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cons/risks to bovine ovary?


Are there any cons and/or risks to taking bovine ovary? I can't find any examples of bad experiences and it just doesn't make sense because then it should be extremely popular by now lol. Is there anything harmful about it- to us humans at least; obviously it's not animal-friendly lol.

I agree that BO is an awesome NBE option but thee are two big factors that usually effect if women will try it.

There are some people out there that have really pushed the angle of since it's raw bovine organ, you could get mad cow disease.

If you do the research on our FDA regulations and the research on what countries are free range only, then it makes it easier to make the choice on what brands are safe, ect.

Some people hear the word mad cow and no matter what you put in front of them you will never convince them that it's very unlikely to happen unless they buy their supply from china or some crazy place like that.

FDA laws will only let supplements made here have certified free range parts used in them, so as long as your brand says argentina, or new zealand, then you have nothing to worry about.

The other thing that holds some women back from using it is that it needs full thyroid function to work, so women with a normal body temp below 98.2 won't see any results from it. I and maybe a couple of other women were the exception to that, but our temp ended up being related to other issues instead of thyroid, which is rare. That's why you will usually see everyone tell someone interested in trying it to check their temp and take steps to raise it if it's low before they try the BO.


hi someone036! i've tried multiple NBE products to include various herbs, brava, and ultra breast. i'm 5'5" and lean/slim build. i'm a 34A. i have found that ultra breast works, but with reservations. the cons i've found are adult acne (never really had that problem even as a teenager), and often more painful periods. after 5 months, i haven't experienced any permanent growth and my breasts are really small again after my period. bovine ovaries are progesterone based. after some research, i found that progesterone causes growth thru fluid retention or swelling of the breast. specifically, progesterone stimulates the milk glands. so around my cycle, my breasts will be larger and fuller for a while. they only grown about 1/2 a cup size or a little more and they're very tender during that time. but the swelling is only there for 2 weeks outta the month Sad

When the companies tout that their pills are estrogen based, I'm afraid it's more for show than what it's going to do for you. First let me say that I love BB and I have had incredible results with it, but one of the first things that made me choose it was that it was said to be progesterone based. As I began to learn more and more about it, I tried everything I could to find out why it would be considered progesterone based and I could never get a single anwser from the experts about it. I could get answers to everything but that, in fact if you want a no response, to an email to any of the BO sellers throw the word progesterone in it with a question. LOL.

Here is what I have come up with. If you go back to the basics of glandular therapies, if you take a bovine ovary supplement you will be getting some estrogen and some progesterone. For the most part it is an estrogenic supplement though and the amounts of progesterone in it are so small that it's really not worth monetioning in my opinion other than for the fact that natural progesterone is the "in" thing now and makes women feel safer.

Basically when you take BO it begins increasing your estrogen load and for all intensive purposes puts you back into puberty if it's going to work for you. There really should be a good cleanse every few months to help dump out the excess load of estrogen from the body or the liver will begin processing it out slower and slower and eventually allow you to become estrogen dominant. I've noticed this tends to happen around month 5 to 6 sometimes even when you are careful. It's one of the reasons you see so many women talk about taking a break. Once you hit the full blown dominant zone, you won't be getting any growth anyways, so you might as well take a break and cleanse.

Too much estrogen begins to show itself with symptoms of painful periods, pms, headaches, acne, ect. You can mask these symptoms by taking DIM or for that matter actually using natural progesterone cream, which will help get your body balanced again if you are on a break.

Some people just can't get the bo to work for them. I'm beginning to suspect that not only is it about temp, but for some women can also be about their existing hormone levels. I took BB for a year. I had fantastic growth the first 7 months, then after that began to see swelling that would go away after my period. That began to happen once I began to show symptoms of estrogen dominance which is why I finally gave in and decided I needed a break.

I have been on a break now for over 2 months and have not lost any of my original growth which I'm pleased about. I'm currently taking progesterone cream and getting myself balanced out, so that once I feel I am level again, I can give it another go and see if I can get some more decent growth out of it.

Thanks so much itsjust4fun91, that explained a lot that I couldn't find on the forums or anywhere online for that matter!

itsjust4fun91, your posts are so incredibly informative. I was wondering how you were able to figure out so much about your body. Do you talk to a doctor about all/any of this? It seems to me like doctors never think anything is wrong with you. I don't feel like I could go to one and say, help me figure out what's wrong with me so I can have boobs like a normal person. My body temperature is stuck at 96-97 degrees all the time. I'm taking 500 mg L-Tyrosine and 550 mcg kelp both day and night and it won't budge. So of course 2-3 months of BO have shown zero results.

Before I started nbe, I had already spent a couple of years trying to figure out why my body had suddenly gone haywire on me. I was told I was going into early menopause, my emotions were a rollercoaster of tears and near hysterical moments. All of this happening to someone that had always been the layed back person that never got her feathers ruffled. It was shocking to everyone around me and especially to myself. I went to the doctors like crazy and if anything they made me feel hopeless. They could give me all the test in the world and all the results, but didn't have a single thing to contribute to help me or give me hope, so I started doing research and going to my doctors and saying this is what I want to try. I'm going to do it with or without you, but I would like it to be with you. Luckily, most docs will agree to monitor you when you do something just like this, I think they are just as curious if it will work as we are when we try it.

Anyway, getting my hormones under control myself through natural means let me get to know my body really really well. Having the luxory of having test results to compare to what I suspected each time something changed really helped with that.

Now my docs say they made a mistake and I'm not in early menopause. LOL, they just can't bring themselves to accept that I may have actually "stopped" menopause.

Anyway, there is a book that is excellent for teaching you things about your body and how hormones run their course that I think every woman should read at some point. It's called "What your doctor may not tell you about pre menopause" It's all about natural progesterone and what excess estrogen does to the female body and the symptoms it causes. I think once someone really understands these processes fully, it makes NBE make a lot more sense.

You'll never find a doctor that will think you can naturally grow breast if you have passed the puberty age. The best thing you can do for yourself is learn your body really really well and then go in and ask your doctor to help fix individual things that they do believe in that may hinder breast growth, but leave out the breast growth part. LOL

If you're temp is staying low like you have said, I would stop the BO until you can get it figured out. No since wasting the pills. Go to Dr. Rinds metabolic temp site and go through the symptoms page and see if you fall under the thyroid or the adrenal catagory. If it's thyroid, go talk to your doc about thyroid test.
Also, My husband has had really ood results using natural thyroid glandular to help his thyroid. It might be something to look into. If that doesn't do it, there can also be several other areas to look into, even candida can cause low body temp. If you do some searches you'll find several threads where I've gone into detail with several different areas that effect temp and what things can help it.

Regardless of what results we are trying for here, I think most important is that we keep ourselves as healthy as possible and as temping as it may be to get results, never overdo it.


You give such wonderful advice. I think you're right, I should stop the BO since it's not working right now. Thyroid and adrenals are so complicated. I have Dr. Wilson's book and according to his questionnaire I have severe adrenal fatigue, although according to Dr. Rind's chart I'm all over the place. I think I will try adrenal glandular which I think you mentioned taking in another post.

Do you think the pre-menopause book is relevant for me to read considering I'm in my 20s? It seems like most of the info on the Internet on estrogen dominance is targeted at women approaching menopause. I think it would be interesting to read about how hormone balance works.

I personally think a woman is never too young to read this book, mainly because you are never too young to experience esrogen dominance which is what the book is about. Anytime a woman has strong pms symptoms,bad cramping or heavy bleeding or ovulation symptoms ect, then the hormones are unbalnced.

If someone is lucky enough to not be unbalanced but decides to try nbe, then unless they are only pumping then at some point they will run into the hormones gradually beginning to swing also, so I think it's a good idea to be aware ahead of time so you recognize the symptoms when they first start and know how to address them to nip it in the bud fast.

I'm sure some people don't have a problem jumping in head first and just addressing any hormone issues when or if they occur, but I think it's always best to be prepared.


(18-10-2010, 03:27)itsjust4fun91 Wrote:  I personally think a woman is never too young to read this book, mainly because you are never too young to experience esrogen dominance which is what the book is about. Anytime a woman has strong pms symptoms,bad cramping or heavy bleeding or ovulation symptoms ect, then the hormones are unbalnced.

If someone is lucky enough to not be unbalanced but decides to try nbe, then unless they are only pumping then at some point they will run into the hormones gradually beginning to swing also, so I think it's a good idea to be aware ahead of time so you recognize the symptoms when they first start and know how to address them to nip it in the bud fast.

I'm sure some people don't have a problem jumping in head first and just addressing any hormone issues when or if they occur, but I think it's always best to be prepared.

That describes me EXACTLY! Before I got on birth control, PMS made me a beast, my period would last for about 8 days and be so heavy the whole time, cramps were bad but i guess everyone's cramps are bad (or else they wouldn't be called cramps). Where can I find more information on hormone balance and stuff?

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