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Nbe is dead? Where's the inspiration?


(13-10-2017, 17:18)growingmelons Wrote:  
(13-10-2017, 05:56)EllaC Wrote:  Thats rough growingmelons. Id be loading up on things that kill cancer stem cells, ( i cant remember them off the top of my head but i know theres plenty on google out there). 
I want to try and incoporate brocilli, brocilli sprouts in my diet, mushrooms, green tea, cranberry etc only cause i abuse my body and i kick myself daily for doing it too! Tumeric too as much as can as with ginger etc. You'l know all this already im sure. 
Thats what scares the shit out of me about all the years on NBE. We all have those C cells floating around so need to make it as hard to stick as poss.

Thank you Ella for the encouragement and tips. Admittedly I don't know much about "cancer fighting foods" before I started this NBE journey, but now I'm definitely having to research more on this and educate myself better. I think that's something that actually is missing from this forum and that's emphasizing to try and eat more healthily and investing in cancer fighters to pair with herbal programs. I think it's worth it to do so. I'm on a fruit and vegetable fast for a week because its supposed to be better for your body and help to alkaline it and also flush out toxins and some have stated that it reversed cancer cells from multiplying and then eradicated them from the body. Not sure how true that all is, but anything is worth trying right now and how bad can fresh fruits and veggies be for you anwyas. I just don't want to get to that stage where I actually have cancer or a tumor so anything to stop it in its tracks are worth ttrying. My doctor told me it's good to be cautious and has recommended me a lot of stuff and provided me with plenty of pamplets to educate myself but I want to also take a more active and natural approach too! I definitely think everyone should if you're on a herbal program because you might be feeding cancerous cells and you won't know until you get properly tested for it.

Hi can I ask what your dr suggested?
Yeh I'm learning now acidosis Could be behind a lot if not most chronic illnesss. I drink a lot of coffee and goodness it's hard to quit but I KNOW it's contributing. Considering some alkaline water and or lots of lemon water. Yeh I've tried to push a lot of anti cancer stuff on this site over the years but it gets lost in all the threads. 
I think the caffeine is constricting arteries and circulation too hence why nbe is a struggle for me. Caffeines a drug though... hard to quit! 
I hope you do well Smile

My Doctor gave me ten key points: 

  1. Get your weight under control. Try to be as lean as possible without being underweight.
  2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day. Limit sedentary habits.
  3. Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods.
  4. Drink plenty of water and eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans.
  5. Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
  6. Try to quit drinking alcoholic beverages. If consumed at all, limit alcoholic consumption to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
  7. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with sodium.
  8. Don't use supplements to protect against cancer. Quit all herbal medications that are not approved by your doctor.
  9. Don't use tobacco.
  10. Make sure you are getting check ups regularly and are updated on all immunizations

He also gave me other tips like limiting carcinogens and toxins and chemicals in my home, cosmetic products, and foods and anything that I'm in contact with, as well as BPA found in plastics. Limit high fat food and fast foods. Filter my tap water. 

There was actually a lot we talked about, and not everything I fully understand, like the part where he said don't use supplements to protect against cancer?? I don't get that. But it was a lot to go through, we are just trying to keep the precancerous cells from proliferation and dividing and with some additional tests we should find out what other steps I might need to take. 

Hi melons 
Ive been reading glad to hear youve caught it early. I personally would consider forgoing meats and dairy altogether (inflammatory) and onto fruits and vegetables like ella said 'alkalining' plus strip you of any extra weight all the other stuff your doc said is great. Think chemicals 'cosmetics, household products, food additives'. What is going to do it give your body the chance to heal without dealing with all the extra toxins and stress. If you could go organic it would be even better. Oh and green juices greener the better!

Am also unsure why he would say stay away from cancer fighting supps perhaps not enough knowledge? There is one that i would put my money into if i was in your position 'protandim' researched, proven and patented 'Natural'.

Most of all healthy attitude; you can do this! 
With love
Chrissy xo

(13-10-2017, 22:19)growingmelons Wrote:  My Doctor gave me ten key points: 

  1. Get your weight under control. Try to be as lean as possible without being underweight.
  2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day. Limit sedentary habits.
  3. Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods.
  4. Drink plenty of water and eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans.
  5. Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
  6. Try to quit drinking alcoholic beverages. If consumed at all, limit alcoholic consumption to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
  7. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with sodium.
  8. Don't use supplements to protect against cancer. Quit all herbal medications that are not approved by your doctor.
  9. Don't use tobacco.
  10. Make sure you are getting check ups regularly and are updated on all immunizations

He also gave me other tips like limiting carcinogens and toxins and chemicals in my home, cosmetic products, and foods and anything that I'm in contact with, as well as BPA found in plastics. Limit high fat food and fast foods. Filter my tap water. 

There was actually a lot we talked about, and not everything I fully understand, like the part where he said don't use supplements to protect against cancer?? I don't get that. But it was a lot to go through, we are just trying to keep the precancerous cells from proliferation and dividing and with some additional tests we should find out what other steps I might need to take. 
Hmm yeh that’s got me wondering too. I agree even I must pop supps not REALLY knowing how it might unbalance me. I know taking certains vitamins can create unbalanced in others etc etc. 
and immunisations... hmm that’s a potential source in itself depending on what side of the fence you are on. 
The rest is all good sound advice. I’d be looking into but D3. They reckon ample vit d can cut breast c risk by up to 80%
Who know though...

(13-10-2017, 23:01)Chrissygwy Wrote:  Hi melons 
Ive been reading glad to hear youve caught it early. I personally would consider forgoing meats and dairy altogether (inflammatory) and onto fruits and vegetables like ella said 'alkalining' plus strip you of any extra weight all the other stuff your doc said is great. Think chemicals 'cosmetics, household products, food additives'. What is going to do it give your body the chance to heal without dealing with all the extra toxins and stress. If you could go organic it would be even better. Oh and green juices greener the better!

Am also unsure why he would say stay away from cancer fighting supps perhaps not enough knowledge? There is one that i would put my money into if i was in your position 'protandim' researched, proven and patented 'Natural'.

Most of all healthy attitude; you can do this! 
With love
Chrissy xo

Eliminating meat lowered my friends c reactive protein hugely and dairy is pro inflammatory but I just can't imagine getting rid of them even though I eat organic and grass fed etc. I Ardmore you girls. 
I'm totally looking into protandim now. Seems you have to buy through distributors. Wonder if that's cause it's patent protected

Hi Chrissy. THanks for the tips and advice. I agree that forgoing meat and dairy is a good idea but it's easier said than done for me Rolleyes  I'm going to first try and reduce it in my diet and then hopefully I'll get to a point where I can give it up or limit it drastically. I've also cleaned house on a lot of the chemical products I have in my house and I've ordered a lot of natural products. Someone should make a thread on all this stuff because I'm a little overwhelm and lost when it comes to switching to natural and organic products, but I'm trying my best and I'm so glad for the help and advice I'm getting from you ladies. I haven't heard of the protandim but I'm going to look it up tonight! Sounds just what I need!

Ella, I honestly think my doctor is a little biased when it comes to health supplements and immunizations. He went on a complete tangent downtalking it all but I don't know if I believe every word of it. It all started because I asked about his thoughts on a naturopath doctor. I'm also on the fence with immunizations because some will leave you worse off. I'm surprised vit D can lower breast cancer risk! See that's what I mean... some supplements are beneficial, but my doctor doesn't want me to take anything unless he prescribes it to me to be on the safe side but I think it's more so because he's getting paid to subscribe me pills. Got to take everything with a grain of salt, even if it does come from a doctor. THen again not all doctors agree on every little thing. It makes it confusing as hell for me though.

Alrighty I looked up Protandim and initially all I found was stuff from the sellers and not much independent studies apart from the distributors which made me a little weary. I was able to eventually find this objective write up on Protandim and the concensus on there is that this isn't all it is cracked up to be. From the looks of it I'm not yet sure how I feel about it. I'll have to do some more looking into it before I can make a decision on it. Good news is that the main ingredients are actually pretty easy to get ahold of (pasted it below). Here is where I found info on Protandim:

Calcium (as dicalcum phosphate & calcium carbonate) 77 mg 8% DV
Proprietary Blend Consisting of the following 675 mg
Milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum) seeds 225 mg containing 70%-80% silymarin
Bacopa extract (Bacopa monnieri) whole herb 150 mg containing 20% bacosides or greater
Ashwagandha extract (Withania somnifera) root powder 150 mg
Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) leaf 75 mg containing 98% polyphenols (and 45% EGCG)
Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) rhizome 75 mg containing 95% curcumin

(14-10-2017, 04:18)growingmelons Wrote:  Alrighty I looked up Protandim and initially all I found was stuff from the sellers and not much independent studies apart from the distributors which made me a little weary. I was able to eventually find this objective write up on Protandim and the concensus on there is that this isn't all it is cracked up to be. From the looks of it I'm not yet sure how I feel about it. I'll have to do some more looking into it before I can make a decision on it. Good news is that the main ingredients are actually pretty easy to get ahold of (pasted it below). Here is where I found info on Protandim:

Calcium (as dicalcum phosphate & calcium carbonate) 77 mg 8% DV
Proprietary Blend Consisting of the following 675 mg
Milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum) seeds 225 mg containing 70%-80% silymarin
Bacopa extract (Bacopa monnieri) whole herb 150 mg containing 20% bacosides or greater
Ashwagandha extract (Withania somnifera) root powder 150 mg
Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) leaf 75 mg containing 98% polyphenols (and 45% EGCG)
Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) rhizome 75 mg containing 95% curcumin
Ive been looking up Protandim too ! 
I am weary cause its multi level marketing, I guess i understand it but i figure if this is really as good as they say shouldnt everyone be able to purchase it easily?.... 

My guess is you thought what i thought! Well couldnt we just take all of the above and have our own Protandim!!! ..

If the science is ahead of the world then maybe they are onto something! We all know the stuff that REALLY helps is supressed at any cost.
This clip had me actually considering it.

(14-10-2017, 04:18)growingmelons Wrote:  Alrighty I looked up Protandim and initially all I found was stuff from the sellers and not much independent studies apart from the distributors which made me a little weary. I was able to eventually find this objective write up on Protandim and the concensus on there is that this isn't all it is cracked up to be. From the looks of it I'm not yet sure how I feel about it. I'll have to do some more looking into it before I can make a decision on it. Good news is that the main ingredients are actually pretty easy to get ahold of (pasted it below). Here is where I found info on Protandim:

Calcium (as dicalcum phosphate & calcium carbonate) 77 mg 8% DV
Proprietary Blend Consisting of the following 675 mg
Milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum) seeds 225 mg containing 70%-80% silymarin
Bacopa extract (Bacopa monnieri) whole herb 150 mg containing 20% bacosides or greater
Ashwagandha extract (Withania somnifera) root powder 150 mg
Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) leaf 75 mg containing 98% polyphenols (and 45% EGCG)
Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) rhizome 75 mg containing 95% curcumin
Oh nice research....yeah i guess nothing beats eating healthy really! 

I started with meat free nights then slowly cut it altogether. Then dairy just didnt agree with me anymore so only have that maybe once a month (indian takeaway or cheese ontop of a bake). Loads of great recipes all over net if you ever get stuck its not all bowls of lettuce & steam veg. Ive got some great family recipes ive tweeked myself gf, dairy free & meat free if you ever need some help! Ive got 4 kiddos and one hungry husband so we eat big.

Chemical free is alot easier nowadays alot more awareness and therefore alot more can make your own stuff but sometimes its not worth it (time & money) when theres products out there that are great and natural. 

I guess research cannabis oil if your country permits it see if thats an option for you?  

I think we should start a new thread 'living green - natural living' lol 


(14-10-2017, 05:34)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(14-10-2017, 04:18)growingmelons Wrote:  Alrighty I looked up Protandim and initially all I found was stuff from the sellers and not much independent studies apart from the distributors which made me a little weary. I was able to eventually find this objective write up on Protandim and the concensus on there is that this isn't all it is cracked up to be. From the looks of it I'm not yet sure how I feel about it. I'll have to do some more looking into it before I can make a decision on it. Good news is that the main ingredients are actually pretty easy to get ahold of (pasted it below). Here is where I found info on Protandim:

Calcium (as dicalcum phosphate & calcium carbonate) 77 mg 8% DV
Proprietary Blend Consisting of the following 675 mg
Milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum) seeds 225 mg containing 70%-80% silymarin
Bacopa extract (Bacopa monnieri) whole herb 150 mg containing 20% bacosides or greater
Ashwagandha extract (Withania somnifera) root powder 150 mg
Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) leaf 75 mg containing 98% polyphenols (and 45% EGCG)
Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) rhizome 75 mg containing 95% curcumin
Oh nice research....yeah i guess nothing beats eating healthy really! 

I started with meat free nights then slowly cut it altogether. Then dairy just didnt agree with me anymore so only have that maybe once a month (indian takeaway or cheese ontop of a bake). Loads of great recipes all over net if you ever get stuck its not all bowls of lettuce & steam veg. Ive got some great family recipes ive tweeked myself gf, dairy free & meat free if you ever need some help! Ive got 4 kiddos and one hungry husband so we eat big.

Chemical free is alot easier nowadays alot more awareness and therefore alot more can make your own stuff but sometimes its not worth it (time & money) when theres products out there that are great and natural. 

I guess research cannabis oil if your country permits it see if thats an option for you?  

I think we should start a new thread 'living green - natural living' lol 


chrissy Id like to hear the recipes if youre happy to share?
id love to weine off dairy and meat

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