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Nbe is dead? Where's the inspiration?


ok I'll give you 3 of my family fav's (kids ages 2 - 11 just for those with kids) 

Rice slice (GF & meat free) 
1 cup of white rice (uncooked)
120g of grated carrot
150g grated zucchini (squeezed)
150g of Brown onion
4 Large Eggs (or 5 med eggs) 
1 cup of GF plain flour 
Salt & pepper
Chicken ‘style’ stock powder 1 tspn
½ tspn of garlic powder
Cheese 1 cup
Cook rice, meanwhile grate carrot, zucchini, & chop brown onion add to a bowl with other ingredients leaving out eggs.  Once rice is cooked add to mix and lastly add eggs and mix well . The mixture will be very thick and seem like it needs more moisture but as it cooks the veges will leech their moisture.  Add mix to a greased or baking paper lined oven proof dish and top with cheese, cover with greased tin foil  and cook in preheated oven (180-190 fan forced) for first 25mins then uncover for further 10-15mins  until top is golden brown (cooking time total 30 - 40mins).
note - if you leave cheese off leave it covered and be aware the top will get alittle crunchy.  Note; you can add corn for something different!

Not a Cottage Pie  (gf, dairy free & meat free) 

2 tbsnp of olive oil
Small carrot sliced (60g)
Small carrot grated (60g)
2 cups of mix vege (broc, cauli, beans, corn, spinach, etc whatever you have)
1 brown onion finely diced (12og)
1 cup dried lentils
1 level tspn Garlic powder
2 tspn thyme
½ tspn Salt
½ tspn pepper
1 tspn Chicken ‘style’ stock powder (Massals brand) (optional)
1 ¼ cup water
Thyme dried
Cornflour 3 tbspn (extra water to make into paste of sorts)
For the Mash top
4 Large potatoes (800g)
2 tbspn nutlex lite (dairy free butter)
Pinch salt & pepper
1 tspn of onion powder
½ tspn of garlic powder
3 tspn of nutritional yeast flakes (optional)
2 tbspn of olive oil
2 tbspn of water
 Cook lentils per packet instructions.  Cut and boil potatoes until tender. In a large deep fry pan and cook onions until softened then add vege, ¼ cup of water and chicken stock; cook until tender. Add garlic powder, thyme, salt, pepper.  Add cooked lentils and mix thoroughly.  Mix cornflour with a little water in a cup.  Add cornflour liquid to vegetable/lentil mix and stir while adding to thicken mixture. Put mixture into a greased oven proof casserole dish.  Once potatoes are cooked mash with nutlex &/or olive oil and add other ingredients (add salt & pepper, savoury yeast flakes, onion & garlic powder).  Spread mash potato over the top of vegetable mix and use a fork to rough up the top.  Bake in preheated oven for around 30-40mins until warm through and top is golden. 
Note; you can make this ahead of time and leave in fridge until you’re ready to cook.  Serve with a salad side!

Zucchini Slice (dairy free, meat free & gf) 
5 eggs
½ cup of EV olive oil
2 cups of grated zuchinni (squeezed of extra moisture)
1 brown onion finely chopped
2 cups of GF SR flour
2 tspn of dried rosemary
1 tspn of garlic powder
1 tbsn of ‘chicken style’ stock powder (optional)
2 tbsn of nutritional yeast powder
Pinch of salt & pepper
Combine all ingredients and pour into a well greased or baking paper lined casserole dish and cook in preheated oven (180-190 fan forced) for 30-40mins until golden on top. Great with a salad and potato wedges.
Note; my kids love this one.  Change up the herbs add different ones for different flavors. 

Hope they make sense lol....please treat me kindly if you give them a go lol 


WOwwwwwww! YOu put so much into these! Thanks il save them to my recipe notes.
Much appreciated xx

Yes keen to start a healthy living thread if you guys are.

(13-10-2017, 22:19)growingmelons Wrote:  My Doctor gave me ten key points: 

  1. Get your weight under control. Try to be as lean as possible without being underweight.
  2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day. Limit sedentary habits.
  3. Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods.
  4. Drink plenty of water and eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans.
  5. Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
  6. Try to quit drinking alcoholic beverages. If consumed at all, limit alcoholic consumption to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
  7. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with sodium.
  8. Don't use supplements to protect against cancer. Quit all herbal medications that are not approved by your doctor.
  9. Don't use tobacco.
  10. Make sure you are getting check ups regularly and are updated on all immunizations

He also gave me other tips like limiting carcinogens and toxins and chemicals in my home, cosmetic products, and foods and anything that I'm in contact with, as well as BPA found in plastics. Limit high fat food and fast foods. Filter my tap water. 

There was actually a lot we talked about, and not everything I fully understand, like the part where he said don't use supplements to protect against cancer?? I don't get that. But it was a lot to go through, we are just trying to keep the precancerous cells from proliferation and dividing and with some additional tests we should find out what other steps I might need to take. 
I would strongly recommend against your fruit and vegetable fast.  It sounds healthy but you should never cut out food groups or you'll be missing important nutrients including ones your immune system requires to fight cancer.  #3 to #5 are good tips for diet.

Your doctor has some good points for the most part.

#8 I think is mostly because he doesn't know about them.  Herbals could have drug interactions, could be all hype, and/or have unknown effects when you are in a sensitive state.  Nutritional supplements like vitamin D don't count; you always need them no matter what, just like you need to eat.  It's extremely hard to overdose, but a lot more than the RDA is pointless and/or less beneficial than the proper amount.  They can lead to a false sense of security compared to following #3 to #5 though, which is far better.  Vitamin D is the big exception because it isn't in food (except small amounts in some fortified foods) and the only other practical way to get it is sunlight.  Regardless you should notify your doctor about what you're taking so he isn't surprised when he's figuring out your condition.  IMO drop all herbals and be super skeptical about this or that "cancer cure" herbal.   There may be some beneficial ones but (a) nutrition is better, (b) the proper type and dosage is complicated and © even after going through all that complication you'd find a partial help not a cure.  Assuming you don't make a mistake and get nowhere and/or make things slightly worse.

Green tea extract and turmeric are fine; a little helpful and not too much to worry about.  I'd actually take 1,000-2,000 mg turmeric  rather than curcumin extract because turmeric has many other beneficial compounds besides curcumin.  Milk thistle is a gamble because of possible estrogen effects. The other 2 herbs in Protandim don't seem to be related to cancer, neither good nor bad.  I'd just buy your own green tea extract and turmeric for much less though.  In general when you see an herbal supplement check it very carefully before using in your condition, if you use any at all.  But I mean tea leaf and the yellow from yellow curry (turmeric) are quite healthy and aren't going to have any surprise dangers.

Also note that metal canned foods are a big source of BPA.  Even the BPA free ones might have a BPA substitute that is just as bad.  Acidic ones like fruit and cola are the worst, because they leach more can liner.  BPA, certain plastics and chemicals concentrated in animal fat all act like estrogen and increase your risk of breast cancer.

I have a big list of the healthiest foods near the end of my sig thread.  But for the general groups tip #3 to #5 are pretty good.  Ideally find items on my list from all 3-4 groups.  I don't remember if I listed any legumes but most legumes in general are pretty good.  Instead of canned buy dried, and simply cook in water for a couple hours.  There are a million recipes or simply salt (limited of course, but still some), pepper and onion is tasty.  Better yet soak for 4-8 hours, rinse and then cook.

I wouldn't be thinking about NBE with pre-cancerous cells, but massage is supposed to be anti-cancer.

Just so no one misunderstands when i said fruit and vege i didnt mean purely fruit and vege or 'fast' its a broad term to mean other then meat & dairy (and other crap). One cant sustain fruit & vege purely i too think this is unhealthy; you need grains, legumes, nuts & seeds. And yes dried legumes are way better for health, taste & budget. Green juices still great for flushing toxins and minerals & vitamins. Just thought id clear that up should choice my words more carefully around here lol

Tumeric vs curcumin

Curcumin for cancer treatment

Once again just for interest not saying do any thing or i believe anything just information. Note how pepper is important for bioavailability.

Herbs do not cause cancer.  In cancers that feed off estrogen (note that they must already exist to do this), there is a good case that herbs keep the cancers from growing, the genestein in Red Clover being one example, the sanguinarine in bloodroot is another.

As I am reading this thread, it occurs to me that "precancerous cells" needs definition.  Growingmelons: Simply telling you that you have "precancerous cells" could mean more than one thing.  Have you been diagnosed with something like Atypical Hyperplasia?   Or possibly Ductal Carcinoma In Situ?  What is the exact situation?  It could very well be that the fear of a certain future death sentence is unwarranted.  What is the exact diagnosis?

As for Protandim, it is good for many things and is shown in research (going by memory here) to reduce some cancers and would certainly be good for precancerous conditions and/or for avoidance, in my opinion.  Once on actually gets cancer, it is too late for Protandim even though it would be a help.  I think there are doctors who condemn herbs & etc. because of the vast quackery out there rather than turning their attention to the peer reviewed research that does exist or at least evidence of them actually working in the absense of research.

BTW, I am not a doctor, nor does one need to be a doctor to have an opinion. 

Basic starting point for avoiding cancer: Alkalize.  Detoxify.  Eat right and exercise.

Let's not conduct a wholesale condemnation of "herbs" when herbs are not the problem.  Which brings me back to square one.  What exactly is the problem/diagnosis?

(15-10-2017, 05:44)Wahaika Wrote:  Herbs do not cause cancer.  In cancers that feed off estrogen (note that they must already exist to do this), there is a good case that herbs keep the cancers from growing, the genestein in Red Clover being one example, the sanguinarine in bloodroot is another.

As I am reading this thread, it occurs to me that "precancerous cells" needs definition.  Growingmelons: Simply telling you that you have "precancerous cells" could mean more than one thing.  Have you been diagnosed with something like Atypical Hyperplasia?   Or possibly Ductal Carcinoma In Situ?  What is the exact situation?  It could very well be that the fear of a certain future death sentence is unwarranted.  What is the exact diagnosis?

As for Protandim, it is good for many things and is shown in research (going by memory here) to reduce some cancers and would certainly be good for precancerous conditions and/or for avoidance, in my opinion.  Once on actually gets cancer, it is too late for Protandim even though it would be a help.  I think there are doctors who condemn herbs & etc. because of the vast quackery out there rather than turning their attention to the peer reviewed research that does exist or at least evidence of them actually working in the absense of research.

BTW, I am not a doctor, nor does one need to be a doctor to have an opinion. 

Basic starting point for avoiding cancer: Alkalize.  Detoxify.  Eat right and exercise.

Let's not conduct a wholesale condemnation of "herbs" when herbs are not the problem.  Which brings me back to square one.  What exactly is the problem/diagnosis?
Nice to see you here Wahaika !

(16-10-2017, 06:10)EllaC Wrote:

Hi EllaC, good to see you too!

On the fruit and vegetable fast mentioned above, does that mean a fast from fruit and vegetables or a "juice fast" where vegetable juice is used with fruit to sweeten?  If it is the latter, then i would definitely agree that it is a good idea, depending on which vegetables are used. 

The way it works is to give the body a lot of what it needs from raw fresh vegetables, but with the fiber removed in order to get a much higher density of nutrients for the body to use.  As a fast for a week, it is ok.  It is also easier to digest and the energy normally used in digestion can be used elsewhere.  A few cleanses/flushed should follow.  Cleanses & flushes are like replacing or cleaning the filters on a car.  If one does a juice fast for any longer, then they should add a few things such as psyllium fiber for roughage.  Whole fresh foods are the best long term.

(13-10-2017, 05:40)growingmelons Wrote:  But while I'm here, I'm just gonna go ahead and admit it: I've recently been diagnosed with precancerous cells and I have quite a few doctor appts and testings that I will have to go through in my immediate future. As anyone can imagine this definitely has left me weary which is why I said is it all worth it if you get cancer in the end. I'd take small chest over lifelong debilitating disease any day personally. But that is why I had to stop my herb program and I'm currently looking for other methods none of which has worked so far but I still keep doing them because I still want to try and it takes my mind off of what i'm currently facing.

Sorry to hear that.
Antioxidant foods should help you from this. They also help when or if it comes to radiation therapy, as they help protect healthy cells from it. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Selenium are more powerful together. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant, and the most concentrated source of it comes from natural tomato sauce: it (not ketchup) has many times more lycopene per serving than whole tomatoes.

Plenty of plant based fiber is good for you. It carries unhealthy products away, and it is thought that bacteria digests fiber that is insoluble by cancer and people, then creates anticancer chemicals that enter your bloodstream.

You can try oatmeal (it will give you bowel movements too), papaya seed, and food preparations with fresh garlic in them, on occasion.

It would help to know what hormone imbalance is associated with the precancerous cells, but I'm uncomfortable saying which herbs I think would help it. Small amounts could do it, but just avoid that altogether. A variety of grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits is better. Benefits would come from an improvement in diet, for instance, avoiding refined sugar, and artificial ingredients. If you drink from the faucet, a Brita pitcher or sink filter will remove amounts of chlorine that your body doesn't need.

I hope you feel better.

To everybody who replied to this thread : thanks a lot, it was interesting to read all your opinions, I did not expect so many people would chime in. 
though most people didnt really inspire me..not that I blame anybody for that!!
Anyhow its time for me to fare a different Course.. If i gave up my wish for bigger breasts I wouldnt stay here any longer.. But the idea of nbe stays magical . So somebody informed me through pm and I decided i want to try Bovine Ovary......
Perhaps in a year or so i will inspire others Rolleyes

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