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Desparate like hell... shrinking boobs :( Need help


(19-04-2019, 04:34)Lotus Wrote:  Your lab tests do not indicate estrogen dominance,  I'd keep an eye on cortisol which is related to higher stress levels.

Estradiol (E2): 19 - 160 pg/mL or 70 - 600 pmol/L In healthy women, progesterone/estradiol ratio should be between 100 and 500. If it's higher than that, it may indicate progesterone domination, and if it's lower, then estrogen domination is more likely.

What we eat & drink directly has an impact on breast shape and volume. I'm a 40 H/HH, recently my E2 (estradiol) was 170.2 pg/mL, and that's almost 5 months without E2 HRT meds. I know too much sugar directly impacts my breasts, and not in a good way lol. You see there's certain metabolic pathways to stimulate breast growth, here's example:

Ginseng is specific agonist for a nongenomic pathway of sex steroid receptors that stimulates breast growth.

* Ginsenosides are a class of steroid glycosides, and triterpene saponins. Brilliant huh?...and btw, Saponins displace T (testosterone) bound to Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (aka-SHBG), as a result this process raises estradiol because estradiol has a lower binding affinity for SHBG.

Suppressing PDEs (phosphodiesterase inhibitor is a drug that blocks one or more of the five subtypes of the enzyme phosphodiesterase) can increase levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)...ginseng acts in the same way as PDE inhibitors. cAMP is by far one of the strongest aromatase agoinsts (promoter) out there, which means it enhances the conversion of testosterone to estradiol.

ginsenoside (in ginseng) acts as a specific agonist for the nongenomic pathway of sex steroid receptors, and NO released from activated eNOS underlies cardiac K(+) channel activation and protection against ischemia-reperfusion injury.

So when I take ginseng it stimulates the specific pathway I'm targeting.  In  ovaries testosterone is converted to estrogen, this holds true in breast tissue too, so....stimulating pathways by way metabolism contributes to breast shape, volume and growth.

Thank you very much for your reply..

So do you think my estrogen-progesteron ratio is not so bad?

I checked this omnicalculator.. it says the ratio is 11.34..hmm..I don't understand it... is it good or bad.. its much less than 100?
Hormones are still incomprehensible for me.. Smile   I still don't understand the mechanism and context of them. So many hormones affects the body..

I tired ginseng some time.. but not so long.. Do you think I should start to take ginseng again? And whatabout shatavari?

I don't eat too much sugar.. but sometimes.. and nowadays a little more chocolate..
Why is sugar directly impacts breast?

Do you think my cortisol is high?  Beacuse of my boob problems  and some working issue I have lot of stress and depression for a while.. which can raise my cortisol level for sure.. I tried some herbal sedative which contains valerian, tutsan, lemongrass, etc.. but they didn't help a lot.. maybe for an hour... I don't want to take strong medicines. 
I found a sedative pills in my country called stress control which contains the following herbs: Rhodolia rosea,  astralagus (300 mg) , siberian ginseng (100 mg), maca (100 mg) , L-teanine, Ashwaganda  (200mg) . I started to take it but I was affraid this will affect my hormones and causes shrink like the similar herbs I stopped

What do you think? Should I use this or not?

Try to listen relaxing music whole day.. I don't know how to lower my cortisol.. but in my condition... hard to be happy or less stressful...

Another product I've tried recently is a "flat belly" drink which contains: pineapple stem extract, prebiotics (fluctoorigosaccharid), papaya extract, licorie extract (30mg), artichoke, camomile extract, hop extract (15 mg), fennel seed extract (10 mg), green anise extract, cinnamon extract, lemongrass extract , ginger extract,. It should be drink with 1,5 liter water per day.

I used this product more than 2 weeks maybe 3 .. but my boobs started to shrink a little.. and I stopped. My belly remain the same.. of courseSmile

Do you think these two products could cause boob shrinking because of the herbs?? I thought they doesnt contain too much mg herbs...

I looked into the mirror today and I almost cried .. My boobs has been never been so small like now... 
And what I still don't understand WHY my boobs shrinking with my period starting..? Every time I start my menstruation my boob is shrinking and shrinking.. I am affraid that few more periods and I will have nothing... Sad

I'm thinking of taking birth control pills for a few months because of this menstruation breast shrinking issue which I have to stop.. and I'm affraid my wedding will be on those days which will be a catastrophy. I want to change my period day with pills. After my wedding I want to stop pills for sure.
I was taking bc for years and I stopped 6-7 years ago. Now I don't take any.. What do you think it is a good idea?

(19-04-2019, 16:54)Skiller07 Wrote:  
(19-04-2019, 03:38)Dboobies Wrote:  According with your progesterone/estrogen ratio you look with a clear estrogen dominance, you should show the doctor the results, cause could be other factors like age, day in your period you took the test, and so on, that could change the interpretation.

If there's a place of estrogen dominance, the best way to fight it is avoiding the xenoestrogens, that are in not healthy food (fast food, sugar, pesticides, meat, chicken or milk with hormones and antibiotics...), cleaning products (Clorox...), personal care products (parabens and a lot of other trash), you can find more information on the Internet. Stop phytoestrogens as well, cause all this foreign estrogens are blocking your natural ones. Drink during at least one month at mornings, warm filter water with lemon juice, no sugar no sweeteners.

Eat good fats (organic eggs, avocado, omega 3) you need them to produce your own estrogens, low the ingestion of carbs (sugars, bread...) and increase the protein ingestion.

* sorry, my English is not my native language

Hi Doobies,

Your english is perfectSmile My enlglish is much worse.. but I hope it is enough to understand it.. Smile  Yes, that is what I thought maybe the progesteron-estrogen ratio not so good in my test..But I have to ask the doctor for sure.. This test was made the 3. day of my cycle I have to make a test on day 21. too.. and then I have to go back to the doctor.. I stopped visiting gynecologists because they couldn't help me.. they always told me  that nothing wrong with my hormonal test.. but in my previous tests  was almost the same like this with a  big difference between my progresterone and my estrogen level. Now I went to an endocrinologist. I hope she will be better. In my country, health care system is catastrophic. There aren't good doctors and they don't care about the patient. You have to go to private doctors for a lot of money..but hard to find a good doctor.. I didn't find it yet Sad 

Sometimes I eat avocado , pomegranate, mango because I like it very much.. I tried OMEGA 3 for few days, but I was affraid that my breast will shrink and I stopped using it. But I am thinking to start OMEGA 3 and maybe evenning primrose oil too.. Just I'm affraid of everything to cause my breast shrink. I love nuts and flax seed etc.. but I couldnt eat because of it.. And that is why I thought maybe omega 3 is not so good for me. I think I will stop collagen powder too..because it doesn't seems to help me anymore.  In first time it seemed to help some, but I have been taking it for more than a month now and I don't feel like it would help anymore.. more like worsen the situation... 

To avoid xenoestrogen is almost impossible everything you eat, you use contain xenoestrogens.. It would be quite difficult to leave them completely.. Of course I have to try to avoid .. or use less.... I don't eat too much sugar.. but sometimes I eat chocolate or ice cream.. not every day of course.. and I drink 1 cup of coffee per day without sugar with milk only.. and unfortunately I smoke 3-5 cigarettes per day minimum. ..I tried to stop smoking without any success... Sad  With breads..the situation is worse.. I love bread.. of course I don't eat white bread anymore only whole grain... I mostly eat fried or roast chicken with rice for lunch .. I eat lot of vegtables for breakfest  with whole grain bread with ham and cheese and some oat biscuit for snack and dinner and fruits mainly strawberries, blueberries, raspberry and orange or banana.. I eat fruits and dairy procucts every day. I don' t take plus protein.. 

I stopped all the vitamin and mineral for now..
I don't know what to take.. 
In the past I took: selenium, zinc, A-C-E vitamin, D vitamin, sometimes magnesium and calcium,
Now I only take C vitamin with my collagen powder..

Do you think I should take these vitamins again?
Hi Skiller07!

I didn't notice English wasn't your native language Smile

My dear, your diet looks like pretty normal, definitely you should keeping watching with the advices that I gave you before, making your better effort to avoid holistically the xenoestrogens. But seems like your current habits don't gonna shrink your boobs, except for the cigarette which definitely affects your endocrine system and along with the perimenopause phase aren't the best allies, I'll leave you some links about the cigarette below.

So, if I were you, first, I'd quit cigarrette (I know it has to be so difficult, look for help). Second, I'd do a liver detoxification, just drinking the warm water with lemon every morning, I'd stop all supplements that have phytoestrogens, it includes the primrose oil, I'd just stick with a multivitamin, or at least keeping taking  the vitamins and minerals you listed above, all them are important to support your endocrine system, a good source of collagen is good for your gut and old estrogens need to be excreted, otherwise they remain in your system, so watch how your digestion it’s working. Keep taking the omega 3 which is a great ally, plus avocados, almond butter, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, all them are good fats. 

So, what I’m suggesting you, while  you get the professional advice, is the detoxification, cause what could be happening is you have an overload of “foreign”estrogens, that are blocking your receptors. Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens block your receptors but their performance is weaker than the natural estrogens, so they’re like occupying space but not doing anything. So the thing with phytoestrogens it’s tricky, cause if you read some literature about make smaller big breast, sometimes it’s suggested a diet rich with those estrogens, since they’re weaker and block receptors. So, when they boost growing and when they stop it? Don’t know, but if you’re feeling that every time you add some herb o phytoestrogen your boobs shrink, then you need to get rid all that hormonal overload, hue? Cleaning your liver, improving your digestion to excrete them and stopping ingestion of those estrogens.

You did great going to an endocrinologist, maybe some check in your pituitary and prolactin could be worthy as well, anyway, the specialist will know.

Wishing you the best of the lucks and boobs growing again!! Big Grin

* sorry, my English is not my native language.

(19-04-2019, 17:56)PSkiller07 Wrote:  
(19-04-2019, 04:34)Lotus Wrote:  Your lab tests do not indicate estrogen dominance,  I'd keep an eye on cortisol which is related to higher stress levels.

Estradiol (E2): 19 - 160 pg/mL or 70 - 600 pmol/L In healthy women, progesterone/estradiol ratio should be between 100 and 500. If it's higher than that, it may indicate progesterone domination, and if it's lower, then estrogen domination is more likely.

What we eat & drink directly has an impact on breast shape and volume. I'm a 40 H/HH, recently my E2 (estradiol) was 170.2 pg/mL, and that's almost 5 months without E2 HRT meds. I know too much sugar directly impacts my breasts, and not in a good way lol. You see there's certain metabolic pathways to stimulate breast growth, here's example:

Ginseng is specific agonist for a nongenomic pathway of sex steroid receptors that stimulates breast growth.

* Ginsenosides are a class of steroid glycosides, and triterpene saponins. Brilliant huh?...and btw, Saponins displace T (testosterone) bound to Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (aka-SHBG), as a result this process raises estradiol because estradiol has a lower binding affinity for SHBG.

Suppressing PDEs (phosphodiesterase inhibitor is a drug that blocks one or more of the five subtypes of the enzyme phosphodiesterase) can increase levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)...ginseng acts in the same way as PDE inhibitors. cAMP is by far one of the strongest aromatase agoinsts (promoter) out there, which means it enhances the conversion of testosterone to estradiol.

ginsenoside (in ginseng) acts as a specific agonist for the nongenomic pathway of sex steroid receptors, and NO released from activated eNOS underlies cardiac K(+) channel activation and protection against ischemia-reperfusion injury.

So when I take ginseng it stimulates the specific pathway I'm targeting.  In  ovaries testosterone is converted to estrogen, this holds true in breast tissue too, so....stimulating pathways by way metabolism contributes to breast shape, volume and growth.

Thank you very much for your reply..

So do you think my estrogen-progesteron ratio is not so bad?

I checked this omnicalculator.. it says the ratio is 11.34..hmm..I don't understand it... is it good or bad.. its much less than 100?
Hormones are still incomprehensible for me.. Smile   I still don't understand the mechanism and context of them. So many hormones affects the body..

I tired ginseng some time.. but not so long.. Do you think I should start to take ginseng again? And whatabout shatavari?

I don't eat too much sugar.. but sometimes.. and nowadays a little more chocolate..
Why is sugar directly impacts breast?

Do you think my cortisol is high?  Beacuse of my boob problems  and some working issue I have lot of stress and depression for a while.. which can raise my cortisol level for sure.. I tried some herbal sedative which contains valerian, tutsan, lemongrass, etc.. but they didn't help a lot.. maybe for an hour... I don't want to take strong medicines. 
I found a sedative pills in my country called stress control which contains the following herbs: Rhodolia rosea,  astralagus (300 mg) , siberian ginseng (100 mg), maca (100 mg) , L-teanine, Ashwaganda  (200mg) . I started to take it but I was affraid this will affect my hormones and causes shrink like the similar herbs I stopped

What do you think? Should I use this or not?

Try to listen relaxing music whole day.. I don't know how to lower my cortisol.. but in my condition... hard to be happy or less stressful...

Another product I've tried recently is a "flat belly" drink which contains: pineapple stem extract, prebiotics (fluctoorigosaccharid), papaya extract, licorie extract (30mg), artichoke, camomile extract, hop extract (15 mg), fennel seed extract (10 mg), green anise extract, cinnamon extract, lemongrass extract , ginger extract,. It should be drink with 1,5 liter water per day.

I used this product more than 2 weeks maybe 3 .. but my boobs started to shrink a little.. and I stopped. My belly remain the same.. of courseSmile

Do you think these two products could cause boob shrinking because of the herbs?? I thought they doesnt contain too much mg herbs...

I looked into the mirror today and I almost cried .. My boobs has been never been so small like now... 
And what I still don't understand WHY my boobs shrinking with my period starting..? Every time I start my menstruation my boob is shrinking and shrinking.. I am affraid that few more periods and I will have nothing... Sad

I'm thinking of taking birth control pills for a few months because of this menstruation breast shrinking issue which I have to stop.. and I'm affraid my wedding will be on those days which will be a catastrophy. I want to change my period day with pills. After my wedding I want to stop pills for sure.
I was taking bc for years and I stopped 6-7 years ago. Now  I don't take any..  What do you think it is a good idea?

Btw, congratulations for your wedding! Wishing you a lot of happiness in this new episode of your life. And don't take the pills, periods are so nosy and they always want to go to vacations with us and share all those important moments, so nothing, invite it! Think how many times it will share your own wedding without you, lol.

Be careful with the stress, it also could shrink boobs since there's more testosterone in your body, ashwaghanda it's a good herb to reduce cortisol levels.

(20-04-2019, 00:57) pid=\205139' Wrote:"Hi Skiller07!

I didn't notice English wasn't your native language Smile

My dear, your diet looks like pretty normal, definitely you should keeping watching with the advices that I gave you before, making your better effort to avoid holistically the xenoestrogens. But seems like your current habits don't gonna shrink your boobs, except for the cigarette which definitely affects your endocrine system and along with the perimenopause phase aren't the best allies, I'll leave you some links about the cigarette below.

So, if I were you, first, I'd quit cigarrette (I know it has to be so difficult, look for help). Second, I'd do a liver detoxification, just drinking the warm water with lemon every morning, I'd stop all supplements that have phytoestrogens, it includes the primrose oil, I'd just stick with a multivitamin, or at least keeping taking  the vitamins and minerals you listed above, all them are important to support your endocrine system, a good source of collagen is good for your gut and old estrogens need to be excreted, otherwise they remain in your system, so watch how your digestion it’s working. Keep taking the omega 3 which is a great ally, plus avocados, almond butter, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, all them are good fats. 

So, what I’m suggesting you, while  you get the professional advice, is the detoxification, cause what could be happening is you have an overload of “foreign”estrogens, that are blocking your receptors. Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens block your receptors but their performance is weaker than the natural estrogens, so they’re like occupying space but not doing anything. So the thing with phytoestrogens it’s tricky, cause if you read some literature about make smaller big breast, sometimes it’s suggested a diet rich with those estrogens, since they’re weaker and block receptors. So, when they boost growing and when they stop it? Don’t know, but if you’re feeling that every time you add some herb o phytoestrogen your boobs shrink, then you need to get rid all that hormonal overload, hue? Cleaning your liver, improving your digestion to excrete them and stopping ingestion of those estrogens.

You did great going to an endocrinologist, maybe some check in your pituitary and prolactin could be worthy as well, anyway, the specialist will know.

Wishing you the best of the lucks and boobs growing again!! Big Grin

* sorry, my English is not my native language.

[i]Btw, congratulations for your wedding! Wishing you a lot of happiness in this new episode of your life. And don't take the pills, periods are so nosy and they always want to go to vacations with us and share all those important moments, so nothing, invite it! Think how many times it will share your own wedding without you, lol.


[i]Be careful with the stress, it also could shrink boobs since there's more testosterone in your body, ashwaghanda it's a good herb to reduce cortisol levels."[/i]

Thank you dear! Many thanks for your effort and advices... That makes lot of sense...if I have lot of xenoestrogen and phytoestrogen in my body, they are blocking my receptors . Maybe that is the reason why it has adverse effect. Maybe my boobs shrinking because the xeno- and phytoestrogens stole my own estrogen capacity.  I will try to detoxify my body for a few weeks.. I think I will start to take milk thistle again. I ordered a new detoxification product called Lactoferrin plus. A holistical doctor said that I have lot of virus , bacterial and fungal infection and inflammation in my guts and I should try this product to clear them out. I don't know is it true or not because it based on a bioresonance examination.. But if it is true...maybe I need this. 

"Lactoferrin is the protein that makes foremilk (colostrum) so valuable. However, colostrum contains many unwanted growth factors (e.g. IGF-1), milk protein, lactose and hormones. However, GAL Lactoferrin plus is free from these substances (although it may contain traces of milk protein). It contains all three lactoferrins naturally present in colostrum, but mostly apo-lactoferrin, the most valuable from them. We have developed this product in cooperation with the professional team of Diet 4 Your Balance™.
Lactoferrin (LF) is a non-haem iron-binding protein that is part of the transferrin protein family, along with serum transferrin, ovotransferrin, melanotransferrin and the inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase [1], whose function is to transport iron in blood serum.
GAL Lactoferrin plus is a very special product; Lactoferrin is one of the most important components of breast milk, bacterial, viral and antifungal, and also supports gut flora because it is able to break down the biofilm layer formed by the bacteria of the intestinal gut flora."

Now I use  this collagen product.. maybe it is not the best.. but hard to find a good one in my country...What is your suggestion? What kind of collagen would be better? Fish  or  other kind?  Do you know a reliable brand?

I know I should definitely stop smoking.. It is not so simple.. I tried few times.. but is very difficult to meSad But I won't give up Smile
Thank you for the links btw. 

Yeah, you are right one of my biggest enemy is stress.. but I always have anxiety because of my boobs..and it makes lot of stress to me.. Do you think ashwaganda by itself can help to reduce cortisol level? Does it impact any other hormone levels in my body?

Thank you  very much for the congratulation. My wedding should be my happiest day.. but I'm worried about my apperance because my breast are getting smaller and smaller in every period begining. And i will have  two more periods until then and I'm affraid I will have no boobs at allSad   That is why I am thinking about the birthcontrol pills because maybe those pills can stop shrinking  and maybe a little growth can be achieve too...I was thinking of a combined BC pill containing both estrogen and progesterone just for 2-3 months before my wedding.. Do you think it is a bad idea? How can I stop shrinking until then?

Wish you a Happy Easter and a wonderful weekend..!

(20-04-2019, 20:44)Skiller07 Wrote:  
(20-04-2019, 00:57)pid=\205139 Wrote:"Hi Skiller07!

I didn't notice English wasn't your native language Smile

My dear, your diet looks like pretty normal, definitely you should keeping watching with the advices that I gave you before, making your better effort to avoid holistically the xenoestrogens. But seems like your current habits don't gonna shrink your boobs, except for the cigarette which definitely affects your endocrine system and along with the perimenopause phase aren't the best allies, I'll leave you some links about the cigarette below.

So, if I were you, first, I'd quit cigarrette (I know it has to be so difficult, look for help). Second, I'd do a liver detoxification, just drinking the warm water with lemon every morning, I'd stop all supplements that have phytoestrogens, it includes the primrose oil, I'd just stick with a multivitamin, or at least keeping taking  the vitamins and minerals you listed above, all them are important to support your endocrine system, a good source of collagen is good for your gut and old estrogens need to be excreted, otherwise they remain in your system, so watch how your digestion it’s working. Keep taking the omega 3 which is a great ally, plus avocados, almond butter, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, all them are good fats. 

So, what I’m suggesting you, while  you get the professional advice, is the detoxification, cause what could be happening is you have an overload of “foreign”estrogens, that are blocking your receptors. Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens block your receptors but their performance is weaker than the natural estrogens, so they’re like occupying space but not doing anything. So the thing with phytoestrogens it’s tricky, cause if you read some literature about make smaller big breast, sometimes it’s suggested a diet rich with those estrogens, since they’re weaker and block receptors. So, when they boost growing and when they stop it? Don’t know, but if you’re feeling that every time you add some herb o phytoestrogen your boobs shrink, then you need to get rid all that hormonal overload, hue? Cleaning your liver, improving your digestion to excrete them and stopping ingestion of those estrogens.

You did great going to an endocrinologist, maybe some check in your pituitary and prolactin could be worthy as well, anyway, the specialist will know.

Wishing you the best of the lucks and boobs growing again!! Big Grin

* sorry, my English is not my native language.

[i]Btw, congratulations for your wedding! Wishing you a lot of happiness in this new episode of your life. And don't take the pills, periods are so nosy and they always want to go to vacations with us and share all those important moments, so nothing, invite it! Think how many times it will share your own wedding without you, lol.


[i]Be careful with the stress, it also could shrink boobs since there's more testosterone in your body, ashwaghanda it's a good herb to reduce cortisol levels."[/i]

Thank you dear! Many thanks for your effort and advices... That makes lot of sense...if I have lot of xenoestrogen and phytoestrogen in my body, they are blocking my receptors . Maybe that is the reason why it has adverse effect. Maybe my boobs shrinking because the xeno- and phytoestrogens stole my own estrogen capacity.  I will try to detoxify my body for a few weeks.. I think I will start to take milk thistle again. I ordered a new detoxification product called Lactoferrin plus. A holistical doctor said that I have lot of virus , bacterial and fungal infection and inflammation in my guts and I should try this product to clear them out. I don't know is it true or not because it based on a bioresonance examination.. But if it is true...maybe I need this. 

"Lactoferrin is the protein that makes foremilk (colostrum) so valuable. However, colostrum contains many unwanted growth factors (e.g. IGF-1), milk protein, lactose and hormones. However, GAL Lactoferrin plus is free from these substances (although it may contain traces of milk protein). It contains all three lactoferrins naturally present in colostrum, but mostly apo-lactoferrin, the most valuable from them. We have developed this product in cooperation with the professional team of Diet 4 Your Balance™.
Lactoferrin (LF) is a non-haem iron-binding protein that is part of the transferrin protein family, along with serum transferrin, ovotransferrin, melanotransferrin and the inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase [1], whose function is to transport iron in blood serum.
GAL Lactoferrin plus is a very special product; Lactoferrin is one of the most important components of breast milk, bacterial, viral and antifungal, and also supports gut flora because it is able to break down the biofilm layer formed by the bacteria of the intestinal gut flora."

Now I use  this collagen product.. maybe it is not the best.. but hard to find a good one in my country...What is your suggestion? What kind of collagen would be better? Fish  or  other kind?  Do you know a reliable brand?

I know I should definitely stop smoking.. It is not so simple.. I tried few times.. but is very difficult to meSad But I won't give up Smile
Thank you for the links btw. 

Yeah, you are right one of my biggest enemy is stress.. but I always have anxiety because of my boobs..and it makes lot of stress to me.. Do you think ashwaganda by itself can help to reduce cortisol level? Does it impact any other hormone levels in my body?

Thank you  very much for the congratulation. My wedding should be my happiest day.. but I'm worried about my apperance because my breast are getting smaller and smaller in every period begining. And i will have  two more periods until then and I'm affraid I will have no boobs at allSad   That is why I am thinking about the birthcontrol pills because maybe those pills can stop shrinking  and maybe a little growth can be achieve too...I was thinking of a combined BC pill containing both estrogen and progesterone just for 2-3 months before my wedding.. Do you think it is a bad idea? How can I stop shrinking until then?

Wish you a Happy Easter and a wonderful weekend..!

Happy Easter for you as well, dear!

Well, I definitely wouldn't suggest you the BC pill because I'm not a doctor, plus you smoke and seems like there's a link between BC pill and blood clogs in smoker women. I know that's  a traditional method Doctors choose to fight against some hormonal imbalance, pills like Yasmin to Diane 35 are sometimes advicing. 

I definitly suggest you to stick with a detoxification period, don't think if you're not gonna take during this time any external source of estrogen your boobs are gonna shrink more, the idea is get rid of the hormonal and toxins overload, and boost your body to produce your natural ones, I understand you anxiety, but try to not overthink the issue and take this time off.

There's some literature that says Ashwaghanda could boost your testosterone but I take it in my thyroid booster supplement and I haven't felt that effect. However, you can give a check to schisandra which is other adaptogen herb. What about yoga? Some working out could be great as well.

I couldn't find the source of the collagen you're drinking, since it's from the EU, maybe you guys give for grant that is grass feed cows, no hormones and antibiotics? You can call the company or email theme asking for more information. Whatever, don't worry about it, it's not gonna be harmful, just keep in mind, when you buy products.

I forgot to suggest you the spearmint tea, it will help you with the aromatase process which is when the androstenedione is converted to estrogen and doesn't remain as testosterone.

So, at the bottom line I suggest you: the vit D, C, magnesium, zinc, selenium or all this in a multivitamin, collagen, the probiotics sound great, schisandra maybe?, spearmint tea (2 cups per day), quit cigarrette, some exercise, watch your personal products and food, organic vegetables like cruciferous, I suggested you the warm water with lemon and no the milk thistle, cause this last one has phytoestrogens, I just did a detoxification with milk thistle and it swollen my breast, as soon I quit it the swollen stopped it. I have another experienced with my lady cat, she had an episode of fat liver and the vet sent her milk thistle and she developed boobs, lol, so I also have a beautiful pussy cat who was successful with a NBE program Big Grin

(21-04-2019, 18:04)Dboobies Wrote:  Well, I definitely wouldn't suggest you the BC pill because I'm not a doctor, plus you smoke and seems like there's a link between BC pill and blood clogs in smoker women. I know that's  a traditional method Doctors choose to fight against some hormonal imbalance, pills like Yasmin to Diane 35 are sometimes advicing. 

I definitly suggest you to stick with a detoxification period, don't think if you're not gonna take during this time any external source of estrogen your boobs are gonna shrink more, the idea is get rid of the hormonal and toxins overload, and boost your body to produce your natural ones, I understand you anxiety, but try to not overthink the issue and take this time off.

There's some literature that says Ashwaghanda could boost your testosterone but I take it in my thyroid booster supplement and I haven't felt that effect. However, you can give a check to schisandra which is other adaptogen herb. What about yoga? Some working out could be great as well.

I couldn't find the source of the collagen you're drinking, since it's from the EU, maybe you guys give for grant that is grass feed cows, no hormones and antibiotics? You can call the company or email theme asking for more information. Whatever, don't worry about it, it's not gonna be harmful, just keep in mind, when you buy products.

I forgot to suggest you the spearmint tea, it will help you with the aromatase process which is when the androstenedione is converted to estrogen and doesn't remain as testosterone.

So, at the bottom line I suggest you: the vit D, C, magnesium, zinc, selenium or all this in a multivitamin, collagen, the probiotics sound great, schisandra maybe?, spearmint tea (2 cups per day), quit cigarrette, some exercise, watch your personal products and food, organic vegetables like cruciferous, I suggested you the warm water with lemon and no the milk thistle, cause this last one has phytoestrogens, I just did a detoxification with milk thistle and it swollen my breast, as soon I quit it the swollen stopped it. I have another experienced with my lady cat, she had an episode of fat liver and the vet sent her milk thistle and she developed boobs, lol, so I also have a beautiful pussy cat who was successful with a NBE program Big Grin

Thank you very much dear for the useful suggestions..I'm trying to take your advices.. Now every day is like hell  for boobs are shrinking and shrinking..My nerves start to giving up.. I don't know what is going on... I have to visit a psychiatrist to ask some sedative pills  because the herbs didn't work for me... maybe it has to do something with my anxiety and my negative toughts ..maybe my fears manifest into my life.... I can't stop my negative feelings all day... I can't change it.. I try but it is not working...

I will try the Spearmint tea too.. and the vitamins and stop smoking..
I tried milk thistle for a week but my breast din't swell. :Smile  your cat is so luckySmile   

And whatabout your NBE program? What is your method?

I have to say when I was a smoker it made my mental state and my anxiety a million times worse. I know how hard it is to quit especially with dealing with negative thoughts and anxiety. But quitting will help your mind and NBE. Best of luck

(25-04-2019, 17:08)VSkiller07 Wrote:  
(21-04-2019, 18:04)Dboobies Wrote:  Well, I definitely wouldn't suggest you the BC pill because I'm not a doctor, plus you smoke and seems like there's a link between BC pill and blood clogs in smoker women. I know that's  a traditional method Doctors choose to fight against some hormonal imbalance, pills like Yasmin to Diane 35 are sometimes advicing. 

I definitly suggest you to stick with a detoxification period, don't think if you're not gonna take during this time any external source of estrogen your boobs are gonna shrink more, the idea is get rid of the hormonal and toxins overload, and boost your body to produce your natural ones, I understand you anxiety, but try to not overthink the issue and take this time off.

There's some literature that says Ashwaghanda could boost your testosterone but I take it in my thyroid booster supplement and I haven't felt that effect. However, you can give a check to schisandra which is other adaptogen herb. What about yoga? Some working out could be great as well.

I couldn't find the source of the collagen you're drinking, since it's from the EU, maybe you guys give for grant that is grass feed cows, no hormones and antibiotics? You can call the company or email theme asking for more information. Whatever, don't worry about it, it's not gonna be harmful, just keep in mind, when you buy products.

I forgot to suggest you the spearmint tea, it will help you with the aromatase process which is when the androstenedione is converted to estrogen and doesn't remain as testosterone.

So, at the bottom line I suggest you: the vit D, C, magnesium, zinc, selenium or all this in a multivitamin, collagen, the probiotics sound great, schisandra maybe?, spearmint tea (2 cups per day), quit cigarrette, some exercise, watch your personal products and food, organic vegetables like cruciferous, I suggested you the warm water with lemon and no the milk thistle, cause this last one has phytoestrogens, I just did a detoxification with milk thistle and it swollen my breast, as soon I quit it the swollen stopped it. I have another experienced with my lady cat, she had an episode of fat liver and the vet sent her milk thistle and she developed boobs, lol, so I also have a beautiful pussy cat who was successful with a NBE program Big Grin

Thank you very much dear for the useful suggestions..I'm trying to take your advices.. Now every day is like hell  for boobs are shrinking and shrinking..My nerves start to giving up.. I don't know what is going on... I have to visit a psychiatrist to ask some sedative pills  because the herbs didn't work for me... maybe it has to do something with my anxiety and my negative toughts ..maybe my fears manifest into my life.... I can't stop my negative feelings all day... I can't change it.. I try but it is not working...

I will try the Spearmint tea too.. and the vitamins and stop smoking..
I tried milk thistle for a week but my breast din't swell. :Smile  your cat is so luckySmile   

And whatabout your NBE program? What is your method?
Oh girl, I'm sorry for your situation. Hope the specialist can help you to understand what's going on. Maybe to much stress that you're going through in this moment. Hope you receive good news and the right treatment.

I'm on BO, that has worked for me so good. That's my second time after a year with pueraria, i felt pueraria didn't do much for me. Two and half years ago was my first time with BO, I grew from 34B to 34D. Before BO, I tried herbs, they gave me some growth that at the end I realized was swelling, cause it just lasted until I stopped it. I think herbs is the more complex program, you have to know what herbs to mix, and too much could be counterproductive, and you know, now that I remember, once I had the same feeling of my boobs were shrinking, so herbs for me it's a no, no, twilight zone Smile

So, nothing wishing you best luck with the specialist and hoping to hear you don't feel more with anxiety.

(25-04-2019, 17:08)VSkiller07 Wrote:  
(21-04-2019, 18:04)Dboobies Wrote:  Well, I definitely wouldn't suggest you the BC pill because I'm not a doctor, plus you smoke and seems like there's a link between BC pill and blood clogs in smoker women. I know that's  a traditional method Doctors choose to fight against some hormonal imbalance, pills like Yasmin to Diane 35 are sometimes advicing. 

I definitly suggest you to stick with a detoxification period, don't think if you're not gonna take during this time any external source of estrogen your boobs are gonna shrink more, the idea is get rid of the hormonal and toxins overload, and boost your body to produce your natural ones, I understand you anxiety, but try to not overthink the issue and take this time off.

There's some literature that says Ashwaghanda could boost your testosterone but I take it in my thyroid booster supplement and I haven't felt that effect. However, you can give a check to schisandra which is other adaptogen herb. What about yoga? Some working out could be great as well.

I couldn't find the source of the collagen you're drinking, since it's from the EU, maybe you guys give for grant that is grass feed cows, no hormones and antibiotics? You can call the company or email theme asking for more information. Whatever, don't worry about it, it's not gonna be harmful, just keep in mind, when you buy products.

I forgot to suggest you the spearmint tea, it will help you with the aromatase process which is when the androstenedione is converted to estrogen and doesn't remain as testosterone.

So, at the bottom line I suggest you: the vit D, C, magnesium, zinc, selenium or all this in a multivitamin, collagen, the probiotics sound great, schisandra maybe?, spearmint tea (2 cups per day), quit cigarrette, some exercise, watch your personal products and food, organic vegetables like cruciferous, I suggested you the warm water with lemon and no the milk thistle, cause this last one has phytoestrogens, I just did a detoxification with milk thistle and it swollen my breast, as soon I quit it the swollen stopped it. I have another experienced with my lady cat, she had an episode of fat liver and the vet sent her milk thistle and she developed boobs, lol, so I also have a beautiful pussy cat who was successful with a NBE program Big Grin

Thank you very much dear for the useful suggestions..I'm trying to take your advices.. Now every day is like hell  for boobs are shrinking and shrinking..My nerves start to giving up.. I don't know what is going on... I have to visit a psychiatrist to ask some sedative pills  because the herbs didn't work for me... maybe it has to do something with my anxiety and my negative toughts ..maybe my fears manifest into my life.... I can't stop my negative feelings all day... I can't change it.. I try but it is not working...

I will try the Spearmint tea too.. and the vitamins and stop smoking..
I tried milk thistle for a week but my breast din't swell. :Smile  your cat is so luckySmile   

And whatabout your NBE program? What is your method?
Oh girl, I'm sorry for your situation. Hope the specialist can help you to understand what's going on. Maybe to much stress that you're going through in this moment. Hope you receive good news and the right treatment.

I'm on BO, that has worked for me so good. That's my second time after a year with pueraria, i felt pueraria didn't do much for me. Two and half years ago was my first time with BO, I grew from 34B to 34D. Before BO, I tried herbs, they gave me some growth that at the end I realized was swelling, cause it just lasted until I stopped it. I think herbs is the more complex program, you have to know what herbs to mix, and too much could be counterproductive, and you know, now that I remember, once I had the same feeling of my boobs were shrinking, so herbs for me it's a no, no, twilight zone Smile

So, nothing wishing you best luck with the specialist and hoping to hear you don't feel more with anxiety.

(26-04-2019, 18:24)Dboobies Wrote:  
"Oh girl, I'm sorry for your situation. Hope the specialist can help you to understand what's going on. Maybe to much stress that you're going t hrough in this moment. Hope you receive good news and the right treatment.I'm on BO, that has worked for me so good. That's my second time after a year with pueraria, i felt pueraria didn't do much for me. Two and half years ago was my first time with BO, I grew from 34B to 34D. Before BO, I tried herbs, they gave me some growth that at the end I realized was swelling, cause it just lasted until I stopped it. I think herbs is the more complex program, you have to know what herbs to mix, and too much could be counterproductive, and you know, now that I remember, once I Dohad the same feeling of my boobs were shrinking, so herbs for me it's a no, no, twilight zone SmileSo, nothing wishing you best luck with the specialist and hoping to hear you don't feel more with anxiety."

Hey dear, sorry I had busy days... I was at the psychiatrist today, she gave me an antidepressant pill and suggested a therapy.. I hope my mood will improve soon... And If I feel a little better than I started to cure myself somehow.. and..maybe start an NBE method again....

So great to hear that you have success in NBE with BO. I'm happy for you. Yes, everyone has a different body system and  what works for someone may not be the same for the other. It is very sensitive and difficult to find what works for your body. For me pueraria didn't work.. I tried lot of herbs but I think I didn't find the right combination of herbs yet... Herbs doesn' work for me alone...or they have an opposite effect. ..
How long does it take you to grow from 34B to 34D?  Do you use anything else besides BO? Massage ,creams etc?  I was thinking that maybe I should try BO . It is almost the only thing I haven't tried before.... Do you think I should try it.. The reason why I haven't tried it yet that it looks complicated to me.. I don't really understand how does it work or what does it do in our system.. For me this is a twillight zoneSmile I was to lazy to read more about this supplement... It was hard to understand...

Thank you for your kind words. Hope you have a great weekend! 


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