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MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method: How I went from 32B to 32F in 3 months


(22-01-2017, 14:13)nsas Wrote:  Hi, Ellen. I have tried every method with little to no success. Did you get your hormones tested? Will this work if your hormones are balanced? Will this throw you into estrogen dominance? I'm not sure if my hormones are balanced or not. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hi there Nsas!

Sorry to hear other methods are not working for you.
I did not have my hormones tested, thought it was expensive and would first try something. I just did some research in september and thought I would try this out for the fun of it, and if it didn't I could always get it tested, but yes oh my did it work! Wink
No need now to get it tested I figure.

You can also try this out for the fun of it, if it isn't working, you can go to my 'asked questions' and go to the part about if it isn't working for you and see how you can possibly chance it.
Mostly has to do with the bacteria in your digestive system.

Best of luck to you!

Love, Ellen

(22-01-2017, 00:26)Jessica2017 Wrote:  
(20-01-2017, 12:02)MissEllen Wrote:  
(20-01-2017, 00:18)Jessica2017 Wrote:  Hello MissEllen

I love your method!  You sound very smart! Im going to try your method, because i have a lot facial hair as well, hope it will work for me as well.
i took  2 tsb fenugreek podwer and half tsb saw palmetto every morning with water, along with massage very evening, after three months, i cant see ANY result!  very disappointed though.
the drink was taste horrible and make me smell bad as well. anyway, im going to try your method.

here is a bit of my personal detail:
Im 28 year old. breasted fed three children before. 
small breasts now maybe A cup or less...... Asian,162cm,50kg. I eat lots vegs and fruit everyday.
i had high thyroid on 2010, its been treated back to normal level.

I always wanted bigger boobs, coz they look so sexy! i was a full A or a bit more before i had children,but now they seems disappeared . so i really want to make them bigger maybe just C will be enough! im going to have a holiday by the beach next month, small breast doesnt make me confident at all!

can you give me any advice pls,do you think ur method will work for me?
Thank you for your shairing.xxxxxxx

Hi Jessica!

Yeah I think it will work for you, since you have a high chance for having the right bacteria in your digestive system. In the studies it always says that asian people and people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (vegetarians) have the best chance of having the bacteria for the conversion. = NBE
So high chance for you, since you fit both profiles.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Smile
Keep an eye on your thyroid levels!
If they change, skip the soy and just do the grounded flaxseed and whole milk.

Best of luck!

Hi Ellen,

Thank you so much for your reply,
I wondering will the full fat milk and soy make you put on weight as well?

Good luck

Hey love!

Gaining weight has to do with the amount of Kcal you take in in a day. In my second post I added the full values of nutrition of the:
- Full Fat Soy Flour
- Grounded Flaxseed
- Whole Milk

Check it out, the Kcal are also in it. Calculate how much you are going to take in. See how many Kcal those are, and adjust your diet to that, depending if you want to gain or lose weight.
I added a conversion link if the type of measurement is not the same as the one you use in your country (cups/grams)

Good luck! Smile

Love, Ellen

It's also notable that you started with a progestin BC, Mirena, and then added phytoestrogens/estrogen.  It's common for progesterone/progestin+phytoestrogens/estrogen to give results.  Plus high testosterone plus progestin without estrogen could have made you smaller than what you would have been.  So correcting shrinkage from both of those may have helped too.  So it's not only the combination of progesterone+estrogen but also eliminating what were probably the only 2 problems you had left.  At the same time there may be other things you take for granted that you have always been doing right.  Whole grains are key too.  ALAs & other nutrients in flax are also nice.

I've seen a few stories of extremely rapid growth from progestin BC + phytoestrogens.  It works for many but not all.  And they tend to reach a certain point and then slow down a lot.  I think part of it is not only finding a certain way but also addressing the couple things a person is missing.  Then there's suddenly growth up to the point of whatever potential you were holding back.

There are also less common growth stories with PC from those who already had a lot of estrogen but needed more progesterone.

Or from healthy eating.  Particularly from dropping meat and protein and getting more whole starches.  It happens to a lot to those who become vegan.  Here's one in particular who grew a little from becoming vegetarian, then shrank way down from a vegan high protein low carb diet.  But then she grew way back up from adding lots of starches instead: .  There are also many replies with HCLF vegan success stories, who tend to get whole natural carbs (refined are not so good).  Trying to get a lot of protein and avoiding carbs is super bad for your health.  Dropping excess protein, especially meat means you go to starches instead, or starve.  I believe that's what these vegan success stories are from.  Healthy whole grain carb foods are very good, containing many necessary nutrients that meat doesn't have.  Not only for NBE, but health in general including preventing heart disease, diabetes, etc. as well.  Actually I think a very small amount of meat is ideal, particularly seafood, to get what you need.

And then there are those with macromastia with extreme estrogen/progesterone sensitivity who have normal estrogen/progesterone but are huge from being hypersensitive to their normal estrogen/progesterone.  So they grow extremely fast from even more, but others are different.  Possibly because their IGF is super high, but who knows why.  

I don't think it's any one thing, it's everything, but once you get that one or two things you're missing you suddenly see major results.

(22-01-2017, 18:22)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  It's also notable that you started with a progestin BC, Mirena, and then added phytoestrogens/estrogen.  It's common for progesterone/progestin+phytoestrogens/estrogen to give results.  Plus high testosterone plus progestin without estrogen could have made you smaller than what you would have been.  So correcting shrinkage from both of those may have helped too.  So it's not only the combination of progesterone+estrogen but also eliminating what were probably the only 2 problems you had left.  At the same time there may be other things you take for granted that you have always been doing right.  Whole grains are key too.  ALAs & other nutrients in flax are also nice.

I've seen a few stories of extremely rapid growth from progestin BC + phytoestrogens.  It works for many but not all.  And they tend to reach a certain point and then slow down a lot.  I think part of it is not only finding a certain way but also addressing the couple things a person is missing.  Then there's suddenly growth up to the point of whatever potential you were holding back.

There are also less common growth stories with PC from those who already had a lot of estrogen but needed more progesterone.

Or from healthy eating.  Particularly from dropping meat and protein and getting more whole starches.  It happens to a lot to those who become vegan.  Here's one in particular who grew a little from becoming vegetarian, then shrank way down from a vegan high protein low carb diet.  But then she grew way back up from adding lots of starches instead: .  There are also many replies with HCLF vegan success stories, who tend to get whole natural carbs (refined are not so good).  Trying to get a lot of protein and avoiding carbs is super bad for your health.  Dropping excess protein, especially meat means you go to starches instead, or starve.  I believe that's what these vegan success stories are from.  Healthy whole grain carb foods are very good, containing many necessary nutrients that meat doesn't have.  Not only for NBE, but health in general including preventing heart disease, diabetes, etc. as well.  Actually I think a very small amount of meat is ideal, particularly seafood, to get what you need.

And then there are those with macromastia with extreme estrogen sensitivity who grow extremely fast from any estrogen/phytoestrogen.

I don't think it's any one thing, it's everything, but once you get that one or two things you're missing you suddenly see major results.

Omg Joe your post makes me so happy!! Big Grin
Yes yes and yes!

Indeed I started out with Mirena spiral (progesteron BC only), and during this method I switched to Microgynon (estrogen + progesteron BCP). And I grew one whole cup size by it.

Although I am not really sure how much progesterone from the mirena spiral would have been circulating in my blood system, since it was placed in my uterus and mostly given progesterone locally in my uterus.
It is something noteworthy to think about what you wrote!

I think my growth like you said was holding back from a shortage of estrogen.
Also I didn't really wrote, but I am basically a vegetarian for more than 7 years (I eat fish sometimes) so I think my bacteria in my digestive system are used to this, maybe this could be key too?
Since it also says in the studies they found that vegetarians and asians metabolise the soy better to functional phytoestrogens.

I also agree with the high carb, again I think it comes down to the bacteria needing 'food' to survive within our bodies, like carbohydrates can possibly give them.

I don't think I have macromastia though, *I'd wish lol*

My breasts are still growing, just not so fast anymore, plus I am losing a lot of weight at the same time, so they kind of stay the same size atm.

Anyways, diet indeed is so important, being healthy makes a lot of difference, not only for your body, but also for the micro organisms that live in/on it, we often tend to forget that. Loved your post!


P.s. That link: who eats 30 banana's a day lol xD

(22-01-2017, 18:22)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  It's also notable that you started with a progestin BC, Mirena, and then added phytoestrogens/estrogen.  It's common for progesterone/progestin+phytoestrogens/estrogen to give results.  Plus high testosterone plus progestin without estrogen could have made you smaller than what you would have been.  So correcting shrinkage from both of those may have helped too.  So it's not only the combination of progesterone+estrogen but also eliminating what were probably the only 2 problems you had left.  At the same time there may be other things you take for granted that you have always been doing right.  Whole grains are key too.  ALAs & other nutrients in flax are also nice.

I've seen a few stories of extremely rapid growth from progestin BC + phytoestrogens.  It works for many but not all.  And they tend to reach a certain point and then slow down a lot.  I think part of it is not only finding a certain way but also addressing the couple things a person is missing.  Then there's suddenly growth up to the point of whatever potential you were holding back.

There are also less common growth stories with PC from those who already had a lot of estrogen but needed more progesterone.

Or from healthy eating.  Particularly from dropping meat and protein and getting more whole starches.  It happens to a lot to those who become vegan.  Here's one in particular who grew a little from becoming vegetarian, then shrank way down from a vegan high protein low carb diet.  But then she grew way back up from adding lots of starches instead: .  There are also many replies with HCLF vegan success stories, who tend to get whole natural carbs (refined are not so good).  Trying to get a lot of protein and avoiding carbs is super bad for your health.  Dropping excess protein, especially meat means you go to starches instead, or starve.  I believe that's what these vegan success stories are from.  Healthy whole grain carb foods are very good, containing many necessary nutrients that meat doesn't have.  Not only for NBE, but health in general including preventing heart disease, diabetes, etc. as well.  Actually I think a very small amount of meat is ideal, particularly seafood, to get what you need.

And then there are those with macromastia with extreme estrogen/progesterone sensitivity who have normal estrogen/progesterone but are huge from being hypersensitive to their normal estrogen/progesterone.  So they grow extremely fast from even more, but others are different.  Possibly because their IGF is super high, but who knows why.  

I don't think it's any one thing, it's everything, but once you get that one or two things you're missing you suddenly see major results.

I love your post!  I have quite flat chest, according to your other post, I should get more nutrition otherwise herbal won't work... 
Hope Ellen's method will work for me.

(22-01-2017, 16:32)MissEllen Wrote:  
(22-01-2017, 00:26)Jessica2017 Wrote:  
(20-01-2017, 12:02)MissEllen Wrote:  
(20-01-2017, 00:18)Jessica2017 Wrote:  Hello MissEllen

I love your method!  You sound very smart! Im going to try your method, because i have a lot facial hair as well, hope it will work for me as well.
i took  2 tsb fenugreek podwer and half tsb saw palmetto every morning with water, along with massage very evening, after three months, i cant see ANY result!  very disappointed though.
the drink was taste horrible and make me smell bad as well. anyway, im going to try your method.

here is a bit of my personal detail:
Im 28 year old. breasted fed three children before. 
small breasts now maybe A cup or less...... Asian,162cm,50kg. I eat lots vegs and fruit everyday.
i had high thyroid on 2010, its been treated back to normal level.

I always wanted bigger boobs, coz they look so sexy! i was a full A or a bit more before i had children,but now they seems disappeared . so i really want to make them bigger maybe just C will be enough! im going to have a holiday by the beach next month, small breast doesnt make me confident at all!

can you give me any advice pls,do you think ur method will work for me?
Thank you for your shairing.xxxxxxx

Hi Jessica!

Yeah I think it will work for you, since you have a high chance for having the right bacteria in your digestive system. In the studies it always says that asian people and people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (vegetarians) have the best chance of having the bacteria for the conversion. = NBE
So high chance for you, since you fit both profiles.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Smile
Keep an eye on your thyroid levels!
If they change, skip the soy and just do the grounded flaxseed and whole milk.

Best of luck!

Hi Ellen,

Thank you so much for your reply,
I wondering will the full fat milk and soy make you put on weight as well?

Good luck

Hey love!

Gaining weight has to do with the amount of Kcal you take in in a day. In my second post I added the full values of nutrition of the:
- Full Fat Soy Flour
- Grounded Flaxseed
- Whole Milk

Check it out, the Kcal are also in it. Calculate how much you are going to take in. See how many Kcal those are, and adjust your diet to that, depending if you want to gain or lose weight.
I added a conversion link if the type of measurement is not the same as the one you use in your country (cups/grams)

Good luck! Smile

Love, Ellen

Hi Ellen

Yes I will check it out,thank you. I'm living in the u.k. So the measurement should be the same.  


Whaha and suddenly the grounded flaxseed is sold out at my grocery store all week... hmmm Rolleyes

(23-01-2017, 22:13)MissEllen Wrote:  Whaha and suddenly the grounded flaxseed is sold out at my grocery store all week... hmmm Rolleyes

Hi Ellen, I got urine infection last night, wondering the amount of flaxseed was too high for me , but after i drunk lots lots water it cleared up....


p.s.  is it your picture on the profile?  gosh, your boobs are huge!!

(23-01-2017, 23:55)Jessica2017 Wrote:  
(23-01-2017, 22:13)MissEllen Wrote:  Whaha and suddenly the grounded flaxseed is sold out at my grocery store all week... hmmm Rolleyes

Hi Ellen, I got urine infection last night, wondering the amount of flaxseed was too high for me , but after i drunk lots lots water it cleared up....


p.s.  is it your picture on the profile?  gosh, your boobs are huge!!

Hi love!

Oh dear no I wish lol!! Haha Smile
She is my booby inspiration!
My last avitar was me though! Do you remember that? (Much much smaller boobs hehe, with my brown hair)

Figured, got to have inspiration right?

I am so sorry to hear about your infection. I thought about it, could be that it is working actually, and your vagina (and everything down there) is getting more estrogen and in response you are getting more cervical mucus. This increase of mucus can cause bacteria to gather and go up your bladder.
So yes in essence this could be. Now that you mention this, I do remember that my cervical mucus smells different (not in a bad way thank gosh) but yes it changed.
Just make sure you clean good, I put the shower hose on it completely everyday, to get rid of all the cervical mucus. I don't use any soap or special soap to clean my vagina, normal body soap doesn't have the right -logH+ concentration (or pH), and special soap I think is a waste of money if water works too. But if it is getting bad, do buy special vagina soap Smile
Omg I can't believe all these details I am sharing xD

But hey! That is probably good news girl! Means the flaxseeds are working, if this is the case. 
You are getting more estrogen, and now tell your breasts to get moving already gosh, they have been lazy waaay to long 

Work it!

Hehe <3

I tried it out and I’m here to give my feedback as promised. Let’s get straight to the point, my breast size hasn’t increased, however I haven’t been as consistent as I was supposed to be, nor did I follow the routine as outlined. The first week I forgot to mix the soy with full fat milk, so I was mixing it with water instead. The times I took the mixtures varied, because a lot of days I would be finished with work at around 7-8PM and when I finally reached home at 8-9PM I would sink into the seat for a few hours. I did it for about two weeks this way, basically inconsistent with the time and without the milk. After the two weeks passed and I didn’t grow, I got discouraged and stopped the routine for a week. I restarted it a week later and halfway through my herbs ran out and I didn’t have the opportunity to purchase more. Now did I notice some changes that could have possibly led to growth? I actually did. I felt the discomfort Ellen had been talking about, at-least I think it’s the same. It wasn’t quite painful, consistent or even on a daily base, but I could feel that something was going on around the boob area. On my second week I felt slight lumps only with my right breast, but I’m a little bit on the fence about this. I’ll be restarting this program in the upcoming week and I’ll try to make a few adjustments. First of all, I’ll order a supply for at-least a month, secondly, I’ll try to increase my water intake, third, I’ll try to stick to taking it around the same time at night between 8-10pm, as for the morning, I’ll try to take it as soon as I wake up on an empty stomach and lastly, I’ll make sure that my milk is full fat, but lactose free ofcourse. I’ll give this routine another fair chance and I’ll report back.  Wish me luck!

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