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Any tips for cortisol belly/ bloating? Weight Loss Tricks?


Any tips for cortisol belly/bloating? Weight Loss Tricks?

(09-11-2018, 06:47)leila.b Wrote:  Any tips for cortisol belly/bloating? Weight Loss Tricks?

Alchemilla or ladies mantle is an old herbalist recommendation here in germany. I just recently bought this book ISBN-13: 978-3442141913

Random fact I just read somewhere recently... There are lots of estrogen receptors in the belly area. So this might be a sign for having enough estrogen circulating in your body but it doesn´t dock where you want it to dock? Huh

(09-11-2018, 06:47)leila.b Wrote:  Any tips for cortisol belly/bloating? Weight Loss Tricks?

These is a supplement ‘gall bladder formula’ and ‘ Adrenal and cortisol support’ from Dr. Berg. I’ve just bought it today. Very excited to take it since many cured by this supplement. You can find it in

I think maca lowers cortisol.

Lots of means of lowering cortisol, but...  No guarantees.

One easy one, from T-Nation: Take fish oil at bedtime. It's good for you for a bunch of reasons, so fish oil makes sense as a general supplement (Omega-3 fatty acids are good for a variety of reasons. Get the purest you can, take "3 caplets" each night, which should be like 500 mg of EPA, I think, and DHA - recycles went out yesterday, I'm out of supplements right now)
Take fish oil at nightl
Gender matters for fish oil and "fish oil for men v women"
Overview of fish oil
T-Nation's fish oil - note it's specifically meant to supplement for MEN, so YMMV.
Also worth a try, add magnesium in the evenings. Corn blocks the body's ability to process several mineral, zinc, magnesium, and manganese being key, IIRC. Zinc may not be a favorite, as it will free testosterone, but if you don't mind being more frisky? ;-)   Another one for bedtime, and t-nation have their own formulas, I'm sure the components can be found in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc.  Note corn oil is in sodas and cooking oils...  ;-)

Other things are useful, too.
Meditation is the first I'd suggest. Take some time and just calm yourself...  Especially, again, around bedtime.

Melatonin will help. More thought of as a sleep aid, but the body makes melatonin, and devices kill it (blue light wakes you up, red light like sunset and fire allow melatonin to affect you.) Blue light is common these days - CFLs for instance. Some LEDs, depending on wavelength. Incandescents didn't have this issue (nor cataracts, nor mercury, but, gotta love gov't.)

Himalayan salt lamps can help, too. (Crystal lump with a bulb inside, makes red light.) Fountains and incense as well, just to calm you.

Lavender Essential oil will help, supposedly, though I'd wager whaever calms you (vanilla and lavender are common ones, though.)

wine will help, of course, but choose carefully. ;-) Red wines are better than white, and lower sugar would be better, to limit insulin spikes, though done right, that might cause fat deposits to grow in breasts and butt.  ;-)

Sorry I don't have links for everything. T-nation I am on regularly, the rest is found here and there: The Daily Sheeple, Mark's Daily Apple, lots of odd things pass across my Tumblr...  ;-)

Last note, if you can? Turn off the news and think less. Ignorance is bliss, in some ways. Most news is thinly veiled op-eds, especially mainstream. If you can't ignore th daily news, take one day a week and just turn it off. This is one of the games where an inch here and there results in miles later. ;-)


Thanks ladies! I'm going to look into all the suggestions mentioned Smile

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