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Backagain’s BO Routine


(23-04-2019, 07:01)danica Wrote:  Darling, your program looks amazing!!! I am elated for you and feel so excited for your pending results.

Please keep us updated. Xx

Thank you! I woke up this morning so thankful for all of you here and my progress. I really want to get good enough results that I can post photos as inspiration for others. I am still really small but I have enough that they move when I'm doing things like washing dishes or going down stairs and I can physically "jiggle" them which is so crazy for me! I have a pointy chest cavity so I've been fighting against that as well as being flat and im finally having some projection from the side. Getting my period will be hard to lose what is swelling Rolleyes

Got the noogleberry pump today! It’s so much better than the bosom beauty, though I remember the NB not working for me originally bc I couldn’t get suction. I’m using the small BB comes to help with projection. I’ll move onto using the mediums after somebody time with the smalls. Then I have the large NB domes I hope to fill one day. And I know I’ll get there because I remember I could barely keep a suction laying completely still with the smalls when I first started. And now I can fill them almost all the way! 

I really think NB and herbs has been essential for my growth. I think creating the space with the NB has allowed the herbs to fill me out more. Idk if that makes scientific sense but they definitely work best together. 

I am so happy for you sweetheart. I hope the noogleberry will work wonders for you on your program.

Thanks Danica! 

So my period came at exactly 29 days! Pretty good. And I only spotted for one day before the blood started. My cramps have been super manageable compared to my norm. So I think I’ve found something that really works for my body as well as NBE because my swelling hasn’t deflated even half. It’s usually the smallest right after my period so that may still happen. But good news so far! Taking my tea, shatavari, and Maca now on my off week.

(29-04-2019, 21:38)imbackagain Wrote:  Thanks Danica! 

So my period came at exactly 29 days! Pretty good. And I only spotted for one day before the blood started. My cramps have been super manageable compared to my norm. So I think I’ve found something that really works for my body as well as NBE because my swelling hasn’t deflated even half. It’s usually the smallest right after my period so that may still happen. But good news so far! Taking my tea, shatavari, and Maca now on my off week.

That's wonderfil! You will find on BO that you will swell significantly during menses. It honestly males menses a beautiful time I stead of a dread. 

Also on menses at the moment. Loving the swelling! 

Let us know how things go post menses. Given that youre swelling now,.I"m excited for your next luteal phase as there should be swelling again then as well.

(23-04-2019, 04:17)imbackagain Wrote:  
(23-04-2019, 00:37)Laurel12345 Wrote:  how long have you been taking mk677?
I've been having joint pain, and leg muscle tiredness. I wonder if the high estrogen or mk677 cause it. The discomfoft is noticable but at the same time mild too

I've been taking it now for about three weeks. I haven't noticed anything extremely different. I'm no expert though. How much are you taking? I'm taking anywhere from 10-25mg, just estimating with a tiny spoon.

The only thing I've noticed is my throat and neck felt very tense and swollen but I think that is more likely I was fighting a viral infection bc I now have some sort of chest cold. And I was also singing a lot more. Or from noogling
I’m doing a similar program with the BO. Where are you sourcing your mk-677? I feel I’m shopping in a dark alleyway of the internet trying to find a legitimate source. They could be selling me anything! I’m a bit leery, but I’d like to try it. Until I get some I was thinking of putting DHEA alongside my pituitary glandular, which I’m seeing on your thread that you did. How did that seem to work?

I've actually decided against DHEA for reasons I can't remember. I think I found on a thread, info that led me to believe it wouldn't be a good addition. I think it was because it also had interactions with e,p, and t and I'm trying to minimize things that will interact with the BO in anyway. And from what I've read the MK only works with growth hormones, so that's why I went with it. This begin said with anything I encourage people to do their own research and comb over the threads. There's a lot of well informed people here that over the years have narrowed down information about supplements if you look through enough of it. It also depends on what system you've got going with what you take. If you look at the first posts on this thread there's a study linking IGF levels being lowered by oral estrogens. Because it's uncertain how BO works in the body it's possible they may entirely cancel one another out. Or the BO may lessen the effect of the MK. I think the theory is BO ignites your own hormone production instead of supplying it. So maybe it doesn't. It's pure speculation without concrete studies being done.

I got my mk from narrowslabs. So far I haven't had any issues. Also on page 2 I actually already answered this question as far as the source.

"Awesome, yes keep me posted. I originally did what surferjoe said and looked through bodybuilding forums on reddit for legit sources. The main source got shut down not too long ago but the few I've found that seem to be legit are (where i bought mine) and

If you search the name of those sites and the word reddit you can find people who have ordered from there usually. "

Hope this helps. As far as how things have worked for me I've only been at this a month, so I can't say for certain. It takes at least 6 months on a program for someone to truly claim results. Even then I think a year is better, and better yet months after stopping the program. NBE is a long haul, and with fluctuations in size due to regular hormone changes in our monthly cycle and stress from life it's even more important to take notes from those that have done long programs. I've seen people get results from BO alone and pumping alone, but they've done it from 1-3 years. If I had any advice for others it would be to keep your sup list as short as possible and just stick your head in the sand and be consistent with sleep, nutrition, and stress management. Alongside pumping or massaging if that's your jam.

Mini update. I started the shatavari, Reishi, and Maca during my period starting on the 6th. I continued taking them after my period bc I was having good results still. On day 13ish of my cycle I began spotting so less than a week after my period ended. I assumed it was due to the additions and have since stopped but am still spotting on day 22 of my cycle. Annoying stuff. Especially because I am sexually active and any changes in my cycle give me bad anxiety about getting pregnant. I have the copper iud, but I know adaptogens have the ability to promote fertility. 

I think moving forward I’ll stick to those three only during my off week. To see if it prevents this. (Praying to god that I get my period.) if it’s happens again I’ll probably remove them entirely. And take away from there to figure the cause. I hope it’s  not then BO because I’m still having good results.

I got my period, THANK FRICK.

That's two months down on BO! It is definitely a slow growth for me. That being said I was not very disciplined this month at all. I had the scare with the added herbs so ill be only doing Maca on my off week and not taking the reishi and shatavari for now to see if I can prevent the spotting mid-cycle.

The smallest I am is now at the end of my period so 7 days into my cycle. I'm wondering if that has to do with my body being fully drained of the BO or the milk thistle, etc just getting rid of excess. I am hoping I can be more disciplined this month with pumping and not miss a day of BO. Hopefully also get back to the nipple cream. Doing BO internally, trans-dermal, and pumping compliments each other well for me. I'm going to wait til 6 months maybe 7 since I've had an off month to make definitive claims about how its worked for me though.

The hand pump continues to be superior to me than the Bosom beauty. I also think the hold and release method really does help with swelling, though EVERY day is different and sometimes I don't respond at all. That's when I know to just do some push ups and stretch.

On the note of the MK... dude... I wasn't even disciplined this month with it but holy strength gains! I didn't notice at first but I've only been lifting once a week to keep my T and calorie burning down but somehow my strength has gotten way higher regardless of this. This is not normal for me at all. I'll probably be out of the yucky loose powder soon so I'm going to switch to the caps. It's more expensive but it would be nice to be able to measure what im taking better. I just eyeball half a 45mg scoop, shooting for 25mg.

hope everyone is well!

Nothing revolutionary yet. Finally back in the swing of noogling. Having to rebuild the swelling I lost taking two week long vacations since I'd only been at it month at that point anyway. On small bosom beauty domes with noogleberry hand pump. I have the medium bosom beauty domes I switch to once I get good enough daily swelling. I also have the large contour noogleberry airlock domes as a dream goal. Just focusing on making time for it everyday if only for a little. Some days I have more time to push and extend the swelling longer others just maintenance. But I really think for the NB to work well for me it's going to be a 90/10 split of 90% of days getting some time in and 10% ok if I miss. Otherwise I shrink and lose the progress. Something that kind of sucks is my nipple shape has changed from noogling. And not in a good way. They used to be perfect circles and now they are ovals but pointing to the side/down so it makes them look like old man eyes lmao. I'm hoping that through the differing shape I get from the larger domes I'll be able to even that out and hopefully the BO will help fill them out as well.

I am working out a bunch again. Idk if I still believe the theory that it was making my chest smaller, we will see. I'm eating VERY well, which the rest of my body is happy about.

I decided to take some inspiration from DBoobies. Her progress pics were really outstanding. I had to order more pituitary so I also grabbed some of the Raw Female (Vit A, Vit E, Zinc, Uterus Tissue, Ovarian Tissue, Damiana) that she said she took when she experienced her first big growth. I also got some gaba again, sheep placenta, as well as bioperine which is supposed to help the availability of supplements and the nutrients from food. I'm still taking msm, vit c, NAC, hylaronic acid, fish collagen, and I added in some of the red reishi as well. I feel pretty balanced and I'm hopeful that if I keep my nose to the grind stone I'll see another growth hump here soon. Another bit of DBoobies inspiration is I'm going to continue taking the BO throughout my whole month for the next three, granted I don't run into any issues. Her progress was really outstanding and to see growth from a smaller size makes me more inclined to follow her doings rather than MissMad who already had SUCH substantial size (and the fact I've never seen pics of MissMad and for me I gotta see to believe!). And the fact that I cannot be bothered to do the nipple pasties with the BO cream like MissMad did. I make my life complicated enough as it is and that is one thing that is just too annoying to me to try to handle on the daily basis. Might get back into it at night if my schedule starts going really easily.

Anyways hope everyone else is doing well!

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