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Herb-based programs.. permanent results?


(06-07-2017, 19:54)EllaC Wrote:  How'd you find the Aguaje Beattie? Any increases in size? Solgar never got back to me

Ps be careful of Oregano oil ESP essential oil, it destroys pathogens,  bacteria in the gut GOOD and bad. Id take that sparingly or bypass altogether.

Hi there! The aguaje is annoyingly gritty and as for breast size, I haven't noticed anything (took it for 3 cycles by the way). Last cycle, I felt some tingles but I have a feeling it was the hops. I only took a full teaspoon by the way. 

As for oregano, the first time I used it (undiluted - I was desperate and dumb), it gave me palpitations!! Essential oils must not be underestimated! I've reintroduced it recently (one tiny drop in a spoonful of almond oil and just  smidgen on my wrist) because I wanted to increase P levels (without having to use PC).  I have a feeling it'd be better to just chew on some dry oregano. To be honest Ella and NaturalLady, sometimes I feel like I'm not doing much to increase progesterone during luteal but I don't think I need to worry about this. Blood tests showed "normal" P levels. 

Are you going to take the Solgar pills, Ella?

(06-07-2017, 20:13)bettie32 Wrote:  
(06-07-2017, 19:54)EllaC Wrote:  How'd you find the Aguaje Beattie? Any increases in size? Solgar never got back to me

Ps be careful of Oregano oil ESP essential oil, it destroys pathogens,  bacteria in the gut GOOD and bad. Id take that sparingly or bypass altogether.

Hi there! The aguaje is annoyingly gritty and as for breast size, I haven't noticed anything (took it for 3 cycles by the way). Last cycle, I felt some tingles but I have a feeling it was the hops. I only took a full teaspoon by the way. 

As for oregano, the first time I used it (undiluted - I was desperate and dumb), it gave me palpitations!! Essential oils must not be underestimated! I've reintroduced it recently (one tiny drop in a spoonful of almond oil and just  smidgen on my wrist) because I wanted to increase P levels (without having to use PC).  I have a feeling it'd be better to just chew on some dry oregano. To be honest Ella and NaturalLady, sometimes I feel like I'm not doing much to increase progesterone during luteal but I don't think I need to worry about this. Blood tests showed "normal" P levels. 

Are you going to take the Solgar pills, Ella?
Hell yeh. People dont realize how strong EO's are, they are serious business.

RE Solgar. They didnt reply (funny that..) and im 10 days out from the bloods.
Did you know bloods can reflect normal but saliva can tell a whole other story. Im sure you would have. I was supposed to get the 24 hour urine test to see what my estrogen was doing, i think that covered Progesterone too but its $350 then have to wait a month for results. Its an investment granted. Ive know and read of people having normal bloods (mostly cause Dr's dont know the right days to take them) and these people are still sick. They go get a comprehensive saliva or other test (the big bucks) to find out they had serious hormone inblances. Thats why il even treat my bloods with a grain of salt until i can afford the proper test

(06-07-2017, 20:18)EllaC Wrote:  Hell yeh. People dont realize how strong EO's are, they are serious business.

RE Solgar. They didnt reply (funny that..) and im 10 days out from the bloods.
Did you know bloods can reflect normal but saliva can tell a whole other story. Im sure you would have. I was supposed to get the 24 hour urine test to see what my estrogen was doing, i think that covered Progesterone too but its $350 then have to wait a month for results. Its an investment granted. Ive know and read of people having normal bloods (mostly cause Dr's dont know the right days to take them) and these people are still sick. They go get a comprehensive saliva or other test (the big bucks) to find out they had serious hormone inblances. Thats why il even treat my bloods with a grain of salt until i can afford the proper test

Exactly. Cinnamon EO also kept me awake at night for some reason. I don't use this one anymore at all. 

Hmm, yes get the proper test done if you feel it's better. I've gotten blood tests done my whole life as well as ultrasounds and I once did a saliva test (but I don't think it's the one you're referring too coz I don't remember hormones). Anyway the blood tests always revealed the same things related to PCOS (except for when my symptoms improved of course). Plus like I said, all of my symptoms confirm the results. It's actually thanks to the blood tests and ultrasounds that I (and some of my other friends) got diagnosed with PCOS.

At least the PM dose is low in that Solgar product but as we discussed, why are all those Bs in there? lol I hope you get a reply soon.

(06-07-2017, 19:23)bettie32 Wrote:  
(06-07-2017, 16:55)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Yes, please keep me updated about the BP. I have my own cuff at home too and my blood pressure has also always been on the low side. I really really like the sound of the sea buckthorn and have read where it is actually used to help heal gut problems too, so I'm thinking it might be worth going out on the limb to try it soon. I don't take 4 of anything as a loose rule, unless it's 4 cocoa nibs or something like that. Smile 

So I take it you didn't actually see results when you were doing what I'm doing? What's your current program and how are you doing with it? I may need to borrow some of your tips eventually. Smile  

I'm glad I'm welcome here, even if I'm not a full participant yet. I just noticed this morning that I've been upgraded to a "Senior Member" Cool Cool  woo hoo.  So of course I can't quit now when I've just been promoted, lol!!Save

Yes, SBO is really good for the digestive system, the mucous membranes, the stomach lining....I'm impressed how it has already improved my GERD (and I've tried so many other things in the past that never worked). Haha yes 4 cocoa nibs (though I think you could go for a higher dose  Wink ). Always start low (I'm sure you already do that as you seem like a cautious person) and if you get no side effects, you can gradually increase the dosage if you like. 

Oh I hope I didn't put you off!! Those things I listed didn't work for me because they gave me side effects. Spearmint gave me stomach issues/reflux. It was so nauseating after a while. I still take fennel tea once in a while as it's good for the tummy but 2 cups a day for months....again, nauseating. As for licorice, this one is risky (too much can lower potassium levels, aggravate kidney diseases, it increases blood our case this might actually be good but what happens when we stop drinking licorice tea? I don't like the idea of the blood pressure increasing and decreasing, you know what I mean?). Massaging for more than a year got me absolutely nowhere (my arms still have nightmares). Again, it depends on the individual. Your breasts might love and grow massaging. 

My current program is basically: hops and aguaje (but I don't plan on re-purchasing aguaje. It's extremely gritty and annoying) during my follicular phase  and then SBO and EPO (as well as some drinks with turmeric, vitamin E, oregano essential oil for progesterone) during luteal. Inositol every single day. As you can see, not too much and not too complicated. I just realized half of the things I listed could lower blood pressure (hops, SBO, EPO, inositol) yet so far it's ok. So sometimes I wonder if we should also take the things we read re: side effects with a grain of salt...again, it probably depends on the dose, the individual, how long one takes the supplement for. By the way, I could probably take SBO and EPO throughout the entire cycle but right now, I don't want to because otherwise I won't know which one is doing what. Bare in mind that certain herbs/supplements don't work together or might cause greater side effects. I wanted to take EPO during follicular too but remember the omega 3 - omega 6 ratio?? Argh. Maybe once I finish my aguaje, I'll add EPO and SBO during follicular too. I'll update my thread in a cycle or two. Last month I felt slight tingles while taking hops pills but I think it's too soon to tell. 

Congrats on the promotion to "Senior Member"! Smile

Yes, me and Caution are BFF's, although I think you're right.. who needs caution regarding cocoa nibs? Smile 

Oh trust me, you didn't put me off at all! I just was honestly curious about if you got results on those things or why you didn't get results. It's all trial and error. No program is essentially right or wrong, it's just what works for each person.  I have tried massage also in the past and saw no measurable success, and also noogling. BUT (key emphasis on "but"), I really think the reason I  didn't see results with either of those methods lies in the digestive issue.  It's true: good health begins in your gut. Always always take care of your gut, whatever you do! (Sorry.. I get on a soap box about gut health sometimes)  

I'm not a fan of licorice either, Bettie.  It gives me weird palpitations and an adrenaline rush. No bueno, thank you.   But the hops still really sounds interesting.. I'm still contemplating that one for down the road.   I can tell that I need that teeny little extra shot of Progesterone during luteal right now, but I can't say that I love using it.. I want my body to make it's own adequately. I have to say that I'm with you, Ella, regarding blood tests for hormones specifically. I don't have much faith at all in the conventional methods of the docs around here and have seen so many women get their hormones screwed up and still not really know what was actually wrong. I personally love what saliva testing has done for me in the past. It's worth the hassle for me, although it can be stinkin' expensive. I just can't get them tested every so many months.. it's more like once a year, lol.

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I just recently had blood work done and everything came back fine. I'm getting saliva testing and blood work done in October, so it shall be interesting to compare the results from last year. I haven't had any issues with my blood pressure thankfully, but I do eat a moderate amount of salt. Just enough is good for you and too much is obviously bad. As far as you gut is concerned, do you eat yogurt or take probiotics?

(07-07-2017, 00:31)Ruby M. Wrote:  I just recently had blood work done and everything came back fine.  I'm getting saliva testing and blood work done in October, so it shall be interesting to compare the results from last year.  I haven't had any issues with my blood pressure thankfully, but I do eat a moderate amount of salt.  Just enough is good for you and too much is obviously bad.  As far as you gut is concerned, do you eat yogurt or take probiotics?

That's great that you're doing well with blood work, Ruby M.  I just personally prefer saliva. But you're right, it will be interesting to see the comparison between the two.

Yes, I've been loading up on probiotics! I also eat yogurt (from coconut milk) and I'm trying to learn how to make my own coconut yogurt because it can be pricey to buy it at the store.  I also consume himalayan pink salt. I agree, people should get adequate salt and not be afraid of it, especially if it's a healthy kind of salt.

Yes, keep us updated Ruby M.!

NaturalLady, yesterday I discovered that grapeseed oil could lower DHT and guess what? Today I read that grape seed extract can increase testosterone and that it's an aromatase-inhibitor..... Rolleyes

I think I already mentioned how some sources say that evening primrose oil lowers testosterone but I have even better news: it's also a pro-aromatase. Lotus also mentions other supplements that are pro-aromatases (borage oil, vitamin D...) which you might also be interested in:

P.S. Did you mention you used to noogle? How long did you pump for (how many months)? 

(08-07-2017, 17:28)bettie32 Wrote:  Yes, keep us updated Ruby M.!

NaturalLady, yesterday I discovered that grapeseed oil could lower DHT and guess what? Today I read that grape seed extract can increase testosterone and that it's an aromatase-inhibitor..... Rolleyes

I think I already mentioned how some sources say that evening primrose oil lowers testosterone but I have even better news: it's also a pro-aromatase. Lotus also mentions other supplements that are pro-aromatases (borage oil, vitamin D...) which you might also be interested in:

P.S. Did you mention you used to noogle? How long did you pump for (how many months)? 

Hahaha, more contradictions!! The saga continues.... Rolleyes

Thanks for the info on evening primrose oil.  The only thing is, we're both debating the issue of omega 3 vs. omega 6 on another thread right now, and I'm thinking that I don't want to take something overly omega 6'ish.  I think I want to shoot for raising omega 3's. Doesn't EPO have mostly omega 6?? 

Yes, I noogled for about two months I think.. I actually was starting to see a bit of swelling but then began having problems with numbness. Not good.  I'm not 100% sure what caused that because I was being careful and using heat/massage, but I'm thinking maybe poor circulation or b-vitamin malabsorption from the digestive thing?   Anyway, that's when I made the decision to wait on NBE until I got my digestion and nutrient absorption all ironed out.  I'm still on the fence about going back to noogling, although I know it works so well for so many people!! I hope things will be much different for me when my gut is back in full gear.

(09-07-2017, 15:17)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Hahaha, more contradictions!! The saga continues.... Rolleyes

Thanks for the info on evening primrose oil.  The only thing is, we're both debating the issue of omega 3 vs. omega 6 on another thread right now, and I'm thinking that I don't want to take something overly omega 6'ish.  I think I want to shoot for raising omega 3's. Doesn't EPO have mostly omega 6?? 

Yes, I noogled for about two months I think.. I actually was starting to see a bit of swelling but then began having problems with numbness. Not good.  I'm not 100% sure what caused that because I was being careful and using heat/massage, but I'm thinking maybe poor circulation or b-vitamin malabsorption from the digestive thing?   Anyway, that's when I made the decision to wait on NBE until I got my digestion and nutrient absorption all ironed out.  I'm still on the fence  about going back to noogling, although I know it works so well for so many people!! I hope things will be much different for me when my gut is back in full gear.

Yes, thing is, in my case, I still want to take low dose EPO. I feel it has so many good properties (even though it's omega 6 and inflammatory?!) and like I just mentioned in that other thread, I thought of taking more omega 3 (fish oil/krill oil) to balance it out but I'm not sure if fish oil hinders NBE. If it really does increase testosterone, I think women like you and me should stay away from it. This has become more problematic....

Regarding noogling, where did you feel numbness? I also have poor circulation but I noticed that since the temperatures have risen, it's improved. Yes, try again when your gut is in top shape and when the weather is warm (I really feel this helps too for noogling).

Just saw your reply to RubyM. regarding probiotics. I also take them all the time so you can imagine how shocked I was to read yesterday that probiotics lower blood pressure!!! Nevertheless, I'm still taking them and will continue to do so. Like I've said, it seems everything seems to lower blood pressure...

(09-07-2017, 16:39)bettie32 Wrote:  
(09-07-2017, 15:17)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Hahaha, more contradictions!! The saga continues.... Rolleyes

Thanks for the info on evening primrose oil.  The only thing is, we're both debating the issue of omega 3 vs. omega 6 on another thread right now, and I'm thinking that I don't want to take something overly omega 6'ish.  I think I want to shoot for raising omega 3's. Doesn't EPO have mostly omega 6?? 

Yes, I noogled for about two months I think.. I actually was starting to see a bit of swelling but then began having problems with numbness. Not good.  I'm not 100% sure what caused that because I was being careful and using heat/massage, but I'm thinking maybe poor circulation or b-vitamin malabsorption from the digestive thing?   Anyway, that's when I made the decision to wait on NBE until I got my digestion and nutrient absorption all ironed out.  I'm still on the fence  about going back to noogling, although I know it works so well for so many people!! I hope things will be much different for me when my gut is back in full gear.

Yes, thing is, in my case, I still want to take low dose EPO. I feel it has so many good properties (even though it's omega 6 and inflammatory?!) and like I just mentioned in that other thread, I thought of taking more omega 3 (fish oil/krill oil) to balance it out but I'm not sure if fish oil hinders NBE. If it really does increase testosterone, I think women like you and me should stay away from it. This has become more problematic....

Regarding noogling, where did you feel numbness? I also have poor circulation but I noticed that since the temperatures have risen, it's improved. Yes, try again when your gut is in top shape and when the weather is warm (I really feel this helps too for noogling).

Just saw your reply to RubyM. regarding probiotics. I also take them all the time so you can imagine how shocked I was to read yesterday that probiotics lower blood pressure!!! Nevertheless, I'm still taking them and will continue to do so. Like I've said, it seems everything seems to lower blood pressure...

Here's a thought.. let's just throw all the omega pills (3,6,7,9, etc.) on a lazy susan, spin it around really fast, and whichever ones stay on.. we'll take those and hope for the best!!! Lol! Kidding, of course.  This is a conundrum of sorts.. Remind me again where you found that omega 3's cause an increase in T?  Somehow that really doesn't seem likely to me, but like I've been saying.. that's just my gut feeling on it.

I had numbness in the nipple area, which hasn't actually resolved yet. But again, I think I'm not absorbing nutrients like b vitamins right now because of the gut issue. SO, I do plan to try again because I hate to give up on noogling so easily!  I'm sure warmer weather helps.. If my circulation was excellent at the moment, then i could probably noogle up some double D's in one session right now.. the weather is like an inferno here!!! Big Grin

Really?? Probiotics..blood pressure?? How weird. Oh well, even if that's correct, I have to take probiotics and it's a good idea for you to keep going with them too.  I think one reason that so many articles are touting blood pressure-lowering effects is because so many people have high pressure and want things to fix that.   So on a positive note, at this rate you and I will certainly NEVER have to worry about high blood pressure!  Big Grin
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