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Back at it! PM and PC


Okay, so I've been gone (but still lurking!) for quite a while now. But recently I've decided to get back into NBE full force. Currently on day 17.

So my program (my cycles are usually 30-34 days long, so I'm basing it on 30):
Follicular Phase
Day 1-6 ~ Nothing during menses, let my body do a complete reset
Day 7 ~ Nothing
Day 8-15 ~ Barlowe's Pueraria Mirifica 550mg - 1 in the morning on empty stomach
Day 16 ~ Nothing
Luteal Phase
Day 17-29 ~ Progesta-Care 20mg - 1 pump in the morning
Day 30 ~ Nothing
And of course daily massaging!

I'm basing it off of menstrual charts I've found on Google. Menses everything is low, then estrogen rises and peaks a day before ovulation and may immediately drop drastically, then progesterone rises and peaks mid-Luteal phase (estrogen peaks too, but not so extremely) and slowly tapers off until menses. Last time I took PM I took it even during menses too which is probably why I spotted sometimes and had extreme amounts of discharge.. I had extra discharge this month too, but not so much.

I'm currently also taking Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate Chelate 200mg twice a day all month long (once a day recently until I get another bottle) for anxiety, better sleep, and a bit of regularity. Been taking it since January, I think.. It's unrelated to NBE, but I thought I should mention it since when I first started it gave me breast aches, but that's probably just my body being happy for finally getting some needed nutrition. Can I just say how great it's been for my anxiety! I used to cry nearly everyday and get a suffocating pain in my chest, but not anymore! (Though I still cry every once in a while since nothing can cure being a crybaby. :'P)

I already had many booby aches while taking PM this month, and today they ached pretty much all day after taking PC. If things stagnate a few months from now I may ramp up a bit. Like, take two pumps of PC for some days after day 20, or introduce either Maca or MSM I still have left over. I had a kanzhu pump, but left it when I moved due to no space left to pack it...

Actually, I started on these again not so much for NBE purposes, but rather general health reasons. TMI, sex is rather dry and irritating, and I get UTI's far too often. I tried lube and such but they don't quite cut it. Then I remembered how much PM made me plenty wet, so yeah...
Also, I'm hoping this program will correct whatever other hormonal issues I have. I have an absolutely awful case of hirsutism (neck beard, chest hair, excessive hair on belly and inner thighs), and still have acne at 23. Years ago I tried Spearmint which did nothing, then later Saw Palmetto which made me feel nauseous daily. So, although I have no proof, I believe I have an adequate amount of testosterone, and thus maybe even an adequate amount of DHT. It's just my estrogen and progesterone are too low. When I first took PM, I felt great, and Vitex never disagreed with me either. So I believe I should leave my testosterone alone, and focus only on the other two.

So that's my program and my reasoning behind it! Thoughts or suggestions? Big Grin
(Quick question, what happened to the signatures? I see below I can still include my signature, but I don't see them anymore since the forum changed. Is there a new setting to display them?)

Okay, so my program needs some reworking. I stopped taking PC on day 29 as planned, but then my cycle turned out to be 43 days long. And, I ran out of magnesium the week before my period and experienced so much anxiety until finally the night before my period I had the biggest attack and break down in a long time... Sad So, I decided to definitely get some more magnesium, along with a thermometer so I can more accurately pinpoint when I ovulate so I don't have to guess so much. And I decided to take Maca again so as to help balance me out a bit while I'm taking the other two. So let's see how it goes this cycle!

No longer basing it on 30, because that was already shorter than my average 34. The lengths of each phase is completely dependent on when I ovulate, but I'll only take PM for one week maximum and PC for two weeks maximum (400 mg of magnesium is taken every day all month long):
Follicular Phase
Day 1-6 ~ Nothing during menses, let my body do a complete reset
Day 7 ~ Maca 500 mg - 2 in the morning
Day 8-15 ~ Maca, Barlowe's Pueraria Mirifica 550mg - 1 in the morning on empty stomach
Day 16-ovulation~ Maca 500 mg - 2 in the morning
Luteal Phase
Day ovulation-13 more days ~ Maca, Progesta-Care 20mg - 1 pump in the morning
Days until menses ~ Maca 500 mg - 2 in the morning
And daily massaging!

My last cycle may have had a bad ending, but I did feel pretty great throughout the rest of it. Here's hoping this time will fix what went wrong! Big Grin

New cycle update! I freaked out today because I wasn't expecting my period till the weekend, but that's great news! Last cycle lasted 38 days! That's only 4 days away from my usual instead of 9, so I'm definitely on the right track now!
I made a mistake that I noticed too late on my last post, but I didn't take Maca all in one 1000 mg dose in the morning. I took one 500 mg pill in the morning and another 500 mg pill in the afternoon, same times I take both my magnesium doses. All the rest I wrote is accurate, however.
So now for the summary of what happened last cycle, along with what I'll do for this one!

This was a good month! Didn't feel overly upset most of the time unless the situation truly warranted it, and most importantly I got some good swelling! I still decided not to measure, though. I don't want to discourage myself with shear numbers too soon. Besides, looks are what's important anyway! If I'm happy with how I look, then that's all that matters. Big Grin Maybe I'll measure end of the Summer.
Tracking my temperature was a bit frustrating, but ultimately effective! I started PC on day 27 when my temperature rose considerably, since apparently I ovulated the day before (according to what I read, this ain't an exact science so your mileage may vary when tracking). However, I got to only take it 13 days until my period just decided to show up today! So this means I messed up and took PC and Maca on the first day of menses...
Also, I've been getting great exercise, but fell off a couple weeks ago.. So I'll be sure to pick back up on that!

I'm thinking of cutting down on the PM a bit, but I'll see if my cycle length shortens a bit more regardless before making any changes. PC will be taken 12 days maximum now, however. Been considering adding Red Reishi to inhibit my DHT, but I'll think on it some more.
Follicular Phase
Day 1-6 ~ Nothing during menses, let my body do a complete reset
Day 7 ~ Maca 500 mg - 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon
Day 8-15 ~ Maca, Barlowe's Pueraria Mirifica 550mg - 1 in the morning on empty stomach
Day 16-ovulation ~ Maca 500 mg - 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon
Luteal Phase
Day temp. rises-11 more days ~ Maca, Progesta-Care 20mg - 1 pump in the morning
Days until menses ~ Maca 500 mg - 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon
And daily massaging!

(Lastly, I never mentioned this, but I ingest Flaxseed mill with my cereal or oatmeal. I didn't feel a need to mention this because I'm doing it more for general nutrition and I don't even eat cereal or oatmeal everyday, but I guess I do eat a considerable amount of it since I've eaten through two bags over the past few months.)

Hi HopefulKitKat,

Congrats on your swelling! I see you had been trying NBR for a few years. I too have been trying although only 6 months. I am at the point considering changing my program to PM from fenugreek, Wy and sp since I am not responding. Not really sure if I didn’t get the dosage right or I am missing some essential herbs. Had you try other herbs before? What’s your thought on PM so far? I remember reading somewhere that calcium will aid PM absorption. You should add that in if you had not have it already! Thanks!

(28-06-2018, 00:28)FlatMeow Wrote:  Hi HopefulKitKat,

Congrats on your swelling! I see you had been trying NBR for a few years. I too have been trying although only 6 months. I am at the point considering changing my program to PM from fenugreek, Wy and sp since I am not responding. Not really sure if I didn’t get the dosage right or I am missing some essential herbs. Had you try other herbs before? What’s your thought on PM so far? I remember reading somewhere that calcium will aid PM absorption. You should add that in if you had not have it already! Thanks!

Hi, FlatMeow! Thank you so much! It's still not any growth, but maybe I'm on the right track and several months from now I'll have my very first for-sure gains. I'm hopeful, at least! A HopefulKitKat! hahaaaaaaa....
Incoming essay, sorry! Actually, not sorry. This is my thread, I can write all the long-winded essays I please!

Before I give general advice about whether you should switch to PM, I am noticing that Wild Yam may be your problem... Doesn't Wild Yam need to be synthesized in a lab for its diosgenin to be supplemented as progesterone? From what I understand taking just Wild Yam or its creams that are unsynthesized alone won't do anything. You need USP Progesterone from Wild Yam's diosgenin. Take USP Progesterone from Progesterone Cream, OR go the less extreme route and take Vitex (chasteberry). If you take PC, get one with a measured dosage pump like the one I have, and especially get a thermometer to track your ovulation!
Of course this is all assuming you're taking WY for that purpose. I'm not familiar with its other properties if there are any.

Now, I'm definitely not the one to be giving advice about which programs work, since as you can see I've never made any tangible progress before. ^^;
Years! Years and nothing! :'D
However, I have tried out Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto, Spearmint, Vitex, and some other things but... Well, I very much didn't like FG making me smell like syrup, I got embarrassed sooo badly while in school because of it! And Saw Palmetto as mentioned didn't sit well with me; it could be just the specific brand or batch I got, but I don't feel the need to risk another go with it. Vitex never disagreed with me, but I just felt it didn't do anything for me really. Even at the two month mark when it should start kicking in I still didn't feel much. Maybe my progesterone was just too low to see any benefit from Vitex..? Or most likely, I still didn't give it enough time. Either way I was unsatisfied for what I was spending. (Not saying Vitex is bad, I very much so plan on using it again in the future once I finish through using progesterone cream, just to help ease my body back to supporting itself alone.)
I absolutely love PM so far! It's intense, when I first used it some years ago I didn't quite know the proper procedure so I easily got spotting, but even then it never made me feel queasy in any way. Now I feel quite comfortable being able to gauge the proper amount for my body.
And uh, it helped a bit for my concerns in bed.. if you catch my drift *nudgenudgewinkwinkcoughcoughohGodwhyamIsayingallthisIshouldstopnowwhileIcanIwillregretthislater*
Either way, what works for one person most likely won't work for another. It's frustrating I know, but finding what works best for you is key. Some people here really hurt themselves trying to rush into following someone else's program to the T without listening to how their own bodies are responding. What (maybe) works for me may not work for you since my hormones and symptoms are a confusing mess! I got hirsutism and acne yet am skinny with a shapely set of hips and such. I've never taken birth control pills, and my cycles were always extremely regular yet longer than the average and barely hurt (except when I started messing with herbs then I got real pain!). I don't know my hormone levels, and likely you don't either. I love PM but there's many here who wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole! That's a long tangent, but you get my point. ^^;;
Since you're already so long into your program I suppose it's time to change! My approach is to give a program 2 months just to see if it has potential. I don't expect to see any growth until maybe the fifth or sixth month, so where you are now... At least, I noticed most people who gain average out at 1 full cup per year. Those who claim to gain 2 cups in a few weeks tend to come back sobbing saying it's all gone, so what they experienced was likely just swelling. I can't help but doubt it was actually 2 cups anyway, but that's a whole 'nother topic! (Except MissMadScientist's journey with flaxseed and soy, her method seems legit and I totally am planning to do it one day! Katana has a great thread on massaging, too!)
Perhaps read up on here more what the average dose for each herb is, if you haven't already? It's been so long since I bothered with those herbs, I wouldn't know.

Gosh, I'm so all over the place with this. Blush
With all those confusing disclaimers said, if you're really unsatisfied with FG, then I'd say go ahead and give PM a try. Smile Just be suuuper careful with it! Follicular phase after menses only! I'd even suggest finding ways to balance it, so maybe take Maca or Vitex while taking in so much phytoestrogen from PM? It's why I take PC with it, at least. Look into what others take with PM, their herbal cocktails may agree with your body more than mine would. As always, you never know until you try! (Also, eat better if you're not already. My diet is half-awful, but yours doesn't have to be!)

You know, maybe I should take Calcium... Especially since I take so much Magnesium, they need to be in a 1:1 ratio to each other. But Magnesium helps me with my anxiety so much, I don't want to accidentally over-do it on the Calcium since I already get much of it through diet. I'll think about it. Thank you for the suggestion!

(28-06-2018, 05:45)HopefulKitKat Wrote:  
(28-06-2018, 00:28)FlatMeow Wrote:  Hi HopefulKitKat,

Congrats on your swelling! I see you had been trying NBR for a few years. I too have been trying although only 6 months. I am at the point considering changing my program to PM from fenugreek, Wy and sp since I am not responding. Not really sure if I didn’t get the dosage right or I am missing some essential herbs. Had you try other herbs before? What’s your thought on PM so far? I remember reading somewhere that calcium will aid PM absorption. You should add that in if you had not have it already! Thanks!

Hi, FlatMeow! Thank you so much! It's still not any growth, but maybe I'm on the right track and several months from now I'll have my very first for-sure gains. I'm hopeful, at least! A HopefulKitKat! hahaaaaaaa....
Incoming essay, sorry! Actually, not sorry. This is my thread, I can write all the long-winded essays I please!

Before I give general advice about whether you should switch to PM, I am noticing that Wild Yam may be your problem... Doesn't Wild Yam need to be synthesized in a lab for its diosgenin to be supplemented as progesterone? From what I understand taking just Wild Yam or its creams that are unsynthesized alone won't do anything. You need USP Progesterone from Wild Yam's diosgenin. Take USP Progesterone from Progesterone Cream, OR go the less extreme route and take Vitex (chasteberry). If you take PC, get one with a measured dosage pump like the one I have, and especially get a thermometer to track your ovulation!
Of course this is all assuming you're taking WY for that purpose. I'm not familiar with its other properties if there are any.

Now, I'm definitely not the one to be giving advice about which programs work, since as you can see I've never made any tangible progress before. ^^;
Years! Years and nothing! :'D
However, I have tried out Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto, Spearmint, Vitex, and some other things but... Well, I very much didn't like FG making me smell like syrup, I got embarrassed sooo badly while in school because of it! And Saw Palmetto as mentioned didn't sit well with me; it could be just the specific brand or batch I got, but I don't feel the need to risk another go with it. Vitex never disagreed with me, but I just felt it didn't do anything for me really. Even at the two month mark when it should start kicking in I still didn't feel much. Maybe my progesterone was just too low to see any benefit from Vitex..? Or most likely, I still didn't give it enough time. Either way I was unsatisfied for what I was spending. (Not saying Vitex is bad, I very much so plan on using it again in the future once I finish through using progesterone cream, just to help ease my body back to supporting itself alone.)
I absolutely love PM so far! It's intense, when I first used it some years ago I didn't quite know the proper procedure so I easily got spotting, but even then it never made me feel queasy in any way. Now I feel quite comfortable being able to gauge the proper amount for my body.
And uh, it helped a bit for my concerns in bed.. if you catch my drift *nudgenudgewinkwinkcoughcoughohGodwhyamIsayingallthisIshouldstopnowwhileIcanIwillregretthislater*
Either way, what works for one person most likely won't work for another. It's frustrating I know, but finding what works best for you is key. Some people here really hurt themselves trying to rush into following someone else's program to the T without listening to how their own bodies are responding. What (maybe) works for me may not work for you since my hormones and symptoms are a confusing mess! I got hirsutism and acne yet am skinny with a shapely set of hips and such. I've never taken birth control pills, and my cycles were always extremely regular yet longer than the average and barely hurt (except when I started messing with herbs then I got real pain!). I don't know my hormone levels, and likely you don't either. I love PM but there's many here who wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole! That's a long tangent, but you get my point. ^^;;
Since you're already so long into your program I suppose it's time to change! My approach is to give a program 2 months just to see if it has potential. I don't expect to see any growth until maybe the fifth or sixth month, so where you are now... At least, I noticed most people who gain average out at 1 full cup per year. Those who claim to gain 2 cups in a few weeks tend to come back sobbing saying it's all gone, so what they experienced was likely just swelling. I can't help but doubt it was actually 2 cups anyway, but that's a whole 'nother topic! (Except MissMadScientist's journey with flaxseed and soy, her method seems legit and I totally am planning to do it one day! Katana has a great thread on massaging, too!)
Perhaps read up on here more what the average dose for each herb is, if you haven't already? It's been so long since I bothered with those herbs, I wouldn't know.

Gosh, I'm so all over the place with this. Blush
With all those confusing disclaimers said, if you're really unsatisfied with FG, then I'd say go ahead and give PM a try. Smile Just be suuuper careful with it! Follicular phase after menses only! I'd even suggest finding ways to balance it, so maybe take Maca or Vitex while taking in so much phytoestrogen from PM? It's why I take PC with it, at least. Look into what others take with PM, their herbal cocktails may agree with your body more than mine would. As always, you never know until you try! (Also, eat better if you're not already. My diet is half-awful, but yours doesn't have to be!)

You know, maybe I should take Calcium... Especially since I take so much Magnesium, they need to be in a 1:1 ratio to each other. But Magnesium helps me with my anxiety so much, I don't want to accidentally over-do it on the Calcium since I already get much of it through diet. I'll think about it. Thank you for the suggestion!

Wow. Thanks for the reply! I love your essay style  Wink. Gives different perspective for me to think about and you are so positive!!!

I feel we are very alike.  I have acne too and if I don't wax my lip, people start commented on my mustache.  Dodgy I am skinny but blessed with a hip that gives me some curves. My period is also regular (avg 32 days barely hurt too) and I have never been on birth control either! Perhaps we have similar hormone levels. I am testing mine in a few weeks will definitely share my result! Do you develop muscle easily? Cause I do!

Nobody seems to agree with wild yam's function. But for some reason lots of people have success with it in their program hence I have it in mine too. I added USP progesterone cream 3rd month in and that month my cycle lasted 45 days hahaha. I definitely need to take your advice and track my ovulation (but grr so lazy). My problem is I see one tiny response once during this whole 6 month but cannot reproduce it. I don't know if it is because my program is not consistent (I am on PC cream on and off because of earlier BE board strongly advice against it said it kill boobs) or just this is not the right program for me. The tiny response gave my breast shape wherea I was flat before. The "growth" is not measurable but at least my breast looks like a small small breast now ahahha. I am very grateful for that but want MORE! This one tiny response is such a teaser!!!! The month I see growth I added protein powder, MSM, vit c, and PC cream into my program. I know I know, so much change at the same time but I was inpatient! I also experimented with the dosage with no clear success. I used greenbush liquid extract blend with fenugreek, wy and sp all in one so there is not much literature on that. I only experiment dosage for 2 months though. So if I am a very slow responded, I won't get my dosage right...

I have all fenugreek, PM and PC already. I just need to make up my mind which program to go with. Who knows maybe after my hormone test I can be estrogen dominate and just using PC cream. Sorry I just rambling so much on your thread  Tongue. Your progress seems very promising! I am sure you are on the right track! This makes me want to jump onto the wagon train with you so we can compare notes!

I am glad magnesium is helping you. Don't add in calcium if it interferes with it especially you have calcium in your diet already! A positive mind is more important!

About hormone balancing, do you think Maca can balance a strong herb like PM? I thought Maca is mildly hormone balancing and hugely hip enhancing. Also do you think PC cream in luteal phase alone is not enough and need Maca or Vitex during follicular phase? Sorry for all the questions, I got too excited. And thanks again! Cheers~

(30-06-2018, 08:49)FlatMeow Wrote:  
(28-06-2018, 05:45)HopefulKitKat Wrote:  
(28-06-2018, 00:28)FlatMeow Wrote:  Hi HopefulKitKat,

Congrats on your swelling! I see you had been trying NBR for a few years. I too have been trying although only 6 months. I am at the point considering changing my program to PM from fenugreek, Wy and sp since I am not responding. Not really sure if I didn’t get the dosage right or I am missing some essential herbs. Had you try other herbs before? What’s your thought on PM so far? I remember reading somewhere that calcium will aid PM absorption. You should add that in if you had not have it already! Thanks!

Hi, FlatMeow! Blooping this long post, lol

Wow. Thanks for the reply! I love your essay style  Wink. Gives different perspective for me to think about and you are so positive!!!

I feel we are very alike.  I have acne too and if I don't wax my lip, people start commented on my mustache.  Dodgy I am skinny but blessed with a hip that gives me some curves. My period is also regular (avg 32 days barely hurt too) and I have never been on birth control either! Perhaps we have similar hormone levels. I am testing mine in a few weeks will definitely share my result! Do you develop muscle easily? Cause I do!

Nobody seems to agree with wild yam's function. But for some reason lots of people have success with it in their program hence I have it in mine too. I added USP progesterone cream 3rd month in and that month my cycle lasted 45 days hahaha. I definitely need to take your advice and track my ovulation (but grr so lazy). My problem is I see one tiny response once during this whole 6 month but cannot reproduce it. I don't know if it is because my program is not consistent (I am on PC cream on and off because of earlier BE board strongly advice against it said it kill boobs) or just this is not the right program for me. The tiny response gave my breast shape wherea I was flat before. The "growth" is not measurable but at least my breast looks like a small small breast now ahahha. I am very grateful for that but want MORE! This one tiny response is such a teaser!!!! The month I see growth I added protein powder, MSM, vit c, and PC cream into my program. I know I know, so much change at the same time but I was inpatient! I also experimented with the dosage with no clear success. I used greenbush liquid extract blend with fenugreek, wy and sp all in one so there is not much literature on that. I only experiment dosage for 2 months though. So if I am a very slow responded, I won't get my dosage right...

I have all fenugreek, PM and PC already. I just need to make up my mind which program to go with. Who knows maybe after my hormone test I can be estrogen dominate and just using PC cream. Sorry I just rambling so much on your thread  Tongue. Your progress seems very promising! I am sure you are on the right track! This makes me want to jump onto the wagon train with you so we can compare notes!

I am glad magnesium is helping you. Don't add in calcium if it interferes with it especially you have calcium in your diet already! A positive mind is more important!

About hormone balancing, do you think Maca can balance a strong herb like PM? I thought Maca is mildly hormone balancing and hugely hip enhancing. Also do you think PC cream in luteal phase alone is not enough and need Maca or Vitex during follicular phase? Sorry for all the questions, I got too excited. And thanks again! Cheers~

(Sorry for such the late reply. I had wrote most of this up some weeks ago but then saved it as a draft because I needed to look something up.. Never got back to it!)
Yayy, glad I didn't bore you with my tl;dr!
Ohh, maybe we are alike then! I'll be excitedly awaiting your test results!
Haha, I'm so scrawny, lazy, and inactive overall I don't do anything that builds muscle. Most of my workouts are more so cardio or stretching. Maybe if I did work to build up, I'd build quickly? I used to do squats often everyday some years ago and my thighs' hams and quads are still relatively thick despite little fat. haha

But agh, I understand the lip thing! I thread mine yet my skin there still looks too dark... I try using kojic acid soap daily which helps a bit, but gosh... I swear the hairs are growing back longer than they used to earlier this year too. Sad I've been considering switching to wax since I heard threading darkens the skin there on other women too. Not sure if it's cause or correlation, but worth a shot.

Hmm, some herbs are so mysterious! I can't help but wonder for the people who had success with WY, if it was truly the WY that made the difference or all the other herbs in their program. Like, how many of those people were using other herbs without results, then suddenly once WY was added the results just came? Or, was it simply that everyone who uses WY got results because they all just so happen used other herbs that actually gave them the results? Basically, again, causation or correlation? haha Or maybe WY has a couple other properties that help the body better handle the other herbs? Either way, if it works, it works. There's a whole section on here about subliminals, so even if it is placebo, the mind can surprisingly be the most effective method. Tongue
Yeah, tracking is a pain. I've been extra lax on it for a bit but have picked back on it today since my ovulation should be coming in the next week or so. I still don't bother writing down the numbers at all, I just remember what was my highest temperature yet daily. And my thermometer tells me the last temperature before giving me my new one for that day, so that helps too.
Oo, but definitely work on that consistency! Painfully slow and steady wins the race it seems!

(Okay, now for the last few things I didn't write yet.)
I honestly don't think I can answer those questions about Maca, PM, and PC too well. Really, my own program is based on a lot of assumptions itself. I will say, I think Maca added some pudge to my waist. Dodgy (I didn't gain any weight though!)  It's hard to know for exact certain, however. My life has been kinda all over the place this year, every other month there's some new major change so it's hard to know if it's the Maca, my gradual lack of exercise, PM or PC, or constant diet changes. Either way, this is why I only take 1,000 mg of Maca a day and not the minimum recommended 1,500. My thinking was get just enough of it to balance PM and PC, but not anymore in hopes it won't blow me up! XD

I thought I'd post a bit early this time instead of waiting for my menses, because agh I got spotting! About a day or so after finishing through PM, I started getting the littlest traces of spotting. Then it finally peaked on day 18 and tapered off for another few days. So weird, I don't know what could've done it! Maybe the cereal with more than a few tablespoons of Flaxseed I was eating every morning at the time tipped over my estrogen intake? I think I will decrease my PM by a couple days, after all though.
The worst part is I had company over for a good while so couldn't quite track my temperature most mornings because the days got so spontaneous, so I kinda just guesstimated I should start PC a couple days early on day 25 since my last cycle I started on 27.
I'm currently on day 32, 8 days into taking PC.

With that all said, I'll go on ahead and mention I decided to stop taking Magnesium. It stopped being so effective for my anxiety, but I noticed it's because I relied on it far too much to just "make me feel better" instead of myself actively seeking to practice mindfulness. In the beginning the Magnesium practically fully relieved my anxiety, but I think over the year I just expected it to do all the work for me so I stopped trying so much. I have an extremely bad habit of dwelling on bad thoughts for far too long, essentially bringing on myself my physical symptoms... So, lately I've made it a point to watch how I think, not allow myself to wallow in despair so much, haha ^^;
So far I've been doing okay! (Not to say I threw the rest of my supplements away, no way José! Magnesium has a ton of other benefits I plan to pitch into occasionally like for instance I haven't gotten sick once all year, lol)

Also, I've been working out almost every day! Here's hoping I can zap away this little bit of pudge on my waist, and also increase my Growth Hormone and such!

Hi HopefulKitkat,

Thanks for the response! I have my heart set on PM for my new program since I already bought it. But it turns out I am slightly estrogen dominant ?. I just started a member only program and you can find my test result there. This came as a surprise to me. So right now I’m just planning to use mainly pc cream and see what’s happens. If we have similar hormones, you might want to lower your PM dosage. Good luck!

Hi KitKat, any update?  Big Grin

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