I'm really glad I found this website, I've been looking for a not-so-scary way to make my chest a bit bigger for quite some time now.
I'm only 22, and so I know a lot of people will tell me to just give it time, but I have been mistaken for a boy soooooo many times, both at work and out on the town. My boyfriend says I'm pretty/sexy/beautiful/etc, but it's happened too many times not to bother me.
I'm not all -that- small, but I'm not filled out (kinda.. um... well, deflated, so to speak). I used that bra size calculator you guys posted, and it says I'm a B, but I may have done it wrong. Either way, I want to be a little bigger, maybe just a full on B or a C eventually. My mom didn't become a C until she got pregnant with me, but I don't want to wait that long.
Like I said, my boyfriend is nice about it, he says I'm fine the way I am, but I would just be happier if I were a little bigger.
I did some research and wound up deciding to try Zoft gum first. Today was my first day taking it (I tried everyone's suggestions for taking a regular piece of gum with it) and I hope to post some progress reports as I go.
I really hope this works, but I also hope that my trying it out and posting my results can help others, too.
I took pictures of myself too, since I saw a recommendation for that.
Anyway, glad I found this place, and glad to see so many nice people around here. Hope to make some friends along the way ^.^
I'm only 22, and so I know a lot of people will tell me to just give it time, but I have been mistaken for a boy soooooo many times, both at work and out on the town. My boyfriend says I'm pretty/sexy/beautiful/etc, but it's happened too many times not to bother me.
I'm not all -that- small, but I'm not filled out (kinda.. um... well, deflated, so to speak). I used that bra size calculator you guys posted, and it says I'm a B, but I may have done it wrong. Either way, I want to be a little bigger, maybe just a full on B or a C eventually. My mom didn't become a C until she got pregnant with me, but I don't want to wait that long.
Like I said, my boyfriend is nice about it, he says I'm fine the way I am, but I would just be happier if I were a little bigger.
I did some research and wound up deciding to try Zoft gum first. Today was my first day taking it (I tried everyone's suggestions for taking a regular piece of gum with it) and I hope to post some progress reports as I go.
I really hope this works, but I also hope that my trying it out and posting my results can help others, too.
I took pictures of myself too, since I saw a recommendation for that.
Anyway, glad I found this place, and glad to see so many nice people around here. Hope to make some friends along the way ^.^