
July 12th: upon waking I was on day 13 of my cycle, my waking measurement was 83.5 cm, my waking weight was 111.9 lbs

As you can see I gained 5 lbs, which i was okay with because i was uncomfortable being too low a body weight, but after that I was steady at the high end of 111 lbs for 2 cycles, and i gained .5 cm... you might say oh but 111.8 vs 111.9...girl that .1 oz is the equivalent of having a few less sips of water.

based on these numbers you can see that 1.5 cm of growth was weight related, not cycle or growth related, and .5 cm of growth can most likely be attributed to growth. Therefore if i weigh less next cycle at the same and nothing else about my routine has changed, then i should expect my numbers to drop, but if my weight drops and my numbers stay the same then i can attribute that to growth as well.

Make sense?

It might seem tedious to start each day by going to the washroom, and then tracking each day with your cycle day, and waking weight and number, but for me it's helped me to discern between what is real and what isn't.

I've also got my own custom noogling method which helps to create a better breast foundation, and many times my numbers are consistent, but the foundational tissues and volume are notably changed, even though the number won't reflect that. So i'm trying to be more aware of the results i desire vs a number on the measuring tape because numbers and results are very different creatures.... 

FOR EXAMPLE: I might think my ideal starting measurement is to go from 81cm to 91 cm bust with 71 cm underbust (for example) but when i tested that theory out with my own personal needs, I used  350cc (or ml) of water in a sandwhich sized ziplock bag, (water is better than fabric because water is closer to the saline they'd use in an implant, and its more natural to what a real breast night be like in weight and movement). I tied each 350cc /ml bag with an elastic to create a more breast like shape. I grabbed a bra that was closest to what i thought i'd wear ( i am a 32 band size but my only bras are in 34 because i bought them before i lost a bunch of weight, luckily the band on the 34 was super tight and hadn't been worn out yet, so i grabbed a 34 C Bra in 2 different styles and plopped in the bags of Faux Boobies into the cups and put on a regular t-shirt)...the result??? HELL NO! I'd look like a damn fool! The measurement was what i had thought i wanted when i used fabric to test my numbers but in reality it looked disproportionate and i hated the way it looked. Numbers wise? yup yup yup, i got was able to get the bra to get to the measurement i wanted, Looks wise? Dude, no. It took me a couple tries and adjustments to realize that my first goal should be smaller. Rather than aiming for 88 or 91 cm, because based on my frame and fitness goals, i should aim for 86 cm Maximum and focus on the volume/cleavage/shape, which isn't trackable by numbers, but IS notable by pictures.

Overwhelmed Yet?

1) take your full body measurements AND pictures initially & either once a month OR every 3 months (equals 4 times you'd take your full measurements and readjust your goals, each year)

2) figure out what your true breast match is regardless of the numbers you THINK you want.

3) start tracking your menstrual cycle on the FIRST day of your next period (thats day 1)

4) Every day as soon as you wake up and after you go to the washroom...consistently track the Day of your Cycle, your Waking measurement (make sure you're letting ALL the air out of your lungs before you measure!!!!), and your Waking weight.

5) Track the time you're putting into your boobie project... are you massaging or noogling? how many minutes per breast did you do? are you doing more time on one side to even out the size? how many days did you do it each months? what amount of time does that add up for each breast to in correlation to your numbers, pictures and results? did you get more results last months with more time? or less results with more time? maybe vice versa???)

I apologize if this seems like too much or if it rambles on. My theory is that most people who see results are not tracking their growth properly. you might be seeing growth only because you're gaining weight and body fat. you might not be seeing any growth simply because you're not growing. You might measure and weight with no changes but see and feel changes with picture and video evidence of changes not recorded by numbers..The only way to know for sure is to be aware of your expected and desired results and making sure they are on par with each other and to be thorough enough in your tracking process to be surethat there are no questions or surprises.

(Another example!!) Personally i went from measuring in inches at 28 inches bust, then measured at 91 cm bust a decade later... that's almost 36 inches! WOW I GREW 8 inches!!! Oh wait, i conveniently forgot to mention the 50 lb weight gain that went with it. Now that changes things doesn't it? Hold on now, at THAT weight in relation to my size and frame, i wanted MORE MORE MORE!!!! but then i lost 30+ lbs, So you wonder, huh? i started this journey at 28 inches bust 90-95 lbs weight, then i gained 50 lbs and ended up somewhere with a 91 cm bust and 143 lbs. then i lost 30+ pounds and now i fluctuate between 108 and 111 lbs. SO now what? I thought i wanted to get back to 91 cm because i had already been that number and i knew what i looked like with it and i knew that i should get back to that number and then work on going 'real' results... but then i realized that my whole body had changed and now 91 cm bust on 143 or 130 lbs is a HUGE difference compared to 91 cm with a 72 cm underbust on 110 lbs. Do you see? my band size went down, my waist and hips shrunk, and now the same number i ALREADY had would look disproportionate to my current size and thats without wanting MORE!, i after all my evaluations and tracking and testing I know now that I need to gain LESS in order to gain MORE. In other words 91 cm looked small on my 5'2 130+ self, but 91 cm on my 5'2 111 lbs self would be huge, especially since I'm naturally very petite in the first place. However 86 cm  with a 70 cm undercuts and more immeasureable cleavage, would probably look way more natural and is probably a more realistic starting place for ME. then i think, hey, even if i lost weight i and went down to 80 cm... hell, 6 cm is way more achievable than 12, right? 

Now imagine you get to the goal you want and it doesn't look right? lets say i got to my goal number but it looks smaller. maybe thats because the number doesn't reflect the shape or distribution of fat, therefore you take some pictures and realize that from the side you got it going on, but from the front you need to build up your cleavage without increasing your size. (hello nooglebery, massage, fat grafting)

I figure if you're going to all the trouble of being on this journey anyways, you might as well dive right in and go all out on tracking it properly. what if you lose numbers but you forget to mention you've been lifting weights, or doing lots of cardio? okay, your bust shrunk but your overall body is looking better! how would you know either way unless you do a proper job of tracking your body instead of half-assing it?

OKay, i think i'll finish rambling. I wanted to get this all out there and see if anyone has noticed the same things, or if anyone finds this perspective useful?

let me know!

Good luck to all of us on these Journeys!

Sounds really helpful! I think i’m gonna make an excel file with all the measurements!
Btw what do you do when you need motivation? Because I’ve been noogling since 1.5 years
And i have seen a big difference, but my goal is still so “far away” and i feel myself getting tired of the noogling

(14-07-2019, 00:20)DreamKist Wrote:  Hello Boobie Fam!

I thought i'd finally pop in and make this post i've been procrastinating about!! SO! I've noticed over the years that the trend is to track our growth through bra sizes or by measuring the bust at the fullest part in inches. Based on my own observations i don't think this is even remotely accurate.

your weight directly influences your body. Centimeters are more accurate than inches, and bra sizes are terrible for determining your progress. you might think oh i went from a 32b to a 36b, my boobies have grown! but NO they haven't. you simply got fatter. The NUMBER is the circumference of your midsection so that bra manufacturers can determine the amount of stretch their product needs in order to fit a wide array of body shapes within a reasonable amount. The LETTER is the amount of volume that the cup can hold and doesn't change, the cup or letter is your breast. Therefore if LETTER stays the same but the NUMBER increases, your breasts did not grow, you simply gained more body fat. HOWEVER if your NUMBER stays the same but your LETTER increases then yay! you grew....

but even then you're not getting the full benefit of an accurate tracking method. Your Menstrual cycle, weight, underbust, bust and overbust are crucial for getting a better idea of your growth. Pictures and videos are able to show the volume and cleavage that a measureming tape can't calculate. (i could measure 40 women ALL with a breast measurement of 82.25 cm and they'd ALL look different, some might LOOK way bigger simply because they have more volume which doesn't affect the bust measurement, while others may look way smaller because they don't have enough volume or cleavage. the measurements give you an idea, but they don't track shape, fat and tissue distribution, or volume, therefore Pictures and videos to track your growth are equally as important as your measurements.

And remember, its White Adipose Tissue that makes up your breast size AND it's also that unwanted body fat and it's all correlated, so measuring your bust and nothing else is an inaccurate and misleading way of tracking your results. it's better to take your full measurements every few months at least:

Height,Weight, Overbust, Full Bust, Underbust, Waist, Midway, Hips, each Thigh, each leg above the knee, each calf muscle, each upper arm above the elbow, each arm below the elbow.

lots of measurements? yes. necessary? yes. Why? because you want to track REAL changes overall as well as REAL breast growth, NOT false measurements.

So the time in between your full body measurements should be lightly tracked as well. Each day I take BASIC measurements:

For example: I track my cycle, waking measurement and weight each day. I can look back at any time and look at the numbers accurately:
For example if i use, lets say.... Day 13 of my menstrual Cycle as a guideline:

May 1st: Upon waking: I was on Day 13 of my Menstrual Cycle, my waking measurement was 81.5 cm, my waking weight was 106.8 lbs
May 30th: Upon waking i was on Day 13 of my next Cycle, my waking measurement was 82.5 cm, my waking weight was 109.4 lbs
July 2nd: Upon waking I was on Day 13 of my Cycle, my waking measurement was 83 cm, my waking weight was 111.8 lbs
July 12th: upon waking I was on day 13 of my cycle, my waking measurement was 83.5 cm, my waking weight was 111.9 lbs

As you can see I gained 5 lbs, which i was okay with because i was uncomfortable being too low a body weight, but after that I was steady at the high end of 111 lbs for 2 cycles, and i gained .5 cm... you might say oh but 111.8 vs 111.9...girl that .1 oz is the equivalent of having a few less sips of water.

based on these numbers you can see that 1.5 cm of growth was weight related, not cycle or growth related, and .5 cm of growth can most likely be attributed to growth. Therefore if i weigh less next cycle at the same and nothing else about my routine has changed, then i should expect my numbers to drop, but if my weight drops and my numbers stay the same then i can attribute that to growth as well.

Make sense?

It might seem tedious to start each day by going to the washroom, and then tracking each day with your cycle day, and waking weight and number, but for me it's helped me to discern between what is real and what isn't.

I've also got my own custom noogling method which helps to create a better breast foundation, and many times my numbers are consistent, but the foundational tissues and volume are notably changed, even though the number won't reflect that. So i'm trying to be more aware of the results i desire vs a number on the measuring tape because numbers and results are very different creatures.... 

FOR EXAMPLE: I might think my ideal starting measurement is to go from 81cm to 91 cm bust with 71 cm underbust (for example) but when i tested that theory out with my own personal needs, I used  350cc (or ml) of water in a sandwhich sized ziplock bag, (water is better than fabric because water is closer to the saline they'd use in an implant, and its more natural to what a real breast night be like in weight and movement). I tied each 350cc /ml bag with an elastic to create a more breast like shape. I grabbed a bra that was closest to what i thought i'd wear ( i am a 32 band size but my only bras are in 34 because i bought them before i lost a bunch of weight, luckily the band on the 34 was super tight and hadn't been worn out yet, so i grabbed a 34 C Bra in 2 different styles and plopped in the bags of Faux Boobies into the cups and put on a regular t-shirt)...the result??? HELL NO! I'd look like a damn fool! The measurement was what i had thought i wanted when i used fabric to test my numbers but in reality it looked disproportionate and i hated the way it looked. Numbers wise? yup yup yup, i got was able to get the bra to get to the measurement i wanted, Looks wise? Dude, no. It took me a couple tries and adjustments to realize that my first goal should be smaller. Rather than aiming for 88 or 91 cm, because based on my frame and fitness goals, i should aim for 86 cm Maximum and focus on the volume/cleavage/shape, which isn't trackable by numbers, but IS notable by pictures.

Overwhelmed Yet?

1) take your full body measurements AND pictures initially & either once a month OR every 3 months (equals 4 times you'd take your full measurements and readjust your goals, each year)

2) figure out what your true breast match is regardless of the numbers you THINK you want.

3) start tracking your menstrual cycle on the FIRST day of your next period (thats day 1)

4) Every day as soon as you wake up and after you go to the washroom...consistently track the Day of your Cycle, your Waking measurement (make sure you're letting ALL the air out of your lungs before you measure!!!!), and your Waking weight.

5) Track the time you're putting into your boobie project... are you massaging or noogling? how many minutes per breast did you do? are you doing more time on one side to even out the size? how many days did you do it each months? what amount of time does that add up for each breast to in correlation to your numbers, pictures and results? did you get more results last months with more time? or less results with more time? maybe vice versa???)

I apologize if this seems like too much or if it rambles on. My theory is that most people who see results are not tracking their growth properly. you might be seeing growth only because you're gaining weight and body fat. you might not be seeing any growth simply because you're not growing. You might measure and weight with no changes but see and feel changes with picture and video evidence of changes not recorded by numbers..The only way to know for sure is to be aware of your expected and desired results and making sure they are on par with each other and to be thorough enough in your tracking process to be surethat there are no questions or surprises.

(Another example!!) Personally i went from measuring in inches at 28 inches bust, then measured at 91 cm bust a decade later... that's almost 36 inches! WOW I GREW 8 inches!!! Oh wait, i conveniently forgot to mention the 50 lb weight gain that went with it. Now that changes things doesn't it? Hold on now, at THAT weight in relation to my size and frame, i wanted MORE MORE MORE!!!! but then i lost 30+ lbs, So you wonder, huh? i started this journey at 28 inches bust 90-95 lbs weight, then i gained 50 lbs and ended up somewhere with a 91 cm bust and 143 lbs. then i lost 30+ pounds and now i fluctuate between 108 and 111 lbs. SO now what? I thought i wanted to get back to 91 cm because i had already been that number and i knew what i looked like with it and i knew that i should get back to that number and then work on going 'real' results... but then i realized that my whole body had changed and now 91 cm bust on 143 or 130 lbs is a HUGE difference compared to 91 cm with a 72 cm underbust on 110 lbs. Do you see? my band size went down, my waist and hips shrunk, and now the same number i ALREADY had would look disproportionate to my current size and thats without wanting MORE!, i after all my evaluations and tracking and testing I know now that I need to gain LESS in order to gain MORE. In other words 91 cm looked small on my 5'2 130+ self, but 91 cm on my 5'2 111 lbs self would be huge, especially since I'm naturally very petite in the first place. However 86 cm  with a 70 cm undercuts and more immeasureable cleavage, would probably look way more natural and is probably a more realistic starting place for ME. then i think, hey, even if i lost weight i and went down to 80 cm... hell, 6 cm is way more achievable than 12, right? 

Now imagine you get to the goal you want and it doesn't look right? lets say i got to my goal number but it looks smaller. maybe thats because the number doesn't reflect the shape or distribution of fat, therefore you take some pictures and realize that from the side you got it going on, but from the front you need to build up your cleavage without increasing your size. (hello nooglebery, massage, fat grafting)

I figure if you're going to all the trouble of being on this journey anyways, you might as well dive right in and go all out on tracking it properly. what if you lose numbers but you forget to mention you've been lifting weights, or doing lots of cardio? okay, your bust shrunk but your overall body is looking better! how would you know either way unless you do a proper job of tracking your body instead of half-assing it?

OKay, i think i'll finish rambling. I wanted to get this all out there and see if anyone has noticed the same things, or if anyone finds this perspective useful?

let me know!

Good luck to all of us on these Journeys!

Dream, you rock. This is one of the greatest ideas on this forum. You are absolutely right!!

(14-07-2019, 00:20)DreamKist Wrote:  Hello Boobie Fam!

I thought i'd finally pop in and make this post i've been procrastinating about!! SO! I've noticed over the years that the trend is to track our growth through bra sizes or by measuring the bust at the fullest part in inches. Based on my own observations i don't think this is even remotely accurate.

your weight directly influences your body. Centimeters are more accurate than inches, and bra sizes are terrible for determining your progress. you might think oh i went from a 32b to a 36b, my boobies have grown! but NO they haven't. you simply got fatter. The NUMBER is the circumference of your midsection so that bra manufacturers can determine the amount of stretch their product needs in order to fit a wide array of body shapes within a reasonable amount. The LETTER is the amount of volume that the cup can hold and doesn't change, the cup or letter is your breast. Therefore if LETTER stays the same but the NUMBER increases, your breasts did not grow, you simply gained more body fat. HOWEVER if your NUMBER stays the same but your LETTER increases then yay! you grew....

but even then you're not getting the full benefit of an accurate tracking method. Your Menstrual cycle, weight, underbust, bust and overbust are crucial for getting a better idea of your growth. Pictures and videos are able to show the volume and cleavage that a measureming tape can't calculate. (i could measure 40 women ALL with a breast measurement of 82.25 cm and they'd ALL look different, some might LOOK way bigger simply because they have more volume which doesn't affect the bust measurement, while others may look way smaller because they don't have enough volume or cleavage. the measurements give you an idea, but they don't track shape, fat and tissue distribution, or volume, therefore Pictures and videos to track your growth are equally as important as your measurements.

And remember, its White Adipose Tissue that makes up your breast size AND it's also that unwanted body fat and it's all correlated, so measuring your bust and nothing else is an inaccurate and misleading way of tracking your results. it's better to take your full measurements every few months at least:

Height,Weight, Overbust, Full Bust, Underbust, Waist, Midway, Hips, each Thigh, each leg above the knee, each calf muscle, each upper arm above the elbow, each arm below the elbow.

lots of measurements? yes. necessary? yes. Why? because you want to track REAL changes overall as well as REAL breast growth, NOT false measurements.

So the time in between your full body measurements should be lightly tracked as well. Each day I take BASIC measurements:

For example: I track my cycle, waking measurement and weight each day. I can look back at any time and look at the numbers accurately:
For example if i use, lets say.... Day 13 of my menstrual Cycle as a guideline:

May 1st: Upon waking: I was on Day 13 of my Menstrual Cycle, my waking measurement was 81.5 cm, my waking weight was 106.8 lbs
May 30th: Upon waking i was on Day 13 of my next Cycle, my waking measurement was 82.5 cm, my waking weight was 109.4 lbs
July 2nd: Upon waking I was on Day 13 of my Cycle, my waking measurement was 83 cm, my waking weight was 111.8 lbs
July 12th: upon waking I was on day 13 of my cycle, my waking measurement was 83.5 cm, my waking weight was 111.9 lbs

As you can see I gained 5 lbs, which i was okay with because i was uncomfortable being too low a body weight, but after that I was steady at the high end of 111 lbs for 2 cycles, and i gained .5 cm... you might say oh but 111.8 vs 111.9...girl that .1 oz is the equivalent of having a few less sips of water.

based on these numbers you can see that 1.5 cm of growth was weight related, not cycle or growth related, and .5 cm of growth can most likely be attributed to growth. Therefore if i weigh less next cycle at the same and nothing else about my routine has changed, then i should expect my numbers to drop, but if my weight drops and my numbers stay the same then i can attribute that to growth as well.

Make sense?

It might seem tedious to start each day by going to the washroom, and then tracking each day with your cycle day, and waking weight and number, but for me it's helped me to discern between what is real and what isn't.

I've also got my own custom noogling method which helps to create a better breast foundation, and many times my numbers are consistent, but the foundational tissues and volume are notably changed, even though the number won't reflect that. So i'm trying to be more aware of the results i desire vs a number on the measuring tape because numbers and results are very different creatures.... 

FOR EXAMPLE: I might think my ideal starting measurement is to go from 81cm to 91 cm bust with 71 cm underbust (for example) but when i tested that theory out with my own personal needs, I used  350cc (or ml) of water in a sandwhich sized ziplock bag, (water is better than fabric because water is closer to the saline they'd use in an implant, and its more natural to what a real breast night be like in weight and movement). I tied each 350cc /ml bag with an elastic to create a more breast like shape. I grabbed a bra that was closest to what i thought i'd wear ( i am a 32 band size but my only bras are in 34 because i bought them before i lost a bunch of weight, luckily the band on the 34 was super tight and hadn't been worn out yet, so i grabbed a 34 C Bra in 2 different styles and plopped in the bags of Faux Boobies into the cups and put on a regular t-shirt)...the result??? HELL NO! I'd look like a damn fool! The measurement was what i had thought i wanted when i used fabric to test my numbers but in reality it looked disproportionate and i hated the way it looked. Numbers wise? yup yup yup, i got was able to get the bra to get to the measurement i wanted, Looks wise? Dude, no. It took me a couple tries and adjustments to realize that my first goal should be smaller. Rather than aiming for 88 or 91 cm, because based on my frame and fitness goals, i should aim for 86 cm Maximum and focus on the volume/cleavage/shape, which isn't trackable by numbers, but IS notable by pictures.

Overwhelmed Yet?

1) take your full body measurements AND pictures initially & either once a month OR every 3 months (equals 4 times you'd take your full measurements and readjust your goals, each year)

2) figure out what your true breast match is regardless of the numbers you THINK you want.

3) start tracking your menstrual cycle on the FIRST day of your next period (thats day 1)

4) Every day as soon as you wake up and after you go to the washroom...consistently track the Day of your Cycle, your Waking measurement (make sure you're letting ALL the air out of your lungs before you measure!!!!), and your Waking weight.

5) Track the time you're putting into your boobie project... are you massaging or noogling? how many minutes per breast did you do? are you doing more time on one side to even out the size? how many days did you do it each months? what amount of time does that add up for each breast to in correlation to your numbers, pictures and results? did you get more results last months with more time? or less results with more time? maybe vice versa???)

I apologize if this seems like too much or if it rambles on. My theory is that most people who see results are not tracking their growth properly. you might be seeing growth only because you're gaining weight and body fat. you might not be seeing any growth simply because you're not growing. You might measure and weight with no changes but see and feel changes with picture and video evidence of changes not recorded by numbers..The only way to know for sure is to be aware of your expected and desired results and making sure they are on par with each other and to be thorough enough in your tracking process to be surethat there are no questions or surprises.

(Another example!!) Personally i went from measuring in inches at 28 inches bust, then measured at 91 cm bust a decade later... that's almost 36 inches! WOW I GREW 8 inches!!! Oh wait, i conveniently forgot to mention the 50 lb weight gain that went with it. Now that changes things doesn't it? Hold on now, at THAT weight in relation to my size and frame, i wanted MORE MORE MORE!!!! but then i lost 30+ lbs, So you wonder, huh? i started this journey at 28 inches bust 90-95 lbs weight, then i gained 50 lbs and ended up somewhere with a 91 cm bust and 143 lbs. then i lost 30+ pounds and now i fluctuate between 108 and 111 lbs. SO now what? I thought i wanted to get back to 91 cm because i had already been that number and i knew what i looked like with it and i knew that i should get back to that number and then work on going 'real' results... but then i realized that my whole body had changed and now 91 cm bust on 143 or 130 lbs is a HUGE difference compared to 91 cm with a 72 cm underbust on 110 lbs. Do you see? my band size went down, my waist and hips shrunk, and now the same number i ALREADY had would look disproportionate to my current size and thats without wanting MORE!, i after all my evaluations and tracking and testing I know now that I need to gain LESS in order to gain MORE. In other words 91 cm looked small on my 5'2 130+ self, but 91 cm on my 5'2 111 lbs self would be huge, especially since I'm naturally very petite in the first place. However 86 cm  with a 70 cm undercuts and more immeasureable cleavage, would probably look way more natural and is probably a more realistic starting place for ME. then i think, hey, even if i lost weight i and went down to 80 cm... hell, 6 cm is way more achievable than 12, right? 

Now imagine you get to the goal you want and it doesn't look right? lets say i got to my goal number but it looks smaller. maybe thats because the number doesn't reflect the shape or distribution of fat, therefore you take some pictures and realize that from the side you got it going on, but from the front you need to build up your cleavage without increasing your size. (hello nooglebery, massage, fat grafting)

I figure if you're going to all the trouble of being on this journey anyways, you might as well dive right in and go all out on tracking it properly. what if you lose numbers but you forget to mention you've been lifting weights, or doing lots of cardio? okay, your bust shrunk but your overall body is looking better! how would you know either way unless you do a proper job of tracking your body instead of half-assing it?

OKay, i think i'll finish rambling. I wanted to get this all out there and see if anyone has noticed the same things, or if anyone finds this perspective useful?

let me know!

Good luck to all of us on these Journeys!

Thank you for sharing such in-depth and great information!

@ashley.11 I find that motivation comes in cycles for me personally. I've noticed that when I force myself to noogle I start to resent it, especially if i'm feeling impatient. I'm trying to give myself breaks when I'm really not 'In the Zone'.

Sometimes a week is enough, othertimes i need months. A week or 2 is enough for a quick rest, but multiple months usually gives me time to take a good look at where I'm really at and reevaluate my goals and my dedication to this project. 

I'd say the best motivation for me is knowing the cost and the long- term risks for breast implants, and knowing that by the time I could afford exactly what I want, I'd be better off putting a down payment on a house.

(Also that crummy feeling I sometimes get when I see other women who are more well endowed, And realizing that I dont want to feel that way my whole life. Don't get me wrong, working on self-love is a huge part of this journey too.)

Lol besides, noogle & binging on t.v is classic n.b.e culture.  Now if only I could control my snacking while noogling ?

(22-08-2019, 19:47)DreamKist Wrote:  @ashley.11 I find that motivation comes in cycles for me personally. I've noticed that when I force myself to noogle I start to resent it, especially if i'm feeling impatient. I'm trying to give myself breaks when I'm really not 'In the Zone'.

Sometimes a week is enough, othertimes i need months. A week or 2 is enough for a quick rest, but multiple months usually gives me time to take a good look at where I'm really at and reevaluate my goals and my dedication to this project. 

I'd say the best motivation for me is knowing the cost and the long- term risks for breast implants, and knowing that by the time I could afford exactly what I want, I'd be better off putting a down payment on a house.

(Also that crummy feeling I sometimes get when I see other women who are more well endowed, And realizing that I dont want to feel that way my whole life. Don't get me wrong, working on self-love is a huge part of this journey too.)

Lol besides, noogle & binging on t.v is classic n.b.e culture.  Now if only I could control my snacking while noogling ?

Sadly i cant post my iphone emojis, but i feel you concerning snacking while noogling!

I’ve been slacking for the last 1-2 months, because i study law& i worked this summer from 8am to 8 pm & then went to mykonos
When i was there i was feeling really bad about my body, so that kind of motivated me; but it takes soooo long, i want to get to 32f -32g and i know that this will take about 5 yeArs
But then again my boyfriend (ex) sleept with this girl who had double d’s (fake but still) that kind of motivates me

(22-08-2019, 22:15)hey ashley iashley.11 Wrote:  
(22-08-2019, 19:47)DreamKist Wrote:  @ashley.11 I find that motivation comes in cycles for me personally. I've noticed that when I force myself to noogle I start to resent it, especially if i'm feeling impatient. I'm trying to give myself breaks when I'm really not 'In the Zone'.

Sometimes a week is enough, othertimes i need months. A week or 2 is enough for a quick rest, but multiple months usually gives me time to take a good look at where I'm really at and reevaluate my goals and my dedication to this project. 

I'd say the best motivation for me is knowing the cost and the long- term risks for breast implants, and knowing that by the time I could afford exactly what I want, I'd be better off putting a down payment on a house.

(Also that crummy feeling I sometimes get when I see other women who are more well endowed, And realizing that I dont want to feel that way my whole life. Don't get me wrong, working on self-love is a huge part of this journey too.)

Lol besides, noogle & binging on t.v is classic n.b.e culture.  Now if only I could control my snacking while noogling ?

Sadly i cant post my iphone emojis, but i feel you concerning snacking while noogling!

I’ve been slacking for the last 1-2 months, because i study law& i worked this summer from 8am to 8 pm & then went to mykonos
When i was there i was feeling really bad about my body, so that kind of motivated me; but it takes soooo long, i want to get to 32f -32g and i know that this will take about 5 yeArs
But then again my boyfriend (ex) sleept with this girl who had double d’s (fake but still) that kind of motivates me
hey ashley did you keep your gains now youve slowed down noogling?

(23-08-2019, 05:17)EllaC Wrote:  
(22-08-2019, 22:15)hey ashley iashley.11 Wrote:  
(22-08-2019, 19:47)DreamKist Wrote:  @ashley.11 I find that motivation comes in cycles for me personally. I've noticed that when I force myself to noogle I start to resent it, especially if i'm feeling impatient. I'm trying to give myself breaks when I'm really not 'In the Zone'.

Sometimes a week is enough, othertimes i need months. A week or 2 is enough for a quick rest, but multiple months usually gives me time to take a good look at where I'm really at and reevaluate my goals and my dedication to this project. 

I'd say the best motivation for me is knowing the cost and the long- term risks for breast implants, and knowing that by the time I could afford exactly what I want, I'd be better off putting a down payment on a house.

(Also that crummy feeling I sometimes get when I see other women who are more well endowed, And realizing that I dont want to feel that way my whole life. Don't get me wrong, working on self-love is a huge part of this journey too.)

Lol besides, noogle & binging on t.v is classic n.b.e culture.  Now if only I could control my snacking while noogling ?

Sadly i cant post my iphone emojis, but i feel you concerning snacking while noogling!

I’ve been slacking for the last 1-2 months, because i study law& i worked this summer from 8am to 8 pm & then went to mykonos
When i was there i was feeling really bad about my body, so that kind of motivated me; but it takes soooo long, i want to get to 32f -32g and i know that this will take about 5 yeArs
But then again my boyfriend (ex) sleept with this girl who had double d’s (fake but still) that kind of motivates me
hey ashley did you keep your gains now youve slowed down noogling?
Hi ella Smile

Yess i did, I mean ofc no swelling, but the growth is still there

For me is noticing the tightness of my clothes or bras and the fact they are spilling out. Also visually. I look at old and new pictures. I see how big my boobs look compared to other objects eg my partner’s head

Really good ideas...

But I think you should add something. I recently got fitted for a bra and they did not only take the underbust and over the bust measurements. They also took measurements over the bust lying and a measurement leaning forward. And usually the leaning forward measurement is way bigger than the normal over the bust measurement. Most breasts are kind of full on the bottom and have some kind of projection, which only shows measuring wise if we lean forward. 
I think we should take measurements over the bust, lying over the bust and over the bust leaning forward. This way we see all growth..

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