Poll: Is it absolutely necessary to include suction/ pumping (noogling) in your routine in order to see results? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
No, but noogling will give you faster results than no noogling
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Question: Is breast pumping absolutely necessary to grow?


Hi everyone!  Smile

I'm new to NBE and im confused about NBE and breast suction/pumping. I hope i dont sound stupid, but Is it absolutely necessary to noogle in order to see results?
I'm hoping that it's not because between work, school, my bf, and the gym I really dont have the time (or privacy) to noogle  Dodgy
From reading on here I understand that massage is necessary so I'm trying my best to include it in my program ( which i will start tomorrow). 
Also, feel free to check out my routine and leave feedback http://www.breastnexus.com/showthread.php?tid=28987

Maybe everyone has different opinions about noogling, but I'd like to know peoples opinions based on your experiences!

(12-08-2018, 01:09)Nunezd7 Wrote:  Hi everyone!  Smile

I'm new to NBE and im confused about NBE and breast suction/pumping. I hope i dont sound stupid, but Is it absolutely necessary to noogle in order to see results?
I'm hoping that it's not because between work, school, my bf, and the gym I really dont have the time (or privacy) to noogle  Dodgy
From reading on here I understand that massage is necessary so I'm trying my best to include it in my program ( which i will start tomorrow). 
Also, feel free to check out my routine and leave feedback http://www.breastnexus.com/showthread.php?tid=28987

Maybe everyone has different opinions about noogling, but I'd like to know peoples opinions based on your experiences!

I think pumping is a great way to boost ur growth rate or grow bigger than you would with just other methods - but for most people, it's probably not a necessity. There's probably a few that r the exception and really need the extra blood circulation too get the nutrients & hormones to the breast. For instance, I have horrible circulation and get cold easy, so massaging and pumping are needed in my case.  Otherwise, I tend to only get growing pains and swelling, with very little, slow growth. So pumping helps me alot. Plus,  getting to see and feel them swollen,  helps motivate me to keep going and it's fun having bigger boobs for a few hours. If I'm consistant, after a few weeks of daily pumping, I'll have a bit of swelling the next day even. Its great.  Also, it helps envision my goal and I like to try on bigger bras and bathing suits to see what size I think I'd like to be. Again, it's a great motivater to c urself fit into those bigger clothing items. 
But all that aside, it is generally possible to grow just fine without pumping.  If u have poor circulation and can't pump, then make sure u massage alot, get enough movement and excersise, and maybe look into some herbs or supplements to increase ur circulation. Also, a heating pad b4 or after you massage would help. Mine turns off automatically so I put it on my chest at bedtime, after my nightly massage and pumping session. I also mix some liquid herbal extracts with EVOO, and rub that on and the heat helps that soak into the skin better. One other thing, consider lymph drainage massage, particulary around the breasts and armpits. Stagnant lymph fluid can really hamper ur growth (and health!). I like red clover for NBE bcuz it not only has hormonal properties, but it helps cleanse the liver (which is important for health and hormonal balance), improves blood circulation, is a natural antibiotic, cleanses the blood and lymph fluid, and much more. I recently started taking it, and within 20 min my boobs were aching. And they haven't stopped for 3 days since. They are swollen and my nipples have the look/feel they get when I'm growing. So, fingers crossed! I took it 5 or 6 years ago the first time I ever grew (b4 breastfeeding and losing all my progress and then some?) and recently decided to go back to the basics of when I first learned about NBE. And it seems to b working. However,  everyone's needs are not the same with NBE. I don't know your hormonal situation/needs or health status. So, do ur own research of course. But just wanted to mention it. Anyways, this turned into a huge story lol. Sorry. I just know what it's like to be overwhelmed with this NBE stuff and feel confused by the options. So I hope something in my response helps u. I didn't read your program thread yet, so If I mentioned anything your already doing, sorry. If u decide to get a pump, there r some good, cheap options. Lmk if u want some info. Good luck hun!

Hey Ashley8!
Thank you so much for such a detailed response! I can tell you have done a lot of research and really know your stuff lol. I really appreciate your thorough explanation. I never even considered how circulation is correlated with NBE, but now that you've explained it to me, it makes sense and I'll have to add more massage, a heating pad, and maybe even an herb to help with my circulation. To be honest, my routine doesn't include much massage because I never really felt that it made a difference, and I didnt really understand why it was necessary to include it. I'm not really sure though if my circulation is good or bad, I'll have to do more research and figure that out before I add stuff to my program. How did you know you have bad circulation? I do get cold very easily, and my hands tend to be always cold, but that might be do to other reasons. Also, I havent gotten my hormone panel done , but i will do that when I get the money because It is a little pricey.
Thanks again for your response! And good luck in your journey!

(14-08-2018, 15:52)Nunezd7 Wrote:  Hey Ashley8!
Thank you so much for such a detailed response! I can tell you have done a lot of research and really know your stuff lol. I really appreciate your thorough explanation. I never even considered how circulation is correlated with NBE, but now that you've explained it to me, it makes sense and I'll have to add more massage, a heating pad, and maybe even an herb to help with my circulation. To be honest, my routine doesn't include much massage because I never really felt that it made a difference, and I didnt really understand why it was necessary to include it. I'm not really sure though if my circulation is good or bad, I'll have to do more research and figure that out before I add stuff to my program. How did you know you have bad circulation? I do get cold very easily, and my hands tend to be always cold, but that might be do to other reasons. Also, I havent gotten my hormone panel done , but i will do that when I get the money because It is a little pricey.
Thanks again for your response! And good luck in your journey!

I did look over ur program quickly and realized it's a BO program, so you probably shouldn't take red clover bcuz its a pretty decent strength phyto-estrogen. But I can give u a list of ways and supplements to improve circulatuon of u want. Having cold hands and feet is usually a sign that it's not very good. My hands and feet r often very cold amd sometimes tingly. They fall asleep very easy if my arms or legs r bent or in a position where blood flow is interrupted at all. I took BO myself for awhile with some success but stopped and decided to wait until I got my IUD out so my hormones would b better. But than I decided to try an herbal routine again since it's worked in the past and was less expensive - the BO I used was organic, high quality, product from humane treated animals. All of that is important to me in everything I use or consume. So buying the BO & pituitary was adding up. Plus I always use PC (progresterone cream) bcuz mine is very low due to some health issues. I also take some supplements like D3, zinc, vegan protien nutritional meal powder, etc. So cost wise, my program was getting expensive. I'll look over ur thread again tomorrow and see if I can suggest anything but one tip that worked great for me was using adrenal glandular in program for a couple months. It helped my temp go from being in the 95's, to consistantly being high 98 to mid 99. And after I stopped taking it, my temp remained higher at mid 97 to mid 98. Having more then .2 fluctuation in ur temp is said to mean that u could have low thyroid funtion. I do have severe hypothyroidism and BO can supposedly weigh on ur thyroid, so that's another reason I decided to stop. So I suggest u get a good thermometer, and check ur temp b4 u get out of bed each day, and multiple times during the day. If it fluctuates alot in a 24 hr period, u might have a thyroid issue which could effect ur success. If ur temp is consistantly lower than 98, then u might have adrenal fatigue, which I also have. That's why I took the adrenal glandular to help help that and to help my temps.  I still have some adrenal fatigue bcuz I have alot of contributing factors to deal with, but it's better than b4 and I'm not as cold so easily. When I can afford it, I might take adrenal and thyroid glandulars at some point. But right now I'm trying to heal my health issues other ways. Anyways,  just something to consider. I'd also say, make sure ur getting enough D3, magnesium, b vitamins, especially b12, iodine and selenium. U can get them thru food or supplements  (i have good comapnies I can refer u too if u want, some r not worth taking - source matters). Those things will suppprt ur thyroid, overall health and even help with hormones. Like iodine can help with stored (bad) estrogens in the thyroid gland. Getting those out and giving ur body good estrogen (the BO) can be really helpful. Also, making sure your cleansing the liver of those bad estrogens as well. You could use milk thistle for this. I plan on taking it during the 1st 3 days of my period each month. It also cleanses the liver of other toxins which is very important for health and NBE. There's many other ways to cleanse ur liver and rid ur body of those zeno-estrogens/synthetic hormones (which r found in many foods that aren't organic and everyday products). Also, alot of none organic food and chemical filled products, are endocrine disruptors. Which means they mess up how ur reproductive system, and other organs/ systems function - ones related to NBE and many other major bodily functions. Soo choose organic food and natural products as often as u can. Non-gmo, no fragrances, no dyes,  no synthetic ingredients, etc. Etc. Anyways, got off topic lol. As far as circulation,  most people could at least benefit from a boost, and many people actually need it. It's pretty common with all the medications,  chemicals,  health issues, low activity lifestyles, etc. So do yoga and stretching daily,  use the heating pad,  do the Chi massage as well as some lymph drainage massage, and I bet it'll help. U can also do some acupressure points/massage for breast growth. Look it up, or I can try to find the diagram I learned it from.  Also, go to mustgrowbust.com. Its a blog about NBE. They r the most in depth, accurate blog I've found yet. I mean, now that I know as much as I do,  I don't find them useful anymore, and sometimes think they could expand in some areas, but when I was starting out, that was the best place to get reliable info. NBE is so controversial and unknown to most, so finding 100 percent accurate info is impossible basically. But that site seems to be pretty consistant with the general info. They cover basically all the methods. It's a great starting point,  and then u can research more once u have that good basic understanding. The only thing is, i think they could recommend  better products sometimes. Like some of their categories r limited.  So don't buy something just cuz they said it's the best. I always research those for myself for anything in life, and usually find awesome products that aren't well known or reffered to anywhere.  So always research. A great place to learn about health, daily diet, types of supplements, etc. Is the global healing center website. It's a company run by an awesome doctor, (Dr. Group) with many degrees and so much knowledge.  He had a natural cancer healing clinic in the 90's! Also check out his youtube channel. Here's some links to get u going, then just look around at all the other info. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/nasc...adine.html 
click where it says description. Then from there read about all his other supplements, and blog posts.  I know the products r expensive,  but they r quality.  I love the items I take. But I can also reccomend some cheaper options that r still better than most companies. But this is a great place to learn about stuff at least. The body cleansing diet he talks about is rly good and has great info - I plan on buying the pdf of the book to learn more. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/clea...iet.html#1. Anyways, sorry for writing a novel again lol. Best of luck.  U can private message me if u need anything else. Oh, here's the YouTube link.
I suggest the videos on toxins in the bedroom, bathroom amd kitchen. Shocking info!   Lmk if u need anything else <3

Well maybe not 100% essential for growth,
But its a wonderful tool for shaping.
Like all of NBE it takes consistent use to see results, and must be used with nutrition as well.

(15-08-2018, 08:07)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(14-08-2018, 15:52)Nunezd7 Wrote:  Hey Ashley8!
Thank you so much for such a detailed response! I can tell you have done a lot of research and really know your stuff lol. I really appreciate your thorough explanation. I never even considered how circulation is correlated with NBE, but now that you've explained it to me, it makes sense and I'll have to add more massage, a heating pad, and maybe even an herb to help with my circulation. To be honest, my routine doesn't include much massage because I never really felt that it made a difference, and I didnt really understand why it was necessary to include it. I'm not really sure though if my circulation is good or bad, I'll have to do more research and figure that out before I add stuff to my program. How did you know you have bad circulation? I do get cold very easily, and my hands tend to be always cold, but that might be do to other reasons. Also, I havent gotten my hormone panel done , but i will do that when I get the money because It is a little pricey.
Thanks again for your response! And good luck in your journey!

I did look over ur program quickly and realized it's a BO program, so you probably shouldn't take red clover bcuz its a pretty decent strength phyto-estrogen. But I can give u a list of ways and supplements to improve circulatuon of u want. Having cold hands and feet is usually a sign that it's not very good. My hands and feet r often very cold amd sometimes tingly. They fall asleep very easy if my arms or legs r bent or in a position where blood flow is interrupted at all. I took BO myself for awhile with some success but stopped and decided to wait until I got my IUD out so my hormones would b better. But than I decided to try an herbal routine again since it's worked in the past and was less expensive - the BO I used was organic, high quality, product from humane treated animals. All of that is important to me in everything I use or consume. So buying the BO & pituitary was adding up. Plus I always use PC (progresterone cream) bcuz mine is very low due to some health issues. I also take some supplements like D3, zinc, vegan protien nutritional meal powder, etc. So cost wise, my program was getting expensive. I'll look over ur thread again tomorrow and see if I can suggest anything but one tip that worked great for me was using adrenal glandular in program for a couple months. It helped my temp go from being in the 95's, to consistantly being high 98 to mid 99. And after I stopped taking it, my temp remained higher at mid 97 to mid 98. Having more then .2 fluctuation in ur temp is said to mean that u could have low thyroid funtion. I do have severe hypothyroidism and BO can supposedly weigh on ur thyroid, so that's another reason I decided to stop. So I suggest u get a good thermometer, and check ur temp b4 u get out of bed each day, and multiple times during the day. If it fluctuates alot in a 24 hr period, u might have a thyroid issue which could effect ur success. If ur temp is consistantly lower than 98, then u might have adrenal fatigue, which I also have. That's why I took the adrenal glandular to help help that and to help my temps.  I still have some adrenal fatigue bcuz I have alot of contributing factors to deal with, but it's better than b4 and I'm not as cold so easily. When I can afford it, I might take adrenal and thyroid glandulars at some point. But right now I'm trying to heal my health issues other ways. Anyways,  just something to consider. I'd also say, make sure ur getting enough D3, magnesium, b vitamins, especially b12, iodine and selenium. U can get them thru food or supplements  (i have good comapnies I can refer u too if u want, some r not worth taking - source matters). Those things will suppprt ur thyroid, overall health and even help with hormones. Like iodine can help with stored (bad) estrogens in the thyroid gland. Getting those out and giving ur body good estrogen (the BO) can be really helpful. Also, making sure your cleansing the liver of those bad estrogens as well. You could use milk thistle for this. I plan on taking it during the 1st 3 days of my period each month. It also cleanses the liver of other toxins which is very important for health and NBE. There's many other ways to cleanse ur liver and rid ur body of those zeno-estrogens/synthetic hormones (which r found in many foods that aren't organic and everyday products). Also, alot of none organic food and chemical filled products, are endocrine disruptors. Which means they mess up how ur reproductive system, and other organs/ systems function - ones related to NBE and many other major bodily functions. Soo choose organic food and natural products as often as u can. Non-gmo, no fragrances, no dyes,  no synthetic ingredients, etc. Etc. Anyways, got off topic lol. As far as circulation,  most people could at least benefit from a boost, and many people actually need it. It's pretty common with all the medications,  chemicals,  health issues, low activity lifestyles, etc. So do yoga and stretching daily,  use the heating pad,  do the Chi massage as well as some lymph drainage massage, and I bet it'll help. U can also do some acupressure points/massage for breast growth. Look it up, or I can try to find the diagram I learned it from.  Also, go to mustgrowbust.com. Its a blog about NBE. They r the most in depth, accurate blog I've found yet. I mean, now that I know as much as I do,  I don't find them useful anymore, and sometimes think they could expand in some areas, but when I was starting out, that was the best place to get reliable info. NBE is so controversial and unknown to most, so finding 100 percent accurate info is impossible basically. But that site seems to be pretty consistant with the general info. They cover basically all the methods. It's a great starting point,  and then u can research more once u have that good basic understanding. The only thing is, i think they could recommend  better products sometimes. Like some of their categories r limited.  So don't buy something just cuz they said it's the best. I always research those for myself for anything in life, and usually find awesome products that aren't well known or reffered to anywhere.  So always research. A great place to learn about health, daily diet, types of supplements, etc. Is the global healing center website. It's a company run by an awesome doctor, (Dr. Group) with many degrees and so much knowledge.  He had a natural cancer healing clinic in the 90's! Also check out his youtube channel. Here's some links to get u going, then just look around at all the other info. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/nasc...adine.html 
click where it says description. Then from there read about all his other supplements, and blog posts.  I know the products r expensive,  but they r quality.  I love the items I take. But I can also reccomend some cheaper options that r still better than most companies. But this is a great place to learn about stuff at least. The body cleansing diet he talks about is rly good and has great info - I plan on buying the pdf of the book to learn more. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/clea...iet.html#1. Anyways, sorry for writing a novel again lol. Best of luck.  U can private message me if u need anything else. Oh, here's the YouTube link.
I suggest the videos on toxins in the bedroom, bathroom amd kitchen. Shocking info!   Lmk if u need anything else <3

Thanks so much for your response!

I took a look at the global healing center website and I see many products that I'm interested in, I also subscribed to Dr Groups Youtube channel! I def need to add more supplements like D3 and B vitamins to my diet, I just wish they sold the BO too so I can buy all my stuff from one place. Also, I def will buy a thermometer to check my temps daily because thats another part of my program that I completely overlooked lol. I will add the adrenal glandular to improve my temps if they aren't where they're supposed to be. How much did you have to take for your temps to improve? I had seen from other BO programs that body temp is important but for some reason i forgot to include it. I will PM u about your recomendations for improving circulation and body temperature. I do plan on doing a liver cleanse with milk thistle after my third or fourth month on BO. Also, how long did it take u to see progress with BO and did you experience any side effects?
I do need to include more massage techniques into my program as well, because I basically only know one and i dont do it as often as i should lol. And I have quickly looked over mustgrowbust.com before but havent really looked into it in depth but I will since you do recommend it.
I cant wait to improve my program and see progress with BO!

Again, thanks soooo much for all your recommendations and advice, I'm learning so much from you and I'm sure so many others are too from reading yoir comments on this thread! <3

(17-08-2018, 20:30)Nunezd7 Wrote:  
(15-08-2018, 08:07)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(14-08-2018, 15:52)Nunezd7 Wrote:  Hey Ashley8!
Thank you so much for such a detailed response! I can tell you have done a lot of research and really know your stuff lol. I really appreciate your thorough explanation. I never even considered how circulation is correlated with NBE, but now that you've explained it to me, it makes sense and I'll have to add more massage, a heating pad, and maybe even an herb to help with my circulation. To be honest, my routine doesn't include much massage because I never really felt that it made a difference, and I didnt really understand why it was necessary to include it. I'm not really sure though if my circulation is good or bad, I'll have to do more research and figure that out before I add stuff to my program. How did you know you have bad circulation? I do get cold very easily, and my hands tend to be always cold, but that might be do to other reasons. Also, I havent gotten my hormone panel done , but i will do that when I get the money because It is a little pricey.
Thanks again for your response! And good luck in your journey!

I did look over ur program quickly and realized it's a BO program, so you probably shouldn't take red clover bcuz its a pretty decent strength phyto-estrogen. But I can give u a list of ways and supplements to improve circulatuon of u want. Having cold hands and feet is usually a sign that it's not very good. My hands and feet r often very cold amd sometimes tingly. They fall asleep very easy if my arms or legs r bent or in a position where blood flow is interrupted at all. I took BO myself for awhile with some success but stopped and decided to wait until I got my IUD out so my hormones would b better. But than I decided to try an herbal routine again since it's worked in the past and was less expensive - the BO I used was organic, high quality, product from humane treated animals. All of that is important to me in everything I use or consume. So buying the BO & pituitary was adding up. Plus I always use PC (progresterone cream) bcuz mine is very low due to some health issues. I also take some supplements like D3, zinc, vegan protien nutritional meal powder, etc. So cost wise, my program was getting expensive. I'll look over ur thread again tomorrow and see if I can suggest anything but one tip that worked great for me was using adrenal glandular in program for a couple months. It helped my temp go from being in the 95's, to consistantly being high 98 to mid 99. And after I stopped taking it, my temp remained higher at mid 97 to mid 98. Having more then .2 fluctuation in ur temp is said to mean that u could have low thyroid funtion. I do have severe hypothyroidism and BO can supposedly weigh on ur thyroid, so that's another reason I decided to stop. So I suggest u get a good thermometer, and check ur temp b4 u get out of bed each day, and multiple times during the day. If it fluctuates alot in a 24 hr period, u might have a thyroid issue which could effect ur success. If ur temp is consistantly lower than 98, then u might have adrenal fatigue, which I also have. That's why I took the adrenal glandular to help help that and to help my temps.  I still have some adrenal fatigue bcuz I have alot of contributing factors to deal with, but it's better than b4 and I'm not as cold so easily. When I can afford it, I might take adrenal and thyroid glandulars at some point. But right now I'm trying to heal my health issues other ways. Anyways,  just something to consider. I'd also say, make sure ur getting enough D3, magnesium, b vitamins, especially b12, iodine and selenium. U can get them thru food or supplements  (i have good comapnies I can refer u too if u want, some r not worth taking - source matters). Those things will suppprt ur thyroid, overall health and even help with hormones. Like iodine can help with stored (bad) estrogens in the thyroid gland. Getting those out and giving ur body good estrogen (the BO) can be really helpful. Also, making sure your cleansing the liver of those bad estrogens as well. You could use milk thistle for this. I plan on taking it during the 1st 3 days of my period each month. It also cleanses the liver of other toxins which is very important for health and NBE. There's many other ways to cleanse ur liver and rid ur body of those zeno-estrogens/synthetic hormones (which r found in many foods that aren't organic and everyday products). Also, alot of none organic food and chemical filled products, are endocrine disruptors. Which means they mess up how ur reproductive system, and other organs/ systems function - ones related to NBE and many other major bodily functions. Soo choose organic food and natural products as often as u can. Non-gmo, no fragrances, no dyes,  no synthetic ingredients, etc. Etc. Anyways, got off topic lol. As far as circulation,  most people could at least benefit from a boost, and many people actually need it. It's pretty common with all the medications,  chemicals,  health issues, low activity lifestyles, etc. So do yoga and stretching daily,  use the heating pad,  do the Chi massage as well as some lymph drainage massage, and I bet it'll help. U can also do some acupressure points/massage for breast growth. Look it up, or I can try to find the diagram I learned it from.  Also, go to mustgrowbust.com. Its a blog about NBE. They r the most in depth, accurate blog I've found yet. I mean, now that I know as much as I do,  I don't find them useful anymore, and sometimes think they could expand in some areas, but when I was starting out, that was the best place to get reliable info. NBE is so controversial and unknown to most, so finding 100 percent accurate info is impossible basically. But that site seems to be pretty consistant with the general info. They cover basically all the methods. It's a great starting point,  and then u can research more once u have that good basic understanding. The only thing is, i think they could recommend  better products sometimes. Like some of their categories r limited.  So don't buy something just cuz they said it's the best. I always research those for myself for anything in life, and usually find awesome products that aren't well known or reffered to anywhere.  So always research. A great place to learn about health, daily diet, types of supplements, etc. Is the global healing center website. It's a company run by an awesome doctor, (Dr. Group) with many degrees and so much knowledge.  He had a natural cancer healing clinic in the 90's! Also check out his youtube channel. Here's some links to get u going, then just look around at all the other info. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/nasc...adine.html 
click where it says description. Then from there read about all his other supplements, and blog posts.  I know the products r expensive,  but they r quality.  I love the items I take. But I can also reccomend some cheaper options that r still better than most companies. But this is a great place to learn about stuff at least. The body cleansing diet he talks about is rly good and has great info - I plan on buying the pdf of the book to learn more. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/clea...iet.html#1. Anyways, sorry for writing a novel again lol. Best of luck.  U can private message me if u need anything else. Oh, here's the YouTube link.
I suggest the videos on toxins in the bedroom, bathroom amd kitchen. Shocking info!   Lmk if u need anything else <3

Thanks so much for your response!

I took a look at the global healing center website and I see many products that I'm interested in, I also subscribed to Dr Groups Youtube channel! I def need to add more supplements like D3 and B vitamins to my diet, I just wish they sold the BO too so I can buy all my stuff from one place. Also, I def will buy a thermometer to check my temps daily because thats another part of my program that I completely overlooked lol. I will add the adrenal glandular to improve my temps if they aren't where they're supposed to be. How much did you have to take for your temps to improve? I had seen from other BO programs that body temp is important but for some reason i forgot to include it. I will PM u about your recomendations for improving circulation and body temperature. I do plan on doing a liver cleanse with milk thistle after my third or fourth month on BO. Also, how long did it take u to see progress with BO and did you experience any side effects?
I do need to include more massage techniques into my program as well, because I basically only know one and i dont do it as often as i should lol. And I have quickly looked over mustgrowbust.com before but havent really looked into it in depth but I will since you do recommend it.
I cant wait to improve my program and see progress with BO!

Again, thanks soooo much for all your recommendations and advice, I'm learning so much from you and I'm sure so many others are too from reading yoir comments on this thread! <3
Oh thanks, I'm so glad I can help! I don't know as much as others,  but I have been doing this on and off for awhile,  so I'd like to think I know enough to get some results. Also, I do know alot about natural living and nutriton, which is important for good health and NBE. When I have time , I'm hoping to start a blog soon!
I'm so glad u liked dr. Group and global healing website. Some of the info will blow ur mind. Another great brand is Garden of Life. I use there meal replacement powder in my daily smoothie and multiple supplements.  Iherb.com has good prices on their stuff, free shipping over $20, and u earn loyalty credit with every purchase.  
Anyways, my phone is being slow and weird, so I'll pm u later about my BO results and other stuff. It's nice talking to you, it's been awhile since I have been able to be active on here. Feels good talking to people again who r doing NBE. This is the only place anyone understands the process and what the whole thing feels like.... 

I hope we both meet our goals! I hope  we all do ☄

(17-08-2018, 15:29)Happyme Wrote:  Well maybe not 100% essential for growth,
But its a wonderful tool for shaping.
Like all of NBE it takes consistent use to see results, and must be used with nutrition as well.

I actually had not considered how it can also be used for shaping not just growth. After six months on BO, if i"m not happy with my shape, I will add in noogling to my program, but hopefully BO does the trick for me!  Blush

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