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Detox supplements/herbs ?


Hello sweets!

I am thinking in doing a detox week for improving my health but I don't know which herbs contribute to digestive-system cleaning and balancing the body. I have heard lemon, cilantro, dandelion tea all together works wonderfully but I'd to know other ways and of course your opinion about this.

I want to do it one before christmas, I guess the last week of November and the next one would be in January : the main reason is I'm taking meds (mirtazapine) and I have adult acne (??? wtf I'm almost 23 years old) so I need to rebalance all my body again.

PS: Do you think adult acne can be healed through a good diet ??

Have a great weekend everyone, lots of love! Blush

Milk thistle. Epsom salt baths, body brushing and rebounding detox. 
They reckon dairy causes acne

Sweetorange, I think it depends on what causes your acne. It can be an allergic reaction or sensitivity, inflammation, bacteria, digestion, hormones... They can be impacted by diet, but it might not do any difference either. Is diet the only thing you want to concentrate on? 

Have skin care solutions not worked for you? Some non costly tips.. if the acne is due to bacteria you might want to try to skip foaming cleansers. Foreign bacteria does not normally live long on our skin, but a foaming cleanser it is going to make your skin more alkaline, and more susceptible to bacteria. If hormones, exfoliation can be helpful, and oil control products. If it is due to inflammation, be sure to protect against the sun with a sunblock, and read the labels on every product you use on your skin, google the ingredients and check if they could be contributing. And so on.

A few quick and easy digestion tips! Sit down and dont stress when you eat. Do not dilute stomach acid by drinking with meals. And let your digestive system rest between meals.

What have you tried so far?

Sorry for ignoring your main topic  Big Grin To add to the answer above, I would say also to avoid getting more toxins into your body. It detoxes continually, so eat organic where you can afford it, let the fresh air in, clean up dust. I do not mean to be too obvious. But sometimes we just need a reminder Smile Sweating, and even crying, are very good detoxes. And of course stress managing is a good one. Emotional states have a big impact on the toxicity of our bodies!

(11-11-2016, 21:55)EllaC Wrote:  Milk thistle. Epsom salt baths, body brushing and rebounding detox. 
They reckon dairy causes acne

Big Grin  Rebounding sounds fun and I can do it at home! I didn't know it helps detoxifying the body

Thank you very much beautiful Ella!

(12-11-2016, 22:47)burstingplush Wrote:  Sweetorange, I think it depends on what causes your acne. It can be an allergic reaction or sensitivity, inflammation, bacteria, digestion, hormones... They can be impacted by diet, but it might not do any difference either. Is diet the only thing you want to concentrate on? 

Have skin care solutions not worked for you? Some non costly tips.. if the acne is due to bacteria you might want to try to skip foaming cleansers. Foreign bacteria does not normally live long on our skin, but a foaming cleanser it is going to make your skin more alkaline, and more susceptible to bacteria. If hormones, exfoliation can be helpful, and oil control products. If it is due to inflammation, be sure to protect against the sun with a sunblock, and read the labels on every product you use on your skin, google the ingredients and check if they could be contributing. And so on.

A few quick and easy digestion tips! Sit down and dont stress when you eat. Do not dilute stomach acid by drinking with meals. And let your digestive system rest between meals.

What have you tried so far?

Sorry for ignoring your main topic  Big Grin To add to the answer above, I would say also to avoid getting more toxins into your body. It detoxes continually, so eat organic where you can afford it, let the fresh air in, clean up dust. I do not mean to be too obvious. But sometimes we just need a reminder Smile Sweating, and even crying, are very good detoxes. And of course stress managing is a good one. Emotional states have a big impact on the toxicity of our bodies!


Well, I didn't have acne during my puberty and I have always had a good skin complexion. I'm very fair, so I just had the "problem" of getting sunburnt in summer hehe. But my complexion has changed since 2014, when my stress increased a lot (Law School can be tough sometimes) , I started suffering insomnia and of course, eating more sugars and junk food .
Three weeks ago I made an appointment with my dermatologist , I was very fed up of having like cystic acne you know? So she explained me due to stress, lack of sleep, bad diet and right now being depressive , all together, messed up my skin ( I don't have just acne, psoriaris and eccemas are the other "side effect" of my levels of stress too , especially when I have so much work to do in the office) . She gave me a topical med called "Tretinoin" which is making a good effect but leaves my skin very very dry . But it works. Anyway, I think I must change my diet because eating chocolate every single day (and not just a section, I mean the whole bar lol) I think it's a bad idea lol.

I do need to control my stress ... I think. I was wondering if yoga would help me to manage my emotions way better...

Um yeh the choccy will do it! to be fair when i got my digestion issues started i believe chocolate ice cream was behind it! sugar stresses the body and ice cream causes leaky gut - crazy huh.
I keep getting told i need to do yoga cause im high stress type A personality.
I might do it one day, theres heaps of newbie youtube yoga clips, i need to do it myself too.
Get a gold fish! therapeutic watching its swim around ha ha

If you just want to clean out the digestive system then the main thing is fiber.  You could take psyllium husks or another pure fiber supplement, but it makes more sense to eat lots of nutritious whole plant foods including whole grains and veggies.  They have more than enough and that way you get other nutrients too.  Besides that it would be good to correct the bacteria life living in your intestines.  A great way for both of these would be sunchokes.  They're in the produce section part of the year and they're a wonderful sweet, tasty and mild root vegetable.  Start with a little and work your way up.  About 2 ounces or a golf ball sized piece a day is good.  Too much early on and there won't be enough friendly bacteria to eat it causing you to fart a lot from indigestion.  They're super easy to grow too, like a weed.  Plant pieces, apply fertilizer monthly, water, wait.  They're actually hard to get rid of.  But the roots are a pain in the butt to clean during harvest, especially if you have hard soil.  You can also drink kefir with acidophilus and/or biffidus listed among the first 3 cultures.  That supplies the friendly bacteria directly and it's easier to get year round. Kefir also has a lot of helpful vitamins made by the cultures, such as certain B vitamins.  Which are good for your hormonal balance.

Acne comes from bad hormonal balance and/or bad oil balance.  Usually DHT testosterone for hormones, but you can check your hormones for balance issues in general.  For oils get EPA, DHA and ALA.  EPA & DHA is in fish oil.  ALA is greatest in flax oil, or walnuts/walnut oil and olives/olive oil has some too.  Avoid excessive vegetable oils (even flax/walnut/olive).  Coconut oil makes a good harmless substitute in place of large amounts of vegetable oil.  It doesn't help but unlike excessive vegetable oil it doesn't hurt either.

In general I'd eat lots of whole grains, veggies, seafood and eggs (especially the yolks) for all of the above and health in general.  Limit farmed meat, dairy and fruit to small amounts.  Avoid or completely eliminate refined foods: white flour, white rice and sugar (including the 20 different fancy natural syrups).  Even if "natural" it's not whole or all the goodness was boiled away.

Lemon and dandelion are nice short term digestive aids. Not really a long term cleanse nor a long term plan in general. Cilantro is too but it's also amazingly healthy long term. Once of the best veggies.

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