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Marie's BB Program


Finally, I decided to create a program page. I really hope people can benefit from it.
These are my starting out stats:
Age: 19
Height: 5’3
Weight: 115
Band: 34
Cup: A (I actually don't know what cup I am. I fit into a Victoria Secret 34A but I don't completely fill it out.
Bust(Fullest): 31"
Underbust: 28"
No children, no breastfeeding, no physical disorders or abnormalities, no BC
I take B-Complex vitamins to support my adrenal glands and Magnesium everyday. My diet is basically healthy. By that I mean I don't eat out often. I eat a lot of home cooked meals and try to eat my fruits and veggies. I've become obsessed with yogurt lately which is good because it contains protein. Smile
Exercise: During the summer I was exercising everyday religiously but since school has started I just don't have the time. I've got it down to about 20 min of cardio every other day focusing on my butt. I have this issue with my butt and am kind of terrified of it getting any bigger. Not that my butt is big, I just feel like it is kind of out proportion to the rest of my body (boobs specifically).

About me: Started period at 14. I honestly don't know when my breasts started/stopped growing because I have been this size for as long as I can remember. I'm petite and not at all over weight. My BMI is 20.1 according to BMI calculator's online. I had this long drawn out experience with doctoring this past spring to see about my small breasts. I went to a doctor who I thought might be able to help me. I had hormone tests done, which turned out fine. Was told out of the Tanner Breast scale, I was a T2 out T5. This, of course, devastated me and me feel even worse about my situation. The doctor insinuated there may be something wrong with me that caused me not to develop and said things to me like "Hold in there" and "Maybe you should consider counseling." So, I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands and grow myself some boobs. Smile

Start Date: July 29, 2010
Morning: 1 BB pill, 25g protein shake
Evening: 1 BB pill, Magnesium and B-complex, 10-15 minute massage
I have recently added 1 DIM supplement a day and I may add an additional one when my next cycle starts but DIM is quite expensive!

Since starting my program I have gone from 31" (I hope i measured correctly) to 32.5" (I think). Measuring is very tricky and sometimes I think that I may have screwed up on my initial measurements. All in all, I fill out my tiny bra better and my breasts have more mass. I think my nipples have also grown a bit as well which is fine because they were pretty tiny before. My breasts appear more rounded when I look in the mirror instead of my original pointy look.

I have had a bunch of different pains since starting BB. Itchiness and twinges but this cycle my breasts have been extremely sore to touch. Especially around my nipple area.

I will try and post weekly. Smile

Go Marie! Big Grin

You started out at about the same bust-rib difference that I am now...mine is 3.25". That's great that you grew 1.5" within 2 months! That's a cup size! I hope that I do as well as you. I'm just now beginning my BO program. Anyways, I'll be following your progress as a rough gauge of what to expect. Smile

BTW how long did it take before you noticed a difference? What about sensations?

Good job so far!

hi maree,

Did you just go to a normal doctor to talk about the tanner scale thing? Is it something you asked them to tell you, or was it just part of a normal routine check?

good luck with your program!

Hi Marie!

That's awesome you've grown so fast! I'm glad you took matters into your own hands and didn't let the doctors discourage you after your visit.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Smile

I just wanted to let you know that I am now fairly certain I did not start out with only 31" of growth. I believe it was probably closer to 31.5" or even 32". Nonetheless, I have definitely grown, which makes me ecstatic. I have to admit, I was skeptical as to if this was going to work. As for growing pains, I think for me the pain that has signified my growth is a deep sore tenderness instead of stabs of pain a lot of people go through. I really noticed it this cycle the day after ovulating and it has pretty much stuck with me until now. Honestly, I first noticed a difference this week. I was putting my bra on and I realized it actually fit me. I didn't leave any gaps.

Girlfriday, when I went to the doctor I did not go in thinking there was something wrong with the development of my breasts. I just assumed a built smaller than my already small mother and grandmothers. I just wanted to see if there was anything the doctor could give me to make me grow because obviously the doctor is not going to suggest BO supplements! Anyway, she told me I was underdeveloped. As I was researching and asking questions for my own program, the way I understood it, BO supplements were stronger than herbs. I figured the BO would give me a better chance of developing which is why I chose it as my program. Just for the record, I do not believe I was a T2 in development. I think I was a T3 because I did have some mammary development beyond breast buds.

Well done that you finally start a thread on your program. I wish you well!

The shooting pain everyone talks about is actually called tingles as well. You will get those before the ovulation occasionally. Is like your breasts telling you 'hey I am still growing but now I am on my resting period'. So don't worry girl you are going somewhere with all this. Wink

Started 3rd Cycle on BB yesterday.

I'm thinking about not taking the protein until mid-cycle since that is when the growth occurs because protein is quite expensive when you have to take it everyday. However, I am concerned that this might be a bad idea. If anyone could help, I would appreciate it.

I think I have kept my growth, but it is so minimal it is hard to tell. I really hope I am making progress.

Cycle 3 Day 5

I took a break from protein the first five days of my cycle. I really hope, this didn't harm my growth, because my breasts don't seem as big as they were before I started my cycle.

I think something I am taking is making my cycles more regular. I don't know if it is the BO or the DIM, but I have been consistently having a 27 day cycle since starting my program. My second cycle I had no menstrual cramps at all. This cycle, however, was quite different story. I had cramps so bad I could hardly stand and my face broke out a bit more than usual.

I can deal with the pain in it means growing breasts, but now I am not so sure if I am growing at all. What I know for certainty is this: my breasts were bigger the two weeks before my cycle than they have ever been. I am thinking that during my first cycle, my breast tissue grew filling in the inside of my breasts but not making them protrude outward yet. This second cycle my breasts looked bigger because of this new filling. Hopefully this cycle, I can see some more progress.

No breast sensations or tenderness at all today. Sad

Cycle 3 Day 10

Just realized I forgot to take a BB pill this morning. Now I am worried this will effect my growth! 4 more days is mid cycle which is when I usually experience my growth. I hope I haven't ruined my chances for this month.Sad

I really wouldn't worry about one missed dose, Marie. I'm sure we've all done it. Matter of fact I missed my Sunday dose. My son was in a car accident, and I spent most of the afternoon and evening at the hospital. I came back late, and realized I'd completely forgotten it.
I think its probably the dim regulating your cycle...its really worked well for me. I've had a few months that my cycle was cut short, and it's sooo frustrating to lose that growing time.
The protein is a good idea...during the growth time. I've been trying to up mine then too. I still just do the one shake...but I honestly try to get my additional protein from eggs, tuna fish, peanut butter, nuts...and of course chicken, beef, ect. I find myself checking the nutritional content of everything I pick up and scanning for the protein amount.
Good luck with the BB. Smile

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