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Herb-based programs.. permanent results?


(05-07-2017, 01:20)hannah Wrote:  I read this and I am sorry but i have a way different conclusion from this and other research..astaxanthin lowers dht..thats it. Dont take aromatase with it..its counterproductive and you could end up with way too much estrogen and too low testosterone in comparison. .it will also shock your system too could end up hypothyroid..just take supplements in balance..i think in your case first htake care of your testosteron..wigh either an a.a or aromatase..when your body is used to thatyou could add P and E. Best woulc bd hormone testing its possible..Smile

Oh dear, now I'm even more confused Hannah  Smile Why did you say that you need to buy white peony in this thread about astaxanthin??: 

I agree with you regarding DHT/testosterone. We don't want to block them. Too much isn't good (members of the "less hair, more boob" club know what I mean, sigh!), but too little isn't good either. I used to think DHT is pure evil but it promotes heart health, increases strength etc. 

Yes, getting blood work done is fundamental. I have PCOS and blood tests (and unwanted hairs lol) indicate high T and normal E and P levels. I'm taking inositol to lower testosterone by the way Hannah, but not sure how long it takes for it to work.... am getting impatient. Ladies, does white peony give you any side effects? Like palpitations? I wonder if it contains caffeine? Coz even plain tea gives me palpitations...

(05-07-2017, 02:47)Ruby M. Wrote:  Hmm, I never knew that about dreams and reishi.  I have always been a dreamer, but I can definitely agree about the vividness, borderline lucidness.  I was attributing it to the maca, but since I've thought about it the dreams I remembered on maca were always sex-based  Blush  but since the reishi, they are more "normal" dreams.

I can't wait to get some SBO, I had a sample of it and loved how it made my skin feel.  I'm waiting until I use up my current body cream before I buy anything else.  Bettie32, you got me anxious!

Yes and to be more precise, many people experience "wise" dreams (that's why monks used to take reishi). So many have said that while taking reishi, their dreams actually teach them lessons. Not as in mathematics lol But it depends on the dose and individual. I suppose you're not taking very high doses.

Yes, SBO is amazing! Ella, a member on the forum, brought it to my attention because there's another member on here (I think faerycat) who grew and grew from taking sea buckthorn oil capsules! Might be all the omegas in it. We shall see... Shy   If you're not taking too many other things, you could go for the capsules too.

(05-07-2017, 11:50)bettie32 Wrote:  
(05-07-2017, 01:20)hannah Wrote:  I read this and I am sorry but i have a way different conclusion from this and other research..astaxanthin lowers dht..thats it. Dont take aromatase with it..its counterproductive and you could end up with way too much estrogen and too low testosterone in comparison. .it will also shock your system too could end up hypothyroid..just take supplements in balance..i think in your case first htake care of your testosteron..wigh either an a.a or aromatase..when your body is used to thatyou could add P and E. Best woulc bd hormone testing its possible..Smile

Oh dear, now I'm even more confused Hannah  Smile Why did you say that you need to buy white peony in this thread about astaxanthin??: 

I agree with you regarding DHT/testosterone. We don't want to block them. Too much isn't good (members of the "less hair, more boob" club know what I mean, sigh!), but too little isn't good either. I used to think DHT is pure evil but it promotes heart health, increases strength etc. 

Yes, getting blood work done is fundamental. I have PCOS and blood tests (and unwanted hairs lol) indicate high T and normal E and P levels. I'm taking inositol to lower testosterone by the way Hannah, but not sure how long it takes for it to work.... am getting impatient. Ladies, does white peony give you any side effects? Like palpitations? I wonder if it contains caffeine? Coz even plain tea gives me palpitations...

Good question regarding white peony and caffeine, Bettie. A few months back when I was first looking at WP, I contacted that company who makes the  product that I first linked for you to look at (the brand is Life Extension). I don't do well with caff either. They checked with some head honcho at the company and told me that it did NOT have caffeine in it. Now, I don't know if that would apply to all white peony products. But I don't know,  it just doesn't seem like it would contain caff to me... now there's scientific proof for you. Wink
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(04-07-2017, 21:36)bettie32 Wrote:  
(04-07-2017, 20:35)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  I would last all of 10 minutes in the media industry. They wouldn't dig my corny quips at all, lol.

Actually, I wouldn't mind being slightly pinker.. Blush  I'm just plain white as sheet right now. Haven't figured out how to get a tan without either baking in the sun, getting sprayed down like a car in a body shop, or slathering on paraben-filled sunless tanner. (sigh)   This beauty thing is complicated.    I know what you mean about conflicting info.. You read one positive article and then the very next thing you google up says it will kill you or cause you irreversible bodily harm, lol! Aghhh!  I tend to reach a saturation point and if what I'm researching sounds really good for my needs, I will cautiously try it despite minor negative feedback that I've read.. Heck, there's probably some bogus article floating around online about Mother Theresa being a pick-pocket if we looked hard enough for it.   My point is that I think you have to go with your gut intuition sometimes. Therefore, I'm inclined to believe that astaxanthin would work as we want it to for the most part (I'm thinking though that adding an aromatase to it would be a good idea too, in my opinion).

Thanks for shooting the info this way, Bettie! Keep it coming when you find something pertinent.


Oh the media doesn't appreciate real talent! 

If you want to look more colorful, I highly recommend sea buckthorn oil!! It's full of omega 3, 6, 7, 9 (11, 14, 29...just kiddin') and vitamin A, C and E. It has plenty of great properties (and I have a feeling for NBE too....will keep u updated). Anything with beta carotene should help you become more pink/orange. I'm tanning very easily and nicely since taking SBO. Really, you should look it up as I think it's one of those underrated plants/fruits. I love it so far (hopefully I won't wake up tomorrow in hives or something).

Big Grin Sooo funny! You really hit the nail on the head!  Just the other day I read a magazine article about how chocolate is evil (though I don't take those kind of statements to heart...) and today I read an online article about how chocolate is the key to a long life (it was referring to pure, dark chocolate of course minus sugar/milk/other junk but you get my point). So yes, you do have to go with your gut (my gut says "chocolate forever"). Seriously, we have to take everything we read/hear with a grain of salt (whether it's positive or negative...). 

Yes, I would also like to know where you get your extracts RubyM (edit: just saw the links. Great!) . With that powerful trio, I doubt a single hair will survive  Smile
 Be careful though ladies with reishi as it could lower blood pressure and thin the blood especially in the long run. Apparently you get very...vivid dreams with reishi.

I'm not sure if it's talent or just nuttiness (if that's a word.. nuttiness).

Ok sea buckthorn is next my list when I financially recover from my last supplement order, lol. Sounds great!! Possible tan and potential NBE growth from it too? How much more can you ask of a little sea buckthorn? Smile Oh yes, let's not forget our omegas. And remember we have to get the correct balance of the 3's, 6's, 9's, 11's, 14's, etc. etc. No big deal, right?

Hahaha, I'm also hesitant to say something good about a supplement I'm taking because that's when a side effect will immediately pop up.. the minute after I say something good about it!  My mom and I will try to give each other wordless hints about how something's working for us.. we're probably the only people using mime in an everyday conversation.  Big Grin

Big Grin Girl, my gut says " Chocolate?   Hallelujah."   You just can't go wrong with pure additive-free dark chocolatey goodness.  Uh oh.  I'm sounding like a commercial again. What is wrong with me?  

Yep, I've read about the reishi/blood pressure connection too.. another thing I don't want to fiddle with right now. Dang, I sound so touchy.     I'm still holding out on my spearmint or white peony or astaxanthin or whatever else you girls end up leading me into before this is over. Wink

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(05-07-2017, 15:52)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  I'm not sure if it's talent or just nuttiness (if that's a word.. nuttiness).

Ok sea buckthorn is next my list when I financially recover from my last supplement order, lol. Sounds great!! Possible tan and potential NBE growth from it too? How much more can you ask of a little sea buckthorn? Smile Oh yes, let's not forget our omegas. And remember we have to get the correct balance of the 3's, 6's, 9's, 11's, 14's, etc. etc. No big deal, right?

Hahaha, I'm also hesitant to say something good about a supplement I'm taking because that's when a side effect will immediately pop up.. the minute after I say something good about it!  My mom and I will try to give each other wordless hints about how something's working for us.. we're probably the only people using mime in an everyday conversation.  Big Grin  

Big Grin Girl, my gut says " Chocolate?   Hallelujah."   You just can't go wrong with pure additive-free dark chocolatey goodness.  Uh oh.  I'm sounding like a commercial again. What is wrong with me?  

Yep, I've read about the reishi/blood pressure connection too.. another thing I don't want to fiddle with right now. Dang, I sound so touchy.     I'm still holding out on my spearmint or white peony or astaxanthin or whatever else you girls end up leading me into before this is over. Wink


Oh balancing if we don't have enough to stress about! I mean, do we have to measure exactly how many grams of omegas we're taking each day ("How much is in that walnut?!"). Yes, the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio should be  4:1. I'm taking evening primrose oil which contains omega 6 luckily, so hopefully I am taking more omega 6 than omega 3 (which I get from beloved little sea buckthorn).

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's afraid of saying good things about supplements  Smile

Wow, so white peony contains no caffeine! Thank you for that. I'll keep that in mind if I ever think I need some. I did some thinking though: regarding white peony or any aromatase, I actually wanted to point out that many members have successfully grown without having taken any pro-aromatases. Come to think of it, I believe, birth control pills don't contain aromatases. They contain estrogen/progesterone/anti-androgens but haven't heard of aromatase. And yet many women seem to grow while on BCPs. I have a feeling it's not obligatory. Of course, it depends on the individual. Maybe some women have issues converting testosterone into estrogen. Both you and I have high testosterone but we don't certainly know if it's because our bodies have an issue with aromatization. In fact, if your estrogen levels are normal, I don't think we'd want to increase E levels too much (Hannah in fact pointed this out). Many things to reflect upon...

So NaturalLady, are you taking any supplements at all right now? Or is your NBE plan still in the making?

(06-07-2017, 15:53)bettie32 Wrote:  
(05-07-2017, 15:52)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  I'm not sure if it's talent or just nuttiness (if that's a word.. nuttiness).

Ok sea buckthorn is next my list when I financially recover from my last supplement order, lol. Sounds great!! Possible tan and potential NBE growth from it too? How much more can you ask of a little sea buckthorn? Smile Oh yes, let's not forget our omegas. And remember we have to get the correct balance of the 3's, 6's, 9's, 11's, 14's, etc. etc. No big deal, right?

Hahaha, I'm also hesitant to say something good about a supplement I'm taking because that's when a side effect will immediately pop up.. the minute after I say something good about it!  My mom and I will try to give each other wordless hints about how something's working for us.. we're probably the only people using mime in an everyday conversation.  Big Grin  

Big Grin Girl, my gut says " Chocolate?   Hallelujah."   You just can't go wrong with pure additive-free dark chocolatey goodness.  Uh oh.  I'm sounding like a commercial again. What is wrong with me?  

Yep, I've read about the reishi/blood pressure connection too.. another thing I don't want to fiddle with right now. Dang, I sound so touchy.     I'm still holding out on my spearmint or white peony or astaxanthin or whatever else you girls end up leading me into before this is over. Wink


Oh balancing if we don't have enough to stress about! I mean, do we have to measure exactly how many grams of omegas we're taking each day ("How much is in that walnut?!"). Yes, the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio should be  4:1. I'm taking evening primrose oil which contains omega 6 luckily, so hopefully I am taking more omega 6 than omega 3 (which I get from beloved little sea buckthorn).

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's afraid of saying good things about supplements  Smile

Wow, so white peony contains no caffeine! Thank you for that. I'll keep that in mind if I ever think I need some. I did some thinking though: regarding white peony or any aromatase, I actually wanted to point out that many members have successfully grown without having taken any pro-aromatases. Come to think of it, I believe, birth control pills don't contain aromatases. They contain estrogen/progesterone/anti-androgens but haven't heard of aromatase. And yet many women seem to grow while on BCPs. I have a feeling it's not obligatory. Of course, it depends on the individual. Maybe some women have issues converting testosterone into estrogen. Both you and I have high testosterone but we don't certainly know if it's because our bodies have an issue with aromatization. In fact, if your estrogen levels are normal, I don't think we'd want to increase E levels too much (Hannah in fact pointed this out). Many things to reflect upon...

So NaturalLady, are you taking any supplements at all right now? Or is your NBE plan still in the making?

I've been excitedly reading about the sea buckthorn, until I saw that it might lower blood pressure.. just like the reishi.  Ugh.  Is there anything that doesn't lower something else, for the love of Pete?! I may end up trying it anyway and just going low and slow to start. Food for thought.

I'm with you on the aromatase.. I'm not 100% sure yet if I need that for NBE in my case. I know I don't have low estrogen but I tend to be a bit low on progesterone, hence I use a very small amount during luteal only. As for my "program", I'm currently only doing spearmint tea and the PC I just mentioned along with a daily collagen supplement. Not much of a program, I know. But I'm really focused on getting a digestive issue fully straightened out in the next few (or several?) months before I start on a full-blown program. I know that absorption is key and there's no point shelling out too much $$ on NBE-specific supplements until my body's ready to soak it all up. Until then I'm just trying to learn as much as possible and.. well, I guess just make a general nuisance of myself on here.. Smile  Hope you all won't get thoroughly sick of me.

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(06-07-2017, 16:22)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  I've been excitedly reading about the sea buckthorn, until I saw that it might lower blood pressure.. just like the reishi.  Ugh.  Is there anything that doesn't lower something else, for the love of Pete?! I may end up trying it anyway and just going low and slow to start. Food for thought.

I'm with you on the aromatase.. I'm not 100% sure yet if I need that for NBE in my case. I know I don't have low estrogen but I tend to be a bit low on progesterone, hence I use a very small amount during luteal only. As for my "program", I'm currently only doing spearmint tea and the PC I just mentioned along with a daily collagen supplement. Not much of a program, I know. But I'm really focused on getting a digestive issue fully straightened out in the next few (or several?) months before I start on a full-blown program. I know that absorption is key and there's no point shelling out too much $$ on NBE-specific supplements until my body's ready to soak it all up. Until then I'm just trying to learn as much as possible and.. well, I guess just make a general nuisance of myself on here.. Smile  Hope you all won't get thoroughly sick of me.


Lowering blood pressure is actually the first thing I read when I was researching SBO (I always search for the side effects first, not the benefits of things haha) before I purchased it but you know what? I went ahead anyway. Instead of taking 4 caps, I started off taking 1 to see how I felt.... and now I'm taking 2. It's been more than 2 weeks and, (so far, let me make that bold just in case lol) my blood pressure is fine. I have a little wrist machine that measures my blood pressure which is very useful. By the way, I've always had low blood pressure so I do need to be extra cautious. I know what you mean though, why on earth does everything for NBE seem to lower something or increase something else? Anyway, I'll keep you posted regarding SBO but I have a feeling 2 caps is ok. 

Yes, you should definitely focus on sorting out your digestive issue. I think it's wise of you not to jump into things. What you're doing so far sort of reminds me of what I used to do (well, I drank spearmint tea, fennel tea, licorice tea, collagen, tried massaging...then noogling which I'm still doing...). No, why would we get sick of you! We're all here to share experiences and to learn! Plus we need more members to represent the "Less hair, more boob" club  Smile

(06-07-2017, 16:39)bettie32 Wrote:  
(06-07-2017, 16:22)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  I've been excitedly reading about the sea buckthorn, until I saw that it might lower blood pressure.. just like the reishi.  Ugh.  Is there anything that doesn't lower something else, for the love of Pete?! I may end up trying it anyway and just going low and slow to start. Food for thought.

I'm with you on the aromatase.. I'm not 100% sure yet if I need that for NBE in my case. I know I don't have low estrogen but I tend to be a bit low on progesterone, hence I use a very small amount during luteal only. As for my "program", I'm currently only doing spearmint tea and the PC I just mentioned along with a daily collagen supplement. Not much of a program, I know. But I'm really focused on getting a digestive issue fully straightened out in the next few (or several?) months before I start on a full-blown program. I know that absorption is key and there's no point shelling out too much $$ on NBE-specific supplements until my body's ready to soak it all up. Until then I'm just trying to learn as much as possible and.. well, I guess just make a general nuisance of myself on here.. Smile  Hope you all won't get thoroughly sick of me.


Lowering blood pressure is actually the first thing I read when I was researching SBO (I always search for the side effects first, not the benefits of things haha) before I purchased it but you know what? I went ahead anyway. Instead of taking 4 caps, I started off taking 1 to see how I felt.... and now I'm taking 2. It's been more than 2 weeks and, (so far, let me make that bold just in case lol) my blood pressure is fine. I have a little wrist machine that measures my blood pressure which is very useful. By the way, I've always had low blood pressure so I do need to be extra cautious. I know what you mean though, why on earth does everything for NBE seem to lower something or increase something else? Anyway, I'll keep you posted regarding SBO but I have a feeling 2 caps is ok. 

Yes, you should definitely focus on sorting out your digestive issue. I think it's wise of you not to jump into things. What you're doing so far sort of reminds me of what I used to do (well, I drank spearmint tea, fennel tea, licorice tea, collagen, tried massaging...then noogling which I'm still doing...). No, why would we get sick of you! We're all here to share experiences and to learn! Plus we need more members to represent the "Less hair, more boob" club  Smile

Yes, please keep me updated about the BP. I have my own cuff at home too and my blood pressure has also always been on the low side. I really really like the sound of the sea buckthorn and have read where it is actually used to help heal gut problems too, so I'm thinking it might be worth going out on the limb to try it soon. I don't take 4 of anything as a loose rule, unless it's 4 cocoa nibs or something like that. Smile 

So I take it you didn't actually see results when you were doing what I'm doing? What's your current program and how are you doing with it? I may need to borrow some of your tips eventually. Smile  

I'm glad I'm welcome here, even if I'm not a full participant yet. I just noticed this morning that I've been upgraded to a "Senior Member" Cool Cool  woo hoo.  So of course I can't quit now when I've just been promoted, lol!!

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(06-07-2017, 16:55)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Yes, please keep me updated about the BP. I have my own cuff at home too and my blood pressure has also always been on the low side. I really really like the sound of the sea buckthorn and have read where it is actually used to help heal gut problems too, so I'm thinking it might be worth going out on the limb to try it soon. I don't take 4 of anything as a loose rule, unless it's 4 cocoa nibs or something like that. Smile 

So I take it you didn't actually see results when you were doing what I'm doing? What's your current program and how are you doing with it? I may need to borrow some of your tips eventually. Smile  

I'm glad I'm welcome here, even if I'm not a full participant yet. I just noticed this morning that I've been upgraded to a "Senior Member" Cool Cool  woo hoo.  So of course I can't quit now when I've just been promoted, lol!!Save

Yes, SBO is really good for the digestive system, the mucous membranes, the stomach lining....I'm impressed how it has already improved my GERD (and I've tried so many other things in the past that never worked). Haha yes 4 cocoa nibs (though I think you could go for a higher dose  Wink ). Always start low (I'm sure you already do that as you seem like a cautious person) and if you get no side effects, you can gradually increase the dosage if you like. 

Oh I hope I didn't put you off!! Those things I listed didn't work for me because they gave me side effects. Spearmint gave me stomach issues/reflux. It was so nauseating after a while. I still take fennel tea once in a while as it's good for the tummy but 2 cups a day for months....again, nauseating. As for licorice, this one is risky (too much can lower potassium levels, aggravate kidney diseases, it increases blood our case this might actually be good but what happens when we stop drinking licorice tea? I don't like the idea of the blood pressure increasing and decreasing, you know what I mean?). Massaging for more than a year got me absolutely nowhere (my arms still have nightmares). Again, it depends on the individual. Your breasts might love and grow massaging. 

My current program is basically: hops and aguaje (but I don't plan on re-purchasing aguaje. It's extremely gritty and annoying) during my follicular phase  and then SBO and EPO (as well as some drinks with turmeric, vitamin E, oregano essential oil for progesterone) during luteal. Inositol every single day. As you can see, not too much and not too complicated. I just realized half of the things I listed could lower blood pressure (hops, SBO, EPO, inositol) yet so far it's ok. So sometimes I wonder if we should also take the things we read re: side effects with a grain of salt...again, it probably depends on the dose, the individual, how long one takes the supplement for. By the way, I could probably take SBO and EPO throughout the entire cycle but right now, I don't want to because otherwise I won't know which one is doing what. Bare in mind that certain herbs/supplements don't work together or might cause greater side effects. I wanted to take EPO during follicular too but remember the omega 3 - omega 6 ratio?? Argh. Maybe once I finish my aguaje, I'll add EPO and SBO during follicular too. I'll update my thread in a cycle or two. Last month I felt slight tingles while taking hops pills but I think it's too soon to tell. 

Congrats on the promotion to "Senior Member"! Smile

(06-07-2017, 19:23)bettie32 Wrote:  
(06-07-2017, 16:55)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Yes, please keep me updated about the BP. I have my own cuff at home too and my blood pressure has also always been on the low side. I really really like the sound of the sea buckthorn and have read where it is actually used to help heal gut problems too, so I'm thinking it might be worth going out on the limb to try it soon. I don't take 4 of anything as a loose rule, unless it's 4 cocoa nibs or something like that. Smile 

So I take it you didn't actually see results when you were doing what I'm doing? What's your current program and how are you doing with it? I may need to borrow some of your tips eventually. Smile  

I'm glad I'm welcome here, even if I'm not a full participant yet. I just noticed this morning that I've been upgraded to a "Senior Member" Cool Cool  woo hoo.  So of course I can't quit now when I've just been promoted, lol!!Save

Yes, SBO is really good for the digestive system, the mucous membranes, the stomach lining....I'm impressed how it has already improved my GERD (and I've tried so many other things in the past that never worked). Haha yes 4 cocoa nibs (though I think you could go for a higher dose  Wink ). Always start low (I'm sure you already do that as you seem like a cautious person) and if you get no side effects, you can gradually increase the dosage if you like. 

Oh I hope I didn't put you off!! Those things I listed didn't work for me because they gave me side effects. Spearmint gave me stomach issues/reflux. It was so nauseating after a while. I still take fennel tea once in a while as it's good for the tummy but 2 cups a day for months....again, nauseating. As for licorice, this one is risky (too much can lower potassium levels, aggravate kidney diseases, it increases blood our case this might actually be good but what happens when we stop drinking licorice tea? I don't like the idea of the blood pressure increasing and decreasing, you know what I mean?). Massaging for more than a year got me absolutely nowhere (my arms still have nightmares). Again, it depends on the individual. Your breasts might love and grow massaging. 

My current program is basically: hops and aguaje (but I don't plan on re-purchasing aguaje. It's extremely gritty and annoying) during my follicular phase  and then SBO and EPO (as well as some drinks with turmeric, vitamin E, oregano essential oil for progesterone) during luteal. Inositol every single day. As you can see, not too much and not too complicated. I just realized half of the things I listed could lower blood pressure (hops, SBO, EPO, inositol) yet so far it's ok. So sometimes I wonder if we should also take the things we read re: side effects with a grain of salt...again, it probably depends on the dose, the individual, how long one takes the supplement for. By the way, I could probably take SBO and EPO throughout the entire cycle but right now, I don't want to because otherwise I won't know which one is doing what. Bare in mind that certain herbs/supplements don't work together or might cause greater side effects. I wanted to take EPO during follicular too but remember the omega 3 - omega 6 ratio?? Argh. Maybe once I finish my aguaje, I'll add EPO and SBO during follicular too. I'll update my thread in a cycle or two. Last month I felt slight tingles while taking hops pills but I think it's too soon to tell. 

Congrats on the promotion to "Senior Member"! Smile

How'd you find the Aguaje Beattie? Any increases in size? Solgar never got back to me

Ps be careful of Oregano oil ESP essential oil, it destroys pathogens,  bacteria in the gut GOOD and bad. Id take that sparingly or bypass altogether.

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