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Before pic and a three days of noogling result..


(12-01-2017, 01:51)boardelle Wrote:  Hey! Smile
your progress looks amazing! i've just started noogling and don't seem to be getting such good resultsSad
could you please tell me your noogle routine? i saw that you pump and hold but could you tell me for how long you hold for and how long you noogle all together usually? I too am only pumping one breast atm as it is the smaller one! i just want it to catch up!
thanks so much ! xx

Hi Boardelle certainly, 

Well i started on 7th dec 2016 noogling both breasts everyday. By third week the swelling was so much that i went up to a B cup bra from and A. I started off noggling for 30 mins a day for my breasts to get used to the pulling and now i do from 1-2 hours on each breast. I do one at a time as i think more breast is pumped that way and it seems to be evident in the swelling i get.

I take fennel seeds (handful) everyday and i have upped my protein by consuming chicken, lentils and eggs regularly(not all on the same day necessarily!).

Thats all. I dont massage nor do i take supplements. I try get collagen from foods but i still need to be consistent with that. My breasts when they are not swollen fit into medium domes but now because i do get alot of swelling (about an inch) i am going to order large cups. Last night even my smaller boob was touching the side of the domes and i dont want to hinder growth for that reason. My small breast still does have catching up to do but last night the swelling on my smaller boob had been the most it has ever been eliminating any difference in size. Woke up this morning and swelling was slightly down again and the size difference obvious again.
I think thats all the update i can give you for now chucks! 

Its hard work and dedication. I pump before bed time and sometimes i fall asleep while its on 'hold'. Thats why it can be upto two hours. Sometimes cup stays and other time it falls off. I make sure i dont sleep though before an hour of pumping is done as it assures me ive given my boob their daily dose.Anything more is a bonus!


Crazy swelling and no growth. 

What is going on? Look at both pics one before noogling that day and second after 30 mins of noogling. It happens every time for the past 12 weeks but no growth retains. 

What am i doig wrong. I remember reading a post where a lady noogled for nine months, got the swelling but no growth. My swelling last 3-5 hours.. more if i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

To all the noogling experts, how did u retain growth? 

Lotus - help!

(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  Crazy swelling and no growth. 

What is going on? Look at both pics one before noogling that day and second after 30 mins of noogling. It happens every time for the past 12 weeks but no growth retains. 

What am i doig wrong. I remember reading a post where a lady noogled for nine months, got the swelling but no growth. My swelling last 3-5 hours.. more if i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

To all the noogling experts, how did u retain growth? 

Lotus - help!

How much pressure are you applying when you noogle? I have a theory that applying lots of pressure may give you a huge amount of swelling but not much long term noticeable growth and it can cause adverse effects if you're not careful. But I think 12 weeks is still a little too soon to call it. You say no growth retains, but have the shape of your breasts improved and does that improvement retained? I just think 3 months is just way too soon to expect actually measurable growth.

Hang in there, Fruitcake Smile

(27-02-2017, 18:04)christri Wrote:  
(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  Crazy swelling and no growth. 

What is going on? Look at both pics one before noogling that day and second after 30 mins of noogling. It happens every time for the past 12 weeks but no growth retains. 

What am i doig wrong. I remember reading a post where a lady noogled for nine months, got the swelling but no growth. My swelling last 3-5 hours.. more if i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

To all the noogling experts, how did u retain growth? 

Lotus - help!

How much pressure are you applying when you noogle? I have a theory that applying lots of pressure may give you a huge amount of swelling but not much long term noticeable growth and it can cause adverse effects if you're not careful. But I think 12 weeks is still a little too soon to call it. You say no growth retains, but have the shape of your breasts improved and does that improvement retained? I just think 3 months is just way too soon to expect actually measurable growth.

Hang in there, Fruitcake Smile
Hi Christri,

I dont put alot of pressure- yes the cups are firm to prevent loss of suction but its not painful to me. 

There are slight changes in the sense the smaller boob has changed shape - not same size as other one but catching up. I do feel like giving up the more i read that the results havent been permanent for some noogle users..

(27-02-2017, 19:15)Fruitcake Wrote:  
(27-02-2017, 18:04)christri Wrote:  
(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  Crazy swelling and no growth. 

What is going on? Look at both pics one before noogling that day and second after 30 mins of noogling. It happens every time for the past 12 weeks but no growth retains. 

What am i doig wrong. I remember reading a post where a lady noogled for nine months, got the swelling but no growth. My swelling last 3-5 hours.. more if i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

To all the noogling experts, how did u retain growth? 

Lotus - help!

How much pressure are you applying when you noogle? I have a theory that applying lots of pressure may give you a huge amount of swelling but not much long term noticeable growth and it can cause adverse effects if you're not careful. But I think 12 weeks is still a little too soon to call it. You say no growth retains, but have the shape of your breasts improved and does that improvement retained? I just think 3 months is just way too soon to expect actually measurable growth.

Hang in there, Fruitcake Smile
Hi Christri,

I dont put alot of pressure- yes the cups are firm to prevent loss of suction but its not painful to me. 

There are slight changes in the sense the smaller boob has changed shape - not same size as other one but catching up. I do feel like giving up the more i read that the results havent been permanent for some noogle users..

It's good that the pressure isn't painful! And it's also great that your shape has improved some. Smile Ultimately though, I think the noogleberry is something that you do for such long periods and extended amount of time and you have to be so committed to doing it consistently. On top of that, real growth is such a slow tedious and time consuming process. If you're at that point where you are already feeling like giving up, then I would say that maybe you might want to try some different options. No point in wasting so much of your time with something that might not give you the results you are after, you know? Besides, there are so many other methods out there. Do what you feel is best for you and your lifestyle.

I hope this helps you feel better about whatever decision you choose! 

<3 Christri


(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  Crazy swelling and no growth. 

What is going on? Look at both pics one before noogling that day and second after 30 mins of noogling. It happens every time for the past 12 weeks but no growth retains. 

What am i doig wrong. I remember reading a post where a lady noogled for nine months, got the swelling but no growth. My swelling last 3-5 hours.. more if i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

To all the noogling experts, how did u retain growth? 

Lotus - help!

Hi there fruitcake, 

Don't hit the panic button just yet  Shy your results (or lack thereof) are not that as uncommon as you would think. As you know individual results vary, though (imo) a certain methodology has to be applied to master success....and these have worked for me:
  • Deep breathing while pumping (example)- take and hold breath for 10-15 seconds while applying pump and release.......synchronize the two, (do 2-3 times then relax for 30 seconds) repeat each for 5 -10min. The idea being to supply oxygen into the blood and fat cells.
  • Massage w/olive oil and Aloe Vera (careful with Aloe, it has a laxative effect) to stimulate blood flow and tissue absorption. Olive oil (oleic acid) has a low molecular weight that passes through the skin layers to fat cells, oleic acid is most abundant fatty acid in human adipose, (aka. fat ).
  • Take on (consume) some protein/fat pre-pump session. Stretching (or expanding) fat cells from pumping means increasing blood flow, so.....don't leave them fat cells without the proper nutrients to draw from (30 min prior each pump session). I also add a teaspoon of olive oil either orally and or/sublingually.
  • Post pump massage including nipple stimulation (targeting prolactin release).
  • Vitamins A, D, C and calcium to coincide with pumping sessions.

I do other things like pre cardio exercise, post compression wear (sports bra) my opinion you treat pumping as you would a fat transfer post regime (meaning wearing a compression type bra). See I believe after you stretch breast fat cells you must improve their cellular matrixing by the use of post compression wear. I also believe if I stop feeeling soreness in my breasts my growth is stalled or the almost 5 years of doing this I can't remember a time where I haven't had some kind of incremental growth. Last month I started using the olive oil/aloe rub and saw an increase in breast wieght by 59% (I shared the details in the FAQ supplements for breast growth thread).

There is a ton of releated science that goes into a matter of fact I'm currently discovering how the importance of stimulating (to a certain degree though) the importance of glucocorticoid receptor stimulation, though further details to follow, lol.

Good luck fruitcake, you can do this.  Big Grin

(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

fruitcake, your swelling does look awesome,  Cool I do like the use of the heat pad, though, here's some past information on hot/cold therapy that initiates brown fat (adipose tissue).  

(30-06-2016, 19:57)Lotus Wrote:  I was looking into some research on cold water therapy and how it aids in recovery times in post HIIT workouts. Turns out that it also builds new brown fat cells, hmm, interesting huh?. got me thinking on different ways to promote new cell growth for breast tissue. As we know fat cells produce aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. We also know HIIT produces natural growth hormone and lactate, (initiates new muscle synthesis). It's quite possible (imo) using that cold water therapy and HIIT can trigger breast growth, the science says it's possible. Wink

Another example: a clinical study stated that cAMP (2nd messengers) levels significantly increased lipolysis in adipose tissue, at 4°C, (39 degrees). Adipocytes increased the release of glycerol, indicating that the high rate of lipolysis occurred in these cells. 

So how do this apply to NBE?, my opinion? use ice packs on the breasts after massage/isometric exercises (you still do those grab n pull method boob exercises right?)  I hope so cause that in-itself triggers breast growth. This method along with HIIT, cold water therapy is free, just the cost of water. 

Initiation of myoblast/brown fat switch through a PRDM16-C/ EBP-β transcriptional complex:

These data indicate that the PRDM16-C/EBP-β complex initiates brown fat development from myoblastic precursors, and may provide opportunities for the development of novel therapeutics for obesity and type-2 diabetes.


In summary, quantitative and qualitative analyses demonstrated that immediate CWI performed after a HIIS resulted in better next day running performance (YRT), while delayed (3 h) CWI was also likely to result in improved YRT performance, compared to no CWI. Importantly, greater benefit was associated with immediate CWI. This information is pertinent to athletes, particularly if they do not have immediate access to recovery facilities following exercise performance.


The 16 Secret Benefits of Taking a COLD SHOWER!The-16-Se...1a764c7ad6

(15-08-2015, 03:27)Lotus Wrote:  I forgot to mention cold therapy burns fat. Wink

Cold Temperatures and Chili Peppers Help Burn Fat

What do low temperatures and chili peppers have in common? They both could help burn fat, a new study shows.

Exposure to cold and consumption of chemicals found in chili peppers both appear to increase the number and activity of so-called brown fat cells, which burn energy, rather than store it as typical "white" fat cells do, said Takeshi Yoneshiro, a researcher at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan.

In the new study, researchers exposed eight people with little or no brown fat cells to moderately low temperatures of 63 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) for two hours daily, over the course of six weeks. Compared with the control subjects, who went about their normal lives, the cold-exposed people had about 5 percent less body fat at the end of the study, and also burned more energy when exposed to cold, according to the study, which was published in August in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

(30-06-2016, 00:27)hannah Wrote:  Hey Lotus, Ive found some cool facts on the hot-cold showers especially the part about increased white blood cells I found amazing!

Studies have shown that it provides a full-body tune-up, including:

Reduced stress: In a study on free radicals, 10 healthy subjects swam regularly in ice-cold water and showed adaptation to oxidative stress and hardening (an increased tolerance to stress). When building a business, combating stress is crucial for achieving clarity of mind.

A stronger immune system: Another study found that taking daily cold showers increases the number of disease-fighting white blood cells. In an attempt to warm up, the body speeds up its metabolic rate and activates the immune system, releasing more white blood cells.

Improved blood circulation: When exposed to cold water, our arteries and veins constrict. This temporary tightening allows blood to flow at a higher pressure, which is great for cardiovascular health.

Increased ability to burn fat: Research shows that cold-induced glucose uptake results in the creation of brown fat cells, which create warmth, burn energy and keep you slim.

Aid in battling depression: A 2008 study found that adapted cold showers stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and increase beta-endorphin levels in the blood. They send a high level of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could produce an anti-depressant effect.

While trying out this new routine, you should fully expect discomfort but be equally prepared to start your day feeling more refreshed than ever before.... And with this I totally agreeBig Grin

(26-06-2016, 23:13)Lotus Wrote:  awesome post Hannah, thanks a bunch.  Big Grin

(28-02-2017, 07:05)Lotus Wrote:  
(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

fruitcake, your swelling does look awesome,  Cool I do like the use of the heat pad, though, here's some past information on hot/cold therapy that initiates brown fat (adipose tissue).  

(30-06-2016, 19:57)Lotus Wrote:  I was looking into some research on cold water therapy and how it aids in recovery times in post HIIT workouts. Turns out that it also builds new brown fat cells, hmm, interesting huh?. got me thinking on different ways to promote new cell growth for breast tissue. As we know fat cells produce aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. We also know HIIT produces natural growth hormone and lactate, (initiates new muscle synthesis). It's quite possible (imo) using that cold water therapy and HIIT can trigger breast growth, the science says it's possible. Wink

Another example: a clinical study stated that cAMP (2nd messengers) levels significantly increased lipolysis in adipose tissue, at 4°C, (39 degrees). Adipocytes increased the release of glycerol, indicating that the high rate of lipolysis occurred in these cells. 

So how do this apply to NBE?, my opinion? use ice packs on the breasts after massage/isometric exercises (you still do those grab n pull method boob exercises right?)  I hope so cause that in-itself triggers breast growth. This method along with HIIT, cold water therapy is free, just the cost of water. 

Initiation of myoblast/brown fat switch through a PRDM16-C/ EBP-β transcriptional complex:

These data indicate that the PRDM16-C/EBP-β complex initiates brown fat development from myoblastic precursors, and may provide opportunities for the development of novel therapeutics for obesity and type-2 diabetes.


In summary, quantitative and qualitative analyses demonstrated that immediate CWI performed after a HIIS resulted in better next day running performance (YRT), while delayed (3 h) CWI was also likely to result in improved YRT performance, compared to no CWI. Importantly, greater benefit was associated with immediate CWI. This information is pertinent to athletes, particularly if they do not have immediate access to recovery facilities following exercise performance.


The 16 Secret Benefits of Taking a COLD SHOWER!The-16-Se...1a764c7ad6

(15-08-2015, 03:27)Lotus Wrote:  I forgot to mention cold therapy burns fat. Wink

Cold Temperatures and Chili Peppers Help Burn Fat

What do low temperatures and chili peppers have in common? They both could help burn fat, a new study shows.

Exposure to cold and consumption of chemicals found in chili peppers both appear to increase the number and activity of so-called brown fat cells, which burn energy, rather than store it as typical "white" fat cells do, said Takeshi Yoneshiro, a researcher at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan.

In the new study, researchers exposed eight people with little or no brown fat cells to moderately low temperatures of 63 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) for two hours daily, over the course of six weeks. Compared with the control subjects, who went about their normal lives, the cold-exposed people had about 5 percent less body fat at the end of the study, and also burned more energy when exposed to cold, according to the study, which was published in August in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

(30-06-2016, 00:27)hannah Wrote:  Hey Lotus, Ive found some cool facts on the hot-cold showers especially the part about increased white blood cells I found amazing!

Studies have shown that it provides a full-body tune-up, including:

Reduced stress: In a study on free radicals, 10 healthy subjects swam regularly in ice-cold water and showed adaptation to oxidative stress and hardening (an increased tolerance to stress). When building a business, combating stress is crucial for achieving clarity of mind.

A stronger immune system: Another study found that taking daily cold showers increases the number of disease-fighting white blood cells. In an attempt to warm up, the body speeds up its metabolic rate and activates the immune system, releasing more white blood cells.

Improved blood circulation: When exposed to cold water, our arteries and veins constrict. This temporary tightening allows blood to flow at a higher pressure, which is great for cardiovascular health.

Increased ability to burn fat: Research shows that cold-induced glucose uptake results in the creation of brown fat cells, which create warmth, burn energy and keep you slim.

Aid in battling depression: A 2008 study found that adapted cold showers stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and increase beta-endorphin levels in the blood. They send a high level of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could produce an anti-depressant effect.

While trying out this new routine, you should fully expect discomfort but be equally prepared to start your day feeling more refreshed than ever before.... And with this I totally agreeBig Grin

(26-06-2016, 23:13)Lotus Wrote:  awesome post Hannah, thanks a bunch.  Big Grin

Wow thank you so much Lotus and Hannah for a wealth of information. So in lay man terms if i apply icepack after a noogling session that will help build brown fat cells and this will increase breast size? But if it burns fat then am i not losing it from the breasts?

Another thing, rubbing olive oil after a cold compression will build fat in breasts? What about the spots you get from the oil? 

Thank you again Lotus, i will look into this seriously...

(28-02-2017, 10:27)Fruitcake Wrote:  
(28-02-2017, 07:05)Lotus Wrote:  
(27-02-2017, 13:59)Fruitcake Wrote:  i apply heat afterwards but after that back to square one. Its been three days im havjg collagen powder hoping that will make a difference. 

fruitcake, your swelling does look awesome,  Cool I do like the use of the heat pad, though, here's some past information on hot/cold therapy that initiates brown fat (adipose tissue).  

(30-06-2016, 19:57)Lotus Wrote:  I was looking into some research on cold water therapy and how it aids in recovery times in post HIIT workouts. Turns out that it also builds new brown fat cells, hmm, interesting huh?. got me thinking on different ways to promote new cell growth for breast tissue. As we know fat cells produce aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. We also know HIIT produces natural growth hormone and lactate, (initiates new muscle synthesis). It's quite possible (imo) using that cold water therapy and HIIT can trigger breast growth, the science says it's possible. Wink

Another example: a clinical study stated that cAMP (2nd messengers) levels significantly increased lipolysis in adipose tissue, at 4°C, (39 degrees). Adipocytes increased the release of glycerol, indicating that the high rate of lipolysis occurred in these cells. 

So how do this apply to NBE?, my opinion? use ice packs on the breasts after massage/isometric exercises (you still do those grab n pull method boob exercises right?)  I hope so cause that in-itself triggers breast growth. This method along with HIIT, cold water therapy is free, just the cost of water. 

Initiation of myoblast/brown fat switch through a PRDM16-C/ EBP-β transcriptional complex:

These data indicate that the PRDM16-C/EBP-β complex initiates brown fat development from myoblastic precursors, and may provide opportunities for the development of novel therapeutics for obesity and type-2 diabetes.


In summary, quantitative and qualitative analyses demonstrated that immediate CWI performed after a HIIS resulted in better next day running performance (YRT), while delayed (3 h) CWI was also likely to result in improved YRT performance, compared to no CWI. Importantly, greater benefit was associated with immediate CWI. This information is pertinent to athletes, particularly if they do not have immediate access to recovery facilities following exercise performance.


The 16 Secret Benefits of Taking a COLD SHOWER!The-16-Se...1a764c7ad6

(15-08-2015, 03:27)Lotus Wrote:  I forgot to mention cold therapy burns fat. Wink

Cold Temperatures and Chili Peppers Help Burn Fat

What do low temperatures and chili peppers have in common? They both could help burn fat, a new study shows.

Exposure to cold and consumption of chemicals found in chili peppers both appear to increase the number and activity of so-called brown fat cells, which burn energy, rather than store it as typical "white" fat cells do, said Takeshi Yoneshiro, a researcher at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan.

In the new study, researchers exposed eight people with little or no brown fat cells to moderately low temperatures of 63 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) for two hours daily, over the course of six weeks. Compared with the control subjects, who went about their normal lives, the cold-exposed people had about 5 percent less body fat at the end of the study, and also burned more energy when exposed to cold, according to the study, which was published in August in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

(30-06-2016, 00:27)hannah Wrote:  Hey Lotus, Ive found some cool facts on the hot-cold showers especially the part about increased white blood cells I found amazing!

Studies have shown that it provides a full-body tune-up, including:

Reduced stress: In a study on free radicals, 10 healthy subjects swam regularly in ice-cold water and showed adaptation to oxidative stress and hardening (an increased tolerance to stress). When building a business, combating stress is crucial for achieving clarity of mind.

A stronger immune system: Another study found that taking daily cold showers increases the number of disease-fighting white blood cells. In an attempt to warm up, the body speeds up its metabolic rate and activates the immune system, releasing more white blood cells.

Improved blood circulation: When exposed to cold water, our arteries and veins constrict. This temporary tightening allows blood to flow at a higher pressure, which is great for cardiovascular health.

Increased ability to burn fat: Research shows that cold-induced glucose uptake results in the creation of brown fat cells, which create warmth, burn energy and keep you slim.

Aid in battling depression: A 2008 study found that adapted cold showers stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and increase beta-endorphin levels in the blood. They send a high level of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could produce an anti-depressant effect.

While trying out this new routine, you should fully expect discomfort but be equally prepared to start your day feeling more refreshed than ever before.... And with this I totally agreeBig Grin

(26-06-2016, 23:13)Lotus Wrote:  awesome post Hannah, thanks a bunch.  Big Grin

Wow thank you so much Lotus and Hannah for a wealth of information. So in lay man terms if i apply icepack after a noogling session that will help build brown fat cells and this will increase breast size? But if it burns fat then am i not losing it from the breasts?

Another thing, rubbing olive oil after a cold compression will build fat in breasts? What about the spots you get from the oil? 

Thank you again Lotus, i will look into this seriously...
Also do you think cold is better than the heat that i apply after i noogle even though it helps retain swelling? Is there a point to retaining swelling?

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