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DANGERS of Nbe or any form of hormone treatment at a youg age.


Hi everyone, this is abit of a serious subject and one that has disturbed me abit. I have recently been contacted by a 15 year old male who has been taking female hormones from the age of 11 with no doctor or specialist being involved. He convinced his mother that he should be a girl and she supplied the means for him to self medicate at 11 years old. This is so wrong on so many levels and i am horrified at the effects this has had on him. He now regrets what has happened and wants to be male which i fear will be a very difficult journey now involving surgery and other forms of treatment. I Know this is not NBE related but many young people read these forums and even though NBE is not hormone therapy it is still a form of it. I do not want young girls or boys to even consider messing with there hormones, its very serious and will cause permanent changes and could completely mess your body up. I have read that young women who take any form of hormone replacement at a young age can have serious problems with fertility and there cycle in the future, so please do not even consider NBE until you have finished your puberty for atleast 2 year it is not worth the risks.

Sorry to bring up such a serious subject but i know some people think herbs and such are not strong enough to cause any problems but i assure you if you take them at a very young age they can cause major problems. I am now trying to help the young man who contacted me by telling him to seek professional help by a doctor who will advise them further but i am so confused as to why a mother would even let there son at 11 years old take such drastic actions with no medical supervision i am lost for words.

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Youre so informative in every post I've read of yours cheryl!
I love this post and hope it does help someone young who comes across it

Hi Teeny, thank you hun, this subject has actually moved me a little and made me a little angry, the poor boy who contacted me is seriously having a hard time with what he has done and i just cannot believe his mother would allow this to happen, i just dont understand some people. I have seen the effects the hormones have had on him and im pretty positive there permanent because he took the hormones before he had even begun his own puberty which means hes had no male puberty atall just an induced female one im just horrified i really am. I dont want to see any young people messing themselves up, ok this may be a rare thing but still its happened. And i know this is an extreme case and many people on here will only be taking herbs and such but they can still mess your hormones up so its really not worth it. Thanks again honeyBig Grin
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Well yea, she's just irresponsible enabling him like that.
At least another young boy might learn from the others mistake!

To add a little hope in there Cheryl. I would have never dreamed that I could go through puberty at age 37, but thanks to BO I did. Lets hope that with the right adjustments once a doctor is involved it could stimulate puberty for him as well.

As for his mother. I'm afraid my generation has a serious flaw and that is that they want to try and be friends with their kids, first and foremost. They're so intent on being budies that they have a real lack of judgement in some situations with their kids. I really hate to hear this is happening to this kid. What a shame, but I'm am always the optimist and feel, that it's not completely hopeless, it will just take work and persistence as with anything worth having.

hugs, Mel

Wanted to add that there is still hope for him! I saw a special on the Maury Show once where a born male was turned female by his own parents! He was a twin, his other twin was also a boy. There was a horrible fire in their house, an accident happened when he was 3 I believe where a flaming piece of wood or something fell on his crotch. Doctors told his parents that he would never have a normal functioning penis. So they decided to get it taken off, started giving treating him as a girl, when he came of age started surgeries down there and hormone treatments. And he said he was always a tomboy though he was told he was a girl. He became interested in girls, not boys, and was told he was wrong for it. He was just meant to be a man not a woman. By the time he became an adult he was told the truth and pretty much disowned his parents. He started seeing specialists to become a man again. He doesn't have a penis, but like a female TG to male, he looks and sounds just like a normal man now. So there is hope, though unlike male to female, females to males cannot have a very good sexual organ. Male to female are lucky that they can have a very good functioning vagina, but like surgeons say, it's easier to male a hole then make a pole. But the boy that contacted you can always use was born females use that want to be male, a strap-on. Not the best alternative, but better than nothing.

As for his mother, she should be ashamed! If my son came to me when he's 11 and said that, I would take him to a therapist to be 100% sure this is what he should become. Then I'd take him to a gender specialist and be sure we don't do anything until the time is right. I think what Mel said is right, too many parents nowadays want to be friends with their kids instead of parents. I always feel like a misfit among parents of kids my son's age. I feel I'm the only real parent in the room sometimes. It seems the others are too concentrated on being friends with their kids and being the "cool mom" or "cool dad" that they lose track with what is best for their kids. Which is really a sad thing. Though I can say I'm usually the youngest parent around other parents my sons age, I feel out of place with that often too. I'm 23 with a 5 year old, and the other parents are usually 28+ most are mid 30's. And I've actually had some parents with 5 year olds and them in their 30's tell me stuff like "don't you think you are being a bit too harsh with him?". I think my benefit is that I was adopted by a woman when I was 16 months old and she was 45, so I was raised old school, and that's exactly how I raise my own son, not as severe as my mom was with me, but same principals. And he is a very happy, active, intelligent 5 year old, so I must be doing something right. Sorry if I'm ranting lol just parents not doing what's right for their kids get my blood boiling. I'm constantly judged for being a young mom, constantly get those looks like "oh god, she's not going to raise him right" yet I see more of the parents in their 30's being what they expect me to be.

I hope he does get the help he needs and everything turns out for the better for him!

Oh as far as your point on herbs, I agree. Herbs in my opinion SHOULD NOT be used by anyone under 18, and I feel they shouldn't be used by girls or boys under 21. I did herbs when I was 18 and I feel they did give me bad side effects and probably messed up my system a lil, I should have waited a lil longer. But this was a year after I had my son, so my system was altered already compared to an 18 year old that hasn't had kids. I think BO is a bit safer for those under 18, but shouldn't be used unless the girl has had her period for at least 2 years, even then they should do their research, maybe ask a few doctors, etc. But I think massage is fine for any age. But I think people trust herbs too easily, jump in blindly, and don't realize, herbs are not one size fits all. You have to find the right herbs and combinations that work for you. It's like I've said before, it's like trying to come up with a new recipe to a cake, without the right ingredients and amounts, it will not turn out right. I hope this thread helps those looking on the forum that are underage.

Thanks everyone, this persons story sounds very deep and he defoe needs professional help. His mother who he says is a great mum has pressured him from a very young age. He has no father figure in his life and his mother had complications at child birth and can no longer have children. He says he has always been treated as a girl from aslong as he can remember, hes so confused. I dont know whats true and whats not but it all seems to add up. Im just hoping that taking hormones from such a young age have had no serious effects on his health, like his liver and kidneys and so on. I know what you mean Mel about being best friends with your kids, my sister is the same with hers and its a good thing, but theres a difference in you would still be a parent and stop them doing harm to themseves and so on, the mother of this boy has caused some serious harm, i mean the boy started smoking at 13 and is now addicted to 20 a day at the age of 15, and its his mother who supplys them, i just dont get it, and he has not been school since the age of 12 and has been home taught. The more i know the more i want to speak to the mother of this boy and ask her what the hell is she doing. Theres been no abuse or anything and the boy loves his mother alot so it seems to me the mother also needs some professional help as she seems so scared to loose him or upset him, and by the sounds of her past i can understand this but this was not the way.

Hi Anastasia, how are you honey, not seen you around for a while, hope everythings ok. Thanks for your input and i really hope that all will work out for this person, its going to be tough though, the effects these hormones have had is severe, i would never of thought this was a boy. But hopefully he will get the help he needs and move on with his life as the person he wants to be.

Thanks again everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

I get majorly pissed off when I hear about parents behaving so irresponsibly with their children, too. And Cheryl, as much as you would like to confront that "mother" (and I use the term loosely), I doubt it'll help the boy at all. She sounds like she'd go crazy if someone dared to suggest her parenting is "subpar." But I do hope that the authorities will get involved, at some point. I'm sure any responsible doctor or therapist will pursue that route, once they learn more details as to how in the hell something like this could've happened to such a young kid. Abuse isn't just causing physical harm to someone; it sounds to me like this child was emotionally abused/neglected/influenced from a very young, impressionable age and onward; and the results of this abuse has done serious damage. This mother needs psychological help. And so does the boy, to repair the damage his mother has caused. The smoking alone is categorized under "contributing to the delinquency of a minor." Geez, I'm just so saddened by this. Hopefully, as Mel and Anastasia has said, doctors will be able to induce a male puberty for him at some point and help him.

You guys are absolutely right; herbs can really mess someone up when taken too young, or in inappropriate doses. That's why it's advised to start off at the lowest dose, and only ramp it up a little bit at a time if you have no results after a sufficient time period has passed. This is yet another perfect example of "worst case scenario." Things like this CAN happen, if you're not careful about what you're taking, and how much. Herbs and BO are wonderful for those of us who kinda "missed out" on our own puberty, or experienced the damaging effects of pregnancy/breastfeeding, or for adult TG's (children younger than 18, or even 21, in my opinion, really should not make PERMANENT, life-altering decisions, as their brains cannot fully comprehend the enormity of such decisions before that age, and they may live to regret it; yeah, I'm speaking from experience - though not gender-related!). Sorry for my ranting! This kind of subject gets me worked up, too.

Oh that´s just terrible!! My son is almost 11 and I just can´t picture myself doing something like that. At that age they are still complete kids, mentally and physically! I can´t begin to imagine the damage giving hormones to such a young boy could cause, both to his body and psychologically. Not to mention letting him smoke!

I´m guessing this boy´s mom wanted to have a girl and since she´s unable to have more children decided to turn him into one? That´s really creepy, sounds like something out of Stephen King. I really think there´s a major problem here and that she shouldn´t be allowed to take care of him. Hopefully once he gets to see a doctor the authorities will get involved, like twistermama said. What a sad story...

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