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Home made suction pumps - any ideas?


Home made suction pumps - any ideas?
May 18 2008 at 5:30 PM Louise (Login Louise1982)


Copied this from the other post to hopefully get more response:

I think I've come to the conclusion that for suction you don't need any fancy equipment, just something round to use for domes, rubber tubing and some way of sucking the air out - what we need to do is scour hardware stores for things to use to make our own breast pumps, as these things are not being marketed towards desperate and vulnerable people they are likely to be a fraction of the cost! So come on girls - let's make our own and grow our own!

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 19 2008, 2:08 AM

Fun topic ... The tricky part is the domes I think. What about a large plastic stemmed glass for a novelty drink? I'm thinking of the rounded ones on stems. You could cut the stem off, and drill a hole for the tubing, which you'd have to seal on with silicone caulk.

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(Login dandelion1) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 19 2008, 6:22 AM

you also have to think of a cushion - i know i cant use the noogleberry without cushion it hurts too much!

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 20 2008, 1:08 AM

Well, not sure how you could make your own domes but when I made my homemade BB (like two years ago!) I had used my brava domes and an evenflo breastmilk pump. eventually the silicone started coming off so i tore it all the way off and got some silicone sheeting and cut two holes out for my boobs to fit through. if you already have brava domes you could probably use those with your NB pump or airlock.

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(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 20 2008, 1:05 PM

I thought I had a EUREKA moment yesterday while checking out random household items that could be alternatives for booby domes. Here's one idea: Plastic coca-cola bottles!

Just cut off the top section and voila --- a dome Smile

I thought they'd be perfect considering it already has a hole at the top of the dome. So I tried it out this morning but apparently the domes were a tab bit too small for me.

Maybe someone else can try this out, it really wouldn't hurt. All you need is a cocacola plastic bottle, a pair of scissors, tubing and tape.

I'll attempt my little prototype again as soon as I log off. Goodluck booby hopefuls Smile

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(Login annieboobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 20 2008, 5:21 PM

Very Intreseting!!!!! Off to reseearching...

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(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 21 2008, 12:06 AM

lol! well, i was the one who suggested the cocacola plastic bottle idea yesterday. the prototype isn't finished yet as i haven't found any rubber tubing but i did ask my fiance to do a trial run on me by sucking the domes manually.

lmao. it was just absolutely hilarious but hey, they worked like magic. it actually does have a suction effect and you can retain it too. might seem a bit unpractical but i suggest someone give it a try Smile

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 21 2008, 12:21 AM

lmbo, what we won't do for boobs Smile
What a way to recycle!!!
well if you need bigger "domes" maybe those big size water bottles would be wider at the base, I think they are like 2 liter size. Wonder if milk jugs would be way too big and not sturdy enough.

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(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 21 2008, 2:41 AM

Did you cover the cut edges with anything? It seems it would be pretty brutal when it dug in.

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(Login rainbowbaby) Is this safe May 21 2008, 8:11 AM

OMG reading all these ideas made me a little scard.Should you ladies really be using these home made things on your poor old boobs.I really think you are best to stick to something a little safer.Anything used on your body could cause you problems later on and if you end up cutting your skin it could leave you a scar.

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(Login Tori365)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 21 2008, 10:10 AM

If you found something suitable to use for the domes, like the coke bottles suggested I don't see why it couldn't work like a homemade BB/ noogleberry device. But I think it'd be extremely difficult to make something that was comfortable enough and stayed put to wear for all night like brava.

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(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 21 2008, 1:49 PM

I just outlined the bottom edges of the plastic bottle with 2 layers of tape. It doesn't hurt one bit, just the suction effect when sucked excessively hard.

I've found 4 advantages so far:
1) Cost effective. Very pocket friendly. It didn't cost me a cent!
2) You're recycling
3) You're in control of the suctions intensity level.
4) No use of electricity or batteries.

I'll stick to it for a while and see how it goes. As for the concern regarding its harmfulness to the body, I think all other forms of breast pumps work in the same way so I'm not *that* worried.

We'll see. All it takes is a little trial and error Smile

Good luck booby hopefuls.

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(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 22 2008, 2:07 PM

Don't the coke bottles collapse under the suction?

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(Login jellyboobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 23 2008, 1:05 PM

this is all very funny but at the same time utterly amazing !!!! Im intriuged how would you attatch a pump to the openings hang on I just got an idea. youd put the lids on anddrill through the bottle tops and glue the tubes in ????? what does anyone think this could be a good answer for me as the current noogleberry large isnt deep enough for me also to make stronger you get 4 of the same bottle and put one inside the other making it double ???? I wonder if that would work !!!! come on Jackie your the one thats great with making stuffup and trying anything how about it ??? love jelly....

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(no login) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 23 2008, 2:58 PM

Jelly you could probably use an epoxy type glue to glue the tubes into the caps. Great idea! Try it out. :-). It could be a great solution for you until the deeper NB cups are available. I'd certainly try it if I had the need. (I don't, still have lots of room in the NB medium).

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 23 2008, 3:18 PM

Jelly, have you tried the BB XL domes? they are way deeper than the BB Large.

yeah I hadn't thought much about the homemade domes collapsing. I guess if it wasn't very deep it would be ok but the deeper you make it more likely it would be to collaps under the suction. but the open end of the bottle would be a thicker stronger plastic so maybe it would still work. I guess we just have to try it to find out. I wonder if we can heat the open end somehow to shape it like the BB domes so they wouldn't dig in.

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(Login jellyboobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Big Boobs May 24 2008, 12:10 PM

Hi Keiyah, no I dont have the BB ex domes as they cost over 60.00aus a bitpricey seeing as the whole noogleberry was little over that price and I kept hearing that the new xl noog dome will be out so so I was hanging on. What about attatching the new large rings that are made for noog that would stop the digging in.
Louise kindly told me about the BB but they are just a bit pricey ! hey dont laugh about the lid thing I asked my husband and he said he may get around to it. Ive got a great new ad idea it goes.... drum roll please.......

Boobs grow better with coca cola
Boobs go better with Coke.
Coke is the thing that we never get tired of
A cup to E cup lets grow together
Boobs grow better with coca cola
Boobs get bigger with coke !!!!!!

Does anyone remember that old jingle ???? I guess Im showing my age love jelly....

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 26 2008, 12:58 PM

I tried the NB soft rings and was very disappointed, they're very cheap and minimally designed so if you suck hard the whole lot just gets sucked in. Maybe they'd work better with much smaller domes but couldn't get them to work with BB large or BB XL. The sheeting you can buy made from the same material is better but gets pulled out of shape within a few days so maybe silicone sheeting would be better?

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(no login) Heres an Idea that someone says worked May 30 2008, 6:58 AM

Ok Ladies I found this on a notherweb site and one time i went to lowes to look but forgot what I was looking for and tried to look on there website but was too hard to search for without knowing what to look for. And I keep forgeting to go to see if this will really work but below is the description of it. Let me know if anyone investigates and when i do i will let you know if it works. I will just do manual suction though.

Here is a description of the woman's device:

She said the device cost her about $40 to build. From the plumbing supply department at Lowes, she bought:

two "faucet protectors," at $2 each. These are the equivalent of the Brava domes.
five feet of RVFD 5/16 OD vinyl clear, flexible tubing for $1.75, and a "barbed 't'" to fit the tubing and two single barbed connectors ($5). This would be the equivalent of the Brava tubing.
To create the vacuum, she bought a Coleman "rechargeable quickpump" in the camping supplies department of Lowes or Walmart, for about $29.

To create the system, she cut the tubing into two sections of one foot length each, leaving one three foot section. She attached one end of the three foot section to the small adaptor that comes with the quickpump, and connected the adaptor to the pump. She attached the other end to the single end of the t-connector, and attached one end of each of the two shorter tubes to the sides of the t-connector. She then inserted the other end of each of the short tubes into the tops of the faucet protectors. Then you must find your own way to create a seal. She used duct tape.

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(Login dandelion1) Re: Home made suction pumps - any ideas? May 30 2008, 12:41 PM

can you buy silicone like the one brava uses? its the most comfortable, but wears easily. Does anyone know if think silicone like this is sold?

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(Login Dixieland) cover the edges... June 3 2008, 4:42 AM

Hey everybody,
If you were to buy some of that flimsy tubing and slice it and hot glue it to the cut edge of the coke bottle, it would act as a cushion for the skin. Also, you could use adaptors from the hardware store to bring down the size of the tubing to something that you could suction with. You could also heat the cut end of the bottle in boiling water and form the outer edge of the bottle outwards. Just some ideas...had to put my two-cents worth in. I love crafts!

Why Brava and not a simpler device?
June 28 2007 at 4:13 PM Moon (Login -Moon-)


I've been using suction together with my herbs and massage routine. I don't have Brava, I just have two domes that are used as a suction device, with which you create the pressure manually. Basically you just sqeeze them and press them on the breast and they hold on to it with suction force because of the difference in pressure. You can create a stronger or weaker suction (albeit not measure it tho). So I was thinking, all you need for that are two plastic domes, you can achieve the suction compleately manually, so why buy expensive electronic devices? In what is Brava better than this simple method?

Another qustion - I wonder if any of you guys know exactly what pressure difference does Brava create? I'd like a number if this information is available, but I'd also like you to explain how it feels - is the suction so strong that you feel your breast expand? Thanks!

Author Reply
(no login) cheaper way to buy brava June 28 2007, 6:00 PM

On ebay, you can buy refurbished Brava sets, with new domes for around 800$, I recently bought one. There is also a smart box less version of brava. You can make the tubing on your own and this costs about 3.40$ American money and you get the supplies at wall-mart. All you need is fish tank tubing, a T-conector, and this little peice called an air back flow lock. You then suck on the end of the tubing untill you acquire the suction level you want, and then the suction remains because of the air back flow lock (one way valve). This takes just a few seconds. Only thing is, if your domes come off in the middle of the night, then you don't have the smart box to alarm and wake you up. This is another option to keep in mind however. I am goign to try it. One problem that I can forsee is the fact that you really don't know exactly how much pressure because the smart box actaully computes and measures it....Jsut anted to let you guys know....For example my friend bought a pair of domes for 200$ from brava, this set up of line at wallmart for 3 dollars and a big sports bra to hold it on....and she's getting the same results for less

Homemade pumps
April 19 2009 at 4:52 PM Tiff (no login)


If you dont have a pump you can get your own from an autoparts or look at Mityvac. I have an automotive hand vaccum pump. Made my own domes from plastic glass frm Wal-Mart,drill hole in top,connect hose,pump as much vaccum as you wish. The pump has a guage on it. Just thought some of you might like to look at the pumps if your having problems with enough vaccum. Good luck. Just thought I would put my 2cents in.

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Pumps April 19 2009, 6:23 PM

Wow! So innovative! Great option if you wanted to save money. For me, it's all about the comfort of the brava domes, because I think the longer you wear it, the quicker you'll get permanent growth, and how you get the required amount of suction is optional. But thanks for sharing, very impressive!

(no login) Pumps April 20 2009, 3:08 AM

Forgot to add,use lotion and the glass slides easy.The cups look like glass but is plastic. The depth is around 4inches and 4inches wide. You can find any size. Thanks for the remarks. Guess I could order the real thing. Have fun..

Noogleberry cups with breastpump?
July 7 2009 at 4:35 PM Melanie (Login Melanie4kids)


Can I just order the noogleberry domes and hook them up to my breastpump and use the tubing that comes with my breastpump? That would make it so cheap for me that I may as well try it. Has anyone tried that? I have a double pump (Pump In Style). The pump obviously, oscillates since it is for pumping milk. Would that be not quite the right suction for the noogleberry or would it be ok to pump it a little and then stop? How do you maintain suction once you stop manually pumping with the noogleberry system?

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Noogleberry cups with breastpump? July 7 2009, 5:41 PM

Never heard of that Melanie. Sounds like a bit of ingenuity on your part! I have no idea about the oscillation, but it's important to have a full steady suction IMO. I think the noogle pump is quite inexpensive in relative terms, and might be a wise investment, instead of trying something and not having it work so well, and then having to wait for the pump to be shipped separately from the domes. But this is coming from someone with no experience with breastpumps for lactation! Someone else might tell you it's a great idea... Also not sure about the size of the breastpump, but a noogle pump is light and manageable. The tubing isn't so long, so I'm not sure if you'd want to be attached to anything with any weight to it as you'll be quite restricted (even more than you are when attached to a set of plastic domes on your chest, that can pop off with the slightest movement!)

Buy brava breast enhancement in America?
March 15 2006 at 9:55 AM Wind (no login)


In Brava Us, you can buy it for cheaper price, its $1195 only, I think im going to buy it from the US then ask my relatives to send it here for me. So I can save quite a lot of money ( then its not that expensive to try).

I really want my breast to be natural. So I think its worth trying brava. Just wonder if you can wear the brava bra while your cooking or going around the house?

Anyone else got bad/good experience with brava?

Author Reply
(no login) cheaper way to buy brava March 16 2006, 8:17 AM

On ebay, you can buy refurbished Brava sets, with new domes for around 800$, I recently bought one. There is also a smart box less version of brava. You can make the tubing on your own and this costs about 3.40$ American money and you get the supplies at wall-mart. All you need is fish tank tubing, a T-conector, and this little peice called an air back flow lock. You then suck on the end of the tubing untill you acquire the suction level you want, and then the suction remains because of the air back flow lock (one way valve). This takes just a few seconds. Only thing is, if your domes come off in the middle of the night, then you don't have the smart box to alarm and wake you up. This is another option to keep in mind however. I am goign to try it. One problem that I can forsee is the fact that you really don't know exactly how much pressure because the smart box actaully computes and measures it....Jsut anted to let you guys know....For example my friend bought a pair of domes for 200$ from brava, this set up of line at wallmart for 3 dollars and a big sports bra to hold it on....and she's getting the same results for less

(no login) Is the DIY version really working? March 17 2006, 7:22 AM

Your friend has actually done this and is getting results?

(no login) Re: Buy brava breast enhancement in America? March 27 2006, 8:38 AM

I like the idea about reconfiguring brava yourself, very interesting and good ideas. Can you really find everthing you need to do it at walmart?

can we create the domes?
April 3 2009 at 4:30 AM white (no login)


hi there
I have a really big frame and the circle of brava domes are small on my chest, also brava domes have the big tackiness's surface which don't help to create cleavage.
I am thinking about using something else like "homemade" , you guys have any idea?

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: can we create the domes? April 4 2009, 1:59 AM

Some of us had this discussion a while back, and no one could really come up with anything! I have only experienced Brava so I don't know what the Noogleberry domes are like. All I know is that none of us could come up with an "invention" that would work like Brava.

(no login) Re: can we create the domes? April 4 2009, 10:58 AM

I have a really small, petite frame and I asked Brava why these domes are SOOO big and wide and tacky. She said they must cover the entire breast tissue without leaving any out so that the domes could create a suction and allow the breasts to be gently pulled forward to expand the tissue. So as long as you're covering the breast tissue and get them entirely into the domes, you're all set. If you have a size B or less, you'll fit into them. That's why they say if you're a C cup or larger, this will not work for you. Could you use domes from another company (NB or BB) and just create a manual airlock and keep sucking out the air?

October 22 2006 at 4:22 PM Anonymous (Login dandelion1)


Hello, after reading some of these posts I am more curious than ever to try Brava. The thing is I cannot spend 1,000$ cad on the system. After much research , I have a question for experienced brava users;

Can i purchase the brava domes separately
Buy an airlock
And use a regular sports bra?

From what I hear the airlock is better anyways, and I would prefer to use it.
Does this seem like it could work, or is there a peice that i'm missing?

I've even looked on ebay for brava sets, but i don't like the idea of buying it used, and new sets i would still end up paying 1,000$ with shipping and taxes

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(no login) Re: Untitled October 22 2006, 6:16 PM

i dont understand how an air lock works:
if you're sucking air out of a tube that goes in your dome, wouldnt the air get out when you take the tube out? and where can i buy an air lock, i checked on ebay by typing "air lock" but i got no responses.


(no login) Re: Untitled October 23 2006, 11:10 PM


(no login) Re: Untitled October 24 2006, 2:21 AM

a pair of new Brava domes, an airlock and a large sports bra is all you need. I strongly recommend using new domes because that would cause less skin problems. I would also recommend using no-sting skin prep before putting domes on, or you WILL have skin problems. I don't know if you could use other products, but no-sting skin prep has been the only thing that helped me with skin problems.

you will not remove the tubes connecting to the domes after sucking air out. at the end of these tubs are a check valve that keeps air from leaking out.

If you type "Airlock Brava" you could easily found auctions for airlocks from ebay.

(Login dandelion1) Re: Untitled October 24 2006, 3:37 AM

becase the domes are supposed to be used with a smart box (or whatever its called), are there going to be holes already in the domes or will i have to create them?

(Login Manoloblah) Hope this helps ! October 24 2006, 5:31 PM

Hi, the domes have a small inlet valve at the bottom where you attach the plastic tube onto, whether you have the smart box or not. The tubes supplied with Brava are T shaped but from reading here you could easily get the tubing from either Walmart if you're US or maybe a good pet shop in UK which supplies aquarium products . I understand you need a airlock valve to connect onto the tubing at the end you suck and a T joint where you would connect the 2 tubes from the domes into the airlock. I suppose you could buy the tubing, cut it in half and have 2 airlock valves which would be just as effective.

I hope this helps , have a look at the ones on Ebay just to see how it all works.

cheers Lynn

brava pro
(no login) AIR LOCK October 25 2006, 3:21 AM

You can also buy an:airlock" at walmart- its called a check valve for about $2.00 available in the fish tank section. To keep the air tight use rubber cement on the end of the tube that you insert the valve into. The t stem is also available there hope that helps

Need Brava-type invention help!!
December 6 2008 at 4:04 PM roakie (Login roakie)


Okay, if you all remember, I am leaving for a nine-day vacation over Christmas where I definitely cannot take my Brava domes. I would be mortified if customs in Central America pulled out the domes in front of everyone. But, I would not be against taking some sort of "invention" like small tupperware plastic bowls (ha ha!) that have holes drilled in the sides where I might be able to push tubing through and do manual suction. If they pulled out the bowls, they wouldn't think anything of it.

I do not need large domes at this point. Swelling only gets up to an A cup. So, I could hide my suctioning at night under the covers without my grown children knowing and at least try to maintain what I have developed over 6 weeks.

The trick is - how do I keep the "invention" on? Will something like plastic bowls stick to my chest??

Also - I am going to be living out of a small backpack and traveling around. This is another reason I cannot take huge Brava domes which will take up 1/4 of the space. I also won't be too sanitary so I would not be able to devote a lot of time to washing things carefully like I have to with the Brava silicone rims.

Any thoughts?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 6 2008, 4:45 PM

i think you should just enjoy a "vacation" from Brava while on vacation.

You have been extremely diligent with Brava so far and done lots of hours per day so maybe you will be rewarded by not losing it all....if not, you knew you were taking a chance starting Brava before you went on is a terrible bummer, but at least when you start up again, you'll be a pro.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 7 2008, 6:22 AM

Thanks, Stacy. You're right. I knew I was taking a chance. I will agree with one thing - it will sure be nice to get nine nights of good sleep!!!

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 7 2008, 1:38 PM

I know this is not the advise you are looking for and I sometimes get annoyed when people offer advise like this but I think it is worth a try Smile

If I was you I would take the system with me. If the costums ask you about it (very very very unlikly), tell them the truth. I am sure they will be more mortified then you will be. You have done so well and it will be such a shame to loose it all. Maybe it is worth the risk?

I am actually pround to be on a NBE quest and I have told my friends and family about it and they are really excited for me. I personally think this is something to be proud of, we have small breasts and we are doing something about it that is not a threat to our health. It took a while for me to "come out of the NBE closet" but my friends have been very supportive. Your family might surprize you and give you an extra motivation Wink Just explain why you are doing it and tell them all about the science behind it. I think it is stressful to try to hide it from my friends and family.

Who cares if a person in the customs asks about it. Maybe it will be a small chested woman who will find it interesting Wink Anyway, you will never have to see that person again and these people have seen it all!

You said earlier there was a problem with electricity ... just use manual airlock while you are there.

Whatever you do I wish you all of luck and continue to keep us posted Smile

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 7 2008, 4:02 PM

I agree - the worst part is losing everything I have worked so hard to initiate. I wish I could find something about half the size as the Brava domes since I don't need such a large size at this point. And I worry about washing and drying the domes since we will be in less than sanitary conditions.

Any other inventive types on here????

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(Login dandelion1) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 7 2008, 4:56 PM

u could always get a noogleberry - its lighter and takes less space, and looks less questionable than brava.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 7 2008, 6:26 PM

You could possibly try a breastfeeding pump - I know a couple of people have used Evenflo. At least that has a genuine function if someone starts waving it about. I took 2 complete Brava sets with airlocks on a long haul flight. If you put it in your main suitcase that goes in the hold it will only get xrayed not searched (and it will be done out the back somewhere so no-one will put a name to a face!). None of the Brava stuff will appear on the xray and I doubt the people out the back mess around with your luggage that much.

I have only told one friend about the whole suction thing. She can understand as she's small too but skinnier than me so it looks proportional. Her sister is naturally stick thin with massive boobs about 28G so she's never wanted to have big boobs as she's seen the flip side. I only told someone after I'd seen it work! I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of in saying "hey, I've lost weight and now I've grown 3 cupsizes to make a nice figure" although it'd have been quite different if it was "hey, I was dumb enough to spend £1500 on strange machines that don't work".

Thank God we all found suction before we wasted loads of money on stupid stuff.

Whatever you do abroad, try to drink lots of water and eat protein.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 7 2008, 6:31 PM


In regards to the sleep issues, lots of pillows and lots of blankets is the key - I'm so wrapped up I can hardly move and it's like a cosy nest! Also, once you get the hang of manual suction you should be able to sleep on your side depending which dome size you wear. I can sleep on my side with the narrow XL but the wide XL I lose the seal if I turn too far over.


I fully intend to have a serious look at ways of making a home-made Brava system because it DOES work. All we need is something dome-shaped and some kind of padding. I think plumbing supplies may be the way forward but have been too busy to shop around.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 8 2008, 10:24 PM

I can't wait to try out your invention Louise. And where would we be without you and your advises Smile

I actually skipped the part about the prize of the machine when I told my friends and family about it. It actually wasn't that much at the time I bought it and a little white lie doesn't hurt Wink I am ok for them to know about my will for larger breasts but my obsession can be in the dark for a while longer Wink

Roakie - can't you buy a bigger backpack and put sanitary things in it with the domes Wink? I am so stobborn I would do anything I could!! And just wear it minimal times while you are there so it wont ruin your vacation.

If you have to leave your domes behind and Louise hasn't come with her invention in time, at least you have the experience of using the device and doing it the second time is much easier. Good luck Smile

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 9 2008, 7:19 AM

Well, I have two fears about bringing the domes though I am dreading going backward after six weeks.

First, I am afraid that customs will pull the domes out in front of everyone. I remember going to Mexico once and they went through our bags in front of all the other passengers on the plane. Secondly, I have a fear that they could get nasty and confiscate the domes and tubing cause they look suspicious for some reason. Then I would be out a lot of money!

I figured if I cold make some temporary device, then if they found it I wouldn't be worried about simply having it thrown away. That's why I thought of two bowls, padding and some tubing, but I haven't found anything workable yet!

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(no login) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 9 2008, 12:16 PM

I would worry about them pulling them out too, but now that I am really thinking about it, if they pulled out a dome, I don't think anyone would really connect what it is. They are so huge! It doesn't even look like a breast!

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 9 2008, 5:23 PM

Ha ha!!! Well, they certainly don't resemble MY breasts, that's for sure!

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(Login dandelion1) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 10 2008, 5:49 PM

ok, so my left brava dome is completely destroyed- spent two hours last night trying to get a seal.
i prefer the brava shape to the noogleberry - so some reason the noogleberry stretched my nipple more than my breast and its actually quite painful
i was thinking...............if i took off the silicone rimming and replaced it...because right now there are parts of the left dome that are completely ruined and some parts that are ok, but it creates un unleveled rim so i lose suction.
i tried filling it with rubber latex which was my first mistake. the second mistake was attempting to superglue the area where the rimming is separating from the dome.

so! what about replacing it with silicone gel...i googled that and could not find any silicone gel sheeting for under 200$. so what about using dr. scholls shoe inserts! buying a few, gluing them together and cutting out a circle in the middle, and using that as a cushion? they also have this memory foam type thing and is level ....of course i would need the flat soles (or actually maybe if its raised i could put the thicker part near my armpit as there tends to be a gap there)...

what does everyone think about this? maybe I'll try on the noogleberry first

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 10 2008, 5:56 PM

Dandelion - how did the dome rim get so bad? How old are they? I am on my sixth week only and already the rims are getting a bit bubbly in some spots. I don't know what to advise you but someone here might have some ideas. I just hope mine last, even though they are losing their tackiness.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 10 2008, 10:22 PM

Roakie - 6 weeks ?!?! The tackiness came off my narrow XL domes in about 2 days! They're less irritating to the skin when they lose the sticky. Dandelion means the actual cushion is ripped. Mine have developed this also due to a LOT of manual suction. I've had a good 35 weeks out of them though which would be nearly 3 sessions according to Brava or if you think in terms of hours I've had about 3500 which is nearly 7 sessions worth.

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(Login dandelion1) Re: Need Brava-type invention help!! December 11 2008, 4:35 AM

louise is right - its due to manual heavy suction. also i have been using them for maybe...20 weeks total? maybe more...

i used them for like 3 months on - off when i was living in australia but i had 4 roommates and a bf so this made it very very difficult to keep it consistent so i basically used it like a noogleberry for an hour a day, the swelling lasted approx 4 hours so it was good before going out

now i used it 10 weeks straight before the first attempt at fixing them, and its been downhill ever since. i finally have the time to put in but my domes are failing me Sad
im gonna cave and buy a new pair after the holidays, but they're so expensive!!

at the end of the day, I am bigger. i was a flat 32 a, now i fill out a 32 a still at the end of the day - which means with a push up i actually get cleavedge! with a push up if i shrug my shoulders my breasts actually touch in the middle - now if only this would happen without a push up and needing me to shrug lol! in a bathing suit i still look the same tho...

need feedback on breasts pumps
January 7 2008 at 7:28 PM gina (no login)


I am thinking about getting a breast enhancement pump and i don't know which one is best. I've been reading alot about it online and I think that brava would be the best choice but I don't have that kind of money. So can anyone tell me of a cheaper alternative that actualy works? I would love to hear opinions from women who have used it. As I was searching on the internet I even found out that people try to make breast pumps at home with plastic containers like from butter and then they buy some parts from the hardware store. Have any of you heard of this?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: need feedback on breasts pumps January 7 2008, 8:54 PM

If you want cheap - have a look on google for Noogleberry. They are currently working on a way to make the cups more comfortable so you can wear overnight like Brava in which case theoretically you should get a Brava style result. If you haven't got the time to use like Brava you might want to try the BB machine (read some old posts on this forum or have a look at the bosombuddeez post about halfway down the page to join their forum) - it sucks hard and is under £200. The Noogleberry can also be used for shorter regular sessions which eventually should give and allow you to maintain swelling - we are unsure if this is permanent growth but you should get to a point where you can maintain a bigger size by only using a couple of times per week. Another idea if you have the time but not the money would be to buy brand new Brava domes from ebay (make sure you get the right size by looking at the actual US Brava site dome size calculator - I've seen adverts that blatantly lie about what domes will fit what bra size). Once you have the domes you can make an airlock from fish tank supplies (there are posts on here to tell you how) and then you can use as Brava. I personally bought the entire set from Brava but actually prefer just using their domes with my home-made airlock.

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(no login) louis January 9 2008, 6:19 PM

louis, thanks for the info. you said you have the complete brava set but prefer using your home made one is that because the one you made works better? and if you don't mind me asking how long have you been using the home made one what are your results?

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(no login) Re: need feedback on breasts pumps January 9 2008, 6:32 PM

I use the proper Brava domes but I use a homemade airlock instead of the smartbox because you suck with your mouth harder than the smartbox so it's giving more suction. This also keeps the domes on tighter which allows you to do more at home and to sleep in a more comfortable position without them falling off.

Technically we can only tell the permanent result from Brava 2 weeks after stopping using it, most people say what they had after 24-48 hours was permanent. I have used average 15 hours per day for 27 weeks, I intend to do 3 more weeks then stop so I'll let you know. At the moment it looks like I've gained 2-2.5 inches which is about 1-1.5 cup sizes. I fill the 32C bra better now than I filled the 32B bra before - hope it lasts!

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(no login) louise January 9 2008, 7:01 PM

Oh okay I think I understand now, when you suck with your mouth, you suck out the air until it is tight and secure in place then you leave it on for 10-15 hours and that is basicly the same thing that the brava smartbox does anyway but you make it tighter with your mouth am I right? I never had any of these machines so I assumed that they sucked out the air until it was tight and then it kept on sucking the whole time you wore it.
If I am understanding it correctly and this is the way it is used then I might as well just buy the domes and make a home made airlock just like you suggested.
Thanks louise and hope everything works out great for you!

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(no login) Re: need feedback on breasts pumps January 9 2008, 9:30 PM

What you said is right, the domes are more expensive on ebay than from Brava but Brava won't sell you just the domes you have to buy the whole kit which seems to be double the price of all the separate parts. If you buy direct from Brava you will also get a warranty on the domes - I don't know if anywhere else offers this. It would have been slightly under half price for me to just buy the domes and make the airlock, I've also bought a second set of domes meaning that if I'd used ebay I would have spent £700 total and I spent £990.

If you tell me what your underbust, bust and bra size measurements are I can suggest what dome size to get. Basically if you are smaller than 29.5 inches underbust you need narrow and more than 29.5 you need wide. They said I was too small to use Brava as my underbust was less than 28 but I haven't had problems gettting the domes to stay on. Only get the medium if you are AA otherwise you probably want to start with large as they'll last you longer before you grow out of them. If you can wait 3 weeks I can tell you how I got on before you spend your money, if I don't get permanent growth in 7 months then I think that brings the whole technique into question but I'm staying hopeful for C cup!

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(no login) Re: need feedback on breasts pumps January 9 2008, 10:03 PM

I've not yet tried the airlock, so far I've only used the sportbox. As your breasts swell in the domes, how do you adjust the pressure without the sportbox attached to the tubing? Do you just let out some air to make it more comfortable or do you leave it alone?

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: need feedback on breasts pumps January 9 2008, 10:24 PM

As your breasts swell there is less room for the same number of air molecules therefore they are at lower pressure so you need to suck more out not let some back in. Having used the sportbox you know how that feels so you can start off like that and then suck a little more if you want to.

Did you find towards the end of your last session that your body got used to it and you got less swelling? From what I've heard this is quite common. I was beginning to find this so I started 'ramping up' the suction throughout the session. Basically I suck it as hard as I can take it (please take this in context - it sounds quite filthy!) then if it's really uncomfortable and I mean when I can bare it no longer I let some out until it's comfortable, have a few minutes rest and suck again. I first found that doing this I could fill the domes much quicker. I now always have massive swelling and are close if not touching the end of the XL domes in the morning after about 13 hours of wear. Maybe this is how the Noogleberry works? The BB also sucks really really hard then slightly relaxes and keeps pulsing up and down so I think there may be something in ths method. I have to suck them on pretty tight to tidy up indoors (bending over nad moving arms loses the seal easily) and to work out. I have to release them slightly to sleep or it'd keep me awake, but having them on pretty tight means you can move around more and sleep more on your side.

To release pressure you can just slowly pull the check valve out (twisting helps keep it slow) not so it's removed from the tube but just enough to hear a hiss and feel the tension relax. It's really easy and if you don't like it you'll have wasted less than $5. I'd always keep an airlock handy in case your sportbox fails at night. Also because the domes are tight you don't need the alarm as you don't break the seal, I only bother to wear the bra to work out and that's more because Callanetics is about correct positions so I wear lyra shorts and the Brava bra so I can see myself in the mirror and check my posture.

Interestingly no matter how hard I suck even if I fill them with water to suck so hard my boobs go purple, even when using the BB I never get hickey marks now - my body has just stopped doing this - weird! Hope I actually get to keep something! I think I pulled the valve out when I was half asleep one night and didn't put it back properly so one day I had 14 hours break after 9 hour session, I was still at least an E in the morning and a decent C before I put them on again. Only 3 more weeks to go!

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(no login) Re: need feedback on breasts pumps January 10 2008, 12:52 PM

Thanks for the tips on the airlock. I did assemble one in case the sportbox should fail, but so far I have not tried it. I have it just in case. With the sportbox, sometimes it takes just a few minutes and other times the full 10 minutes to get the seal, but once it seals it has stayed put and never alarmed. I've been lucky that I've never lost the seal once I get them on. I also have very dry skin and don't sweat so the filters always stay dry. The domes do get some condensation on the inside ends but so far it has not drawn any into the tubes. The tubes do look like there is an occasional bead of water after 12 or so hours, but that's it. Maybe that's why they stick so well. The sportbox will usually run again for a few minutes (I guess adjusting the pressure) after about the first hour and then I hear it usually once during the night and then again about the 12th hour. I noticed that I can only get a good seal if I have them straight. If I angle the bottom of the domes out at all to avoid the armpit area, they stick out too far. About the swelling, maybe it's because I've been pregnant and breastfed twice, but my swelling has always been the same since the first morning I used Brava through the whole cycle (first cycle was 11 weeks) and I'm on week 7 of my second cycle with a 5 1/2 month break. When I remove the domes, I am a full 34C (I've never tried a D bra so I don't know how it would fit). I have never touched the end of the wide-large domes, so I think they should last me the whole time. I'd like to not have to buy any new domes. I measure 37.5" over bust in the morning. It has been that way the whole time. I don't match the Brava graphs, swelling has been consistent. The only thing I did notice is that if I wear longer than my typical 12 or 13 hours, the swelling of my breasts does not increase much, just my nipples are puffed out, hard and lumpy feeling, but luckily that goes away in about an hour or so. I have never left off the domes more than 12 hours, but I seem to be a small C by the time I put them back on. It's so hard to judge since you get used to seeing the swelling. I'd be happy if they stayed about how they look after domes have been off about 4-6 hours. The morning swelling is great (except for the nipples), but I doubt I'll keep that. When I started Brava, I weighed 120 lbs. 5'5" tall, measured 30.5" under bust, 33.5-34" over bust, and 35" bending forward (breasts hanging). I guess that helps Brava determine your dome sizing. When I remove the domes in the morning, I measure 37.5" over bust. I have not checked the measurement before I put them on again at night. I'll have to check that one. With all the up and down swelling/shrinking you forget what you have. I'm glad I have some starting pictures. I'll keep you posted. Good luck.

(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Wow great information May 5 2008, 9:30 PM

I have been trying to decide BB or Noogleberry. I would really like to know if I bought domes and tubing would it be compatible to my Madella breast pump and would that homemade suction be significant enough?


I had a Medela breast pump, and really it worked quite differently, at least from how I'm using NB. For pumping milk, it was a continuous suck and release, over and over. The way most women use the NB (and I'm not sure how BB works), is to pump up to get good pressure, then hold for a while. Some then release and repump, other's hold for an hour even. Also, the suction I'm getting with NB is far greater than I ever felt with the breat milk pump. From what I've heard, BB is even greater suction. So my feeling is the Medela wouldn't do it for you.

(Login kieyah)

BB pump works just like a breast milk pump in how it suctions and releases over and over, the difference is BB is capable of a much wider range of suction levels and many settings and the BB domes cover the entire breast. The medela pump with BB domes would work to start you out. but as jenjen pointed out it is not nearly as strong a suction level as BB. So you could start out with it but you'd probably want to evenually get the real thing. It would be a far cheaper way of finding out how your body would respond to suction. If you can find one of those old version of evenflo pump like what I started out with, that one is just as powerful as BB. But as far as I know it is the only breastmilk pump that is capable of strong enough suction and it is hard to find but way cheap. so it is worth looking into.

(no login) keiah June 28 2008, 1:38 AM

is that a battery powered even flow breast pump with an adapter ? How do u put nb domes on it?

(Login kieyah)

yes it is an electric evenflo dual breast milk pump (power cord type), it's not the little battery one. It has to be the old green version, with the big white base that lets you sit two bottles in it. Of course you wouldn't need anything but the base, tubing, hookup valve and power cord. The tubing that comes with it fits BB domes, so it should fit NB domes too. What you do is hook it up with a T-connector so that one of the valves is open. then to suction you cover the opening with your finger and to release you remove your finger, and repeat. You can make it suck as hard or not hard as you want. and you can let all the pressure out or just a little. I will do an ebay search and see if I can find a pic to illustrate the model.

I think this one would work but it's not the one I used so not sure.

(Login kieyah)

ok I can't find a current auction on ebay for the right one. but here is a pic of what it looks like:

(Login Tallulahblu) nb September 22 2008, 4:48 PM

In the past i have tried several types of pills & herbs as well as using the brava system but with very little success. I recently purchased a NB to use alongside the hebs & supplements i've decided to stick to. I have to admit i was pretty sceptical because i've wasted so much money & gone through so much dissapointment in the past. I've only been using it a short while but i already love it. I'd say it's the cheapest yet the best investment i've made so far.

(Login javey2) hb October 2 2008, 4:50 PM

where can i get it? web side?

(Login Louise1982)

Think carefully before you buy this Noogleberry. It's imported from Pakistan where they sell it as a cheap toy to enlarge breasts temporarily. Here it is being imported, you are then charged 4x the original price and even the seller doesn't say it gives permanent growth. Yes, it is cheap but if you want a cheap pump that you have to use for the rest of your life you can get a breastfeeding pump much cheaper.
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