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Stress and weight loss, helppp :( (lotus?)


Hello all Smile
I seem to come and go on this site as of late but I am going through some things-- my cortisol levels are very high and I seem to be losing weight like I did when I first started nbe.

would anyone please give me some advice to lower stress hormones or anything that can battle losing any of my curve? What Is a good thing to target right now? aromatase? Healthy fats? Lowering androgen? Thank you all so much Smile

(06-01-2017, 09:36)missboobshirt Wrote:  Hello all Smile
I seem to come and go on this site as of late but I am going through some things-- my cortisol levels are very high and I seem to be losing weight like I did when I first started nbe.

would anyone please give me some advice to lower stress hormones or anything that can battle losing any of my curve? What Is a good thing to target right now? aromatase? Healthy fats? Lowering androgen? Thank you all so much Smile

Did you get a test to confirm cortisol? I want to get that done in the new year! An adrenal run down if thats possible with labs

hi missB so sorry you’re dealing with stressful stuff. remember, the most powerful thing you’ve always got is your breath to calm the body. also, i seem to recall a fabulous little maca princess thread. hhmmmm. but really, the first thing i thought of was progesterone depletion. stress can lead to adrenal fatigue. i use pro-gest a couple times/week. it has to be bio-identical  …if it’s synthetic, then, your body can’t make all those other cascaded products from it as it may need  ..only from the bio-identical can it cascade other products. anyway, just thought i’d throw it out there. i’ve gotten in a little bitty habit of buying these little complete protein drinks in a self-contained carton for about $2.50each. they’re really great when you need them. life can be really tough at times. the smarter we get the better our chances of making it through without getting too scathed up. and a little love. also, this is a little weird but i bought some buttermilk today ..haven't tried it yet. it always made me gag but i thought it would be a good fat source when i thought i might need one ..and, i need one. mmmmm. sounds so yuckin yummy.

from: here

Quote:re: adrenal fatigue, the adrenals often sequester the progesterone to help make cortisol. The drop in progesterone creates a progesterone-estrogen imbalance.

from: here

Quote:The body responds to any stress, either mental or physical, real or perceived, good or bad, in the same way.

The three stress hormones, cortisol, noradrenaline and adrenaline cause...
  • Neurotransmitter levels to drop
  • Hormone levels to drop
  • The immune system to be suppressed
  • Digestion to slow down

  …..with the drop in levels of neurotransmitters, particularly GABA, (one of our major calming neurotransmitters) and serotonin (our major 'happy' neurotransmitter) and a drop in progesterone levels

Progesterone has been found to enhance GABA's calming affect and suppress the excitatory glutamate response. The anti anxiety affect is noticed within three to ten minutes, whether injections or topical progesterone had been used as the means of administration.

Progesterone works by activating the GABA receptor sites, GABA is a calming neurotransmitter.

Hi missB, 

Think of cortisol as the orchestra (of all hormones) and the thyroid as the conductor. A natural fix to lowering cortisol is some breathing techniques (cue the conductor) Wink maybe the orchestra is like this:

So......slow down breathing in high stress conditions (cue the orchestra)  Smile  , try this attached's a little difficult at first.

I like the advice from Ella & Solome, I'd just add to get tested asap and do breathing techniques in the interim.

I'll try to add more asap...good luck hon, it's great to hear from you.  Big Grin

you may think I'm crazy but....well, this is my experience and honest opinion.

I have anxiety disorder since I was 13 yrs old. My relationship with stress, therefore, is very very long and I do have my background. There are some tricks you can do for not loosing more weight or at least for stopping it. These are tricks that I have tried and it has worked for me ...

1- Sleep as much as you can. Why? It's simple. + sleep , better mood 
2- Eat whenever you want, whatever you want. I'm not saying you have to change your diet , but look up for fatty healthy foods and obviously, eat as much pasta as you can. When I was 16 years old , I was only 45kgs. It took me 2 years to be in 47kgs (yes, 2kgs in two years sounds ridiculous) but I didn't loose more weight. I was only focused on not loosing more kilos , and eating pasta 3 times a week , two times at night worked.
3- Do exercise like walking, hiking, ....simple and easy things that doesn't require too much effort but makes you feel relaxed and after all, helps you to sleep better. 
4- Chocolate. 80% cocoa + milk chocolate helps and not just in gaining weight, also with mood changes.
5- When you are in your "not happy days a.k.a Miss Period", try to eat healthy . 
6- Control your emotions - this is essential I guess!
7- I don't know where do you live, but if you can get sun rays .... Tongue I live in a cold place so when spring comes I totally change my mood . 
8- Do things that you want to do . Need and want aren't the same, remember this.
9- Passiflower is gonna be your ally - tastes terrible but it's effective
10- If you have stomachaches , or digestive problems camomille is always good for your gut
11- Watch comedy - for real this helps a lot when you are stressed out! even you feel overwhelmed, stressed, sad,... don't watch drama, don't watch romantic movies, don't watch Saw  Rolleyes  
12- Breathe! even though I'learnt this quote last year after a bad bad time.... "We are here for being happy. Don't get distracted!"

Ella: I should, right? Are you having adrenal issues too? I know that this is my problem though.. This is exactly what I go through.. The stress effects my hormones Sad

solome: you are so sweet thank you for reminding me lol I think you're right as well, I get E Dom symptoms so I do think my P has dropped. Even now in luteal phase I have hardly any symptoms. My boobs are usually always sore, not at all this month. I use a PC it doesn't seem to be helping. Maybe mine is synthetic? The one you use is called progest? I will look into it. -- so if adrenals use progesterone, would using pc work or would it just feed it more? Should I still cycle pc during this time? My hormone levels have totally dropped. 

Lotus: it's Good to hear from you too! Thank you! I will check out your links Smile

Sweetorange: omg thank you so much for your list!! Honestly I was feeling so lost I just wanted someone to take me by the hand and tell me what to do lol I am so appreciative. Thank you for sharing this with me. I will look into pastas. I forgot all about it!

Thank you all so much for your replies. I am so grateful. :')

Hey. I highly suspect Im high cortisol but i dont really jump into any supplemental routine cause A - shit i probalby take too much as it is... B- so much else could mimick high cortisol C - Does such a test exist Smile

But yeh as everyone has commented with such great ideas seriously!
One thing i know is that stress can kill you hands down period.

Ive been looking into epigentics and what not. What you are predisposed to doesnt translate into whats GOING to happen to you. 

I can have days where my hubby is being a prat and making me feel like shit and i swear... My sibo/gut symptons go out of control!!! Why? Cause the mindset he puts me in...

Then i have a day where im out with friends, Im relaxed Im happy and guess what.... No chronic gut infection symptons... No pains, no ibs rubbish, im just back to being me!!! 

Stress can CAUSE and DO so much damage, and you cant escape it.... But you can watch and do positive things... You can google "mind over matter" clips - you can see people whove "talked themselves out of cancer" - literally, with the power of their minds....

Personally you can take all the pills under the sun BUT if you are under pressure and you cant manage that.. Well i fear the pills will do diddly squat...

Ie Im not at work so im not stressing.. Guess what.. Put on weight - having better days... No stress... You see where I'm going Smile

But with that said you may have a genuine condition. Id get the tests done to rule that out... You and i have known each other a long time and i know you have genuine symptons. So i would enquire (much like i need to do myself) and see if in fact we have a cortisol issue, then we both know if/how to address it xxxx

(07-01-2017, 08:15)EllaC Wrote:  Hey. I highly suspect Im high cortisol but i dont really jump into any supplemental routine cause A - shit i probalby take too much as it is... B- so much else could mimick high cortisol C - Does such a test exist Smile

But yeh as everyone has commented with such great ideas seriously!
One thing i know is that stress can kill you hands down period.

Ive been looking into epigentics and what not. What you are predisposed to doesnt translate into whats GOING to happen to you. 

I can have days where my hubby is being a prat and making me feel like shit and i swear... My sibo/gut symptons go out of control!!! Why? Cause the mindset he puts me in...

Then i have a day where im out with friends, Im relaxed Im happy and guess what.... No chronic gut infection symptons... No pains, no ibs rubbish, im just back to being me!!! 

Stress can CAUSE and DO so much damage, and you cant escape it.... But you can watch and do positive things... You can google "mind over matter" clips - you can see people whove "talked themselves out of cancer" - literally, with the power of their minds....

Personally you can take all the pills under the sun BUT if you are under pressure and you cant manage that.. Well i fear the pills will do diddly squat...

Ie Im not at work so im not stressing.. Guess what.. Put on weight - having better days... No stress... You see where I'm going Smile

But with that said you may have a genuine condition. Id get the tests done to rule that out...  You and i have known each other a long time and i know you have genuine symptons. So i would enquire (much like i need to do myself) and see if in fact we have a cortisol issue, then we both know if/how to address it xxxx

Honestly thank you. I needed that. Its given me a better perspective.. I'm over here thinking there is just a magic herb or pill I can take. I mean I know I have to work on it. I just remember last time Maca really helped my stress levels over all. So I went back to that mentality. But you're right. I will work on it. Mind over matter.. I still think I'd like to look into those adrenal aids you showed me. 
Thank you Ella -hugs-

(08-01-2017, 04:17)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(07-01-2017, 08:15)EllaC Wrote:  Hey. I highly suspect Im high cortisol but i dont really jump into any supplemental routine cause A - shit i probalby take too much as it is... B- so much else could mimick high cortisol C - Does such a test exist Smile

But yeh as everyone has commented with such great ideas seriously!
One thing i know is that stress can kill you hands down period.

Ive been looking into epigentics and what not. What you are predisposed to doesnt translate into whats GOING to happen to you. 

I can have days where my hubby is being a prat and making me feel like shit and i swear... My sibo/gut symptons go out of control!!! Why? Cause the mindset he puts me in...

Then i have a day where im out with friends, Im relaxed Im happy and guess what.... No chronic gut infection symptons... No pains, no ibs rubbish, im just back to being me!!! 

Stress can CAUSE and DO so much damage, and you cant escape it.... But you can watch and do positive things... You can google "mind over matter" clips - you can see people whove "talked themselves out of cancer" - literally, with the power of their minds....

Personally you can take all the pills under the sun BUT if you are under pressure and you cant manage that.. Well i fear the pills will do diddly squat...

Ie Im not at work so im not stressing.. Guess what.. Put on weight - having better days... No stress... You see where I'm going Smile

But with that said you may have a genuine condition. Id get the tests done to rule that out...  You and i have known each other a long time and i know you have genuine symptons. So i would enquire (much like i need to do myself) and see if in fact we have a cortisol issue, then we both know if/how to address it xxxx

Honestly thank you. I needed that. Its given me a better perspective.. I'm over here thinking there is just a magic herb or pill I can take. I mean I know I have to work on it. I just remember last time Maca really helped my stress levels over all. So I went back to that mentality. But you're right. I will work on it. Mind over matter.. I still think I'd like to look into those adrenal aids you showed me. 
Thank you Ella -hugs-
No probs maca helped level me out too Smile

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