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Does sleep affect breast development during puberty?


I'm 16 and a AA cup. These four years I had so many all nighters and 4-6 hours of sleep. From your experience or knowledge, does sleep affect size? I had my period when I was twelve, when do you think it might send? ;-; Thank you so much

yes. absolutely. sleep is essential for health ..all of it ...from hair to head-banging, skin to scones, nails and hammer, eyes, nose and throat, ears and dragonflies, growth hormone to grease monkeys. sorry, i got carried away. i remember reading this little book about dream research ..a stanford study. anyway, one of the things they did was monitor this guy while he slept and everytime he entered rem, they woke him up. so, he got the other stages of sleep but not the rem stage ..and, he started doing crazy things ...stupid things, idiot things like walking in front of moving vehicles and run of the mill inability to think much more critically than a roach. well, maybe, that isn't much of an example but the point is we need sleep for body and brain health and we seem to need all four stages which means a full 8-10 hours. so yeah, breasts will suffer for your all nighters along with your hair. sorry  ..and yeah, it sucks cuz it's a lot of time spent unconscious ..like, half your life when you could be out doing fun stuff like getting drunk. hahahahaha

(13-01-2017, 20:54)solome Wrote:  yes. absolutely. sleep is essential for health ..all of it ...from hair to head-banging, skin to scones, nails and hammer, eyes, nose and throat, ears and dragonflies, growth hormone to grease monkeys. sorry, i got carried away. i remember reading this little book about dream research ..a stanford study. anyway, one of the things they did was monitor this guy while he slept and everytime he entered rem, they woke him up. so, he got the other stages of sleep but not the rem stage ..and, he started doing crazy things ...stupid things, idiot things like walking in front of moving vehicles and run of the mill inability to think much more critically than a roach. well, maybe, that isn't much of an example but the point is we need sleep for body and brain health and we seem to need all four stages which means a full 8-10 hours. so yeah, breasts will suffer for your all nighters along with your hair. sorry  ..and yeah, it sucks cuz it's a lot of time spent unconscious ..like, half your life when you could be out doing fun stuff like getting drunk. hahahahaha

Thanks for your reply solome  Big Grin funny reply  Sad Sad but i guess its true it does affect and nothing is gonna work for me now ;;-;;.

(14-01-2017, 09:36)Silvercloud Wrote:  Thanks for your reply solome  Big Grin funny reply  Sad Sad but i guess its true it does affect and nothing is gonna work for me now ;;-;;.

wrong. oh, so wrong sivercloud. you’re 16. honestly, that’s like the freakin magic hour and in your entire life, you’re only 16 for 12 months. it’s part of who we are to be crazy excited, to explore, to taste and experience, to succeed, to fail, to get back up and laugh at the devil if there is one. i pretty much did the same and really, i kinda wish i’d taken a bit better care but it’s just who we are. right now, your body is producing a whole lot of chemicals that later won’t be producing as much. among the many of those is growth hormone and that particular hormone has a kind of unique relationship to sleep. a couple of hours after you fall off, your body pumps out a bunch of it and little spurts throughout the night …it’s good for everything from tissue repair and cellular health, for growth and that means your breasts cuz they need growth hormone and they need your estrogen and your prolactin and your progesterone not to mention a lot of body chemistry and nutrients and, if you’re eating a lot of french fries then, try, try to get in some v8 or fresh fruit and veggies cuz they have all these intense live exzymes that are essentially catalysts for wonderdul things to happen in your body. your breasts will love you for it. trust me, at 16, they have a lot of growing yet to do and all you need to do is give them what they need so they can do their thing. have fun, party, sample life but start to be good to your body and i promise, you’ll be glad  …especially, when you get into your 20’s. be happy.

(14-01-2017, 15:50)solome Wrote:  
(14-01-2017, 09:36)Silvercloud Wrote:  Thanks for your reply solome  Big Grin funny reply  Sad Sad but i guess its true it does affect and nothing is gonna work for me now ;;-;;.

wrong. oh, so wrong sivercloud. you’re 16. honestly, that’s like the freakin magic hour and in your entire life, you’re only 16 for 12 months. it’s part of who we are to be crazy excited, to explore, to taste and experience, to succeed, to fail, to get back up and laugh at the devil if there is one. i pretty much did the same and really, i kinda wish i’d taken a bit better care but it’s just who we are. right now, your body is producing a whole lot of chemicals that later won’t be producing as much. among the many of those is growth hormone and that particular hormone has a kind of unique relationship to sleep. a couple of hours after you fall off, your body pumps out a bunch of it and little spurts throughout the night …it’s good for everything from tissue repair and cellular health, for growth and that means your breasts cuz they need growth hormone and they need your estrogen and your prolactin and your progesterone not to mention a lot of body chemistry and nutrients and, if you’re eating a lot of french fries then, try, try to get in some v8 or fresh fruit and veggies cuz they have all these intense live exzymes that are essentially catalysts for wonderdul things to happen in your body. your breasts will love you for it. trust me, at 16, they have a lot of growing yet to do and all you need to do is give them what they need so they can do their thing. have fun, party, sample life but start to be good to your body and i promise, you’ll be glad  …especially, when you get into your 20’s. be happy.

Oh I get it now Solome. I still have a lot of time, so I can sleep well, eat well and enjoy life. Yes, life can't be wasted. We only have one life. Why is life short? To make every second precious. So do what you want whatever you love. And when you look back don't regret.
 Why will I be glad when I get to 20s? Thank you so much Solome.

(15-01-2017, 01:18)Silvercloud Wrote:     ......Why will I be glad when I get to 20s? Thank you so much Solome.

because something strange happens in your 20’s. you’re like a flower that’s opened all its petals. you're not producing as many growth factors, now, but you look healthy and strong and healthy and strong is attractive. you see that some of your friends look youthful while others suddenly look 10years older  ..and then, by the time you reach 30, those that have aged more quickly, now, look 15-20years older than you. why is that ..genetics, yes, but there are other factors that make those petals start to wither and fall. epigenetics has gotten a lot of attention, attitudes that generate worry and stress vs. those that generate gratitude and joy, diet, sleep, exercise, love and that bending like a reed against the wind thing ..not being so fearful, giving love and realizing that everyday ..every single moment, you are making yourself. so, with all that in mind, it's easy to see how some lifestyles can accelerate aging. 

i know, you might be thinking it all sounds like a bit too much conscious maintenance but really, it’s not much at all. i have friends who are looking old way before their time  ..they don’t seem to be too concerned  …but me, i think i’m like most people  ..i can be a bit vain ..sometimes, maybe, a lot vain  ..and i want to look attractive as long as i can ..i don’t want to rush things. i love learning about new things like epigenetics, raw diet, the health benefits of taking proteolytic enzymes on an empty stomach to dissolve fibrin which ends up all over your body from brain to lungs to organs and joints and also to breakdown immune complexes formed between antibodies produced by the immune system and the compounds they bind to (antigens). conditions associated with high levels of immune complexes in the blood are often referred to as “autoimmune diseases”. creepy, huh. anyway, that’s just me …i’m not a study hawk but i am vain enough to learn a little bit about what is more likely to keep me fresh and happy and flexible and sexy. you do the same, ok.  Rolleyes

(15-01-2017, 18:00)solome Wrote:  
(15-01-2017, 01:18)Silvercloud Wrote:     ......Why will I be glad when I get to 20s? Thank you so much Solome.

because something strange happens in your 20’s. you’re like a flower that’s opened all its petals. you're not producing as many growth factors, now, but you look healthy and strong and healthy and strong is attractive. you see that some of your friends look youthful while others suddenly look 10years older  ..and then, by the time you reach 30, those that have aged more quickly, now, look 15-20years older than you. why is that ..genetics, yes, but there are other factors that make those petals start to wither and fall. epigenetics has gotten a lot of attention, attitudes that generate worry and stress vs. those that generate gratitude and joy, diet, sleep, exercise, love and that bending like a reed against the wind thing ..not being so fearful, giving love and realizing that everyday ..every single moment, you are making yourself. so, with all that in mind, it's easy to see how some lifestyles can accelerate aging. 

i know, you might be thinking it all sounds like a bit too much conscious maintenance but really, it’s not much at all. i have friends who are looking old way before their time  ..they don’t seem to be too concerned  …but me, i think i’m like most people  ..i can be a bit vain ..sometimes, maybe, a lot vain  ..and i want to look attractive as long as i can ..i don’t want to rush things. i love learning about new things like epigenetics, raw diet, the health benefits of taking proteolytic enzymes on an empty stomach to dissolve fibrin which ends up all over your body from brain to lungs to organs and joints and also to breakdown immune complexes formed between antibodies produced by the immune system and the compounds they bind to (antigens). conditions associated with high levels of immune complexes in the blood are often referred to as “autoimmune diseases”. creepy, huh. anyway, that’s just me …i’m not a study hawk but i am vain enough to learn a little bit about what is more likely to keep me fresh and happy and flexible and sexy. you do the same, ok.  Rolleyes
C: woah Solome thats a long and interesting descriptive reply. Its true my mother is 40 but she looks 35 I think shell look even younger if she had less kids. She has three including me. I've seen some of er friends who had two kids and they look 45 50. I look 14 myself. I think when youre young you want too look older when youre older you want to look young. Thats with me XD cuz people always say they thought i was 14 ;-; cx But the genetics will will kick in when im older. c:  Tho I'm not really a healthy person like my mom who eats healthy food, get enough rest, excercise. I think I'll loo two three years younger instead of five XD Gotta to work on stressing less and staying happy cuz I stress a lot have lots of mood swings.   Smile  

cx who youre talking about is like my mom. Youre like her she wants to look her best so she eats the best, exercise and rest the best. Big Grin Where can i get those proteolytic enzymes owo they seem good! Thank you you too stay happy and stay your best! Shy

Big Grin Where can i get those proteolytic enzymes owo they seem good! Thank you you too stay happy and stay your best! Shy

uhmm, you won’t need any of those for awhile cuz when you’re young and strong, your body is producing all these incredible enzymatic proteins that break down a bunch of non-living stuff you don’t need   …kinda like a clean-up crew …but by the time you get to your mom’s age, some of those protease crew dudes will be sitting back half-naked covered in cracker crumbs and oxidized cheese bits never to care or get back up or even wave hey, what’s up. fckrs. anyway, sorry. but, to make a long story short, people your mom’s age can take these things like this one for instance, and it’s like a clean-up crew in a bottle. you won’t have to think about it for awhile. btw, it’s really good to take these after a surgery to minimize scar tissue. that’s essentially what they do, they dissolve dead tissue that gets in joints and all over, really.

well, your real reason for being here is boobs. me, too. there’s a lot to read here about massage and noogling which i think could help you a lot just like they’ve helped me to gain some breast volume. have fun, silvercloud.

(17-01-2017, 02:21)solome Wrote:  Silvercloud
Big Grin Where can i get those proteolytic enzymes owo they seem good! Thank you you too stay happy and stay your best! Shy

uhmm, you won’t need any of those for awhile cuz when you’re young and strong, your body is producing all these incredible enzymatic proteins that break down a bunch of non-living stuff you don’t need   …kinda like a clean-up crew …but by the time you get to your mom’s age, some of those protease crew dudes will be sitting back half-naked covered in cracker crumbs and oxidized cheese bits never to care or get back up or even wave hey, what’s up. fckrs. anyway, sorry. but, to make a long story short, people your mom’s age can take these things like this one for instance, and it’s like a clean-up crew in a bottle. you won’t have to think about it for awhile. btw, it’s really good to take these after a surgery to minimize scar tissue. that’s essentially what they do, they dissolve dead tissue that gets in joints and all over, really.

well, your real reason for being here is boobs. me, too. there’s a lot to read here about massage and noogling which i think could help you a lot just like they’ve helped me to gain some breast volume. have fun, silvercloud.

Oh .-. i see. I don't need any at my age. okay c: did you do surgery before or planning to? Yesh thats the reason cx Thank you!

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