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Question for Vegetarians..


(26-07-2017, 05:47)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(26-07-2017, 00:38)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(25-07-2017, 08:47)EllaC Wrote:  So Im hearing dairy might actually leach calcium from the bones.. With the exception of raw dairy which is essentially universally banned.
So how best to obtain CALCIUM from plant sources?

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that animal protien does in fact leach calcium from the bones. So drinking milk actually causes osteoporosis. (That's what I learned in reflexology school anyways, and my teacher was a certified nutritionist and naturopath amongst many other things)
I suggest looking into Barely - it has calcium and many more nutrients. Here's some amazing info on the benefits. (Btw I just started taking it a couple days ago and already notice some effects) 

Info copied from:

There is other info on the page/website I didn't include, but it's very interesting and you should check it out for many more reasons than just calcium. 

Benefits of Barley Grass

Barley grass is one of the green grasses. The true beauty of barley is found in the leaves; the young green shoots of power that form before the grain. The young leaves have a tremendous ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. When barley leaves are 12-14 inches high, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll. These necessities are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving our bodies instant access to vital nutrients.

Large amounts of vitamins and minerals are found in green barley (Barley Greens) leaves. These include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Barley grass is said to have 30 times more vitamin B1 and 11 times the amount of calcium than there is in cow's milk, 6.5 times as much carotene and nearly 5 times the iron content of spinach, close to seven times the vitamin C in oranges, four times the vitamin B1 in whole wheat flour, and 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams of dried barley plant juice.

Barley grass is very high in organic sodium, which dissolves calcium deposited on the joints and also replenishes organic sodium in the lining of the stomach. This aids digestion by improving the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. People with arthritis have used celery juice for years because of the organic sodium it contains (28mg per 100grms), but compare this to the amount of organic sodium in barley grass (775mg per 100 grams)!

Barley grass, at the time it is harvested to make juice, is about 45 percent protein. It has almost twice as much protein as an equivalent amount of wheat germ and about five times the minerals which accompany animal protein, in addition the protein in barley grass doesn't come burdened with fat.

Enzymes (barley grass is believed to contain up to 1,000 of them) are the necessary regulators of the body, without them our cells could not function and we would perish. Barley grass has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, thought to be a primary culprit in aging.

Barley grass also contains one of the most amazing nutrients: chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier that rids the intestines of stored toxins. You don't have to drink green grass juices to get chlorophyll; it is present in all dark green, leafy vegetables. But the question is "how many servings of spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens, or turnip and beet tops, do you eat everyday?" And for those who do eat them regularly, there is, after all, a limit to the amount of spinach, kale and the likes someone can eat.

Importance of green foods

The importance of green foods in our diet is now being validated scientifically. Dehydrated cereal grasses compare favourably with other greens in respect to both nutrients and cost. It is an excellent and convenient source of green food nutrients.

Green food nutrients support healthy blood and circulation. Iron, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B12, pyridoxine and protein are all vital for the formation and maintenance of adequate levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Chlorophyll may also be beneficial in these processes. In addition, chlorophyll, vitamin K, and calcium are all involved in blood clot formation and breakdown.

Users of barley grass have also found it useful as an aid in weight loss and good for the heart, healing of ulcers, correcting blood sugar problems and, most of all, as a general tonic.

Amino Acids and Proteins in Barley Grass

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins; 20 of them are present in the body proteins in significant quality. Proteins are the major constituent of every cell and body fluid (except urine and bile) and are thus necessary for the continual cell building, regeneration, and energy production that we need for life. An added benefit of the Barley Grass leaf proteins is that they are polypeptides; smaller proteins that can be directly absorbed by the blood, where they promote cell metabolism (the chemical changes that we need to live) and neutralize substances that are bad for our health. Barley Grass contains 18 amino acids (including the 8 essential amino acids) - that is, the amino acids that we must get from out diets; the body cannot produce them by itself.

Alkalinity and More

Barley Grass leaves are extremely alkaline, so digesting them can help keep the body's alkaline and acidity ratio balanced. Our cells cannot adequately function if the pH range (which measures alkaline and acidity) is not in a very narrow range. Most processed foods are acidic, and when we consume too many of them, the acidity/alkaline balance is upset. This may result in possible fatigue.

Recently research has unveiled a wealth of other possible benefits of Barley Grass. Extracted compounds have found to have hypercholesteromic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-ulcer properties. A new antioxidant, 2"-0-GIV, has been isolated and reported to have antioxidant activity equal to or superior to vitamin E. Finally, studies have shown that when Barley Grass juice is added to injured cells, the cells' DNA repair themselves more rapidly. This may contribute to preventing the changes that often lead to cancer, rapid aging, and cell death.

Ash i have trouble with Barley (gluten cereal) but am assuming Barley Grass is different a bit like the wheatgrass where it isn't a gluten trigger because it's pre-development of the seed??  
- A quick google search found my answer to this is yes it is pre-seed therefore shouldn't cause problems.  I may need to look into getting some!

Yes I dont do well with gluten either and im not supposed to have it with my health issues.  And like you said, after searching Google, many resources say it doesn't  bother people with gluten allergies. I'm definitely liking it so far and now my husband is taking it too after looking into the benefits. Milky Oatseed is another thing I recently discovered has lots of benefits.

(25-07-2017, 22:10)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(25-07-2017, 11:58)EllaC Wrote:  Thanks il check out your link out Smile value your input x

I have a gluten intolerance and managed to improve it by taking Lglutamine and coconut products. They say that Lglutamine improves the junctions in the gut and tightens the loose ones up. I definitely had a win. I went from high intolerance not being able to eat anything cooked in same pan as something containing wheat to being able to eat small things containing wheat eg. Sauces, hash browns but i have a build up thing once a week or two days in a row, no good. You can get it on iherb its tasteless  (allmax i think is brand blue container). And coconut well coconut just heals everything but is awesome for gut.  If you want to have a good crack at healing your gut stay away from
Dairy - instant inflammatory
Meat - well its hard for body to digest, too much protein not good for body and well dead life force (including fish unfortunately fish has so much human poison in it now you can no longer call it healthy (mercury, plastics & poison plus once again dead life force).
Lectins  - legumes another area to avoid for gut healing they contain lectins a substance that makes hard for body to break down (plant defense). Also some of the puesdo-seeds sould be avoid or used sparingly. And if your going to eat rice white is better brown and white bread better then brown whole grains are not as great as advertised they have there husks on and you guessed it high in lectins. Also might be worth looking at nightshade family try to limit some but i wouldn't remove them 
Note - nearly everything contains lectins but ones i mentioned are high.
And myself personally would remove wheat switch to gluten-free wheat is an inflammatory too it use to be good but the modern grain has been altered and is no longer 'good' for you. But good news is gf stuff is lots better then old days 
But i guess its baby steps or youll get defeated. Cut things down eg. Dairy, meat, legumes and switch them out for others that are friendlier and that you enjoy. Other people take alot of probiotics but i like to encourage my own bacteria growth with prebiotic foods and just helping your gut heal but not putting nasties in there should help you improve. I always tell people its like a wound you wouldn't keep rubbing dirt into it if you want it to heal that would make it worst your gut is the same it will never heal if you keep giving it harmful stuff it needs to keep fighting off, it just gets worst. 

Ps if you need any ideas or brand suggestions  (ur in oz too) am happy to help ive already tried alot lol 
Chrissy x

Hi. Only replying properly now. Had a BAD gut day yesterday. Turns out the pie i got from the Organic shop wasnt GF... And a nasty pie yes but i figured, oh is organic and GF (turns out it wasnt) so yeh everything went pear shaped yesterday Sad

Goodness everything you said above resonated with me to a T!
I have been somewhat dabbling with the autoimmune paleo diet but was on a  arestricted diet for a long time with my SIBO and ended up starving my microbiome. Yes you are right building up the bacteria with prebiotic foods is such a better idea than probiotics. I still try to dabble with sauerkraut and do in corporoate a little prebiotic foods daily.

Absolutely right i have great lakes gelatin sitting in my cupboard, must start using it! I too though oh maybe a little gluten by way of sauces here and there might be ok but as you say stoking the fire and in my case i havent done enough healing to reach that point yet.

What il really struggle with is no cheese! I love my organic cheese... And the alternative is soy based. I wonder if theres any other options out there?

thanks for the input xxxx

(26-07-2017, 03:54)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  The real reason is more likely because we eat too much calcium.  The ideal per studies at is actually 650 mg calcium, not more, and 1,000-2,000 i.u. vitamin D.  More vitamin D is ok (to a point).  More calcium can actually weaken your bones.  Extra vitamin D counteracts excess calcium so the most likely explanation is that too much calcium reduces your vitamin D and then you can't absorb and/or utlize calcium as well with depleted vitamin D.

The Japanese in fact get 300 mg calcium and have less osteoporosis than Americans.

So the best way is to get plenty of vitamin D and not worry about calcium too much.

Chia seeds and nuts are high in calcium though it's poorly absorbed.  Many of the veggie sources actually leech calcium from your body.  But because the oxalic acid in these veggies is so specific to calcium only and not other minerals, you can simply take calcium powder with them.  And unlike calcium powder alone you don't have to worry about being shorted on other minerals.  The veggies have plenty of these and oxalic acid won't bind to the other minerals.  Fortified foods are no different from calcium powde.  But again other nutrients including what's in veggies makes a bigger difference to your bones.
SURFER ok thats interesting.. I do in fact take a relatively high dose of Vit D3 daily. 
I tested borderline deficient and i LIVE BY THE BEACH and have alot of sun exposure.. What does that say...

What i wanted to do is to balance CALCIUM/MAGNESUM & PHOSPHOROUS... 
I have gum issues and apparently an inbalance of the above causes that. 

My diet isnt poor by any stretch but i admit i have pretty much the same salad everyday and suspect im not getting much by way of nutrients in it. I have started juicing carrot/kale/chard or silverbeet every day or two.

Surfer whats a good strategy to balance CA/MG & PHOS as above?
Thanks x

(26-07-2017, 19:52)EllaC Wrote:  What il really struggle with is no cheese! I love my organic cheese... And the alternative is soy based. I wonder if theres any other options out there?

Try cashew cheese! Not exactly the same thing as cheddar lol but it's an alternative.

@ Ashley - Thanks for the info on barley grass! As long as it doesnt affect gluten intol then id be keen to try. I have a multi alakalising green powders which actually tastes quite good. I should start taking that again. I want to start doing the acid strips to see if im overly acidic or not.

Its so hard being gluten free.

Even now i go into restuarants and i ask if gluten is in their product and they ask me what that means...
I asked for gluten free option of potatoes and they said sure and we will bring it out on a seperate plate..

So out comes the fries on the same plate as hubbys full gluten deep fried fish etc and i started reacting to them in the next 20 mins, face started itching, fell all dizzy etc so i emailed them asking if they cook in the same fryer as other gluten foods, explained you cant serve GF up on the same plate as Gluten stuff AND THEY NEVER REPLIED. Funny that.

hi ella. just within the last 2wks i saw two documentaries on netflix, 'what the health' and 'forks over knives' both scared me into fetal position. both came down hard on meat, especially causing inflammation or metabolic acidosis ...or something like that and both came down especially hard on dairy ..especially casein. really, some people call them propaganda but both expressed scientific data and i feel a need to watch them, again. i don't eat a lot of meat anyway but i like some dairy products ..too much, i'm sure ..and eggs, they didn't spare eggs, either. as mr heston would say, damn them. damn them all to hell.

(26-07-2017, 20:12)EllaC Wrote:  @ Ashley - Thanks for the info on barley grass! As long as it doesnt affect gluten intol then id be keen to try. I have a multi alakalising green powders which actually tastes quite good. I should start taking that again. I want to start doing the acid strips to see if im overly acidic or not.

Its so hard being gluten free.

Even now i go into restuarants and i ask if gluten is in their product and they ask me what that means...
I asked for gluten free option of potatoes and they said sure and we will bring it out on a seperate plate..

So out comes the fries on the same plate as hubbys full gluten deep fried fish etc and i started reacting to them in the next 20 mins, face started itching, fell all dizzy etc so i emailed them asking if they cook in the same fryer as other gluten foods, explained you cant serve GF up on the same plate as Gluten stuff AND THEY NEVER REPLIED. Funny that.

Thats so frustrating huh. It's so hard to be anything like gluten free, soy free, vegan/vegetarian, organic, etc. etc. Let alone trying to b all those things. And there is so many things to consider health wise. Like you were saying about the test strips for PH. I recently was told I should check my levels cuz of my eczema and other issues. After realizing that certain things I intake, are definitely highly acidic, I started thinking of options to get it under control. So the fact that barley helps with that is awesome. I also have been putting some ACV in my morning smoothie. Which I also add msm too and Garden of Life meal powder which is amazing btw, if u wanna look into it just to be healthy. And if I remember correctly u r trying to keep ur weight up, the powder might help since it has lots of protein and many of the nutrients u need. It also has amino acids and probiotics. I like it allot. It helped my digestive issues a lot. And its GF, soy free, organic, raw, vegan....It's pretty cool. And it has some barley grass in it and other similar things like wheat grass. They have great products. They also have an alkaline/detoxifier product. I haven't tried it, but it's something to look at maybe. Anyways, yes I am liking my barley grass extract so far. If u get it, lmk how it goes. Milky oat seed is also a great one.

(26-07-2017, 20:56)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(26-07-2017, 20:12)EllaC Wrote:  @ Ashley - Thanks for the info on barley grass! As long as it doesnt affect gluten intol then id be keen to try. I have a multi alakalising green powders which actually tastes quite good. I should start taking that again. I want to start doing the acid strips to see if im overly acidic or not.

Its so hard being gluten free.

Even now i go into restuarants and i ask if gluten is in their product and they ask me what that means...
I asked for gluten free option of potatoes and they said sure and we will bring it out on a seperate plate..

So out comes the fries on the same plate as hubbys full gluten deep fried fish etc and i started reacting to them in the next 20 mins, face started itching, fell all dizzy etc so i emailed them asking if they cook in the same fryer as other gluten foods, explained you cant serve GF up on the same plate as Gluten stuff AND THEY NEVER REPLIED. Funny that.

Thats so frustrating huh. It's so hard to be anything like gluten free, soy free, vegan/vegetarian, organic, etc. etc. Let alone trying to b all those things. And there is so many things to consider health wise. Like you were saying about the test strips for PH. I recently was told I should check my levels cuz of my eczema and other issues. After realizing that certain things I intake, are definitely highly acidic, I started thinking of options to get it under control. So the fact that barley helps with that is awesome. I also have been putting some ACV in my morning smoothie. Which I also add msm too and Garden of Life meal powder which is amazing btw, if u wanna look into it just to be healthy. And if I remember correctly u r trying to keep ur weight up, the powder might help since it has lots of protein and many of the nutrients u need. It also has amino acids and probiotics. I like it allot. It helped my digestive issues a lot. And its GF, soy free, organic, raw, vegan....It's pretty cool. And it has some barley grass in it and other similar things like wheat grass. They have great products. They also have an alkaline/detoxifier product. I haven't tried it, but it's something to look at maybe. Anyways, yes I am liking my barley grass extract so far. If u get it, lmk how it goes. Milky oat seed is also a great one.
Ah yes we are on the same page! I have garden of life meal replacement at home too. Ok def look into barley . 
Im watching jordin ruebens youtube clips too. Hes anazing as with josh axe

(26-07-2017, 23:44)EllaC Wrote:  
(26-07-2017, 20:56)Ashley8 Wrote:  
(26-07-2017, 20:12)EllaC Wrote:  @ Ashley - Thanks for the info on barley grass! As long as it doesnt affect gluten intol then id be keen to try. I have a multi alakalising green powders which actually tastes quite good. I should start taking that again. I want to start doing the acid strips to see if im overly acidic or not.

Its so hard being gluten free.

Even now i go into restuarants and i ask if gluten is in their product and they ask me what that means...
I asked for gluten free option of potatoes and they said sure and we will bring it out on a seperate plate..

So out comes the fries on the same plate as hubbys full gluten deep fried fish etc and i started reacting to them in the next 20 mins, face started itching, fell all dizzy etc so i emailed them asking if they cook in the same fryer as other gluten foods, explained you cant serve GF up on the same plate as Gluten stuff AND THEY NEVER REPLIED. Funny that.

Thats so frustrating huh. It's so hard to be anything like gluten free, soy free, vegan/vegetarian, organic, etc. etc. Let alone trying to b all those things. And there is so many things to consider health wise. Like you were saying about the test strips for PH. I recently was told I should check my levels cuz of my eczema and other issues. After realizing that certain things I intake, are definitely highly acidic, I started thinking of options to get it under control. So the fact that barley helps with that is awesome. I also have been putting some ACV in my morning smoothie. Which I also add msm too and Garden of Life meal powder which is amazing btw, if u wanna look into it just to be healthy. And if I remember correctly u r trying to keep ur weight up, the powder might help since it has lots of protein and many of the nutrients u need. It also has amino acids and probiotics. I like it allot. It helped my digestive issues a lot. And its GF, soy free, organic, raw, vegan....It's pretty cool. And it has some barley grass in it and other similar things like wheat grass. They have great products. They also have an alkaline/detoxifier product. I haven't tried it, but it's something to look at maybe. Anyways, yes I am liking my barley grass extract so far. If u get it, lmk how it goes. Milky oat seed is also a great one.
Ah yes we are on the same page! I have garden of life meal replacement at home too. Ok def look into barley . 
Im watching jordin ruebens youtube clips too. Hes anazing as with josh axe
I'll have to check those out

(26-07-2017, 19:59)EllaC Wrote:  
(26-07-2017, 03:54)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  The real reason is more likely because we eat too much calcium.  The ideal per studies at is actually 650 mg calcium, not more, and 1,000-2,000 i.u. vitamin D.  More vitamin D is ok (to a point).  More calcium can actually weaken your bones.  Extra vitamin D counteracts excess calcium so the most likely explanation is that too much calcium reduces your vitamin D and then you can't absorb and/or utlize calcium as well with depleted vitamin D.

The Japanese in fact get 300 mg calcium and have less osteoporosis than Americans.

So the best way is to get plenty of vitamin D and not worry about calcium too much.

Chia seeds and nuts are high in calcium though it's poorly absorbed.  Many of the veggie sources actually leech calcium from your body.  But because the oxalic acid in these veggies is so specific to calcium only and not other minerals, you can simply take calcium powder with them.  And unlike calcium powder alone you don't have to worry about being shorted on other minerals.  The veggies have plenty of these and oxalic acid won't bind to the other minerals.  Fortified foods are no different from calcium powde.  But again other nutrients including what's in veggies makes a bigger difference to your bones.
SURFER ok thats interesting.. I do in fact take a relatively high dose of Vit D3 daily. 
I tested borderline deficient and i LIVE BY THE BEACH and have alot of sun exposure.. What does that say...

What i wanted to do is to balance CALCIUM/MAGNESUM & PHOSPHOROUS... 
I have gum issues and apparently an inbalance of the above causes that. 

My diet isnt poor by any stretch but i admit i have pretty much the same salad everyday and suspect im not getting much by way of nutrients in it. I have started juicing carrot/kale/chard or silverbeet every day or two.

Surfer whats a good strategy to balance CA/MG & PHOS as above?
Thanks x

You probably have some problem absorbing vitamin D.  You could try applying vitamin D to your skin but that may or may not be any better for absorption.  You may simply need extra to combat the poor absorption.

There are tips in my sig thread for various nutritional combinations such as the one with nuts or the one with rice bran / brewerer's yeast / spirulina.  Juicing is nice too: spinach, parsley, cilantro, endive and/or watercress are the healthy ones.  "Superfoods" are usually BS.  The first 3 veggies and maybe the other two for all I know are high in oxalic acid though.  So you should enough calcium powder to get rid of the bitter taste goes away.  You usually need a masticating juicer for leafy veggies too.  For flavor (but not nutrition at all) apples are mainly sugar but they make a good sweetener.  Carrots too.  Cucumber and celery are mostly water and are good for diluting.  Likewise not really nutritious though, just to dilute strong flavors.  Kale, chard and beets aren't that special either.  There's a lot of misinformation out there.  Check here for the truth: .  So yeah your salad and juicing that you're doing for your health probably isn't doing much of anything in reality.  It is a small portion of your needs I suppose, but definitely no health boost.  For that get a cup or two of the juice of any of the 5 healthy ones listed.  Sweeten or dilute with other produce if you like, but don't count those ingredients as much of anything towards your needs.

You might also look into sprouting brown/black rice.

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