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Nerve damage from pumping


Very sad. I just found this old thread from 2014 from a girl receiving permanent damage from noogling.  Please look: EDIT: that thread gets all types of nasty and dramatic, but the point remains that she had chronic damage. That is just 1 tiny example of many people who received damage from using the noogleberry.

What's most disturbing is I just realized that I responded in the thread, writing about the early warning signs I was having while noogling which have now become chronic. My response is the one at the bottom to another concerned person. This thing is a death trap.

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(17-10-2018, 20:02)Jenniferlove Wrote:  I do not want your support.  I want advise from doctors.  How do I know you are the underlying cause?  Because when I would PUMP my arm would go numb.  Not other times.  A couple months ago I pumped for my last time when my entire arm went numb and did not come back.  It is still numb.

Smoking, herbs, etc. etc. can weaken veins, sure.  But your system will throw us over the edge.   You don't think you have people who smoke, drink coffee, etc.?  That puts them at a greater risk.  I live an extremely healthy lifestyle, but was possibly over-pumping (INNOCENTLY) because I had no way of knowing what is considered TOO MUCH.  Does that make sense?

The fact that you say, "It's not my system's fault" then proceed to spend the rest of your comment saying "You set your goals too high, you over-pumped beyond what is considered a safe and comfortable level".  You ADMIT it is your system that is contributing to damage.  You are stabbing yourself in the back by admitting your system may be at fault but in the same sentence taking no responsibility.  This is not slander.  This is called FRUSTRATION.  A shark will try to silence people from speaking up against the damage caused by that person.  This is also referred to as "projection," a classic narcissistic tactic to divert one's shortcoming and hold other's accountable for them.

I can see you trying to get my account shut down on here Lucy but I can assure you that I will come back louder if you do.

I have no connections with the admin on this forum and i have certainly not taken any steps to have your account taken down! not sure where you are getting your mis-information from???

(17-10-2018, 20:31)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Very sad. I just found this old thread from 2014 from a girl receiving permanent damage from noogling.  Please look:  EDIT:  that thread gets all types of nasty and dramatic, but the point remains that she had chronic damage.  That is just 1 tiny example of many people who received damage from using the noogleberry.

What's most disturbing is I just realized that I responded in the thread, writing about the early warning signs I was having while noogling which have now become chronic. My response is the one at the bottom to another concerned person. This thing is a death trap.

Just to reiterate, ( i do not want to repeat a previous reply), we have never disputed that some users might experience discomfort etc and we have taken all reasonably steps to minimise these by the warnings we issue. Thousands of users are extremely successful and pleased with their response, and those that feel they have had more chronic problems are obviously in the minority. Compared to those who undergo invasive surgery for breast augmentation and risk serious complications and long term harm, not to mention the financial cost, our system wins every time and i will always stand by this product. I am certain this is the reason why more and more doctors are using and recommending it to their patients! 

Jennifer, we both have something in common; we are extremely passionate about NBE. We both devote much of our time to it and to helping others. We both agree that vacuum breast systems work. We have both used them. I would much rather us work with each than against each other. I am constantly striving to improve the system and the information i give out , both written and on the site. If you feel you could add to this in terms of making sure we are being as safe as we can, then i would love to talk further. 

Just let me know


hi jennifer. i’m so sorry you are dealing with this. for your road to healing, i wanted to mention that ginkgo biloba and grape-seed extract are each proven to strengthen blood vessels  ….if so, it may help with those one-way valves. i feel you're right to be concerned. we don't know what we don't know and the people who do know should at the very least put a big fat warning sticker that tells you to watch their educational video that says hey you can potentially fuck yourself very much up which with these pumps if you're a bit too enthusiastic. or, a big fat sticker that says hey hey we don't have one of those educational videos so, sign this waiver ..why, because your body's filled with delicate vessels. i don't noogle a whole lot and i don't use a lot of pressure after a couple of purple boobs and especially after someone's testimonial smoker lip lines forming after using too much pressure in their lip pump. damn. we're lay people.

(17-10-2018, 22:33)solome Wrote:  hi jennifer. i’m so sorry you are dealing with this. for your road to healing, i wanted to mention that ginkgo biloba and grape-seed extract are each proven to strengthen blood vessels  ….if so, it may help with those one-way valves. i feel you're right to be concerned. we don't know what we don't know and the people who do know should at the very least put a big fat warning sticker that tells you to watch their educational video that says hey you can potentially fuck yourself very much up which with these pumps if you're a bit too enthusiastic. or, a big fat sticker that says hey hey we don't have one of those educational videos so, sign this waiver ..why, because your body's filled with delicate vessels. i don't noogle a whole lot and i don't use a lot of pressure after a couple of purple boobs and especially after someone's testimonial smoker lip lines forming after using too much pressure in their lip pump. damn. we're lay people.

Thank you.  I just purchased some ginko.  Any info helps!

Wanna see something really disturbing?  Go to Google and type 'Lucy Noogleberry' or 'Lucy Dann Noogleberry'.  Dann is her last name.  The FIRST things to pop up are an article about the dangers of noogling and when you type in her full name, the 3rd thing to pop up is a thread talking about permanent damage from noogling.  That says something powerful right there that those are the top things to show up when you type it into Google.  

Lucy, saying that you have never heard of permanent damage is a lie. Hannah alone has written you many times over the years.  Why is she being discredited?  Her and I represent the echo of many other silent victims that you are denying have valid complaints.

So I just got back from my chiropractor who has worked on me since my early 20's.  I am 36 now.  He had not worked on me for about 6 years though.  He is very disturbed by what has happened to me and is also suggesting vascular or peripheral neuropothy.  While telling me different healing methods, he made a point to say do not EVER do cupping.  I was shocked he even brought that up as he has no clue what has happened to me.  He said cupping can bring on a ton of very serious problems.  Cupping is done on the back.  Now imagine cupping for super long times every day of the week for years on end to one breast!

Another thing Lucy, why would I be interested in helping you with your business when you are taking zero responsibility to what has happened to me from your pump?  You are trying all different tactics on me I am noticing but none place the blame on yourself.  Instead you shift the blame in other directions, yet as I said, out yourself at the same time by admitting I may have "incorrectly" used the system, whatever that means.

Since 2014 I have been noogling for 1 minute tops followed by massage, then repeat.  Over the past 2 years I have maybe noogled 10 times per year. That has been enough to put the final nails in the coffin and cut off blood supply from one or some of my veins.  I could feel the numbness when pumping but I trusted you and your system when you said it's safe. I never in a million years would have used this system if i had known what has happened to me could occur.  This is some serious shit!  

You are banking off of women's insecurities, plain and simple, without a truly safe system nor any valid proof that it is.  Even worse you say it has been evaluated by doctors to confirm it's safe.  That makes us *think* we are in safe hands, but in actuality we are your guinea pigs.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(18-10-2018, 00:19)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Wanna see something really disturbing?  Go to Google and type 'Lucy Noogleberry' or 'Lucy Dann Noogleberry'.  Dann is her last name.  The FIRST things to pop up are an article about the dangers of noogling and when you type in her full name, the 3rd thing to pop up is a thread talking about permanent damage from noogling.  That says something powerful right there that those are the top things to show up when you type it into Google.  

Lucy, saying that you have never heard of permanent damage is a lie. Hannah alone has written you many times over the years.  Why is she being discredited?  Her and I represent the echo of many other silent victims that you are denying have valid complaints.

So I just got back from my chiropractor who has worked on me since my early 20's.  I am 36 now.  He had not worked on me for about 6 years though.  He is very disturbed by what has happened to me and is also suggesting vascular or peripheral neuropothy.  While telling me different healing methods, he made a point to say do not EVER do cupping.  I was shocked he even brought that up as he has no clue what has happened to me.  He said cupping can bring on a ton of very serious problems.  Cupping is done on the back.  Now imagine cupping for super long times every day of the week for years on end to one breast!

Another thing Lucy, why would I be interested in helping you with your business when you are taking zero responsibility to what has happened to me from your pump?  You are trying all different tactics on me I am noticing but none place the blame on yourself.  Instead you shift the blame in other directions, yet as I said, out yourself at the same time by admitting I may have "incorrectly" used the system, whatever that means.

Since 2014 I have been noogling for 1 minute tops followed by massage, then repeat.  Over the past 2 years I have maybe noogled 10 times per year. That has been enough to put the final nails in the coffin and cut off blood supply from one or some of my veins.  I could feel the numbness when pumping but I trusted you and your system when you said it's safe. I never in a million years would have used this system if i had known what has happened to me could occur.  This is some serious shit!  

You are banking off of women's insecurities, plain and simple, without a truly safe system nor any valid proof that it is.  Even worse you say it has been evaluated by doctors to confirm it's safe.  That makes us *think* we are in safe hands, but in actuality we are your guinea pigs.

Once again Jennifer, totally inaccurate information on many levels which for extremely personally and confidential reasons i am not going to expand on, suffice to say, I will remain respectful of others and not even comment on the defamatory nature of your reply. No doubt you will continue with your personal vendetta which i do not want to get further drawn into, but i thank you for giving me the opportunity to debate these issues and im confident that only positive things will come from this.

(thank you to all the kind members who have pm’d me - i really appreciate it   :-)   )

Best wishes 

(18-10-2018, 01:04)Lucynoogle Wrote:  
(18-10-2018, 00:19)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Wanna see something really disturbing?  Go to Google and type 'Lucy Noogleberry' or 'Lucy Dann Noogleberry'.  Dann is her last name.  The FIRST things to pop up are an article about the dangers of noogling and when you type in her full name, the 3rd thing to pop up is a thread talking about permanent damage from noogling.  That says something powerful right there that those are the top things to show up when you type it into Google.  

Lucy, saying that you have never heard of permanent damage is a lie. Hannah alone has written you many times over the years.  Why is she being discredited?  Her and I represent the echo of many other silent victims that you are denying have valid complaints.

So I just got back from my chiropractor who has worked on me since my early 20's.  I am 36 now.  He had not worked on me for about 6 years though.  He is very disturbed by what has happened to me and is also suggesting vascular or peripheral neuropothy.  While telling me different healing methods, he made a point to say do not EVER do cupping.  I was shocked he even brought that up as he has no clue what has happened to me.  He said cupping can bring on a ton of very serious problems.  Cupping is done on the back.  Now imagine cupping for super long times every day of the week for years on end to one breast!

Another thing Lucy, why would I be interested in helping you with your business when you are taking zero responsibility to what has happened to me from your pump?  You are trying all different tactics on me I am noticing but none place the blame on yourself.  Instead you shift the blame in other directions, yet as I said, out yourself at the same time by admitting I may have "incorrectly" used the system, whatever that means.

Since 2014 I have been noogling for 1 minute tops followed by massage, then repeat.  Over the past 2 years I have maybe noogled 10 times per year. That has been enough to put the final nails in the coffin and cut off blood supply from one or some of my veins.  I could feel the numbness when pumping but I trusted you and your system when you said it's safe. I never in a million years would have used this system if i had known what has happened to me could occur.  This is some serious shit!  

You are banking off of women's insecurities, plain and simple, without a truly safe system nor any valid proof that it is.  Even worse you say it has been evaluated by doctors to confirm it's safe.  That makes us *think* we are in safe hands, but in actuality we are your guinea pigs.

Once again Jennifer, totally inaccurate information on many levels which for extremely personally and confidential reasons i am not going to expand on, suffice to say, I will remain respectful of others and not even comment on the defamatory nature of your reply. No doubt you will continue with your personal vendetta which i do not want to get further drawn into, but i thank you for giving me the opportunity to debate these issues and im confident that only positive things will come from this.

(thank you to all the kind members who have pm’d me - i really appreciate it   :-)   )

Best wishes 

It is disturbing that out of all of this what you choose to hone in on is that you believe positive things will come out of this for YOU.  Are you a sociopath? I, and others, are speaking of potentially life-threatening symptoms we are receiving from your pump. You are somehow turning that into excitement from "positive messages" that I'm sure suggest deeper pockets for yourself.  

Long-term, I do not believe good things will come for you.  I think a lawsuit will most likely occur eventually by someone whose life was destroyed from your pump and whom is sophisticated enough to get the ball rolling in court.  You need to hold responsibility for your company and acknowledge that what people are saying may very well be tied to your system instead of debate it. We have legitimate stories.  

I have not yet, but I plan on copy and pasting at least 10 threads from people discussing nerve damage and numbness after using the noogleberry.  I've already read many.  

And Hannah, this is exactly why I didn't plan on writing Lucy.  I called it.  She will not take any responsibility for her company's faulty system.  She is a businesswoman.  I represent many other females who also have serious health issues from it now but do not come forward because we already know you'll use diversion tactics to make us feel wrong.

I used to be one of your biggest advocates Lucy.  Just check out the top viewed personal programs on this site and you will see mine is one of the highest viewed.  I have had great success from diet, noogling and massage alone.  No herbs.  But this all came with a price.  A potentially deadly one and one I have been told is irreversible.

(18-10-2018, 00:19)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Wanna see something really disturbing?  Go to Google and type 'Lucy Noogleberry' or 'Lucy Dann Noogleberry'.  Dann is her last name.  The FIRST things to pop up are an article about the dangers of noogling and when you type in her full name, the 3rd thing to pop up is a thread talking about permanent damage from noogling.  That says something powerful right there that those are the top things to show up when you type it into Google.  

Lucy, saying that you have never heard of permanent damage is a lie. Hannah alone has written you many times over the years.  Why is she being discredited?  Her and I represent the echo of many other silent victims that you are denying have valid complaints.

So I just got back from my chiropractor who has worked on me since my early 20's.  I am 36 now.  He had not worked on me for about 6 years though.  He is very disturbed by what has happened to me and is also suggesting vascular or peripheral neuropothy.  While telling me different healing methods, he made a point to say do not EVER do cupping.  I was shocked he even brought that up as he has no clue what has happened to me.  He said cupping can bring on a ton of very serious problems.  Cupping is done on the back.  Now imagine cupping for super long times every day of the week for years on end to one breast!

Another thing Lucy, why would I be interested in helping you with your business when you are taking zero responsibility to what has happened to me from your pump?  You are trying all different tactics on me I am noticing but none place the blame on yourself.  Instead you shift the blame in other directions, yet as I said, out yourself at the same time by admitting I may have "incorrectly" used the system, whatever that means.

Since 2014 I have been noogling for 1 minute tops followed by massage, then repeat.  Over the past 2 years I have maybe noogled 10 times per year. That has been enough to put the final nails in the coffin and cut off blood supply from one or some of my veins.  I could feel the numbness when pumping but I trusted you and your system when you said it's safe. I never in a million years would have used this system if i had known what has happened to me could occur.  This is some serious shit!  

You are banking off of women's insecurities, plain and simple, without a truly safe system nor any valid proof that it is.  Even worse you say it has been evaluated by doctors to confirm it's safe.  That makes us *think* we are in safe hands, but in actuality we are your guinea pigs.

Actually the "Dangers of noogleberry" is just used as clickbait title. The article only discusses things like how it takes time, could create indentations and scars and all the other usual noogleberry stuff. It's not really negative tbh.  The other one is just the discussion between Hannah and some other women about scars, blood circulation. So the stuff is also being discussed here. So it's nothing new.

Another thing is that noogleberry forum is filled with women discussing their arms going numb and all that stuff. So the negative stuff is taken down from Lucy's forum. This stuff is on Noogleberry's forum, so she isn't hiding any information. Before buying noogleberry I read(and still do) as much positive and negative stuff online as I could. 

Jennifer I am really sorry that this has happened to you but that could be the case with many other products out there, esp products like this. Creams, implants, gums etc all can lead to possible side effects or serious health issues.

(18-10-2018, 01:33)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(18-10-2018, 00:19)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Wanna see something really disturbing?  Go to Google and type 'Lucy Noogleberry' or 'Lucy Dann Noogleberry'.  Dann is her last name.  The FIRST things to pop up are an article about the dangers of noogling and when you type in her full name, the 3rd thing to pop up is a thread talking about permanent damage from noogling.  That says something powerful right there that those are the top things to show up when you type it into Google.  

Lucy, saying that you have never heard of permanent damage is a lie. Hannah alone has written you many times over the years.  Why is she being discredited?  Her and I represent the echo of many other silent victims that you are denying have valid complaints.

So I just got back from my chiropractor who has worked on me since my early 20's.  I am 36 now.  He had not worked on me for about 6 years though.  He is very disturbed by what has happened to me and is also suggesting vascular or peripheral neuropothy.  While telling me different healing methods, he made a point to say do not EVER do cupping.  I was shocked he even brought that up as he has no clue what has happened to me.  He said cupping can bring on a ton of very serious problems.  Cupping is done on the back.  Now imagine cupping for super long times every day of the week for years on end to one breast!

Another thing Lucy, why would I be interested in helping you with your business when you are taking zero responsibility to what has happened to me from your pump?  You are trying all different tactics on me I am noticing but none place the blame on yourself.  Instead you shift the blame in other directions, yet as I said, out yourself at the same time by admitting I may have "incorrectly" used the system, whatever that means.

Since 2014 I have been noogling for 1 minute tops followed by massage, then repeat.  Over the past 2 years I have maybe noogled 10 times per year. That has been enough to put the final nails in the coffin and cut off blood supply from one or some of my veins.  I could feel the numbness when pumping but I trusted you and your system when you said it's safe. I never in a million years would have used this system if i had known what has happened to me could occur.  This is some serious shit!  

You are banking off of women's insecurities, plain and simple, without a truly safe system nor any valid proof that it is.  Even worse you say it has been evaluated by doctors to confirm it's safe.  That makes us *think* we are in safe hands, but in actuality we are your guinea pigs.

Actually the "Dangers of noogleberry" is just used as clickbait title. The article only discusses things like how it takes time, could create indentations and scars and all the other usual noogleberry stuff. It's not really negative tbh.  The other one is just the discussion between Hannah and some other women about scars, blood circulation. So the stuff is also being discussed here. So it's nothing new.

Another thing is that noogleberry forum is filled with women discussing their arms going numb and all that stuff. So the negative stuff is taken down from Lucy's forum. This stuff is on Noogleberry's forum, so she isn't hiding any information. Before buying noogleberry I read(and still do) as much positive and negative stuff online as I could. 

Jennifer I am really sorry that this has happened to you but that could be the case with many other products out there, esp products like this. Creams, implants, gums etc all can lead to possible side effects or serious health issues.

She is denying that she has heard any serious complaints though, which is a lie.  Why do you think our arms and legs are going numb?  That is from lack of circulation.  Why would that happen?  Because we are pulling on our veins and nerves.  This is not healthy by any stretch of the imagination.  I did not begin my research until now when it's too late.  I had no clue all the damage that has been accumulating over years of pumping.

As I've already written, I have only noogled maybe 10 times a year over the past few years and my method has been to pump for no more than a minute and then massage.  That is pretty much as careful as you can get.  It has still been enough to cause serious damage.

I am a teacher for several companies and have had to quit working for a couple of the companies because my body is just too ill now. I cannot handle taking on so many students.  My livelihood has been affected and I fear if this keeps getting worse I may have to go on disability.  But Lucy sees positive in all of this for her.  How cute.

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