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Flat girl hints


(07-11-2018, 06:39)EllaC Wrote:  Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it
Thanks Ella, you definitely helped with a few of my questions/concerns that i often hear negative speak about
- age (am mid 30s)
- genetics, my dads side flat my mums well endowed 
- have children no change in breast volume 
- attention/intent play a role in nbe

Do you think personally that once you finally began to see growth/change that it flowed from there? Or stop/start? 
Ive recently seen change in 'base' of my breast if that make sense? Its wider extending towards arm pits, denser to touch or massage (meater), a little more volume. I even think i could actually pull off a push up bra, ive got something to push up now. Little by little i see change nothing dramatic but little by little.

(07-11-2018, 05:47)Bonny Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 00:21)bosekk Wrote:  
(17-10-2018, 05:14)Bonny Wrote:  
(16-10-2018, 22:37)Cely Wrote:  Well done Bonny! 
I d write your same info! 

I suggest anti-androgen, weight gain(if very skinny) BUT ALSO BOVINE OVARY, the reason is: it’s not like to put estrogens in your body, BO will reset your body, if a man takes BO gian penis shrink, his hair fade away, his fat distribution become feminine... And a man cant go back from this. It’s anti androgen BUT also an hormonal change. 

I learn just a thing from this NBE forum and my information about liposuction (years before, because I hate implants and very heavy boobs, but also pear shaped body, I studied about liposuction, this was to balance my body, that is my REAL aim) HORMONAL PROFILE IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO GAIN FAT IN SOME AREAS. 
So, if u are a pear shaped body, is useless to gain weight, you ll end with a big lower body but without boobs. 
If u are pear shaped, and you go to liposuction, when you gain weight you just re-gain your thights (BECAUSE OF HORMONES) 

Boobs are all about fat, not fat in general but fat in your chest. If u have the right “hormonal imbalance” all the fat you gain will go to your boobs. 
I lost 20 pounds, and before of it, I was an AA. So, it’s useless to me gain 20 pounds. 

It’s all to find this hormonal panel. 

PROLACTIN is good for NBE, but don’t forget that it inhibits your progesterone. 
Anyway, men on antipsychotic drugs (which increase prolactin) see an increase in boobs, permanent increase in boobs (well, for them it is an unwanted effect) I don’t know if this happens to girls. 
I read a lot of good things about goats rue, but i’m Not sure if it s permanet (a lot of info I have are about wemen with breast hypoplasia which can t brestfeed)

Thanks Cely.
Like i mentioned at start this is my experience so far and not 'the rules or science of NBE'. Plus we must remember that more often then not scientific findings dont aways correlate into the real world.

I am skinny and flat so weight gain has been extremely important for my nbe the other thing you touched is important too, its not so much the hormones that determine where fat will disperse but receptors hence why flat girls (who have less E receptors) will find extra fat will store in thighs, bum, hips where there are more e receptors. And no gaining weight if your a pear is totally wrong direction however perhaps increasing prolactin would be as the fat storage will be encouraged into breast. 

Alot of stuff is not permanent in nbe but overtime the swelling can be replaced by actual growth, look at noogleberry, same principle. 

I have read how magical BO is ment to be and went out and brought it but i disagree that its any good for flat girls, once again receptors, E receptors in breast can only take so much the rest is sent south. And i also read that BO is hard to know what hormones you are actually getting because it really depends when cow is slaughter eg. What part of cycle they were in, were they young or old, stressed, healthy or unhealthy you could be getting alot of progesterone if a bunch of old cows or whatever hormone been excreted at their death. I tried it high doses, low doses, cycling it (not recommended just own trial), all it did was dump weight all over my hips, bum and thighs and reallllly heavy periods in a short space of time, no good for me 'personally'. And am yet to find another girl in archives that was flat and had any growth from BO. Yes there are those have grown but they had breast tissue to begin makes huge difference, it seems fat is attracted to fat so i theorize thats why reasonable sized people can grow effortless. 

Just remember as the old saying goes 'there are many ways to skin a cat', nbe is far more complex then the science that is often brought up, our bodies are clearly smarter then we are and far more complex in its nature. And this forum is one of many regarding breast growth, the others have been deserted however they take a very different approach to nbe then this forum and would think some things we do as backwards thinking. Thats why we should be careful to express ourselves in a way that doesnt influences others right to be creative and try things that are not traditional on this site because on other old sites they are not that way out from their thinking. Eg. Unless something you said actually works and results in growth then its just an opinion doesn't matter where you read it. 

Just as all of above is my opinion.

Thank for your advice to me. I just noticed you felt fat is attracted to fat. The number of fat should not change after we grow up, and when we get fat, we actually just have bigger fat cells. That explains why B cup girls easily gain boobs, cos all the cell expansions add up to be a lot. But for us, since we are not increasing fat cells just expanding the volume, the effect is really limited. However I feel when treated with hormones, the number of fat or the distribution of fat can be changed as if we were teenagers. And researchers try to use fat cell division methods to increase the number of fat cells, as some non-hormone breast cream advertised. That method honestly sound more cancer-related to me than hormone, cos it encourages cell divisions. 

I wonder if breast pumps can actually increase number of fat cells, or just expand the size. If it's the latter, then of course they won't work well on us flat girls. I will use T decreasing products, cos it sounds to me the safest way. So many people block their DHT for hair growth don't have major health issue. And I recently do agree that smaller boobs have more clothes options. Big boobs look great in V neck and very tight clothes, but we can work with more styles. just add some necklaces for V neck.  At the end of the day, my bf stays, even tho he can date big boobs easily. Those help me not get depressed about boobs.

Thanks Bosekk
I get what your saying and i see science supports it (thread below), however my question is how the body chooses to store it? Why some have large breast while others stomachs, or others naturally athletic bodies. Again hormones and receptor locations must have a hand in it. The excess of hormones seems to dictate the direction fat will go (eg. Tummy  thighs, back) and storage depends on location of those hormone receptors. Geez i don't know lol over my head. 

Maybe those of us that were very slim in childhood are just destined to have small breast, because if fat cells are no longer able to be grown and only expand by volume then i can only expand on what i have. But there maybe hope because i was a chubby bubby hehe. 

I honestly can say while i respect science, and use it myself, its not the holy grail for me i believe that we can manifest changes whether that be our life circumstance or body, we have to ability to go outside the box if we believe we can. And often scientific findings can be limiting to my beliefs regarding change.  

Plus science changes there positions quite often on different things, proven findings now often change with future research. So i guess we have to remember this too, that findings might be 'mostly right', or 'right now' with what we currently know. 

One of my best tips is believe its truly is possible and think fondly of yourself, your body and breast. Negativity will only lead to unsuccessful outcomes.

Hormones responsible for storage in different area of body (interesting), if correct could help id high hormones.
Great information. And yea receptors are the key I agree. And EllaC is my motivation too. Btw I hear when women get pregnant, they experience a lot of hormone changes, like a second chance to grow boobs. And some women choose not to breastfeeding to keep their boobs. Although I don't know if it works that way lol. I do hear from my friends that they grow from flat to B after giving birth.  

Anyways I actually did grow my boobs, from the flatest probably 73cm to now 80cm. So it's flat to a real A cup, with weight gain in my thighs and tummy. I want to gain some weight, cos my upper body is still very skinning man-like. Just not sure how my tummy will look like later... I am Asian, so I know a lot of Asian skills. Several pressure points works for getting boobs. For my personal experience the most effective one is the one point in the middle of your chest, in line with the nipples. Now when you press it ,it could hurt a bit, or you find it hard to breath. That's how I felt, and for me it hurt a lot, that I couldn't really press it directly. what I do is to use my knuckles to scratch the line between boobs. And after some days, if I press the pressure point, it doesn't hurt anymore.  The more you hurt, the more likely that there's some problems so you can correct it through massage. As for other pressure points, I don't feel a thing in the beginning, and they don't seem to work either. 

 If you want to learn more about pressure points that helped for boobs, I can collect the info and graphs later.  But this one is a very important one, cos it's a intersection of nerves and stuff.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(07-11-2018, 16:22)Kbosekk Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 05:47)Bonny Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 00:21)bosekk Wrote:  
(17-10-2018, 05:14)Bonny Wrote:  
(16-10-2018, 22:37)Cely Wrote:  Well done Bonny! 
I d write your same info! 

I suggest anti-androgen, weight gain(if very skinny) BUT ALSO BOVINE OVARY, the reason is: it’s not like to put estrogens in your body, BO will reset your body, if a man takes BO gian penis shrink, his hair fade away, his fat distribution become feminine... And a man cant go back from this. It’s anti androgen BUT also an hormonal change. 

I learn just a thing from this NBE forum and my information about liposuction (years before, because I hate implants and very heavy boobs, but also pear shaped body, I studied about liposuction, this was to balance my body, that is my REAL aim) HORMONAL PROFILE IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO GAIN FAT IN SOME AREAS. 
So, if u are a pear shaped body, is useless to gain weight, you ll end with a big lower body but without boobs. 
If u are pear shaped, and you go to liposuction, when you gain weight you just re-gain your thights (BECAUSE OF HORMONES) 

Boobs are all about fat, not fat in general but fat in your chest. If u have the right “hormonal imbalance” all the fat you gain will go to your boobs. 
I lost 20 pounds, and before of it, I was an AA. So, it’s useless to me gain 20 pounds. 

It’s all to find this hormonal panel. 

PROLACTIN is good for NBE, but don’t forget that it inhibits your progesterone. 
Anyway, men on antipsychotic drugs (which increase prolactin) see an increase in boobs, permanent increase in boobs (well, for them it is an unwanted effect) I don’t know if this happens to girls. 
I read a lot of good things about goats rue, but i’m Not sure if it s permanet (a lot of info I have are about wemen with breast hypoplasia which can t brestfeed)

Thanks Cely.
Like i mentioned at start this is my experience so far and not 'the rules or science of NBE'. Plus we must remember that more often then not scientific findings dont aways correlate into the real world.

I am skinny and flat so weight gain has been extremely important for my nbe the other thing you touched is important too, its not so much the hormones that determine where fat will disperse but receptors hence why flat girls (who have less E receptors) will find extra fat will store in thighs, bum, hips where there are more e receptors. And no gaining weight if your a pear is totally wrong direction however perhaps increasing prolactin would be as the fat storage will be encouraged into breast. 

Alot of stuff is not permanent in nbe but overtime the swelling can be replaced by actual growth, look at noogleberry, same principle. 

I have read how magical BO is ment to be and went out and brought it but i disagree that its any good for flat girls, once again receptors, E receptors in breast can only take so much the rest is sent south. And i also read that BO is hard to know what hormones you are actually getting because it really depends when cow is slaughter eg. What part of cycle they were in, were they young or old, stressed, healthy or unhealthy you could be getting alot of progesterone if a bunch of old cows or whatever hormone been excreted at their death. I tried it high doses, low doses, cycling it (not recommended just own trial), all it did was dump weight all over my hips, bum and thighs and reallllly heavy periods in a short space of time, no good for me 'personally'. And am yet to find another girl in archives that was flat and had any growth from BO. Yes there are those have grown but they had breast tissue to begin makes huge difference, it seems fat is attracted to fat so i theorize thats why reasonable sized people can grow effortless. 

Just remember as the old saying goes 'there are many ways to skin a cat', nbe is far more complex then the science that is often brought up, our bodies are clearly smarter then we are and far more complex in its nature. And this forum is one of many regarding breast growth, the others have been deserted however they take a very different approach to nbe then this forum and would think some things we do as backwards thinking. Thats why we should be careful to express ourselves in a way that doesnt influences others right to be creative and try things that are not traditional on this site because on other old sites they are not that way out from their thinking. Eg. Unless something you said actually works and results in growth then its just an opinion doesn't matter where you read it. 

Just as all of above is my opinion.

Thank for your advice to me. I just noticed you felt fat is attracted to fat. The number of fat should not change after we grow up, and when we get fat, we actually just have bigger fat cells. That explains why B cup girls easily gain boobs, cos all the cell expansions add up to be a lot. But for us, since we are not increasing fat cells just expanding the volume, the effect is really limited. However I feel when treated with hormones, the number of fat or the distribution of fat can be changed as if we were teenagers. And researchers try to use fat cell division methods to increase the number of fat cells, as some non-hormone breast cream advertised. That method honestly sound more cancer-related to me than hormone, cos it encourages cell divisions. 

I wonder if breast pumps can actually increase number of fat cells, or just expand the size. If it's the latter, then of course they won't work well on us flat girls. I will use T decreasing products, cos it sounds to me the safest way. So many people block their DHT for hair growth don't have major health issue. And I recently do agree that smaller boobs have more clothes options. Big boobs look great in V neck and very tight clothes, but we can work with more styles. just add some necklaces for V neck.  At the end of the day, my bf stays, even tho he can date big boobs easily. Those help me not get depressed about boobs.

Thanks Bosekk
I get what your saying and i see science supports it (thread below), however my question is how the body chooses to store it? Why some have large breast while others stomachs, or others naturally athletic bodies. Again hormones and receptor locations must have a hand in it. The excess of hormones seems to dictate the direction fat will go (eg. Tummy  thighs, back) and storage depends on location of those hormone receptors. Geez i don't know lol over my head. 

Maybe those of us that were very slim in childhood are just destined to have small breast, because if fat cells are no longer able to be grown and only expand by volume then i can only expand on what i have. But there maybe hope because i was a chubby bubby hehe. 

I honestly can say while i respect science, and use it myself, its not the holy grail for me i believe that we can manifest changes whether that be our life circumstance or body, we have to ability to go outside the box if we believe we can. And often scientific findings can be limiting to my beliefs regarding change.  

Plus science changes there positions quite often on different things, proven findings now often change with future research. So i guess we have to remember this too, that findings might be 'mostly right', or 'right now' with what we currently know. 

One of my best tips is believe its truly is possible and think fondly of yourself, your body and breast. Negativity will only lead to unsuccessful outcomes.

Hormones responsible for storage in different area of body (interesting), if correct could help id high hormones.
Great information. And yea receptors are the key I agree. And EllaC is my motivation too. Btw I hear when women get pregnant, they experience a lot of hormone changes, like a second chance to grow boobs. And some women choose not to breastfeeding to keep their boobs. Although I don't know if it works that way lol. I do hear from my friends that they grow from flat to B after giving birth.  

Anyways I actually did grow my boobs, from the flatest probably 73cm to now 80cm. So it's flat to a real A cup, with weight gain in my thighs and tummy. I want to gain some weight, cos my upper body is still very skinning man-like. Just not sure how my tummy will look like later... I am Asian, so I know a lot of Asian skills. Several pressure points works for getting boobs. For my personal experience the most effective one is the one point in the middle of your chest, in line with the nipples. Now when you press it ,it could hurt a bit, or you find it hard to breath. That's how I felt, and for me it hurt a lot, that I couldn't really press it directly. what I do is to use my knuckles to scratch the line between boobs. And after some days, if I press the pressure point, it doesn't hurt anymore.  The more you hurt, the more likely that there's some problems so you can correct it through massage. As for other pressure points, I don't feel a thing in the beginning, and they don't seem to work either. 

 If you want to learn more about pressure points that helped for boobs, I can collect the info and graphs later.  But this one is a very important one, cos it's a intersection of nerves and stuff.
Would LOVE to hear your asian  tips please esp the pressure points.!! Please share . Already noted the middle nipple point 
Tigerlilly and feng shui who are my nbe motivation did these things but I forget the points!

I went from an A to C during breastfeeding then promptly lost it all and more 10 kgs to be exact, I wasn’t very well post pregnancy ! Yes keep gaining weight and who cares where it goes as long as it goes to boobs too even if it’s a little as happens with me, you can tone up later!

(07-11-2018, 10:25)Bonny Wrote:  
(07-11-2018, 06:39)EllaC Wrote:  Il won’t put a pic in here but il post it in my thread.
And sorry Bonny I was an A cup starting out so not completely flat but I sure looked it and now I’m 32D for the most part albeit C too. 
Just don’t want you girls thinking you cant change genetic predisposition etc cause epigenetics has proved you can change your destiny.
Just a bit of my history - FLAT as and skinny as right up till my late 30’s even after having a child, I was worse then in fact post childbirth sickly infact. 
I think with diet and mindset you can adopt a figure you want (to a degree). Whatever or wherever my hormone receptors were storing the fat/hormones the most it’s only since I focused solely on my breasts I got “some” results which I’m happy with IN MY LATE 30’s no less so don’t think age plays into it. 
 While I still feel like a small chested skinny broad I’m also quite happy with how it turned out cause I was teased ruthlessly of how “skinny” I was right up Untill recently where I thought to myself “ bugger the lot of you I’m going to be sexy” . Now I get compliments for the first time and going from skinny and flat my gains are enough for me. 

Also my nbe idol was late 30’s with shitty lifestyle habits and she gained beautiful big breasts through non hormonal efforts. Food/massage and mostly non hormonal supplements . She was small to begin with too. A cup at the least .

You can do it
Thanks Ella, you definitely helped with a few of my questions/concerns that i often hear negative speak about
- age (am mid 30s)
- genetics, my dads side flat my mums well endowed 
- have children no change in breast volume 
- attention/intent play a role in nbe

Do you think personally that once you finally began to see growth/change that it flowed from there? Or stop/start? 
Ive recently seen change in 'base' of my breast if that make sense? Its wider extending towards arm pits, denser to touch or massage (meater), a little more volume. I even think i could actually pull off a push up bra, ive got something to push up now. Little by little i see change nothing dramatic but little by little.

Yes just let it flow, any growth is a start. I’d keep up with the pectorals too. I’m sure surfer said there’s an amino acid that you take coupled with exercise that boosts muscle growth, itl be inhis thread , help you look a cup size bigger . Coupled with what your doing.

Great thread Re CYCLING (1st page towards bottom).

Great find Bonny!
Good digging

(03-12-2018, 14:19)Happyme Wrote:  Great find Bonny!
Good digging

Thanks Bobbi, always digging finding little pearls of wisdom!

I think its super important, we forget to consider benefits of cycling and also effects of too much estrogen.

Posted elsewhere thought id add it here too.

Found this awhile back (link below). Am going to add some more confusion to topic however this makes sense to me eg. Part about receptors in breast. Ive never added to any pc threads because tbh seems like even scientists dont know how effective it is; most studies discredit it as it doesnt raise serum levels enough to count however other studies found increase in progesterone in tissue after topical applications but not serum levels, this raise in tissue level progesterone was enough for participates to note symptom relief. 

When i started nbe i had no idea about hormones and their role in homeostasis of well-being of body and mind (i was hormone illiterate) and personally decided progesterone (pc) is something i should consider to oppose our E dominated world. Most of literature supports notion that too much E puts you at higher risk of the big 'c', along with other problems that can occur from low progesterone. 

Below is interesting read, read it with an open-mind if it makes sense to you use it if not disregard (my life philosophy on information).

(19-12-2018, 22:40)Bonny Wrote:  Posted elsewhere thought id add it here too.

Found this awhile back (link below). Am going to add some more confusion to topic however this makes sense to me eg. Part about receptors in breast. Ive never added to any pc threads because tbh seems like even scientists dont know how effective it is; most studies discredit it as it doesnt raise serum levels enough to count however other studies found increase in progesterone in tissue after topical applications but not serum levels, this raise in tissue level progesterone was enough for participates to note symptom relief. 

When i started nbe i had no idea about hormones and their role in homeostasis of well-being of body and mind (i was hormone illiterate) and personally decided progesterone (pc) is something i should consider to oppose our E dominated world. Most of literature supports notion that too much E puts you at higher risk of the big 'c', along with other problems that can occur from low progesterone. 

Below is interesting read, read it with an open-mind if it makes sense to you use it if not disregard (my life philosophy on information).
Thank you for this..

Link between Vitamin D and IGF; seems they may work in synergy

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