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Should I tell my doctor about my NBE?



I wanted to know if I should tell my doctor about , who I'll be seeing a OBGYN for my hormone levels to be tested, but I don't want to hear about "positive body image" or plastic surgery (highly doubtful since I'm 18) . While I do love my body, I just want the bigger jiggles! Big Grin This is my first time doing this so I'm just not sure what to do or say, besides getting my results and determining what I should take for balance and breast growth. 

Anyways,so, should I?

(23-01-2017, 22:06)Loverandfighter Wrote:  Hi!

I wanted to know if I should tell my doctor about , who I'll be seeing a OBGYN for my hormone levels to be tested, but I don't want to hear about "positive body image" or plastic surgery (highly doubtful since I'm 18) . While I do love my body, I just want the bigger jiggles! Big Grin This is my first time doing this so I'm just not sure what to do or say, besides getting my results and determining what I should take for balance and breast growth. 

Anyways,so, should I?

Why would you imo doctors and alternative stuff kinda bites....they often make you wanna cry bc they'll probably judge you then put something in your file too like ''this patient is depressed' I would NOT do this bc of the dissapointment that you might get from their reaction. Just foillow the rules no herbs and stuff when you get yourself tested otherwise your test will be a waste of money. Goodluck with your appointmentsSmile

Hi billyboy here.  I assume your Dr knows you are doing something to femanize. For example Diet, Exercise, Skincare, Haircare and modeling/transitioning you clothes.  It is key they knowyour plan.  Maybe transitioning over a year.  My concern is if you mix two mediations or herbs that counteract or interact you could od or have side efects.  For example some drink grapefruit juice and have medicine these cause od.

(28-01-2017, 21:59)BillyBoy_Delano Wrote:  Hi billyboy here.  I assume your Dr knows you are doing something to femanize. For example Diet, Exercise, Skincare, Haircare and modeling/transitioning you clothes.  It is key they knowyour plan.  Maybe transitioning over a year.  My concern is if you mix two mediations or herbs that counteract or interact you could od or have side efects.  For example some drink grapefruit juice and have medicine these cause od.

Thanks Billyboy!

i'm just trying to grow at least a cup or two. I am a young woman and I'm not transitioning at all. And I'm not a fan of grapefruit, or any drinks honestly. I mostly dink water and sports drinks when I'm exercising. I'm only I'm taking spearmint, kelp, and BO.

(28-01-2017, 21:59)BillyBoy_Delano Wrote:  Hi billyboy here.  I assume your Dr knows you are doing something to femanize. For example Diet, Exercise, Skincare, Haircare and modeling/transitioning you clothes.  It is key they knowyour plan.  Maybe transitioning over a year.  My concern is if you mix two mediations or herbs that counteract or interact you could od or have side efects.  For example some drink grapefruit juice and have medicine these cause od.

Thanks Billyboy!

i'm just trying to grow at least a cup or two. I am a young woman and I'm not transitioning at all. And I'm not a fan of grapefruit, or any drinks honestly. I mostly dink water and sports drinks when I'm exercising. I'm only I'm taking spearmint, kelp, and BO.

I can tell from my own personal experience that I left with a bad feeling. I wanted to Bring it up to the doctor and said I wanted a hormone test and he asked if I had An irregular period and such I said no. Then he waved it off and said I don't need a hormone test I'm clearly very feminine already and I should stop Being obsessed with my health as well. Because I asked for the blood test to also see if I was on a good track living more healthily. He said at your age you should have fun and go out with friends and don't worry about your health, I'm in my 20s btw... Ofcourse I didn't dare to talk about NBE to him. 
Well he said after pushing him why I couldn't do a hormone test is because they have a very strict policy they only do it if there are medical conditions but he could have atleast told me I could do a separate test at al lab. I heard this from a pharmacist.

While I do love my body, I just want the bigger jiggles!   Blush Blush Blush


(29-01-2017, 10:09)Octaviaaah Wrote:  I can tell from my own personal experience that I left with a bad feeling. I wanted to Bring it up to the doctor and said I wanted a hormone test and he asked if I had An irregular period and such I said no. Then he waved it off and said I don't need a hormone test I'm clearly very feminine already and I should stop Being obsessed with my health as well. Because I asked for the blood test to also see if I was on a good track living more healthily. He said at your age you should have fun and go out with friends and don't worry about your health, I'm in my 20s btw... Ofcourse I didn't dare to talk about NBE to him. 
Well he said after pushing him why I couldn't do a hormone test is because they have a very strict policy they only do it if there are medical conditions but he could have atleast told me I could do a separate test at al lab. I heard this from a pharmacist.

Not a fan of doctors in general, there's usually a huge ego to go with the degree...
Being an engineer and son of a rocket scientist? Not impressed with an MD. I've got similar training, in a different field - let's see them do a third order differential. Or explain what happens when you mix fat and a peroxide, and then heat it...   (It's a sort of rocket, a fuel and oxidizer, with a temperature high enough to cause decomposition of the peroxide. Best part was, in the example I learned of at Wonder Bread...? They used Sodium Hydroxide. Sodium burns nicely, too.  :-)  )

So - please work around MY ego, and I'll make a few useful points.  ;-)
Stumbled on this by accident, Point #1 is the key:

#1:  Make your health & fitness needs #1 in your life.

When I worked in the corporate world following my service in the Air Force, my continued focus on my fitness needs remained a priority in my life – regardless of the hours I worked, the miles I drove for work, or the demands placed upon me by my night time MBA program. I never failed to put my running program on my schedule so after these past 48 years I have remained faithful to this priority and to this day it remains at the top of my “to do” list. It is my position that we cannot be of service to others if we have NOT been of service to ourselves FIRST– and this includes family.


If your doctor didn't understand this? He's likely thinking he'll get a repeat customer by advising you to f*ck around for a decade or two, and then...  PAYDAY!!!!!  Fatty liver, diabetes in the making, pancreas is in bad shape, kidneys may be shot, leaky gut, bad heart, arterial clogs, and best of all - bad habits so ingrained you'll never break them.
I despise such vermin, but since we aren't allowed to take out the trash... 

Can you tell I'm a cynic...? 

Long story short, time to go looking for a new doctor. One who DOES NOT believe the DSM-VI (Are we up to 6? V is where it REALLY went sideways, regardless.)
We've decided that children not being obesient to authority = Oppositional Defiant Disorder. (But try to make YOUR CHILD behave properly, it's child abuse.)
The authors of the DSM for the latest rewrite were....  Perverts, best term, who rewrote it to benefit their personal wants. (E.G., Pedophilia is being "reclassified" so it's not a mental issue.)
Similar to the problems surrounding autogynephilia, and David Reimer's case, as two examples... 
Anyway, before I get ranting about how the system is being abused...

Your hormones are YOUR business. The Doctor (using the term loosely, he's more like a profiteering Ferengi) should be replaced. Hormone imbalances are part of may diseases, and you are right to be concerned. Better hypochondriac than dead or dying. And wanting a service that isn't particularly expensive or invasive certainly isn't indicative of an issue. (That's why there are so many hoops for transgender therapies, to make sure this is the BEST treatment, and it's not a mental defect. Original criteria also written by someone with an axe to grind. And if you've seen Logan, they make reference to similar sorts of manipulation to what we do with herbs, except there it's a big conspiracy...  Much like here, actually, Monsanto, Bayer, J&J, etc. "It Can't Happen Here." )

To simplify it even more: I'm male, genetically "normal" so far as we know. Normal Testosterone? 200 - 900, IIRC. (I forget the units, it's the numbers I'm looking at, though.) We can all see (cue 1984) that 200 = 900, right?....
And what of the Free vs. Bound T? SHBG? If I have 200 T, and I take PM, does it have an effect? Same as if I was at 900 T?
Completely ridiculous.

Fire the arrogant SOB, and find someone who is interested in helping you. A Baseline from in your 20s will pay dividends in every decade you live.

BTW, one thing to drop: Sports drinks. Tons of sugar, derived from genetically modified corn. Sugar like that (refined sugars, period) cause liver issues and arterial damage. (Fatty Liver; PAD; arterial Plaque; etc.) Easier said than done (I'm a soda lover), but the more twisted it is, the worse...  Cane sugar is still king, if you MUST have sugar. Then, probably natural sugars: Fructose, for instance, preferably inside the fruit (consuming the fiber prevents the insulin spikes, or ameliorates them. Juices don't have much if any fiber.) Then adulterated ones, and I'd rank them starting with beet sugar, and ending with corn syrup. Corn has been modified, much like wheat, for years. Bad mojo. E.G., those with Celiac disease, Crohn's, IBS, "gluten" insensitivity, should try ancestral grains, and make their own. (For the experiment.) Try "real" wheat, non GMO, not drowned in Roundup. You'll need a specialty store...  But don't worry about the gluten. Anyway, you clean your system, then use that flour for bread. Make a loaf, see how you do. Likely won't have an issue, even though it has gluten in it...

See, the Roundup-Ready GMO wheat we consume? It's resistant to what is, for us, a neurotoxin. So it absorbs some through the roots...  And that eventually makes it to he seed. Not necessarily a problem, maybe, but eating poison seems a bad idea....  But worse? The wheat is later DROWNED in Roundup, to kill it (makes it go to seed), increasing the yield of wheat. Not it's been WASHED and DROWNED in a poison.
And that poison is never cleaned off the wheat before the harvested wheat is milled and sold as an ingredient. (It's costly, and then allows the seeds to rot, reducing profits.)

Great conspiracy, right? Doesn't need anyone to conspire with anyone else, you notice, just using their own self-interest to drive the problem - which we aren't even allowed to talk about (The ACTUAL conspiracy, the media and Big Ag's and Big Pharma's work with politicians to bury such stories. Doesn't take much, just a small loss in advertising revenue...  Or a small drop in campaign contributions...)

The techniques predate Monsanto, BTW. So it's not new techniques, but bad tools + (a bunch of social changes that devalue dollars & increase costs) + profit-driven enterprises (that's ALL of us)... 
Like immunizations, which I know is a hot issue, but I'll include it.
The immunization itself? Good.
The additives? Poisons.
Changes along the way? Congress passed a law providing blanket immunity to pharma from lawsuits. Prior to that? Pharma worked on increasing the storage life of the immunizations. Among those steps, adding mercury-based preservatives, and formaldehyde - two neurotoxins. Also, it made larger vials (reduce costs), so instead of A dose in the vial, you have 20. And, it includes multiple pathogens in each immunization.
Combining those - you have known toxins, blanket immunity, an increase in frequency and quantity of vaccinations, especially on the young - where the mind is still developing, physically - and all that was needed was normal business processes. The only "conspiracy" part is covering up the bad effects if they become known, done easily when an industry is depending on advertising dollars to stay in the black.
And no real negative plans were needed, either.

But we don't need to support the idiocy...
Again, find a new doctor, who is interested in helping you. Knowing that fractional E1/E2/E3, SHBG, T/DHT, Free T, Free E, and Thyroid hormones, just to start, are always relevant. Like tracking a car's MPG, so you know when something's wrong with the engine...

I've bloviated too much, I'll shut up now.  :-)


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