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Ultimate Noogleberry Guide: Hacks, Tips, Tricks and More


I've been noogling for a while with great results, but it took me a while to really get the hang of it and I've also encountered multiple issues and problems along the way that took me a while to search out fixes for or discover my own solutions by way of trial and error. So I wanted to compose a comprehensive thread filled with just tips and tricks to hack your way through using the Noogleberry. And please, fellow NB users, if you could contribute and share your own personal unique tips and techniques or anything else I might have failed to mention (I'm sure I'm missing a lot), it will help to make this the ultimate guide to NB and I know it would help many who might be dealing with similar issues. Thanks!! 

Getting a Good Seal
Saran wrapper trick: Get out a long sheet of saran wrapper, long enough to lay flat of your chest and cut out two small holes for your breast. Don't make the holes too big, just maybe a little larger than your nipples or so. Fit the domes over you and pump. The saran wrapper will help to keep a good seal. 
Water trick (from Bettie32): splash some water droplets on your breast before putting on the domes. The water droplets will help to create a seal. 
Greasing up the rims: Moisturizing is incredibly crucial when using NB and also while massaging! For a better seal, try putting extra lotion around the lower edge and rim of the domes and then using them. I tend to get a better seal when I massage my breast with a thick, sticky, greasy butter like raw shea butter, cocoa butter, or petroleum jelly. I've tried other lotions and even oils, but shea butter does the trick for me, and my domes will stay on for hours without falling off. You can also try herbal creams if that is something you're interested in and that may help you get faster results but make sure to do your research and be aware of possible risks.
Marking domes: Tinker around and find the dome that best fits your breast and then either mark it or remember how it fits, so that each time you know exactly which dome to use for which breast, and also you remember exactly how to place it to get the best seal. This has helped me tremendously and also makes putting on the domes a breeze.
Padding: Padding on the domes will sometimes help with getting a good seal. Check out the Noogleberry Equipment below where I've listed different types of possible padding solutions that include purchasing foam rings, camper's tape, cutting up a yoga matt, using perm rods, and more. 
***If you are still struggling to get a good seal it could be that domes are either too big or too small for you, and you may need to go up or down a size.  

Air leakage: 
--If you're constantly having to replace the air in your domes after you've airlocked, it might be that it is leaking out air at the top of the domes where the airlock fixture is screwed in. To fix this, simply twist that piece clockwise and this should tighten it and solve that problem. 
--If air is constantly "farting" out the sides, it may be that you either need a smaller dome size or you need to get either foam rings or other padding solutions (listed in Noogleberry Equipment Section below), or if you have the regular domes, try getting the contoured cups to prevent this issue. Also, refer to "Getting a Good Seal" up above. 

Keeping Domes in Place
Scarf trick from Bettie32: wrap a scarf around your back and around the domes and tie tightly to help position domes and keep them in place.
DIY bra harness: take a bra (the cup padding needs to be large enough to fit the domes) and cut out holes in the cups for domes to go through. Fit domes on chest first, and then put bra on over it and secure. You can buy a cheap granny bra, or use an old bra, or even get a nursing bra for this method, but you want the band size to still fit you even though the cup size should be much larger. 
Shirt: Wear a shirt that is tight enough that you can pull it over the domes and it will press the domes to your chest. 
Sportsbra: Buy a sportsbra that is big enough and can contain the domes. Most people tend to prefer sportsbras that zipper.
Time: Just want to mention that it may take a couple of sessions before your breasts expand and adjust to fit the domes. When I got my NB, for the first week, I could only noogle lying down and even then the air would "fart" out occasionally. But by the second week, the domes seem to fit my breasts better and I'm now able to move around, work at my desk, sit and watch tv without it being a huge issue. Bending over tends to make the domes fall off, though.

Snoogling: Sleeping and noogling. If you try to attempt this be sure to use light to moderate pressure, make sure your breasts are well moisturized, make sure your domes are secured, and get used to sleeping on your back. 
HydroNoogling: This is where you fill the domes with warm water (how much depends on your breast size), and then fit your breasts in the domes, and then press the domes to your chest and bend backwards so that you can pump any remainder air out (try not to pump the water out). A lot of people like this method but it tends to be tricky and messy. It is recommended that you perform this standing in a bathtub/shower until you get the hang of it. 
Splitting up sessions: What I found to greatly help is if you are able to split up your time noogling. So I noogle for a few hours in the morning and then a few hours at night. I work largely from home so I can do this with ease, but on the weekends when I'm more active, I'm lucky if I can noogle for an hour in the morning and an hour night. Splitting up your sessions help to keep that fullness that you get all day long and I think over time it will help because you keep building on it. 
Pump and Hold: I use the pump and hold method, because it's the easiest and most convenient that requires the least amount of effort but I also think it's more effective than the other methods. This might be because with tension induced tissue expansion (which is what NB is) it requires that the tissue be under constant expansion for long periods of time (the longer the better) because this is what encourages tissue growth and not just swelling. This lady explains it rather well:
Pump and Release: Many people have seen great results using the pump and release method, which involves pumping and holding for a period of time, then releasing and either massaging your breasts or just letting them rest, and then pumping again and repeating this for a number of time (either in sets or based off how many you can do in an hour). For example, 7:2, 10:3, or 15:4 where you hold for 7 minutes and massage for 2, and so on. This method tends to produce the most swelling, but remember that swelling doesn't actually equate to breast growth. I've read numerous of testimonies to where the women who were using this method for a year or two, after quitting, lost all their seemed growth. So perhaps this method is not as likely to produce lasting growth. 
**However, I think it's all about finding what works best for you and sticking with it, and it may be that your body responds to one method better than the other or maybe a combination of these methods will be your best option. But either way, I think what it comes down to is you have to do what's best for your breasts and what works for one may not work for all. So if you're not getting results from pump and hold, try switching it up with pump and release. 

--So from what I've learned from research and experience is that gentle moderate pressure seems to be more beneficial to the breast than extreme pumping. It also helps to decrease the chance of overstretching the skin and causing stretchmarks/indentations or worse damaging the breast tissue, and also the ring marks from the domes tend to fade a lot quicker. This also makes noogling a more pleasant experience as you are also decreasing discomfort. 
--When I first got my NB, I could only pump a few times because that was all my breast could handle before it started to feel painful. I've noticed now, it seems like I can pump a little more air out without my breasts feeling any pain or discomfort. I can also pump more if I start off slow, then after a while repump and airlock. If I happen to overpump, and my breasts feel too tight or too painful, I just release some of the air out or I will start over until I get it just right. 
***I want to mention that I tried pumping too hard on my breast, and it left my breasts in bad shape after the session. My chest and breast was in pain and in fact, when I measured myself the next day I lost a full inch. It seems like overpumping (to the point of pain) can actually not only do more harm than good but also it might cause a reduction in breast gains. See Overpumping Section below to read more about the side effects that may happen and what you can do to fix some of those problems. Remember to use moderate pressure, but anything that feels painful is going to be bad for your breast health. 

When to Massage: Some people like to massage only before, some like to massage both before and after, and others like to massage before, during, and after. I recommend trying out all of these methods and finding out what works for you best. Me personally, I don't like to massage too much after noogling because I noticed I would lose a lot of the fullness I gained. But I believe that massaging before helps to increase circulation and also helps to prepare the breasts for tissue expansion, so be sure not to skip this. There are so many different types of massages and I'm not going to get into all the different ones that are wonderful for overall breast health and growth but definitely research them for yourself. I don't do any specific type, however. I just use my shea butter and massage in a way that makes my breast feel good. 
Hot towel Massage: Another trick to prepare your breast tissue for expansion is to take a hot towel (ring it out) and press that to your breasts until it starts to cool. Then massage your breasts with the lotion or oil of your choice. And repeat as many times as you like. Immediately after you are finished use your NB and this may also help to create a better seal.
Heat Pads: Some people like to use heat pads before and/or after noogling to warm up their breasts and also increase circulation and stimulation. 
Electronic Massager: Some users also like to use electronic massagers on their breast before and/or after to help improve circulation and to stimulate their breast tissue.

Noogleberry Equipment
Domes: I highly recommend the contoured air lock domes. Airlock will allow you to pump and hold for as long as you can manage. And the contoured domes tend to fit so much better, which means it's going to be easier to get and maintain suction. They also don't tend to dig into your skin as much as the regular domes, but that's all relative to how much pressure you are exerting. Also, this goes without saying but try and be sure to get the right size domes for your current chest size (not what cup size you are aiming for) because this will also help you to keep and maintain suction (cups that are too big for you might not obtain suction well and might cause the domes to repeatedly and annoyingly fall of your chest.) 
Foam rings: If you're worried about ring marks left from the domes, these tend to help a lot with that. I would also recommend these to people who are having pain when pumping or to those who may have bought a dome size too big and needs help with getting better suction. Keep in mind, depending on how often you use the foam rings, they will need to be replaced every 3 months or so. 
Camper's tape: Instead of using foam rings, many NB users use campers tape (you can buy at Lowe's or Home Depot) to tape around the dome edges. This helps to create a better seal (especially if your domes are a little too large) and also increases comfort much like the foam rings. You can follow this link to see how it is done:
Gel Sheets/Silicone Mats: I saw this done on a British documentary titled "My Small Breasts and I". The lady basically took a large sheet of gel/silicone and cut it into circles, and then cut out small holes inside of those circles. That way it could lay over her breasts and the domes wouldn't irritate or dig into her skin. She also made an updated version, where instead of cutting out circles, she cut out a figure 8 and then cut out holes for her breast to go into. You can watch the documentary for free at this link:   and if you skip to the 40 min mark you'll see the first way she did it. Then skip to the 46 min mark and you'll see the figure 8 which she said was better because there was no overlap in the center of her chest. Also, if you get the chance, I recommend watching the entire documentary. It's rather good, and it also helped me to feel "not alone" when I had a flat chest and it also improved my confidence/self-esteem issues.
Cut up Yoga Mat: You can cut up a yoga mat to help relieve pain of the domes against your skin, much like the foam rings do. Here is a link with an explanation and pictures:
Alternative options for padding domes: using poster tack:  and also here is one that uses perm rods and silicone inserts:   This shows you that you can be creative and maybe you can find something you already have and make good use of it.
Nipple covers: I don't think these are necessary at all. I've read a lot of testimonies and I haven't encountered any that said their nipples/areolas stretched out any more than it already was before they started pumping. But if you are still worried that it might, then it can't hurt to purchase and use nipple covers or a use tape (medical/surgical tape, sports tape or other cloth tapes) to tape up your nipples. Alternatively, you can also use bandaids (use 2 bandaids and make an X over your nipples). Keep in mind that nipple covers also need to be replaced every so often as they will lose their stickiness but you could also buy a tube of skin glue or roll on body adhesive to help restick it. 
Compression Breast Wear Sports Bra: I've read Lotus mention on a thread that she likes to use a compression breast after noogling because she believes that after you stretch breast fat cells you must improve their cellular matrixing by the use of post compression wear. 
Gauge: NB sells a hand pump that comes with a gauge to monitor pressure. It costs more than the original handpump, and honestly I don't think it is necessary, but if you are concerned with overpumping, or are worried about exerting too much pressure on your breast, then buying this might help you out. However, if you get the hand pump, it's quite easy to make sure you don't overpump (telltale signs of overpumping: breasts feels uncomfortable tight, breasts turn purple or dark red, domes dig into skin painfully, pain in chest/rib area). Don't be so afraid to use moderate pressure, but at the same makes sure that it is not painful.
**NOTE: Certain other breast pump systems seem to be compatible with Noogleberry equipment, and there are also have been people who have had success in making their own manual pumps, domes, and airlock devices and using it interchangeably with NB. If this interests you (for example using a different systems dome with NB manual pump) you can either do a simple search to see if anyone else has done so with success or try and look up the dimensions and pictures to see if it would fit.

Side Effects of Over-pumping and How to Fix It
***Try to remember that you shouldn't feel pain when pumping. You should feel a good amount of pressure but if it gets to the point that you might have overpumped and the domes are too tight against your chest, or you're in any pain: STOP. Take the domes off. Massage your breasts and then refit the domes and try to remember how many pumps was too much, and then pump less. Don't be afraid to let out air if you need to or start over while noogling. Remember: overpumping can work against you and will not always get you faster results. Slow and steady wins the race!
Purple/Discolored Breasts/Bruising: It is quite normal for your breasts to become a little redder/pinker than usual while pumping (especially if you are fairer in complexion) because you are increasing blood flow to your breasts. However, if your breasts are turning dark shades of purple/blue/red, then that means you are exerting entirely too much pressure, and you could be potentially damaging your breasts tissue in the process. You could also risk permanently discoloring your breast tissue, as I've seen a couple of male users who have pumped too vigorously and had this happened to them unfortunately. The best thing you can do if you notice this while pumping is immediately take off the domes and give your breasts a gentle massage. Drink plenty of water, and depending on how bad it is, you may also want to give your breasts a break from NB until they are no longer sore/discolored and are back to normal, and then remember to go easy/pump lightly until you can handle more pressure. Also, purchase some Arnica Gel which is used to relieve muscle pain and stiffness due to minor injuries, and also helps to reduce pain, swelling, and discoloration from bruises.
Indentations: This is typically caused by one or a combination of these things: pumping for long periods of time, pumping too often, or pumping too hard. This tends to happen when the dome digs into your skin too much (due to too much exerted pressure) and after a while the subcutaneous fat gets pushed aside and results in a depression in your breast tissue. In order to improve this, you might want to stay away from the NB until it gets better. Massage that area with oils, lotions, and butters. You can also try repositioning the domes so that they don't dig into that area and then try to pump it back up. It would also be wise to either invest in either the foam rings, or try out any of the alternative methods of padding listed above in the NB equipment section (camper's tape, gel sheet, yoga mat, etc.) 
Stretchmarks: This doesn't seem to be a common issue for NB users, as NB helps to build collagen and thereby reduce signs of stretch marks. But if this does happen to you, or maybe you already have stretch marks on your breasts and are worried about it getting worse, then once again be sure not to overpump as this will stretch out the skin far too much than it could handle which might result in your stretchmarks getting worse or getting new stretchmarks. Also, moisturizing before noogling is crucial! Everyone needs to moisturize well with either lotions, oils, butters, petroleum jelly before using NB. Cocoa butter is typically used to prevent and also reduce stretch marks so it may be worth purchasing if this is a concern of yours. Some other tips are try switching up methods (hydronoogling, pump and release, etc) and try to reduce your time noogling so the issue won't continue to get worse. Some supplements you can try to take are collagen and MSM. I'm sure there are others too that will help with stretchmarks, just do some research.
Red Dots/Blisters: Red dots are typically caused by broken capillaries in the skin, although some people have also gotten small water blisters as well. Arnica gel seems to greatly help this issue, but aloe gel works well too. The key to making sure this doesn't happen is to not pump so hard, moisturize well before pumping, and if need be use padding (found in NB equipment section) to help eliminate this issue.
Shrinking: Sometimes overpumping can result in your breasts losing volume instead of adding to it. Keep in mind, that if you are measuring every day you might see fluctuations in your measurements which are normal, especially as your breasts start losing the swelling you get from NB. But if you see a dramatic decrease, it could be a sign that you have overpumped which can cut off circulation and damage your breast tissues. It is best if you give yourself a break from NB (anywhere from a day to a week or more), and focus on doing gentle massages. Also, perform some hot towel massages, and when you feel like your breasts have recovered, try and start back on NB but remember to use only a light suction/gentle pressure. Start back slowly! And you can also try taking collagen and MSM to help build back up your breast tissue. 
Poor Circulation in Arms or fingers/Arm numbness/Nerve Pain: A few users have complained to suffer from pain or poor circulation in their arms during and/or after pumping. This may be caused by overpumping but if you already have poor circulation or nerve pain in your arms, then you especially want to be cautious when using the NB or any other breast pump systems. Ensure that you are pumping lightly (even lighter than what you think your breasts can handle, and you might want to consider purchasing the gauge), and that you are positioning the domes correctly (it should not be sucking in any "armpit fat" and if it is, pull it out as some users have stated that this has helped to stop arm pain), and also that you have the correct domes for your size. You may also want to consider getting some type of padding as well. Lastly, massages and applying heat helps to increase circulation so try either using a heating pad or hot towel on your breasts and/or arm to improve this problem and also be sure to give your breasts a good massage before noogling. But if you do have any of these symptoms you may want to consult with your doctor first before continuing to use NB and risking causing permanent damage. It's always better to be on the safe side.
Itchiness, Rashes, and/or Acne: Okay so these aren't always a sign of overpumping, but it could be. It could also be a sign that perhaps you're using the NB too often or for too long of a period of time, and your skin might be sensitive to it or to the domes or padding that you're using. I developed lots of acne on my chest, but it turned out that it was the flaxseed oil that I was using before I pumped, and I switched to just using shea butter and now my acne is clearing up. This goes without saying, but make sure you are using good hygiene when using NB to help eliminate these problems. Try wiping down your domes after and/or before use with an antibacterial wipe or alcohol pad, and also make sure that you're taking daily showers. Don't use NB after being sweaty until after you've either taken a shower or wiped down your breast area. These are all things that should help. 
**NOTE: some issues might be caused because you have either outgrown your domes and it's time to get a size larger or perhaps they are too big (which is causing you to overpump) and you need a size smaller. This is why it's so important for you to get the correct dome size for your breasts! 

What Results to Expect
How fast?: NB is not for those expecting overnight/fast results. Tension Induced Breast Growth is an incredibly slow process and some users respond faster or slower than others. But typically, most people can gain about 1 to 2 cup sizes in a 6 month period of permanent growth. You will however notice a reduction of your breast size once you stop using NB, and this might scare you into thinking you're losing all your growth. Don't worry, you're only losing swelling and after a few weeks, you should not lose anymore unless you lose weight, or have some type of hormone imbalance that might cause your breast size to change. 
Variables to consider: NB also depends on your personal goals, like: How many cup sizes do you want to go up? How often and how long do plan on using NB and what method? Maybe you have tuberous breasts and you are just trying to improve the overall shape of your breasts? Or maybe your goal is to give your breasts some extra lift. Or like me, maybe you are just solely focusing on one breast because you suffer from uneven breasts. Other variables to consider: have you been pregnant? did you breastfeed? have you gained or lost weight and does your weight easily fluctuate? what is your starting cup size? is the skin on your breasts loose or tight? do you have dense breast tissue? All of these factors play into how well and how fast you will respond to NB. It may take you longer, but don't let this discourage you. Everyone is different! Stick with it, even if you can only manage 30 mins a day, because eventually you should see results. 
Outgrowing domes: You should always start with the proper dome size to fit where you breasts are currently at and not what you aspire to grow to. Getting cups too big can actually hinder/halt your growth, or cause you to overpump to keep suction. When moving up a dome size, you may notice that you aren't getting as much swelling as with your previous dome size. I think this is due to the way that swelling becomes more spread out rather than the more focused, outward pull of a smaller dome. So it may take time for your breasts to adjust and adapt to the new cups, and for some it may help to noogle one breast at a time until you are able to do both breasts. 
Swelling: Some people see large swelling after using NB, others don't see any noticeable swelling after noogling for hours. But don't let this discourage you and remember that swelling does not equate to growth! Just because you swell 2 cup sizes doesn't mean you have gained 2 cup sizes. And even if you don't swell any, you can still grow but it might take longer for you to notice that growth. I don't typically swell at all after noogling and I managed to grow 1 inch in my first two months though I have to keep pumping in order for it to become permanent growth. Stopping too soon can affect your results, and cause them not to be permanent. 
Increased or Decreased Sensitivity: Some people notice that while using NB they experience an increase or decrease in nipple/breast sensitivity though most people seem to notice that there is an increase in sensitivity. This is quite normal and is not cause for alarm and the increase in breast sensitivity may also be a good thing for your sexual health. The increase/decrease in sensitivity that you may experience normally goes away after you stopped pumping for a long enough period of time. If you are concerned, you should always consult with your doctor about any problems you might be having.
Disruption of Menstrual Cycle: NB should not disrupt/effect your cycle in any way, and for the large majority this is something that you shouldn't really worry about. This is a huge plus that NB has over supplementation/herbs. However, I did notice a few users say that they suspected NB to cause their cycle to be delayed, extended, or arrive earlier. It could be possible that other things they were doing (like taking herbs, or supplements) was the real culprit, or maybe using NB caused them or their body stress which could cause changes to their cycle. But like I said, for the most part, NB shouldn't effect your hormones or cycle in any way.
Pain: Having slight discomfort is normal while using NB, and you may also notice that your breasts get a little more sore/heavier around that special time of the month. But pain/soreness in the breast, ribs, and/or chest area is often a sign of overpumping. You may need to either give yourself a break from NB until you feel normal again, or pump lightly the next time you use it. Also, refer to the "Side Effects of Overpumping..." section above.
Measuring Growth: For most people, before you start to see measurable growth, you'll more likely first notice visual changes (like rounder, heavier, wider, more lifted and fuller breasts and improvement in overall shape). The best thing to do is to take pictures, because pictures will help you to see changes that the tape measure won't necessarily show you. Try taking frontal view and side pictures. When using your tape measure, be aware that breast size can fluctuate based on swelling. It's best to measure your overbust, across the bust, and under bust. Also, try to measure before noogling when the swelling is less likely to impact your measurements (so when you first wake up in the morning for instance). It is also good to measure each month anniversary to see how your breasts are responding each month.
Taking Breaks: Taking breaks is okay while using NB and sometimes it can be beneficial to the process of growing out your breasts. Some users even suggest and encourage taking breaks every few days. Personally, I have been consistent with using my NB and I don't plan on taking any lengthy breaks until I reach either the 6-month mark or 1-year mark, but there are definitely some days when I don't manage to pump as much as I would like to. As I've stated above, with tension induced tissue expansion it tends to work best and produce more lasting results when done consistently for longer periods of time. But also don't freak if you miss a day or two, but do try to be as consistent as possible because consistency is key! Also, pay attention to how your body responds and of course, do what works best for you. If you feel the need to take a break, do it!
Losing weight while NB and exercising: It is possible to lose weight while growing/maintaining your breast size, and using NB does help to make this possible. But be aware that as you lose weight, unfortunately, it is impossible to spot reduce fat, and what may end up happening is that you may lose some of your breast size as well (especially if you lose a drastic amount of weight in a short period of time). In order to help prevent this from happening, use your NB consistently every day twice a day, lose weight slowly and healthily. When exercising, focus more on strength training and building lean muscle (which will allow you to burn calories even after your workout is complete) rather than high-intensity cardio. It's also good to focus on chest exercises (like push-ups for instance) to help build your breast muscles and improve your breast shape.

Lifestyle, Nutrition, Supplements, and More
**I don't think changing your diet, or adding supplements is necessary at all to achieve results with NB. In fact, many people have gotten and maintained great growth by just solely using the NB. However, I just want to include a short section on this, as many people tend to use a combination of efforts in order to get faster breasts growth.
Sleeping on Your Back: There are some users who prefer to sleep on their back in order to not suffocate their breasts or interfere with breast growth. I don't think this is necessary at all in order to achieve and maintain good results, but I naturally tend to sleep on my back, anyways. 
Hydration: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after using NB. Hydration is key because it helps to improve circulation, decrease toxins in the body, and it might help you get more swelling while using NB, and help you respond better to the system.
Diet: I eat mostly a high carb, low-fat plant based/whole foods vegan diet. I rarely eat fast food, or processed/packaged meals (I like to prepare my meals from scratch), but I still go out and indulge in sweets from time to time (once a week but sometimes more sometimes less). I like eating healthy fats from nuts and nut butters, seeds (flaxseeds, chia seeds, etc.), coconuts, avocados. I also tend to replace one meal a day with a highly nutritious vegan meal replacement shake. Eating a well-balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables will help to balance out hormonal issues which can also help your breasts to grow. I grew 1 1/2 to 2 cup sizes just by eating a vegan healthy diet alone, so it is very possible.
Hot Cold Showers: Some users like to alternate between hot and cold showers (so maybe 10 seconds cold water, 10 seconds hot and keep repeating). There's a lot of supposed benefits to this as it is very stimulating to the breasts, and it may help to build collagen among other things.  
Exercising before noogling: I've read that in order to get a better swelling and to improve circulation, some users like to pump themselves up with some cardio before noogling to warm their bodies up.
Herbs, Supplements, Creams: I try to stay away from herbs and supplementation as much as possible (because I don't want to mess up my hormones) so perhaps if this is something you are interested in then look around on the forum. Make sure that you research well whatever it is that you are adding to your regimen and be aware of the possible side effects and risks associated with taking it. Certain herbs, creams, and supplements may give you faster results while using NB. If I were to recommend anything from my own personal regimen, it would be: MSM, collagen, maca, aguaje, flaxseeds, matcha green tea, nutritious meal replacement shakes, and tulsi extract. These are all things I take for overall health and to also aid in my breast enhancement routine. I also drink two teas that have breast health/growth ingredients: Get Gorgeous Tea by Republic of Teas and Moon Cycle Tea by Yogi Teas. There are also a few other things that I take and do for overall health, and if anyone is interested in more details feel free to PM me. 

One thing I should stress is that you really do need to mentally prepare yourself to do this for a long time for permanent growth and also to be diligent and consistent. I wouldn't recommend NB to someone who only wanted fast results or doesn't at least have an hour a day to devote to noogling but really I think 2 hours is best (1 hour at night and 1 in the morning) but if you can squeeze more time in go for it as long as it works with your schedule and is not causing you any pain. I never really swell using my NB (some do, others don't. Either way, don't let it discourage you if you don't because I'm proof you can still grow even if you don't get a good swell), and it took quite some time for me to notice a difference but I have been consistent and with continued use I think it will all pay off. I plan on using NB for at least a year and then give myself a month break and start again until I get to my desired growth, after which I will probably do a couple months of maintenance just to make sure that what I have gained is permanent. I'm also trying to lose weight currently and have found that NB helps me to not lose too much weight in my breasts.

Noogleberry isn't for those who are unable to commit and invest the necessary time to see growth, or for people who are impatient and want faster results. So don't expect it to work miracles overnight and don't think that you will be jumping up 3 cup sizes in a matter of months. Most people tend to grow 1 to 2 cup size in a six month period, but depending on other factors like whether you've been pregnant or breastfed, or if you have denser breast tissue, this may accelerate your growth or cause you to be a slow responder. 

If you do happen to get discouraged while using NB or feel like giving up, I encourage you to read my thread to give you some inspiration and hope:

Hope this is helpful, and obviously I can't take credit for all this information I've posted. I've gathered this after reading numerous forums and testimonies, and for the most part, all I've done is just compiled it all into one thread in hopes that it will be useful to others. Please leave any other helpful tips/tricks in the comments below!

Happy Noogling! 


Wow, this is such a detailed and helpful post ZaraAri! I really feel something like this was missing before so it's fantastic that you've come up with such a comprehensive guide. Thank you for the clear list and for sharing it all with us! <3

I'd never read about the saran wrapper trick before and it does work so thank you!! I feel like a leftover but what's important is that it works!  Big Grin

I like how you highlighted that this isn't an overnight thing. Very true....

You have been killing it with your posts Zara! Thank you so much for making this. I JUST saw my noogle on the front porch this morning as I was leaving for work and I am so excited to get home and try it this afternoon  Big Grin Thank you for all the tips and tricks! Again having all of this information in one place like this is so so nice as apposed to searching for old threads I remember reading.

Wow nice! Thank you.

Nice work ZaraAri....(thanks for the effort).  Smile

So, it is okay to use both an enhancement cream and pump at the same time? I ask because I have both.

(04-04-2017, 00:10)AthenaDruid Wrote:  So, it is okay to use both an enhancement cream and pump at the same time? I ask because I have both.


pumping and taking supplements orally/topically can improve the breast enhancement process!

Thanks for this post, ZaraAri! Even though I don't use NB, after reading this post I found out I may be overpumping with my Bosom Beauty. I have some red spots around where the cups sit after pumping. There are a few that haven't gone away since I started pumping. I think I may hold off on pumping for a few days and not let my BB go to the highest suction level as it is programmed to when I resume pumping.

Thank you, everyone, for commenting! It took a lot of time for me to compile this list! <3

Another tip that I just started using: Take an equal mixture of Cinnamon oil, Ginger Oil, and Peppermint Oil. Mix all three together, in a bottle or small jar of your choice to store separately. Put a couple of drops of this blend with a nickel to quarter size of any other carrier oil (like jojoba oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, almond oil) or you could mix it with any lotion or body butter (shea butter, etc.), and then rub and massage your breasts each time with it before noogling. It's very stimulating and it causes your breasts to heat up a bit (it's a warm tingling sensation that feels very nice) and I've noticed that because of this it has improved circulation in my breasts and I've noticed more swelling while noogling. I haven't been doing it long, but I've already have noticed a big difference in my breasts and I wish I would have started off doing this from the beginning. You could probably also buy Fennel Oil and try adding it to this mixture because fennel oil is said to help with breast stimulation and growth (make sure you buy fennel seed oil and not fennel sweet oil which is milder and doesn't have the same properties or benefits as the oil from the seeds). I will be purchasing it soon!

That's one thing I forgot to put into this guide and that's ESSENTIAL OILS!! Don't be afraid to experiment with essential oils, but some oils are so strong that they can irritate your skin if used alone, so they require that they be diluted (in carrier oils, lotions, or body butters) rather than putting it straight onto the skin. Just make sure you do your own research (because every essential oil is different), but there are a lot of wonderful Essential oils that can be used in conjunction with any NBE program. Try googling "Essential Oils good for breast health" and "Essential Oils good for Breast Growth". There are many out there that have amazing benefits and are multipurpose so it can be used for other things as well. Some essential oils are even safe to consume internally (in very tiny quantities. Think one to two drops) but once again, be sure to do your own research before doing so. 

You can also buy preblended liquid extracts to use either internally or topically as a massage oil. For example, I recently purchased the Greenbush Breast Enhancement Kit and it includes capsules and liquid extracts that can be used both internally and externally on the breasts. I also bought the massage oil, and Bust Tea from Greenbush. But there are many other companies that you can purchase similar products, but make sure that you do your research on the company and the ingredients.


(08-04-2017, 17:06)ZaraAri Wrote:  Thank you, everyone, for commenting! It took a lot of time for me to compile this list! <3

Another tip that I just started using: Take an equal mixture of Cinnamon oil, Ginger Oil, and Peppermint Oil. Mix all three together, in a bottle or small jar of your choice to store separately. Put a couple of drops of this blend with any other carrier oil (like jojoba oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, almond oil) or you could mix it with any lotion or body butter (shea butter, etc.), and then rub and massage your breasts with it before noogling. It's very stimulating and it causes your breasts to heat up a bit (it's a warm tingling sensation that feels very nice) and I've noticed that because of this it has improved circulation in my breasts and I've noticed more swelling while noogling. You could probably also buy Fennel Oil and try adding it to this mixture because fennel oil is said to help with breast stimulation and growth. 

That's one thing I forgot to put into this guide and that's ESSENTIAL OILS!! Don't be afraid to experiment with essential oils, but some oils are so strong that they can irritate your skin if used alone, so they require that they be diluted (in carrier oils, lotions, or body butters) rather than putting it straight onto the skin. Just make sure you do your own research (because every essential oil is different), but there are a lot of wonder Essential oils that can be used in conjunction with any NBE program. Try googling "Essential Oils good for breast health" and "Essential Oils good for Breast Growth". There are many out there that have wonderful benefits and are multipurpose so it can be used for other things as well. Some essential oils are even safe to consume internally (in very tiny quantities. Think one to two drops) but once again, be sure to do your own research before doing so. 

You can also buy preblended liquid extracts to use either internally or topically as a massage oil. For example, I recently purchased the Greenbush Breast Enhancement Kit and it includes capsules and liquid extracts that can be used both internally and externally on the breasts. I also bought the massage oil, and Bust Tea from Greenbush. But there are many other companies that you can purchase similar products, but make sure that you do your research on the company and the ingredients.


Hey Zara!

I am thinking in mixing cypress + lavender + fennel essential oils with coconut oil in few weeks , just to give a try. 
Did you notice a big difference when using essential oils in the massage apart of the swelling??

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