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New Program for DDs - Chiyomilk Alternatives

(21-06-2016, 23:12)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(21-06-2016, 20:35)hannah Wrote:  
(17-06-2016, 22:04)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(17-06-2016, 20:29)hannah Wrote:  
(16-06-2016, 19:47)msnewboobies Wrote:  Updates - minor program tweaks

Last night I started my period! Which I am a little shocked at because I thought I was e dom this month from too much e cream and I thought i wasn't going to start my period on time but then it came - another exact 28 day cycle!! Big Grin
So happy I am finally balanced now.

Yesterday before my period started, i got my fennel oil in the mail and herb pharm sjw (they came super fast!). So I tried out the fennel oil. I searched online for dosages and found that the oil can cause hallucinations and seizures if you use too much so that's good to know but I think the general topical dosage was 2-12 drops but definitely look this up for yourself first.

I have also read fennel can induce menstruation so maybe that helped a little?? Idk it was probably coincidence.
But fennel is also good for calming digestion issues. I just ate lunch yesterday and put some on my breasts and my gurgly stomach felt better too.
Fennel also has estrogenic properties so I want to be careful with combining it with my e cream - definitely staying with a really low dose. I'm thinking of applying a pea sized amount of e cream every day starting on day 5 of my cycle.

So yesterday, I applied about 6 drops total of the oil to my breasts and that was WAY too much! I was so surprised. But I got the most intense tingles and soreness in my nipples ever. I almost wanted to take it off they were so sore! It felt like i put the strongest peppermint lotion directly on my nipples after someone was twisting them for an hour lol.
Also, I didn't know what fennel oil smelled like before but read it smelled somewhat like black licorice and is strong like fenugreek. It is definitely strong stuff! I could almost barely breathe when applying it lol but the smell dissipates a little and then the smell is soothing. It smells like an herbal antiseptic mixed with black licorice. Even hours later my bf asked why our bedroom smelled like black licorice lol.
I washed it off after 30 minutes.

I'll probably apply only 4 drops 30 minutes before showering.
Today I applied 4 drops and the tingling and soreness was a LOT less intense. I could almost barely handle it yesterday.


I didn't notice any swelling yesterday when I applied it. Although, later at when my bf and i were brushing our teeth he said my boobs look big (through my pj shirt Wink ) But I think that's just from my luteal swelling and he jst finally noticed them lol.

I don't think they have gotten bigger from the fennel oil just yet but this morning when I applied the oil again, they felt heavier and fuller.
Similar to how it felt when i applied fenugreek for the first time.Except with the fenugreek I got some great swelling.

I'm taking a little break from maca during my period. Will resume probably on day 5 of my cycle.
Can't wait for this cycle! I have a good feeling about this one Smile
Happy growing beautiful ladies!

Omg i laughed my ass off about your BF asking why your bedroom smelled like Black licorice gosh Miss thats so funny!! Did you stopped taking PM btw? Oh and what about it bad or good for nbe?HuhBlush

Hahaha I know too funny! He hates black licorice too lol.
Yeah I stopped PM a few months ago. I think it's just too strong for me and does more damage than good at least for my body.

I still take SJW Smile I think it has been helping my growth the most. I'm still going with my research on SSRIs and their connection with breast growth. I looked it up after lotus said sjw is bad for growth but even prescription SSRIs work in the same way and can reduce estrogen in the body too and these are the ones that were used in tests to see if they caused breast growth and they did Smile . I think that if you are E dom, sjw will work because it helps reduce estrogen and brings you into balance more. This has been a huge help for me.

I have really been liking this fennel oil too!! Last night and today I noticed my breasts were fuller and last night again my bf said my breasts are looking really big right now. They felt so full today! The only thing I've added is the fennel oil so I know it's from that but could jsut be swelling but I'll take it!

Hmm maybe SJW works kind off the same as DIM to reduce the bad estrogen(estradiol if im not wrongHuh,the one we do not grow from and that just float around which cann harm us)....I saw Gingko biloba was an anti-estrogen too but still its in some succesfull peoples programs.. I do think at least the right balance keeps us going. Anyhow if you find something interesting id like to knowTongue best thing its working for you!!Big Grin

I btw only use pm topical and its been the best thing working for me together with astaxanthine i think,lol.
But id like to get my hands on some fennel oil now, do you use a essential oil mixed up in another oil? I've never heard of fennel oil around here btw, you bring me on ideasSmile

Well SJW also increases prolactin which is what fenugreek does too so I think it mostly works in that sense. Massage/stimulating the nipples also increases prolactin which is another essential part of nbe. but maybe you're right about the bad estrogens. I read that it does decrease the effects of hrt medicine so I'm assuming it would decrease the estrogenic effect of pm and other herbs that increase estrogen.
I took gingko for a long time and when I stopped using it, I actually realized I didn't notice a difference when I took it and when I didn't take it lol.
Yeah I agree - balance is everything!

I wanted to try a PM topical! But I couldn't find a good source! Which one do you use? I ended up just using a estradiol/estriol cream instead of the pm. I think topicals are SO much better for me. I bet the PM topical would work too - I just couldn't find a good reliable place to buy it so I gave up on that lol.

And you should give the fennel a try. I measured today and I'm at 34.25. The swelling I've had hasn't even gone down since I started using it. I think the tingles and soreness are a definite sign of the fennel's effects on me.
But I'm not sure about using fennel and pm since both are estrogenic...
I''m using it with my estrogen cream right now but I'm using a very tiny dose of the estrogen cream - like 1/8th the recommended dose lol.
I have just been putting the fennel oil alone directly on my breasts and it's not really oily. It absorbs into my skin really fast and makes my skin feel really soft!
After I let it absorb for 20 - 30 min, I wash it off (because of the smell - otherwise it doesn't feel like there is any residue on your breasts) or you can use another oil to get your massage time in. But I like to put it directly on my breasts alone so more is absorbed.
This is the one I have been using.. fairly cheap too! It's a TINY amount in the bottle but keep in mind I'm only using 4 drops a day!! So it'll definitely last. Today i used 6 drops though. I think I can build my dose up. It wasn't as intense as that first day.

Lol ginko biloba did nothing for me either...neither did fenugreek for me...I havent tried fenugreek externally though the seeds and the powder were useless for me...only made me hungry!! But im still very curious about SJW..when do you take it? Daily or cycled?

For topical pm i just break up the capsules and put the powder on good warm steamy wet breasts lol and massage with it leave on solved with warm water for about 10-20 minutes. I actually use all my capsules for external use only. I have been to lazy and clueless if I can make a cream myself with the powder.. I dont want it to be or become a messy smelly or maybe rotting cream..
But thanks for the fennel tip so exciting to hear you had great swelling with it...its such a fun experience the soreness dont you think?Tongue I actually hate it when the snesitivity of my breasts go down again..
Anyhow cant wait for herbshopping now...sjw and fennel wil be in it and astaxanthine too!Big Grin

(23-06-2016, 20:32)msnewboobies Wrote:  So I have a sudden obsession with being taller....
I'm average height but would love to be 5'6" even 5'5"! I'm 5'4" right now and 23 - most say you can't grow taller after puberty but they also say you can't grow your boobs after puberty Wink

So I've decided to do some exercises to target growth - cycling and sprints for hgh
and I want to take a glucosamine supplement.
Surprisingly all of these things should help booby growth too!
You need HGH to grow taller and the supplement I want to take has hyaluronic acid and MSM! All good for my breasts

Adding this supplement:

Taking liquid over pills because the pills are HUGE and I don't want to cause any upset to my stomach. Liquid absorbs better too.

Each dose has:

-2000mg glucosamine (helps build tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and joint fluid)
-1200mg chondroitin (anti-inflammatory and improves joint function)
-10mg hyaluronic acid (lubricates joints and strengthens cell structure)
-500mg MSM (improves collagen production Tongue accelerates healing, anti-inflammatory)
-Vitamin D3 (100% DV)

just wanted to add this in case it speeds up my booby growth

Other than that, my boobs are doing well. They seem to be slowly enlarging and I can't wait for the rest of this month!!

You can def grow taller...I am 24 and have been growing very recently after years of beeing ''grown out''. I think my recent underleg growth(bc i can clearly see it and i felt leg pains.) is caused by perhaps l-arginine which also promotes hgh if im not I talked to somebody about it and she knew people who grew on age its all possibleTongue Very curious though if you manage to actually trigger it..Big GrinTongue

(23-06-2016, 20:51)ellacraig Wrote:  You know that H acid might be good for our guts too! You'l have me looking into it now but gutted cause i just did a big iherb order!

Ooh I didn't know that! So it's a win-win-WIN for me then Big Grin
Maybe you could pick up a small bottle of it at the drugstore just to try out. But I have read that it takes a week or two to notice a difference. I think I'll know that it's working when my boyfriend's knees start to feel better. He was complaining today about how painful they were but we've only taken it three times now. Skipped one day :/
Definitely another good thing to try Smile

(25-06-2016, 02:20)hannah Wrote:  Lol ginko biloba did nothing for me either...neither did fenugreek for me...I havent tried fenugreek externally though the seeds and the powder were useless for me...only made me hungry!! But im still very curious about SJW..when do you take it? Daily or cycled?

For topical pm i just break up the capsules and put the powder on good warm steamy wet breasts lol and massage with it leave on solved with warm water for about 10-20 minutes. I actually use all my capsules for external use only. I have been to lazy and clueless if I can make a cream myself with the powder.. I dont want it to be or become a messy smelly or maybe rotting cream..
But thanks for the fennel tip so exciting to hear you had great swelling with it...its such a fun experience the soreness dont you think?Tongue I actually hate it when the snesitivity of my breasts go down again..
Anyhow cant wait for herbshopping now...sjw and fennel wil be in it and astaxanthine too!Big Grin

You know what I don't know if fenugreek did much for either! At least in pill form..I took it for a while like a long time - still have a bottle of it somewhere but it was the first herb I ever used and I got the tincture of it and slathered that on my breasts and got some fullness and swelling from it! The topical always gave me results but it just smelled way too strong. I washed it three times and boyfriend could still smell it... he was like "you smell like maple syrup!" I still don't know if it was a compliment or insult hahaha. All these weird smells with me lol surprised he's still with me.

I take SJW daily not cycled. All of the doses online say to take it in divided doses three times daily but I haven't noticed a difference when I take it twice a day or three times a day (same doses though). So I take a total of 900mg a day. If you got the herb pharm one, I figured out the dose and i take two 3/4 full droppers - one in the morning after breakfast and one after dinner! Btw a dropperful is just how much you squeeze in one try - it's around 25 - 30 drops and it won't fill up the whole dropper. So when I say 3/4 of a dropperful- it's really going to be about 1/3 full of the dropper - hope this makes sense!

I used to do that too with the PM! Everyone says the powder won't penetrate your skin but I would get some crazy tingling from mixing the powder from the capsules with lotion and then I got e dom symptoms so I stopped. I wanted to try an actual topical liquid though so I could use the right dose but I like my estrogen cream right now.

Yes! I love tingles and soreness. I like knowing something is actually happening Smile Let me know how everything goes!! Oh and when I started the sjw, I started with small doses. I did like a 300mg dose for the first week I think - maybe half a dropperful a day (split up in two doses). You might actually need a smaller dose than the 900mg.

OH yeah forgot to add!! Thanks so much for the growing tip!!! I have even more hope now! I'll be posting updates on that. I took l-arg for a while but I don't think I noticed any growth BUt I tried to measure myself recently - but not in a very accurate way so I was probably wrong but I measured 5'5" in the late afternoon - so maybe I did grow from the L-arg but I'll need to go to the doctors or something and measure myself lol.
fingers crossed on 1-2"!

Sorry I haven't been on in a while.

Last week I got a really bad stomach bug - I was in the bathroom for a few days throwing up everything i ate. Lost about 5 pounds Sad and my stomach was really starting to heal too - I don't know if it's even worse now. I might just go get a stomach biopsy and see what the docs say soon. But as for now, I am slowly incorporating gluten back into my diet - seems like terrible timing but i was already introducing it very slowly before the stomach bug. I think going gluten free helped my stomach a lot but the only thing that will heal it completely is time!
So far I haven't noticed any signs of distress after each time I eat gluten which is good - and Oh how I've missed gluten foods!! I'll probably still refrain from too much gluten - I feel lighter without it.

Anyways, my program is going to be tweaked again. I don't really want to ingest anything right now including SJW Sad which makes me sad because it was definitely working for me! But I do need a break from it anyways. I already stopped taking it last week when I got my stomach thing - I didn't want to take it after either because the alcohol content could upset my stomach more. I've noticed my skin is already less oily so that explains why my skin got so oily so suddenly.

I should start my period today or tomorrow.
Then this will be my updated program for the next cycle:

New Program:

-Homemade PM cream from day 5/6 - 12 (YES I am incorporating PM into my program again Big Grin and slightly nervous about it but i think it will do wonders for me topically) and I might rub it on my butt too. I came across some women that do this on BHM but Idk if it works

-Maca during follicular

-PC from day 14/15 - 24

-spearmint tea 2x daily

-GREEK YOGURT (about 1/2 cup), about 1 cup whole milk, and occasionally hopefully more often a cup of kefir each day!
I want to start eating more dairy products. I have been doing some research and found that a lot of women have (not purposely) grown a few cup sizes within months after including more dairy into their diet (especially greek yogurt probably because of the high protein). But it has to do with increased IGF-1 in dairy which is found even in dairy that has NOT been pumped with hormones!

-vitamin c gummies or vit c through foods


-dark leafy greens for magnesium and anti-inflammatory

-glucosamine liquid supplement

-HIIT sprints and cycling for growing taller

-also I want to start stimulating my nipples more for prolactin since i wont be taking sjw anymore. I'm going to try to play with them throughout the day - maybe each time I got to the bathroom lol sounds so odd but it would be a great way to remember to do it multiple times a day since we all need to pee!

Growing breasts is so exhausting - wish they could come faster but even all the most successful boobie-growers had to be extremely patient. It took chiyomilk years to get them to be really big! Just gotta keep going Tongue

[Notice:] Small Rant - feel free to ignore Wink

I've been feeling a little discouraged lately. I know I have gotten 2 cups of growth but they still seem so small to me and it took me a long time to get this growth - longer than some on this site.

But then I was thinking, you know what? I HAVE grown! I should be thankful for even growing one cup! It just shows that nbe is possible with patience and if I am a little more patient I can get them even bigger.

I think it also has to do with your own outlook on life and perspective. I realized all of this stuff when I was looking back at old pictures over the last couple of years. I didn't realize how much my breasts have actually grown and how different they look now! Even my butt has gotten bigger which I did not notice either. My friends a few weeks ago actually commented on it and I thought really? It makes me want to try to get it a little bigger now too actually.

But back to the perspective concept - I am a very competitive person and I think a lot of the times I find myself comparing myself to those around me. Well, I have two very close friends and always compared myself to one of them. I always felt she had larger breasts even without doing any nbe and I was jealous. But now that I look back on our pictures, I am realizing her breasts were actually smaller than mine a year into nbe. Back then, I felt like mine were so small and that all my work was for nothing because I thought hers were still bigger. But this wasn't true! I had grown bigger than her after only a year!
But then this year she got breast implants and recently we were at the beach together and I just felt so small compared to her even though hers are fake. I was sad that I've put nearly 3 years into this and she just went and bought them and had them after one night!
I felt like my breasts were extremely small! Now that I have looked back on those other pictures, I realize a lot of it is my own mind. And I think that is one of the issues that is holding me back from growing faster. I need to not be in competition with others but with myself. Because compared to my old self I am definitely winning!
So from now on I will TRY to stop comparing myself to others and grow for my own self!!

Also, earlier this year, one of my boyfriend's friends said a mean comment to me. He is really stupid though - like dumb - just doesn't think. I guess he felt like his feelings were hurt about something not even that I said and he said something to me like "you dont' even have a chest." There were two other people there and even they were silent after he said it kinda like yeah her chest is small but we weren't going to say anything - it was just an awkward moment. It of course bothered me and I got into a heated argument with him later about something else then my boyfriend was asking what was wrong and I told him what his friend had said earlier and I guess I was upset from the other argument because I teared up a little too and usually I never cry - I consider myself to be very strong! I guess this comment has been getting to me these last few months and sort of brought on this discouraged state I am in. I have grown but I don't feel like it is that much and it makes me sad that some people still clearly see me as being small chested. But I think I need to realize that he has his own issues and probably wanted to say something - anything- maybe even something not true - to hurt me so he could feel better about himself! I just try to keep telling myself that at least I have pretty breasts even if they aren't the perfect size for me YET. But I am getting there and this won't stop me. If anything it makes me want to grow faster and makes me want to try harder!

I guess as a late new years resolution, I would like to surround myself with more positive individuals that build each up and not bring each other down.

Also, thinking back, even another one of my boyfriend's friend said (in a non-creepy way and in private to my boyfriend lol) that I have a "bangin" body! So that makes me feel good. I don't think people really thought of me like that before nbe. I feel curvier now. Also, this last year,I have noticed actually quite a bit that men's eyes drift down towards my cleavage. this didn't happen to me before EVER. I guess it means i have something to look at now.

Sorry for this long post, but just wanted to share in case someone else was feeling the same way. And my advice to you is to take LOTS of pictures. I love looking back now. And don't just take "progress" pics in the same angle and up close. I have these too and they never inspire me. It's sorta hard to tell how much progress I have had in up close pictures. Try to take full body pictures in different bikinis, in different clothes, with different angles! It's fun to see how much change has happened. Big Grin
And finally, we are all growing for a reason - let the reason be for yourself <3 and don't let anyone negative get to you!
Happy growing ladies!! I know you all will reach your goals, the question is not if but when Blush

I forgot to post this in my program update ^

These are busted myths on breast growth on the realself site- here is an excerpt:


The good news is that phytoestrogen-rich foods like soy and flax are healthy (and delicious!) when eaten in moderation. The bad news is that they won't make your breast tissue grow. "It's tempting to increase dietary estrogen, however the dose-response curve is unpredictable," Dr. Chong explains. "Unlike the hormonal fluctuations present in pregnancy and menopause (when breasts can grow), the amount of estrogen needed to plump bosoms would need to be supplemented with progesterone, for which dietary sources are sparse. Very few women advocate eating their placentas!"

this is a HUGE KEY for me! I think it makes sense why I didn't get that much growth on PM or when I tried to increase estrogen before. I got the first part - increasing estrogen which caused me to be in a estrogen dominant state for a long time (no good). But it's because I never supplemented with progesterone! I was really against PC and I still am - I think it is very dangerous but to each their own risk.
I am really excited to start this PM topical journey with PC! I think it is just what I need. But I don't think the growth will come fast. I change my programs up a lot because I am constantly reading my body but I think I will give this program some more time and try not to change it too much except for maybe adding oral PM and maybe SP later one but I'll see what happens this first cycle!
Also, if those are interested, I'll post my homemade PM cream recipe. Tongue

P.s. I have been getting random bouts of soreness in my breasts throughout the day. Nothing really painful - just clearly some soreness. Especially in my left breast which is my smaller breast. I hope this means the dairy is helping!!

I came here because of stupid statments some people in my life had said and i regret i let them have that effect on me thats for sure. But i learnt how to present myself in a more feminine way and i know how to show my assets off more and thats made a huge difference in my self esteem.

Anyway yeh i swapped to half milk/half cream - i dont have a lot of it but when i saw a clip about just how BAD conventional milk is, growth hormones antibiotics etc i figured the chemical process of extracting the lactose out of my lactose free milk is far worse than a lactose reaction from full cream organic milk Huh Cant say i have a lot of it thats for sure and its probably not good for my gut condition but id rather have a little nutrition than toxic conventional dairy...

Ive no doubt whatsoever if we drank alot of full cream milk we'd plump up nicely, boobs but probably the rest too.... In fact i know its true cause i did it myself a couple of years back, thats when my boobs were at their biggest!

(15-07-2016, 20:00)ellacraig Wrote:  I came here because of stupid statments some people in my life had said and i regret i let them have that effect on me thats for sure. But i learnt how to present myself in a more feminine way and i know how to show my assets off more and thats made a huge difference in my self esteem.

Anyway yeh i swapped to half milk/half cream - i dont have a lot of it but when i saw a clip about just how BAD conventional milk is, growth hormones antibiotics etc i figured the chemical process of extracting the lactose out of my lactose free milk is far worse than a lactose reaction from full cream organic milk Huh Cant say i have a lot of it thats for sure and its probably not good for my gut condition but id rather have a little nutrition than toxic conventional dairy...

Ive no doubt whatsoever if we drank alot of full cream milk we'd plump up nicely, boobs but probably the rest too.... In fact i know its true cause i did it myself a couple of years back, thats when my boobs were at their biggest!

That's great Ella! And even though I don't know what you look like 100%, from what I do see you are such a beautiful person! INSIDE TOO - which is really hard to find nowadays - not a lot of people are genuinely nice and beautiful inside!
I am really glad to have found this site. There is so much positivity and advice from each other. I would be nowhere (breastwise) without everyone here Smile

You know what I never even though about that. I haven't drank lactose-free milk in a long time. I am a little lactose intolerant but so far I haven't had problems with increasing my dairy. I only have some digestion issues if I have more than the 1 cup of whole milk with my cereal + the greek yogurt. So say I have some extra cheese or extra milk later on, then I might get a little bloated and gassy lol. I think you can build a tolerance to it too but some don't agree. I wouldn't try with your gut issues now - in fact I should be cautious about too much dairy too.
Took me a few moments to find it but this might help you - it says dairy products with higher fat content have less lactose and the higher the fat actually, the more IGF-1 there is:
And oh yes definitely to the weight gain everywhere from all that heavy cream! I try to balance it with working out more. I've been doing a lot more cardio too from the sprints I do now. I don't seem to be gaining weight yet - in fact I'm about 3 pounds under still from my stomach flu. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just direct all that fat into our breasts or butt? lol

(15-07-2016, 20:10)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(15-07-2016, 20:00)ellacraig Wrote:  I came here because of stupid statments some people in my life had said and i regret i let them have that effect on me thats for sure. But i learnt how to present myself in a more feminine way and i know how to show my assets off more and thats made a huge difference in my self esteem.

Anyway yeh i swapped to half milk/half cream - i dont have a lot of it but when i saw a clip about just how BAD conventional milk is, growth hormones antibiotics etc i figured the chemical process of extracting the lactose out of my lactose free milk is far worse than a lactose reaction from full cream organic milk Huh Cant say i have a lot of it thats for sure and its probably not good for my gut condition but id rather have a little nutrition than toxic conventional dairy...

Ive no doubt whatsoever if we drank alot of full cream milk we'd plump up nicely, boobs but probably the rest too.... In fact i know its true cause i did it myself a couple of years back, thats when my boobs were at their biggest!

That's great Ella! And even though I don't know what you look like 100%, from what I do see you are such a beautiful person! INSIDE TOO - which is really hard to find nowadays - not a lot of people are genuinely nice and beautiful inside!
I am really glad to have found this site. There is so much positivity and advice from each other. I would be nowhere (breastwise) without everyone here Smile

You know what I never even though about that. I haven't drank lactose-free milk in a long time. I am a little lactose intolerant but so far I haven't had problems with increasing my dairy. I only have some digestion issues if I have more than the 1 cup of whole milk with my cereal + the greek yogurt. So say I have some extra cheese or extra milk later on, then I might get a little bloated and gassy lol. I think you can build a tolerance to it too but some don't agree. I wouldn't try with your gut issues now - in fact I should be cautious about too much dairy too.
Took me a few moments to find it but this might help you - it says dairy products with higher fat content have less lactose and the higher the fat actually, the more IGF-1 there is:
And oh yes definitely to the weight gain everywhere from all that heavy cream! I try to balance it with working out more. I've been doing a lot more cardio too from the sprints I do now. I don't seem to be gaining weight yet - in fact I'm about 3 pounds under still from my stomach flu. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just direct all that fat into our breasts or butt? lol

Thanks il go have a look now. I also forgot you know we can get digestive enzymes for lactose... I might go have one now cause im having my morning coffee

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