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How to get a bigger and rounder butt - Complete List



(20-08-2017, 23:24)akaione2000 Wrote:  
(19-08-2017, 19:09)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Hello, akaione2000.

First of all, welcome to the forum. Smile 

Very interesting information.  It seems like I do remember reading somewhere once about lavender EO being useful for "estrogenic" purposes. Those of us following along on this thread like to hear about anything that could produce a bubble butt, lol.  Would it be possible for you to provide links to some of the studies/info regarding this so we could read as well?  I hope LEO would have the same "butt potential" for genetic females also, although it does seem probable since we have naturally higher estrogen..  Were you already involved in the martial arts, biking, walking, etc. prior to using the LEO, or did you begin all simultaneously?

So basically, one would remove any oil residue that could interfere with LEO's absorption/potency, then just apply with a carrier oil?

Again, welcome aboard and thanks for posting!

Thanks for the warm welcome! The main study that lead me to those conclusions is here:

There are others but they are small scale case studies and not as relevant. This one is more the raw, lab based, in vitro experiment kind of research. You need to scroll down to the section on Lavender and Tea Tree Oil. I don't pretend to understand it completely but there is some indication that there is some sort of "sensitization" to estrogen that the LEO and Tea Tree oil are creating. The graphs where you can see where the estrogenic activity is shown in folds over a baseline of pure estrogen are quite interesting. It is potent stuff if I am reading that correctly. 

As for carrier oils, I was not really consistent on that front. My thinking was split between two theories. One, that getting the LEO to absorb as totally and completely was my highest priority, and that carrier oils will slow this down. On the other hand, oils absorbed directly through the skin very likely sink deeply enough to effect metabolism and fat distribution. It isn't a sure thing as I can't seem to find it now, but I remember a study where nurses massaged underweight premature babies with coconut oil(nutritive), mineral oil(non-nutritive), and a water based massage gel as a control. The coconut babies gained significantly more weight than the other two groups after adjusting for calories consumed. 

Something to consider is that full strength LEO is almost never recommended to be applied directly to the skin. It is not uncommon for people to get rashes and have allergic reactions so I'd say better to stay on the side of caution, use at least a little oil with it especially at first. I didn't have issues with full strength LEO but I've never had allergies or been very sensitive to harsh chemicals. Which is what LEO is, even though it is natural it is highly concentrated.  
The only thing that was started at the same time as the LEO routine was an intermittent fasting diet. One large meal per day. Thats how I lost the weight. The exercise program dates back to my highschool days. Traditional Japanese karate can be very good for building the glueteus maximus and gluteus medius, no doubt. But if anything I have LOST muscle. Pretty much everywhere. And that loss, combined with how my fat is redistributing, my body hair is growing more slowly and some of my balding is reversing indicates to me that my hormones are at the very least less testosterone dominant if not leaning in the other direction. So, no, I don't think my exercise program was a confounding or contributing factor. 

Yes, just clean the area of oil and water on the skin using 90+ percent isopropyl alcohol then let dry for a minute, then massage the LEO/carrier oil into the skin until absorbed. The pretreatment should mimic some of the benefits of using DMSO for topical applications. DMSO is a compound that makes water and fat soluble medications better able to absorb through the skin by making them both water and fat soluble. 

I hope my answers aren't too wordy. I am pretty shy and once I start talking or posting I can ramble. I am really happy to be contributing after this forum completely changed my life forever.


Thanks for the link, akaione2000.

Very interesting stuff.. although I don't pretend to understand it all either, haha. It seems though that the topical application of lavender/tea tree oil combination did in fact affect hormones in an anti-androgen, pro-estrogen manner. And obviously it worked for you.

I am usually cautious regarding the use of EO's with no carrier oil, so I agree with your comments about not applying them full strength. They are powerful little tools. How interesting that the coconut oil helped premature infants!  Coconut oil is definitely one of my first choices as a carrier, although there may be even better oils for a lavender EO experiment such as this. Maybe someone with more extensive "oil knowledge" will weigh in on that. 

Good to know that the karate was not a factor in your results too. This is off topic, but it's interesting that you've been in Japanese karate because my father was a student (and eventually became an instructor) of Shito-Ryu karate for over thirty years. Most people laugh out loud when they see it spelled out: "Shito-Ryu"...... understandable I guess. Thank goodness it's pronounced shee-to. Smile Anyway, you just don't hear much about people being involved in traditional Japanese martial arts. Taekwondo seems to get more attention.

Thanks for answering. We're all on here to learn and contribute when we can. And I'm glad the forum has been helpful for you. It really is a little gold mine for those who have the time and patience to dig through it.

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Foods that are helpful in Buttock lift, Exercise is best but foods also plays a very important role in buttock lift. Foods that will help you are
  • Eggs
  • Cottage
  • Turkey

  •  Cheese

  • Skinless Chicken Breasts

  • Salmon

  • Tuna

  • Tilapia

  • Protein Powder

  • Steak

  • Beans & Legumes (kidney, chickpeas, etc)

  • Extra Lean Ground Beef

  • Vegetable Burger
Apart from this, you can get your wanted shape with the help of Buttock lift surgery. It is a permanent treatment and very famous nowadays.

(22-08-2017, 08:42)NainaKhan Wrote:  Foods that are helpful in Buttock lift, Exercise is best but foods also plays a very important role in buttock lift. Foods that will help you are
  • Eggs
  • Cottage
  • Turkey

  •  Cheese

  • Skinless Chicken Breasts

  • Salmon

  • Tuna

  • Tilapia

  • Protein Powder

  • Steak

  • Beans & Legumes (kidney, chickpeas, etc)

  • Extra Lean Ground Beef

  • Vegetable Burger
Apart from this, you can get your wanted shape with the help of Buttock lift surgery. It is a permanent treatment and very famous nowadays.

Thank you for the list, NainaKhan.   It's good to see that I'm eating most of those foods already. Smile   I think many of us on here would like to stay with exercises, herbs, essential oils, etc. and avoid surgery whenever possible, but that's an individual's personal choice of course.

Thanks again and hope you find success on your own journey too. Smile

(19-08-2017, 18:33)akaione2000 Wrote:  Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster. YMMV as I am XY and the effect may have been more pronounced because of my higher base levels of Testosterone and DHT, I had good success in this department using lavender essential oil. Over the course of about 6 weeks I lost about 20 pounds while also applying about 10 drops per day to each butt cheek diluted 50/50 with flax or coconut oil. While losing all that weight all my other measurements went down, thighs, arms, shoulders, neck, underbust chest, waist(lost over 10 inches!), almost everything really. Everything except my butt and bust (also applied there), those measurements stayed the same. And they totally changed shape. Butt took on a rounded shape with quite a bit of projection and became very jiggly. It was hard, firm, and flat before. I am big into martial arts, biking and I walk a lot too. Totally flat MANLY ass, to rounded bouncy bubble butt. 

I looked into why and come to find that LEO has been shown in lab studies to function even stronger than pure estrogen in activating estrogen receptors. It also dulls cells responses to DHT which is the more potent form of testosterone. DHT is also to blame for androgenic allopecia, ie most cases of male and female pattern balding. As an aside, I have been using it on my scalp to see if I could stop the hair loss and I have seen significant regrowth. 

LEO is lipophilic, meaning it wants to soak into suspension with fats and resists mixing with water. You can enhance the absorbtion of lipophillic substances through the skin and deeper into the fat cells underneath by removing any oil and water that is on your skin prior to application. Wipe down the area of skin with a clean paper towel soaked in 90+ percent isopropyl alcohol. The alcohol will soak up water(a barrier to the LEO) and act as a solvent to remove any oils on the skin. After this your skin will be dried out and ready for LEO, either straight or mixed with a carrier oil. If your skin can handle the full strength oil without adverse effect this is better. Massage in until skin is dry then apply oil of your choice to restore moisture to the skin. Flax is great because it absorbs so quickly and is full of phytoestrogens, but it is polyunsaturated and becomes rancid unless handled carefully and used rapidly. Coconut takes months to go rancid and has other benefits to the quality of skin in general. Take your pick.

Anyways, sorry for the long post. Let me know if you have any questions. 


Hi Charley,

Could you please let us know if you took/did anything else besides applying lavender oil to your behind during those six weeks? And are you still applying lavender oil every day? I'm wondering the growth you obtain is permanent or if you need to keep re-applying lavender oil forever. 
I actually once read about a girl on here who applied lavender oil to her breasts and she obtained swelling (and I think eventually growth) so this is very interesting...thank you for sharing your experience/tips with us!

(13-08-2017, 19:31)bettie32 Wrote:  Hi everyone,

I know there are quite a few threads about this but I'm not sure if there's one thread that lists all of the methods. So far, these are the ones that I know of:

- Maca
- Aguaje
- Pueraria Mirifica
- Exercising with heavy weights (squats, lunges, hip thrusts etc.)
- Rubbing fish oil on glutes
- Gaining weight
- Volufiline
- Fat grafting (and implants of course)

Is there anything else known for growing glutes?? Have any of you managed to make your butt bigger and plumper?

Personally, I tried most of the things I listed above (except for surgery of course and pueraria mirifica). None of them worked. Not even going to the gym. I used heavy weights and low reps but my butt actually got smaller and yes, I did the exercises properly and I did take proper breaks. Do I have to eat McDonald's everyday?? Please share your experiences and tips!

In regards to exercise, I recommend using lighter weight and higher reps. While both the combination of high weight/low rep and the combination of low weight/high rep are supposed to work for building muscle, high weight and low reps is actually more effective at building STRENGTH as opposed to MASS. If your only focus is to build your booty, lower the weight you're working out with and stick to sets of 10-15 reps.
In addition, most people who work to grow their glutes only focus on things like squats, hip thrusts, deadlifts, etc. These are all great exercises, and they are known as "compound lifts" meaning that they activate multiple muscle groups at once. This means that, while your glutes will be activated, they won't be the focus of the exercise and therefore may not grow the way you want them to. In addition, these exercises can make your legs grow disproportionately to your butt, which may contribute to your butt looking smaller.

A good booty workout consists of a couple compound lifts (squats, lunges, or deadlifts are a few) and then three or four accessory glute isolation exercises. These exercises will focus on your butt and really help you feel the workout in your butt as opposed to your legs. 
There are some Youtube channels that have really good workouts in this format that have helped me a lot, my favorite channels are AbbyPollockFit, LucyLFitness, and Whitney Simmons.

I also don't know what your nutrition was like when trying to build a booty, but if you're trying to gain muscle mass, you need to eat more calories than you burn in one day. You may have seen your butt get smaller from doing squats because you burned calories through the exercise and didn't gain those calories back through food, resulting in weight loss. My favorite way to track my calories is to use an app called MyFitnessPal. It allows you to put in your current weight, activity range, and goal weight and then tells you how many calories you should be consuming. You can then use their food diary feature to track all your calories for the day. And make sure you eat lots of protein! I personally like to make myself a protein shake with whey protein powder and milk right after a workout. This helps muscle growth as well! These things, along with using workout routines from youtube/researching bodybuilding helped me a whole lot with growing my booty. I used to have a very flat ass, and I've gained around four inches of booty growth from nutrition and exercising.

I really hope this was helpful, I understand the struggle of trying to get a bigger butt. Remember to stay consistent and determined in your diet and exercise, and you can do it!

(14-08-2017, 04:53)ZaraAri Wrote:  Don't forget Voluplus (which isn't the same thing as Volufiline, and I have no clue which one is better). I've been using gluteboost on my smaller breast which has both, and honestly I can't tell a difference yet but it's only been a little over a month and I haven't been all that consistent with it, but I think I read somewhere that gluteboost tend to work better on the butt area anyways. I've been on their results/testimonials and some are really impressive, but who knows how real it is (and one can easily play with angles to make it appear like growth).

I've read of different herbs like SP that is supposed to spread out the hips more and enhance the booty, and BO as well, but I'm not sure you're interested in those things (especially that last one, lol). I'm sure there are more stuff out there, but I think using gluteboost might be worth looking into. The only thing is you have to wait such a long time to see results. I would say at least go through two tubes, and that stuff is expensive. 

Oh and I also have seen a lot of youtube videos where women show you how to get a bigger butt by working out and a lot of them say that squats aren't the best way. There's this one girl, I think her name is Abby, and she has some serious butt workouts. She shows before and afters and her butt went from nothing to wow. Try and look her up. She has tons of workout videos.

Yesssss! Abby Pollock! I absolutely love her videos and she totally inspired me to grow my butt, and her methods that she talks about in her videos really work!

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