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Flat girl hints


Hi Bonny, twisted mama was an AAAAA cup (yes, 5 A) and she grew to AA cup, itsjustforfun was AA and now C, Anastasia was AA and grew til C cup. I have a lot of other names but I cant remember. 
Flat girls have more difficulties to see results because the need more growth to see something like breast (if I am an AAAAAA cup and I grow to AA cup I see myself flat anyway)  I think. 

Just never give up! We can do it!

(13-02-2019, 22:15)AimDcups Wrote:  Hi Bonny, twisted mama was an AAAAA cup (yes, 5 A) and she grew to AA cup, itsjustforfun was AA and now C, Anastasia was AA and grew til C cup. I have a lot of other names but I cant remember. 
Flat girls have more difficulties to see results because the need more growth to see something like breast (if I am an AAAAAA cup and I grow to AA cup I see myself flat anyway)  I think. 

Just never give up! We can do it!

oh you mean the ones with boob-dismorphia lol; if you look at their pics they are all A+ cups.  Anyway i've had this conversation before beginning of my thread so i won't bang on about it again. But i have a detailed description of what a 'flat girl' is somewhere in there. Goodluck and detail your program and any changes you do so if it works you can replicate it easily.

Well, so, I can’t understand what you mean telling “flat girl”....

(12-02-2019, 05:26)Bonny Wrote:  
(12-02-2019, 04:40)FlatMeow Wrote:  Bonny,

Thanks for sharing the links. I don’t know any other fellow AAA that grew along my journey. It is extremely encouraging to hear your success. Can you share how your breast growth? I mean what clues should we look for. Do you have any sensations ever? Does your breast start having larger base first? Do you have growth sprouts right after period or have growth during luteal phase that you maintain some after period? I am very interested to hear your experience and hopefully that will help me monitor and tweet my program better. My biggest problem as slow responder is you never know if the program is not working or you are just not patient enough. Appreciate it!

I've definitely grown it's not astonishing as yet but i can feel and see the difference.  I've answered alot of questions above there is a big one to 'aimDcups' that i explain alot of what i've found along the way, what i didn't cover up there i will dot point here if you like. 

-It is extremely encouraging to hear your success - depends how you rate success but i def have tangible growth that doesn't disappear in any part of my cycle, if i get luteal swelling my breast increase but don't disappear totally after that, so it's not water or luteal swelling.  Like i said not huge growth but growth nevertheless. 
- Can you share how your breast growth?  At the moment i am on a herbal program that i do cycling, i haven't posted it anywhere as i wanted to see if it was the real deal but this is 3rd month and each month i continue with a little bit of extra growth. Am going to break from this just to make sure i don't stall or my body doesn't get used to it, it's a hard choice but i think it will pay off. 
- I mean what clues should we look for - less is more as far as herbs, and remember the other things it takes to grow boobs, vitamins, minerals, other hormones etc. 
- Do you have any sensations ever? - yes i do have growth sensations often sometimes daily aches other times after taking supps, or eating. Or after a massage. 
- Does your breast start having larger base first? - this is a definite yes for me my base grew first, before i had nipples with a little tiny bit of tissue behind nipple, then i noticed my base grew my sides of my arms now brush the base of my breast on certain angles (never used to happen).  The other day i point out to my hubby that they look different and he said 'yeah the base has changed shape', so not imagining it. 
- Do you have growth sprouts right after period or have growth during luteal phase that you maintain some after period? - at the beginning only time i noticed was just before periods, now i think it occurs just before ovo, luteal just before periods, this month i seemed to of grown throughout most of cycle. The key to maintaining my growth has been cycling and in using things that help store or maintain the growth eg; prolactin (massage/tugging or topicals). 
- My biggest problem as slow responder is you never know if the program is not working or you are just not patient enough - the thing i keep saying and will say to you is 'less is more' for us flat/small girls it took me a looooonng time to be patient enough to stay with a small dose of herb for example in the past it was nothing for me to use 2000-3000mg of fg a day now i use 600mg broken up in two doses (300mg am and 300mg pm) and when in a different part of my cycle i drop that to 150mg in Am and 150mg in Pm (300 total) this is a ridiculously low dose compare to what is generally used or recommended but it works for me (i got this figure 600mg from a Lotus post regarding 600mg raising E levels but some ridiculous percent).  And like i mentioned above, all the stuff behind the scene eg. vitamin, minerals and hormones think 'baking a cake' have you got everything you need to make the cake or have you forgotten the eggs or flour.

I hope that helps a little?

Thank you so much. This helps tremendously for me to figure out what to look for. If you don’t mind me asking more, how long did you notice these signs and growth? Did your breast feel more firm/squishy? Thank you again!

(16-02-2019, 21:56)FlatMeow Wrote:  
(12-02-2019, 05:26)Bonny Wrote:  
(12-02-2019, 04:40)FlatMeow Wrote:  Bonny,

Thanks for sharing the links. I don’t know any other fellow AAA that grew along my journey. It is extremely encouraging to hear your success. Can you share how your breast growth? I mean what clues should we look for. Do you have any sensations ever? Does your breast start having larger base first? Do you have growth sprouts right after period or have growth during luteal phase that you maintain some after period? I am very interested to hear your experience and hopefully that will help me monitor and tweet my program better. My biggest problem as slow responder is you never know if the program is not working or you are just not patient enough. Appreciate it!

I've definitely grown it's not astonishing as yet but i can feel and see the difference.  I've answered alot of questions above there is a big one to 'aimDcups' that i explain alot of what i've found along the way, what i didn't cover up there i will dot point here if you like. 

-It is extremely encouraging to hear your success - depends how you rate success but i def have tangible growth that doesn't disappear in any part of my cycle, if i get luteal swelling my breast increase but don't disappear totally after that, so it's not water or luteal swelling.  Like i said not huge growth but growth nevertheless. 
- Can you share how your breast growth?  At the moment i am on a herbal program that i do cycling, i haven't posted it anywhere as i wanted to see if it was the real deal but this is 3rd month and each month i continue with a little bit of extra growth. Am going to break from this just to make sure i don't stall or my body doesn't get used to it, it's a hard choice but i think it will pay off. 
- I mean what clues should we look for - less is more as far as herbs, and remember the other things it takes to grow boobs, vitamins, minerals, other hormones etc. 
- Do you have any sensations ever? - yes i do have growth sensations often sometimes daily aches other times after taking supps, or eating. Or after a massage. 
- Does your breast start having larger base first? - this is a definite yes for me my base grew first, before i had nipples with a little tiny bit of tissue behind nipple, then i noticed my base grew my sides of my arms now brush the base of my breast on certain angles (never used to happen).  The other day i point out to my hubby that they look different and he said 'yeah the base has changed shape', so not imagining it. 
- Do you have growth sprouts right after period or have growth during luteal phase that you maintain some after period? - at the beginning only time i noticed was just before periods, now i think it occurs just before ovo, luteal just before periods, this month i seemed to of grown throughout most of cycle. The key to maintaining my growth has been cycling and in using things that help store or maintain the growth eg; prolactin (massage/tugging or topicals). 
- My biggest problem as slow responder is you never know if the program is not working or you are just not patient enough - the thing i keep saying and will say to you is 'less is more' for us flat/small girls it took me a looooonng time to be patient enough to stay with a small dose of herb for example in the past it was nothing for me to use 2000-3000mg of fg a day now i use 600mg broken up in two doses (300mg am and 300mg pm) and when in a different part of my cycle i drop that to 150mg in Am and 150mg in Pm (300 total) this is a ridiculously low dose compare to what is generally used or recommended but it works for me (i got this figure 600mg from a Lotus post regarding 600mg raising E levels but some ridiculous percent).  And like i mentioned above, all the stuff behind the scene eg. vitamin, minerals and hormones think 'baking a cake' have you got everything you need to make the cake or have you forgotten the eggs or flour.

I hope that helps a little?

Thank you so much. This helps tremendously for me to figure out what to look for. If you don’t mind me asking more, how long did you notice these signs and growth? Did your breast feel more firm/squishy? Thank you again!

Id say by 2nd month; i noticed growth sensations and base changes. 
Not sure about 2nd question; never had breast before besides milky boobs when breastfeeding, they feel very different to my little boobs now but yes firm but squishy is probably good description  Blush

(15-10-2018, 23:11)Bonny Wrote:  Disclaimer - This thread is info for flat girls, if your A or B cup 'your not flat' your small so read on but know your not who this is aimed at. 

- this was a message to another member which i felt mite be worth sharing  

Ive had some success with nbe but its taken a looonnng time but i think thats because i was following others who had breast to begin with (solid A or B, they find it pretty easy to increase). So ill share some tips with you as another small/flat girl.
I personally would stay away from PM and BO its too strong, you see we dont have as many e receptors in our breast as other women and if you throw too much E at it they (receptors) will do opposite to desired and just shut down youll end up with excess E floating around trying to find a home generally finds it in your hips and bum so you end up still boobless but now packing on weight. If you do use them or herbs keep your doses low, herbs arent as strong so i would stick with them but still low until you see growth.  
Take breaks wether its one a month, or over weekend or once every 3 months. And use things to detox excess hormones out.
Consider PC cream; its said to help grow the mammary glands. I used it and found it really help build a base for potential growth. Once again different ways to use eg. Everyday, in luteal or once every few days or once every 3 months for a month. 
Consider an anti-androgen (reishi or sp), you need T to make E however dht can really screw your nbe up, and if i had to guess id say you are probably quite muscular and have dark or more than 'normal women' body hair, i make this observation from super skinny and flat chest (T doing its thing same as me). 
Put weight on - for me nothing happen until i put some healthy weight on. Nut fats, plant oils, not so healthy but worked for me whole egg mayo, just eat more larger meals, more snacks, that extra mouthful even when full. 
Consider  increasing prolactin (not too much though eg massage, fennel, goat rue 'strong'. This encourages fat to be stored in breast instead of everywhere else. Especially as you increase fat intake.
Be patient, as a 'proper' flat girl (theres alot of boob-dismorphier around here) it takes lots of time, your talking about building your nutrition up and growing boobs thats a big and long job. 
Forget tape measure, its absolutely useless and counterproductive. Take your start measure and then lose tape measure. I go by feel, when i started id massage and that made me feel horrible because i couldn't do the descriptions i didnt have a breast to rotate or rub but i stuck at it and i do now albeit still little other would probably think no different but i can feel a huge difference. 
Try to not wear bras as often as you can, i used to wear them to hide the fact i had nothing but they restrict your circulation and lymphatic drainage (near breast) so i wear alot of padded/built in bra singlets now they are less restrictive and still hide the fact your working on your boobs. 
Massage, can be very awkward with little to no tissue but really does help. I really think less is more a few or several short 1-5mins throughout day even over top of clothes (include oil ones too), helps increase prolactin, circulation through breast, bloodflow to breast and potentially encouring circulating fat to breast, and help shift any stagnant undesirable stuff to drain from breast towards lympathic system.
I also encourage a quick lympathic drainage massage to rid excess hormones or others out.
Id personally stay away from noogleberry until your a nice full A or B, just from what ive read they dont work on flat girls, my guess would be its because its tissue expansion and well we dont have tissue to expand just yet. But that one is more food for thought and am always open to changing my mind.

Now please dont get me wrong am not saying i have any magic answers and alot of what i said can be found around here this is just my personal experience as a 'minus A cup' girl lol. 

Please dont ask me about herbs, supps or doses i dont feel comfortable recommending such things. Ive just given you what ive learnt so far thats worked or not worked for me and hope it helps.

Thanks! Very informative and helpful.

Does age matters?

(07-11-2018, 06:39)EllaC Wrote:  Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it!


(23-02-2019, 19:35)mausmi Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 06:39)EllaC Wrote:  Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it!


I see you found your answer to your previous question 'does age matter', from what ive read no it doesn't appear to just may need to think about how to raise igf eg. Msm, vit d and exercise particularly hiit (lotus) - there are a few others ways too. Younger ones potentially have it easier due to hgh/igf still being available naturally in good amounts.  

Could be element you were missing igf in your program along with high prolactin. I read a study on PM where subjects that took PM and had higher levels of igf grew 'significantly' while those who had low igf had no growth (sorry couldnt find study ill keep looking for it).

(23-02-2019, 21:56)Bonny Wrote:  
(23-02-2019, 19:35)mausmi Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 06:39)EllaC Wrote:  Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it!


I see you found your answer to your previous question 'does age matter', from what ive read no it doesn't appear to just may need to think about how to raise igf eg. Msm, vit d and exercise particularly hiit (lotus) - there are a few others ways too. Younger ones potentially have it easier due to hgh/igf still being available naturally in good amounts.  

Could be element you were missing igf in your program along with high prolactin. I read a study on PM where subjects that took PM and had higher levels of igf grew 'significantly' while those who had low igf had no growth (sorry couldnt find study ill keep looking for it).

Thanks Bonny. You have been really helpful and your thread is very informative. I had a good read.
I started taking MSM (2g/day) recently. I haven't checked my Vit D levels recently but was checked while I was pregnant and they were borderline. I guess I need to add Vit D to my routine.

I read the article. Its very informative. Thanks again!

The study also highlights that oral estrogen suppresses IGF-1 production, while estrogen administered via other methods are more effective than oral estrogen. Aha!

(23-02-2019, 23:23)mausmi Wrote:  
(23-02-2019, 21:56)Bonny Wrote:  
(23-02-2019, 19:35)mausmi Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 06:39)EllaC Wrote:  Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it!


I see you found your answer to your previous question 'does age matter', from what ive read no it doesn't appear to just may need to think about how to raise igf eg. Msm, vit d and exercise particularly hiit (lotus) - there are a few others ways too. Younger ones potentially have it easier due to hgh/igf still being available naturally in good amounts.  

Could be element you were missing igf in your program along with high prolactin. I read a study on PM where subjects that took PM and had higher levels of igf grew 'significantly' while those who had low igf had no growth (sorry couldnt find study ill keep looking for it).

Thanks Bonny. You have been really helpful and your thread is very informative. I had a good read.
I started taking MSM (2g/day) recently. I haven't checked my Vit D levels recently but was checked while I was pregnant and they were borderline. I guess I need to add Vit D to my routine.

I read the article. Its very informative. Thanks again!

The study also highlights that oral estrogen suppresses IGF-1 production, while estrogen administered via other methods are more effective than oral estrogen. Aha!

Another thing id consider is taking coconut oil, its great source of healthy fat which you need for boobs and a soooo much other stuff that directly relates to nbe. If you do a search on here you'll find heapssss on its benefits. 

Its on my staples list for nbe, especially because am on the lean side as far as weight and i eat plant based with limited processed foods (i do eat eggs) so not alot of fats. 

Are you considering lower your PM amount?

 And are you still producing any breast milk? If yes consider no massage/nipple stimulation for few weeks/months to try to decrease prolactin. I had to do this myself as i was still producing b.milk a while after stopping feeding.

And yes about study but also note the estrogen administered was 'chemical' in nature so maybe room for discrepancies with herbal supps as we all know different things behave differently in body. I found the study on fenugreek interesting 600mg daily seen marked increases in E levels (seems to be best study reference for increasing E with supps ive seen).

Its all synergy and its working out your combination to get that synergy. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa or you could be the one to stumble apon the right combo for all lol

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