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Hi I'm new here and was wondering what pump...


Hi I'm new here and was wondering what pump...
May 18 2009 at 6:46 AM
Anastasia (Login Anastasia916)


I found this forum in a search. I'm on a military base in Cuba so I have to order everything online, no natural food stores here, etc. Well I ordered some herbs and supplements to start but I have also been looking at pumps. It seems ALOT of them are getting results from noogleberry, but I also seen similar pumps on ebay, and was considering ordering one from there because postage would be cheaper, etc. I was wondering if anyone knows if pumping is bad for you or if it is really effective in breast growth?

For some background info on me, I'm 21, currently a 34B, I have a 4 year old son who I breastfed. I have been trying different NBE products for the past 2 years. I first started after about 9 months after I stopped breastfeeding my son. I ordered the first best thing I seen on the net, bad thing to do I know, which was breast gain plus, which is now breast active (they added a cream now, whoopie doo daa lol). I took the product for 6 months religiously, altered my diet how they said to and everything. I got no results at all, I got some tingling and pain the first month but no growth. $300 later 6 months wasted and nothing. Oh and their 1 year empty bottle money back guarantee...HA! They gave me the run around, never got a dime back. Well after this I gave up. It wasn't until early last year that I got back into the groove of things. A friend of mine bought me a breast exerciser off TV called Easy Curves. I did it as it instructed for 2 months, my breasts did lift and regain their perk, so no complaints there. But did not make them bigger. So I went on searching NBE products again, came across a gum, thought hmm I am a regular gum chewer so why not? I took the product for 6 months, going from 2 to 6 pieces a day. The first 2 months I gained 2 inches, I was a 32B before I started. But after that the growth stopped. I was happy to at least get something. Now I have been reading routines some women did on NBE forums and decided to give one a shot, I ordered all the herbs and waiting on them to get here. But I think getting a pump may help as well. If anyone has any information on pumps I would appreciate it! I am doing ALOT of research on everything before buying it now.

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(Login alittlebitmore) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 18 2009, 7:22 AM


I am also new at posting forums here but have been reading all the posts for a while. I bought myself the 'Enhance breast enlargement system' before coming across this forum and has since realised that alot of girls here termed it a 'rip off'. It works on the airlock system and I have read other posts here that it is actually domes from BB and the tubings and airlock can be homemade. Well, having already bought it I might as well make full use of it. Initially, I was skeptical if it was going to work but thought it is based on the same principal as the brava system (I wasn't quite willing to part with so much money), and I wouldn't know if it will work unless I give it a go.

My righty is slightly smaller than my lefty, so I thought the best way to know if it works is to try out on the smaller boob on its own. Well, to date, I have been going for about 8 weeks, on average of 4hrs a night, and it works. The two boobies are now equal. So my next quest is to try and improve on both their sizes.

Hope this helps.

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(Login alittlebitmore) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 18 2009, 7:24 AM

Oh, I forgot to mention that I have two kids, both breastfed and like most, my boobs were deflated after weaning them off ... much smaller than before I had kids!

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 18 2009, 3:56 PM

Hi Anastasia,

There are many good products on the market as far as breast pumps. There are also some rip offs. Alittlebitmore got swindled with paying too much for a product - but at least she got some quality domes and the system does work.

Noogleberry has great customer service and sells a quality product for a low price. There are some knock offs out there now that have devices that look like the Noogleberry, but the consensus is that these are cheaply made products and will break down quickly. One thing about Noogleberry is that if you have a problem with the product you have a quality company to make it better.

Brava has the only product that has scientific evidence to support its claim of permanent growth. It is much more expensive and takes a lot more time (10 - 12 hours a night) than other methods. It is a quality product and has many loyal followers.

BB (bosom beauty I think) has some good and bad reports. The good is that several women have had growth from it with about 1 - 2 hours of use a day. The bad is the reports of too strong of suction and equipment failures. I am not sure that everyone gets their unit from the same place, so I think customer service is variable.

These are the main three that are used the most here. Watch out for cheap products. Your initial cost may be low, but who wants something that will break down within a week or two.

I can tell you that interestingly enough I had some great use out of a very cheaply made product: Doc Johnson's Dual Breast Pump. It is definitely found in a certain level of retailers - but it actually does provide reasonable suction and stood up to quite a lot of use. You will feel a bit awkward getting it from the places you must order it from and it is shockingly pink, so say goodbye to whatever dignity you thought you might maintain - but for about $20... it was definitely not overpriced.

Best wishes,

(Login Anastasia916) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 18 2009, 10:26 PM

Thanks gals for the replies. It wasn't really a price issue for me, but rather which one is better. The ones I was looking at were around the same price and both looked like quality products. One from ebay and one from noogleberry. But the one from ebay, the seller said there is no money back guarantee if it doesn't work, his reason...because he could not resell it. But I noticed with noogleberry there is a year warranty. So I'm leaning more toward noogleberry. Plus they have reasonable worldwide shipping and I'm currently in Cuba. Only differences I seen is that the one from ebay, the pump itself looks more sturdy, but maybe that's just looks. But I'm not going to just order something without researching it well.

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(Login Anastasia916) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 18 2009, 11:05 PM

Okay so I been weighing in the cons with the pros on both systems I was looking to get. I was thinking of getting the double pump with silicone tubing as well as the airlock kit from noogleberry, which all together my price would be about $94 before taxes, but do they even charge that? hmm...or I'm looking at this one on ebay
It would be about $84 after shipping charges because he says since I am on a military base it is considered as domestic shipping. Now the one on ebay has a double type system, looks like the pump itself is sturdier, the noogleberry looks plastic. It comes with silicone tubing and an airlock system. The only problem is it doesn't come with a warranty and noogleberry has a 1 year warranty. So do I go with the one that looks like better quality? or the one with a warranty? I think I'm leaning more toward the noogleberry, mainly because of the warranty.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 19 2009, 3:18 PM

Hi Anastasia,

I looked at the Ebay one you are considering. I have that pump. I purchased it after getting a Noogleberry because at the time the Noogle pumps did not have a gauge (you can get one with a gauge now). I wanted a gauge because I wanted to be precise in the amount of suction I was creating.

That pump is made for automobiles to bleed the brake system - so it is definitely heavy duty. It is also heavy and squeezing the trigger was tiresome to my hands. The Noogle pump is lighter and suctions more air with each squeeze. I found the gauge on the auto pump was also set for things that would want a much higher pressure, so the indicator did not have a mark for the level I was wanting (I guessed what area was the 30 because its first mark was 50).

I switched back to the Noogle pump and I don't use the auto one now. I have not yet gotten the Noogle pump with the gauge and will probably do so eventually.

Just to let you know, the first pump Noogleberry sent me was their old style and it was defective. I alerted them to this and they sent me a new one immediately. You just can't get better service from a company than what I have experienced and witnessed with Noogleberry.

Now in regards to the Ebay one. It does look good as far as the pump and the price is a good one. There is no way to know whether the domes are quality so that would be the risk. Perhaps this retailer is also good at resolving issues - such as you get one and the pump doesn't work or the dome is cracked before you even use it. I would email him/her and ask what the policy was for this kind of thing.

The biggest difference is the pump. There is the heavy duty one - but it is heavy and takes a lot of pumps before you will get the desired pressure. There is the light weight one - but it moves a lot of air and is lighter and designed better for the purpose you want to use it for.

Just to let you know - I found that auto pump for about $25 on ebay. You could just order the domes and tubing from Noogleberry and get the pump yourself separately. I don't use the airlock since I keep the domes attached to the pump when I use it. A clothes pin works just as well as anything else and the silicone tubing does not wrinkle or crease.

Looks like you have two good choices so far.

Best wishes,

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 19 2009, 4:07 PM

Hi there!

I'll chime in and say I've got both the noogleberry and brava. I started with the noogle and got tonnes of swelling, and realised it was something I was prepared to put time into. After doing noogle for a month I realised the amount of time I'd like to put in couldn't be achieved with noogle because of how uncomfortable the hard plastic domes were on my ribs. After a lot of reading up, I also knew it would take a very long time to get permanent growth with the smaller amount of time I could use the noogle for. Therefore, money not being too much of an object for me, I bought the brava. It's definitely a commitment time wise, using the brava, but it also accelerates the growth somewhat (I think anyway, no one can be entirely sure!). So far I'm six weeks in with brava, and am retaining noticeably more full breasts. I'm glad I went this route, even though it's a PITA, because I'm extremely impatient, and wanted results as quickly as possible.

The brava domes are much more comfortable to wear, but be aware that to use the system the recommended way, you need to be able to wear them for at least ten hours a day/or night as most people do. There's also more issues with using it such as the inevitable skin reactions. But, although I hate it sometimes, I love the way my breasts are filling out, and so quickly too, in relative terms.

So, work out what's best for you!! If you only have an hour or two a day to devote to growing your breasts, which is understandable with a toddler, then noogle is a great choice. It will take longer to achieve permanent results, and it can be very painful on your ribs though. If you have more time on your hands, and can imagine wearing domes all night lying on your back in bed, brava is a great way to fast track things.

Or do what I did, and see how you feel about things with the cheaper noogle system, and if you want to put more time in, buy brava domes. I use my noogle pump with the brava domes, so feel the investment was definitely a good one.

One more thing, look at the results people have gotten using the two systems and decide from there what kind of breasts you want!! Or a combo of the two. Noogle gives very full swollen and round looking boobies (which deflate throughout the day until sometime later, when women start to retain the swelling) and brava results in a natural more teardrop shape breast, as the domes aren't entirely round like noogles. I like the brava shape, but may decide to use noogle afterwards for a bit to try to bring them a little closer together as the padding on the domes means your breasts are quite 'separated'!!!

Hope this isn't overload!!

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(Login Anastasia916) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 20 2009, 1:34 AM

Thanks for all the help and advice you two, I really appreciate it, I'm gonna go with the noogleberry for now to see what happens. And trigger, I want pornstar looking boobs without the silicone lol. So the round look is what I'm going for, mine are teardrop shaped right now. And I'm patient I don't mind waiting a long time to get my goals. I have done a few things in BE for a couple of years now. And if I continue to fail in my quest for bigger breasts the natural way, I will just accept the way I am, no way I'm getting implants!

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Hi I'm new here and was wondering... May 20 2009, 4:03 PM

Sounds like the right way to go for you! Cheaper too, which is great. If you've got patience and can happily go a year+ without being a quitter, you'll do very well. It's quite enjoyable too, believe it or not. I like the feeling of suction on my breasts (if you don't go too hard). You'll love noogle. Just be prepared for it to hurt on the old ribs a bit, but if you take it easy, you'll be fine.

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(no login) ? October 8 2010, 2:33 AM

So i was just is the Enhance system going? It is the one i am most likely to try...just would like your input, please reply to

Confused Newbie
October 15 2009 at 6:41 PM Carrie (Login carjam6)


The more I read the more confused I am. Of course I'd rather not commit to 10 plus hours of use with Brava so I have been heavily researching the Enhance system and the Bosom Beauty Airlock system. I've been reading forums and reviews and I've only found positive and permanent results (the negative reviews just say they are a rip off because the parts can be purchased cheaply but nobody has claimed these systems don't also give permanent results). If these systems work, why would anyone use Brava? Can Brava be used 2 to 3 hours like Enhance and BB Airlock if you use the airlock instead of the smartbox? If not, why?

Love reading your posts and encouragement!


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(Login bizybizy) why Brava October 15 2009, 8:57 PM

Prior to finding this forum, I had never heard of those other options. I don't recall where I first heard of Brava, but I got a consultation from a plastic surgeon who helped patients use the machine. My impression was that he wasn't too interested in messing with BRAVA as much as getting people in the door to try to sell them on breast implants. I could never commit to the time investment that Brava required until recently when I've been home with my kids and going to school 2 nights a week. This in combination with discovering I could buy it used on ebay for a better price sold me. I get the impression, from this forum, that Brava is more comfortable due to the cushioning on the domes. Well, I can't imagine what those other things feel like because Brava is still NOT comfortable. Also, it is hard to find the MINIMUM 10 hours to wear the machine. I'm lucky that I'm single, so no one else has to know. I probably wouldn't do it if I had a man here. I also won't let my 8yr old son see me in the machine. I wear it at night for at least 9 hours and then for more time when my oldest is at school. Anyway, based on what I read here, those others are good options too. I looked at the noogleberry site, and if I hadn't already bought Brava, I would likely have gone that route. The Brava smartbox is not relaible. As you've probably read, I'm doing the Brava without the smartbox and taking some herbs and I'm seeing some results. I'm sure it's just swelling at this point, but I like it. I probably started as a 36A on the right, AA on the left, but I'll be satisfied to be a full A on each side. If it continues to work with my schedule, I'll do it longer. I'm happy to answer any questions and wish you the best!

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(no login) Re: Confused Newbie October 16 2009, 12:16 AM

Hi Carrie! I was in the same boat as you - totally confused about all the different systems. I'm starting my BRAVA run in 2 months or so (prior commitments in the way til then) and have decided on BRAVA because, after much research I have found that it seems to be the most viable choice.

From what I've learnt:

Noogleberry is worn for much less - 2/3 hours a day at your convenience. This is good as you don't have to wear the domes for too long but my understanding is that the growth takes a lot longer to be perminant. That said, some people have experienced good growth, like MariahsDs - she is on this forum and the noogleberry one. Here is the link to that forum:

I understand the Bosom Beauty system is quite severe in terms of the vacuum - a lot of people have said that it hurts too much. The results, like noogleberry have been varied. But again, you don't have to use it for many hours each day and some people have said good things about it.

Brava, imo, seems to be the best option. I have read more promising reviews of Brava than any of the other systems. It will not work if worn for less than the prescribed time each day or night (at least 10 hours for ten weeks). 2 or 3 hours a day just won't cut it with Brava - it has to be long hours, I'm afraid. Yes, it's a total pain but from my research I really think it's the best way to go in terms of long term growth, which to me is more important than the time factor. I figure I'll be sleeping for the majority of the wear, if I can get past the initial discomfort.

Whatever you choose, hopefully one of them will work!

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(Login carjam6) Re: Confused Newbie November 12 2009, 2:03 PM

Thanks for your help. I decided to go with Noogleberry simply because I really don't know how I'd be able to commit to Brava. Right now I'm doing about 1 hour a day Noogling, but it looks like I might need to do more to see any progress. I'm going to try sleeping in it, I think.

help help enlargement pump
October 3 2009 at 1:27 AM amy (Login amie08)


hi iv just reacently had a baby girl 4 months ago i had evr so small boobs befor bt now they seem to have disapperd since having her i would love to get a enlargement pump but does any 1 know which is the best 1 and also the least exspensive since my budget is tight many thanks

Author Reply
(no login) Re: help help enlargement pump October 3 2009, 10:38 AM

Brava is the most expensive but it is more likely to work than other systems.
Bossom beauty is likely to work but it is harmful to breast I think.They say it has 10 times bigger suction than Brava.
Enhance and Bossom beauty are about the same price. Enhance is similar to Brava and you have to wear less hours but I dont know if it is easy to use.
Less expensive one is the Nooglebery. I only used Brava for nearly 4 weeks and I am happy so far. There are 2 reviews you should read.

I was going to buy enhance at first but then I changed my mind because maybe it is not easy to use as you have to control the suction yourself.

Maybe this reviews will help. Good luck

BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie?
September 30 2009 at 11:43 AM BlueMoonlight (Login bluemoonlight)


I have been researching natural breast enlargement and am definitely going with one of these options, but which one?? I've heard that BRAVA is the best but you have to wear it for 10-12 hours. Is this the same with noogleberry or BB or the Enhance system? Are all the results perminant?

Any info from ladies with a little experience in this depatrment would be really appreciated!!

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(Login wannabecee)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 1 2009, 11:19 PM


I've been doing Noogleberry for the last month and have gotten over 1/2" of growth/swelling already. For the nooglberry you do not need to wear it as long as brava. some use it as little as 30 mins 2x a day and get results. it is also the least expensive of all the products you mentionned. I would seriously recommend starting w it and see how it works for you. you can always step up to the other methods if you want, but this will let you see if you like it w a min of $ committment.

and yes, in time, the growth is permanent. some continue to use it a day or 2 per week to keep things nice and full.



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(Login bluemoonlight) Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 3 2009, 11:51 AM

Thanks for your reply, wannabecee! I'm been looking into it further and seeing good things on the noogleberry site!

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(Login bizybizy) maybe noogleberry is the way to go... October 10 2009, 8:27 AM

You can read my previous posts, but I thought I would give my 2 cents... BRAVA is really hard!! I'm a stomach sleeper and am trying to sleep in the recliner. It's expensive and it's a HUGE time commitment. It is VERY noticeable under clothing. Anyone who knows you will know that you're up to something under there. I haven't given up yet, because I already have the system and I don't have the money for implants and am not sure if I would want to go that route anyway. Based on what I read hear, it sounds like NOOGLEBERRY may be the way to go. I wish you the best!

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(Login bluemoonlight) Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 10 2009, 9:50 AM

Hey bizybizy,

I'm contemplating trying both - think I will post on it later just to geet some info! Luckily, I am not a stomach sleeper and am working from home at the mo, so time with BRAVA is not much of an issue, but I mmight do BRAVA at night and Noogle in the day for a couple of hours... Pondering!

bizybizy - how long have you been using brava? Any results?

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(Login bizybizy) to Red October 11 2009, 10:56 AM

Hi Red,

I did Brava for maybe a week a few months ago and then quit. I've been back to it for maybe 4 nights now, so it's too early to tell. I do have some swelling, which is nice, except that I also have red rings around my breasts (look like hickies[sp?]). I'm struggling to maintain suction in my domes and I don't know why. Also, I feel itching when the domes are on. I wash them after each use. I use the aloe gel. I put Aveeno unscented lotion,cortaid or benadryl on after. If this doesn't get easier, I don't think I'll be able to stick with it. I'll keep you posted.

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(Login bluemoonlight) Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 11 2009, 11:21 AM

Yeah, I've heard about the itching! It's something I'm not looking forward to. I think lots of people have the same problem - do they use silicon sheeting? Or is that for something else? If your suction isn't working properly, can you maybe contact BRAVA for advice/help? My fingers are crossed for you!

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(no login) re: silicone sheeting October 11 2009, 3:30 PM

I'm not sure what that is for. I'll have to look for that in the posts and maybe try it. I don't think that Brava will help me, because I bought my set off ebay from a private party. I don't think they will help you if you don't buy your system from them, but I could be wrong. Also, I hear that their service is lacking, so I've really just looked to this forum for help. I'm hoping that this will get easier. I think my skin was becoming used to it last time, when I quit. I think I'm going to pick up some herbs today. I want some BOOBIES!!! Big Grin

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(no login) Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 11 2009, 3:53 PM

hi Bizzy,

I had itching at the beginning.My itching has stopped now the domes are less sticky. I can recommend Cavilon for the preparing.Cavilon is no sting barrier film- it did help a bit but did not stop itching.I also used some allergy tablets but now I am not using anything apart from aloe vera gel for preparing the domes.If itching didnt stop I was going to stop using Brava. I know it can be so frustrating.

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(no login) Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 11 2009, 4:41 PM

I think you're possibly right about BRAVA not helping if you bought yours privately but they might be able to offer some advice? If you were getting used to it last time maybe it's just a matter of y$our skin getting used to the domes again - keep with it for as long as you can!

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(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: BRAVA, NOOGLEBERRY, BB, ENHANCE SYSTEM??? Anyone got any info for a newbie? October 13 2009, 8:00 AM

These are my experiences of the systems you're asking about:

BB - it's extremely strong, gives ugly red marks that stays for weeks after the treatment and it didn't last (I lost the 1 inch I had gained during 2 years time of use.).

Noogleberry - I had a hard time getting any swelling with Noogleberry, I just tried it for a few months, and I didn't get any real swelling, but still, ugly red rings. Not for me, but at the noogleberry forum there are many that have achieved amazing growth that seems to be permanent.

Brava - I'm doing that right now, so I don't know yet whether the results will last. But from reading about other users on this forum, most get permanent growth if your're willing to do it for a minimun of 20 weeks and 11-12 hours a day. The longer hours and longer time, the more growth, is generlly the equation. Brava is by far the most comfortable to wear, even though I, like many others, had problems with itch, bruising and rash the first few months. That, however, will pass as my skin got used to it and I learned how to lower the pressure when it starts to hurt. By the way, for me the pressure of the smart bow isn't enough, so I skip the smartbox and just suck out the air with my mouth, and seal by using rubber bands.

Some people seem to grow much easier than others, some have more sensitive skin than others. If you are an "easy grower" with "good skin", Noogleberry might just be enough. Then you can get results in as short time as brava, but only a few hours / day. If you, like me, are an extremely slow grower with very sensitive skin, Brava is the last resort, that is almost guaranteed to work if you just stick with it.

Good luck with whatever you choose to try!

better than noogleberry
April 18 2008 at 3:36 AM arzoo (Login fruity0711)


If you still want to use something better than noogleberry buy the BB domes which are better shaped and then this pump which someone recommended to me:

"Check out harbor freight. I use one of these vacuum pumps and it
works with a little better results than the NB pump. It has a meter
and tubing and adapters. If you aren't in the US or Canada, there
may be a store in your area that is similar.

Also, I use drip irrigation valves ($1.50) each for airlocks.... at
that price a person can go nuts!"

This way you spend more on the domes and less on the pump. But what you get for your money is better anyway.

If you have the money buying a BB would be a lot better.

Suction Mistress
January 15 2008 at 4:49 PM
Pearl (Login PrincessPearl)


Any one try "Suction Mistress?" They are for sale on eBay...only one-breast-at-a-time tho. It is the typical dome with the hand-held little squeezy ball for the pressure.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Suction Mistress January 15 2008, 10:26 PM

I wouldn't expect a sqeezy ball to give strong enough suction, I think the only way BB gives permanent growth is that it is soooooooo tit-rippingly strong. If you want a cheaper alternative look up nooglberry.

I'll send you a link showing a double system of the Suction Mistress.:

The girl in the pic has very odd shaped implants though, why anyone let her model boob stuff with nipples that high up I don't know!

(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Suction Mistress January 16 2008, 7:43 AM

Thanks...I am pretty low on cash..but I'll check it out!

(Login Alcest) Re: Suction Mistress January 16 2008, 1:45 PM

I dont' think that's anything permanent though...

Woolly Sheep
(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Suction Mistress January 18 2008, 9:28 AM

Hi Louise! WOW that link you provided for the Suction Mistress was so different from the conservative one I saw on Amazon. Or was it eBay...anyway, yeah her boobs were very fake looking.
Also my McAfee Site Advisor warned me not to download anything from that site since it has been known to contain malware or spyware.
On the topic: apparently the Suction Mistress thingee is a gadget for pleasure more than breast enlargement. Just seems like it MAYBe it could help in combination with BO. Or PO. The Noogleberry does seem like a better device for BE though.

(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Suction Mistress January 20 2008, 3:52 AM

Yeah, I had one asome time ago, before I had enough money to gather up for a bb machine. It does give good suction but the pressure slowly goes down so you have to keep pumping every now and then to keep the pressure, not a realy good seal and the domes are hard, the rims are not really a cushion and the bulb comes off easily which means the seal can break easily. And this with me taking an old bra to put over the machine and making slit for the tubing to fit through. It also impossible to hide under clothes because the spout (where the tubing connects) is at the very front facing out so it hangs way out from the body (like madonna cone boobs), way more than bb or brava domes. and the domes only come in one size. It's been a long while but I'd say they're about comparable to a size medium bb domes. If you really want to try it I suggest making your own airlock to hold the seal, and use an old bra with slit cut out for tubing to hold the thing in place.

Also remember at the time I had bought that one I had also seen another one on ebay that was purple and had a strap around to hold them on (kind of like a bra) and I think it had a battery pump.

(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Suction Mistress January 20 2008, 4:06 AM

I found an auction of the purple one I mentioned above, keep in mind I have NOT used this personally, just looked interesting. it has a battery operated suction and straps like a bra to hold it on. Seems a bit pricy for having only one size though. Think I'd rather just buy bb domes and make an airlock and use sports bra to hold it on.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Suction Mistress January 20 2008, 4:44 PM

The NB domes also have the spout right at the front, I think the BB domes are a better shape and size.

Breast pump....... please take a look..
May 11 2007 at 5:40 PM Lost Sheep (no login)


Has anyone ever used and has success with a breats pump? the one im looking at seems quite interesting and not very time consuming. Iv brought the brava sytem but just cannot dedicate the requried time and effort needed..which is a shame as its alot of money wasted Sad

anyway i would appreciate any views on this pump..

Thank you

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi May 11 2007, 7:46 PM

It looks like a basic breast pump for breastfeeding that would no way produce any kind of growth. brava only states growth because of the continued induced tension over a long period of time that 'eventually' causes 'growth'. good luck. only my opinion.

(no login) Re: Breast pump....... please take a look.. May 17 2007, 7:06 AM

I think Diana is right about that. I don't see how the product you refer to could work better than Brava.

(no login) Re: Breast pump....... please take a look.. May 17 2007, 1:07 PM

This was the same product that Natureday offered, and then I think they stopped offering it - can't remember why though, think it might be in a post in the forum somewhere. But anyone from what I recall I don't think it worked very well.

Easy grow pump
November 6 2008 at 8:25 PM Urshy (Login Urshy)


I'm wondering if it's important which pump do you use?I've heard Brava's the best but I don't know how to order it.Is it necessary to call there or you can just order?And they probably don't accept mail orders,just credit cards?
In our country,the only pump which is selling is the easy-grow-breast-pump-enhancement or easy grow pump.

It's very cheap,but also with no information about the product.Probably a waste of time?

Author Reply
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Easy grow pump November 6 2008, 10:22 PM

Hi Urshy,

I used a pump similar to that when I first began using suction method. It was effective and the pump was even less expensive than the one you listed.

I must say this though. The pump is very simplistic and if they use some unbendable plastics it may be prone to breaking.

For a little more in price you could afford a Noogleberry which is a step up in quality to the one you listed.

But as I said - what I started with was a cheapo model like the one you were looking at... The method is the same no matter what pump you use - however the quality of the products do vary.

Best wishes,

(Login Urshy) Re: Easy grow pump November 7 2008, 12:05 AM

Hi waxingmoon,

thanks for quick answer.So basically the method is the same.I'm only confused because they have no different sizes,so there is the possibility domes don't fit perfectly and don't give the maximum result?Is it necessary to wear it over night(uncomfortable I think) or is enough to use it about 30-60 min a day?

(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Easy grow pump November 7 2008, 1:35 PM

Hi Urshy,

The only pump that promotes being used overnight is the Brava. All the others are used for about an hour at a time. Some women achieve results with Noogleberry or a cheapo model by using a couple of 30 minute sessions per day.

I know several women are attempting to use other pumps than Brava for an overnight session. Brava is designed for this because it adjusts the pressure to keep it constant. There is no way for these other methods to maintain pressure for over a couple of hours without losing suction.

I think if a woman wants to do a session lasting more than 1 or 2 hours she should invest in a Brava system. The Brava domes are made to be more comfortable. These other domes are quite frankly rather irritating in the pressure of the rims against the chest wall.

Also as far as results there does not seem to be much greater benefit in going a couple of hours versus a 1 hour session. If a woman is doing less than 10 hours she is not going to receive the permanent results of Brava in a short amount of time. The magic number of suction hours seems to be above 700. Brava achieves that in weeks. Other suction methods will take much longer.

One other thing - the scientific studies done on Brava concluded that it was sustained gentle pressure that produced the results. The key word here is gentle. Turning the breast purple or creating capillary breaks along with pain while suctioning is not what these methods are all about. We are not trying to build scar tissue. Tissue expansion is building skin and breast tissue. It takes a lot of time, but for many of those patient enough it does work.

Best wishes,

Check out this Pink Breast Enahncement PUMP!!!!
September 2 2009 at 8:30 AM dory (Login Dory505)


and this video

i wonder if any of you have tried this with NoggleBerry XL cups? because the cups here look too small :S but seem like a good device Big Grin


Author Reply
(no login) Re: Check out this Pink Breast Enahncement PUMP!!!! September 10 2009, 12:41 PM

bump!! please take a look at the video. i need to know if there's any who have tried this pump

(Login babyboo.) . September 11 2009, 2:52 AM

ive got 1 of these,,,the cups are very small (you get 2 cups in 2 sizes), you have to screw the cups into the pump device, and when its pumping it sounds like a cow mooing (REALLY LOUD)
Ive got a NB with the old pump and double large cups, and a NB with the new pump and double XL cups, neither would fit this device,
the cups need to be indented to fix in to the other pump device
hope this helps x

(no login) Re: Check out this Pink Breast Enahncement PUMP!!!! September 14 2009, 7:59 AM

Thank you booboo, That was a big help, cause i was gonna order it to use it with the new XL NB domes, thank u so much and good luck with your program <3 Smile

August 23 2008 at 12:21 AM amy (no login)


ok,i congradulate all u suction users who keep us posted on the differnt machines and your outcomes!

brava seems like its an expensive gamble and huge time investment

bb seems 2 be a lil scary cuz none wants 2 waste money on gettin their boobs ripped off haha

and noogle berry is cool if u dont want permenent growth and price is ok

r their any other(non lactating )pumps people have success with or found that worked exactly like one of these machines?

i wish i had one of each one to test out for a few minutes,its so hard for me to imagine,,,

I think im getting a bosom beauty,but i wish their was something else quieter and a lil gentler!!!

any ideas?

enhance,airlock,sumthin that will stay on easy????


Author Reply
Princess Pearl
(no login) Re: pumps? August 23 2008, 9:36 PM

When I had the NB and the BB at the same time, with the BB domes on my NB, I could get a pretty tight suction. (Because the BB domes were a little bigger)

So I believe NB can give permanent growth if you suction it hard and long enough. Your boobies don't know if it is a hand pump or a machine doing the sucktion!

(no login) thanks August 25 2008, 1:00 AM

ithanks ,i don't have a machine of any sorts yet.Is their anything thats comparable 2 the noogle berry?i hate the noogle berry cups
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