No herbs didn`t, but HRT did, but let me qualify that first!
When I say it changed it, it certainly Seems that way at face value, and it would be Very easy to "blame" it on the titty skittles
In fact I was almost convinced of it at one point, but upon further thought and examination I think it`s simply just a case of Denial being a Seriously Powerful thing!
before any HRT the very idea of being with a boy made me almost sick, in fact I was (and still am a bit) a misandrist for the most part.
It was simply unthinkable! (and I think there`s a lot more truth in that word "unthinkable" than is imediately apparent).
I was also Very much in denial about my being a transgendered person too, I was a Straight Male and anyone who questioned otherwise no matter how small would get it both barrels! (probably a case of "the Lady doth protest too much"? I`m surpised my reactions didn`t out me more than once! LOL).
I think that taking HRT kind of "unlocked" part of me, a part that was Always there and more so with my complete and utter acceptance of myself allowed by the calm brought about with the HRT.
I`v lived most of my life in fear of my Female side, not knowing at all that She (I) meant no harm at all and only ever wanted me to be happy, the sort of happy pre-testosterone and before Societys dogmatic indoctrination.
now in "Boy" mode (something I`m finding harder and harder to access and even remember now) I still find the thought repellant.
But in Me mode, there`s nothing with liking boys at all, in fact some of them are kinda cute! (especially if they want something). and the thought of going out for a meal or a movie (and maybe something more) doesn`t bother me a at all, in fact I can think of a few I wouldn`t kick out of bed
and Yes I`m still in Girls too, that part never changed, though I can more easily seperate Lust from Envy, and what I want to Do about it with them has altered somewhat (not entirely because the old hardware doesn`t work anymore).
Of course I don`t do these things because I`m neither promiscuous nor unfaithful
So I`m just a happy a bisexual female with a few body issues (what girl doesn`t have them, Right!?), it just took me a bit longer to figure it out and find Me.
Hormones Helped, but they didn`t Do it
hope that helps a little?